Going Gray

If I’m not back by 4 send for help

Today’s a big day for me!  I get to go to the DMV to renew my driver’s license.


I have my new book to read while I wait.


I have my application pre-filled and all the ‘proof of who I am’ paperwork ready to present.


I feel like a kid again.  I only have to claim the damn 2 extra pounds I brought back from Jamaica in the weight blank.  Secretly, though, (not really, I’m telling you) I’m proud that the weight is less than what I had recorded 8 years ago when I renewed my license back then.


And…I can’t wait to put down GRAY as my hair color!!!!!   YIPPEE – Finally my real true color can be listed once again!!


Since it isn’t my passport photo, I’m going to smile for the photo this time!!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday   (All clip art photos credit goes to Google Search and their respective authors/designers.)

PS – Do you bring a book with you to the DMV?  What color of hair does a bald person list on their DL?  If you color your hair, do you say ‘colored’ or the color you list?  I used to put black for my hair color.  

55 thoughts on “If I’m not back by 4 send for help

  1. I can honestly say, the only time I was excited to go to the DMV was when I was taking my driver’s test for the first time. Every time I’ve moved into a new state and had to retake the exam has not been fun. I’m not totally bald nor more gray than brown, so I still go with brown. It is more important now that you’re going to need a RealID to fly. My big decision is always “Will I still want a beard in 6 years?”

    1. LOL – I was excited and scared that first trip to DMV. I’ve heard that moving to a new state is challenging – I even witnessed one guy going through that yesterday. I guess grywn isn’t a color, it has to be 3 letters Grn? Interesting – is it assumed a person won’t change in 6 years? You fly a lot, so I’m going with your expertise on that! I saw a few people who need Rx glasses to drive, but the lady told them to take them off for their pictures?

  2. Our DMV allows to you schedule an appointment. And I am going to need to do that so I can get my “real ID” Star before next October otherwise I’ll need my passport to get on an airplane.

    1. That’s cool. I think ours does too? I just took the gamble and it worked out in less than 45 minutes. That’s the one I went for too. Now I just need to plan a trip, right?! 😉 Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!

  3. In my state, you cannot wear your glasses for your photo. I would be required to put my hair olor down as purple, blue and gray. I can remember a number of years ago, the DMV employees telling me how they had to update their software to allow for all the crazy hair colors those ‘kids’ use. Nice to know I am a kid again.

    1. Interesting – the lady taking photos at our DMV made the call on if the glasses could stay on or not based upon the light reflection on the lenses. She has great power there I guess. Is multi, or MTI a color choice? I have a hunch you’ll always be a kid at heart, way to play and have fun with colors!

  4. Funny comments all! I had many, many wonderful years of being on my own, driving all over and having adventures.

    Now my feet are too numb to feel the pedals, so driving is out. Living in the city, that’s not a big drawback, but the itch to get into a car and drive for an hour into the country still comes over me at times. I think someone could make a good living offering their driving services to elderly folks wanting to go places that require a car … I’d gladly pay a reasonable fee for a day in the country!

    1. Aww…living in the city with walking distance to what you need sounds like a great solution for you.
      Oooh…maybe you should start a company called Silver-Uber (or something much more clever), that is designed just for the elderly to pay for rides??

  5. I hope the DMV goes smoothly. Around here it can be hit or miss, and now that I’ve had two visits go smoothly for my son surely my next one will be torturous. 😉

  6. I was always able to renew my driver’s license by mail or Internet, so the picture (and the weight) was the same for about 20 years. Earlier this year (or was it last year? I don’t remember), I turned in my license for a state ID (because I haven’t driven since the stroke) and had a new picture taken. I look like a homeless guy in that picture…

  7. Best of luck Shelley! I suppose your DMV isn’t as nutty busy as ours are but regardless it’s not a fun time. Love the photo, your hair looks great! In Michigan we call the DMV the SOS, or Secretary of State.

    1. Thank you, John. Oh, yeah, you’re right, our DMV isn’t as crazy as yours! We’re midwesterners – polite and all – sitting waiting our turn. SOS – LOL!

      1. Yes, there have been chats when you see someone you know there. Also chats with the employees while they’re renewing your tags or DL. I’ve been to the DMV in the city and understand what it’s like to be in a crowd & waiting for hours. Yuck.

        1. Sounds pleasant in the smaller town. My experience this time around was overall pleasant. I beat the lunch rush, and the hangries of the workers who likely were ready for lunch themselves. They had Michael Jackson’s Beat It song playing in the background on a boombox. I thought that was kind of funny.

  8. I just had to re-do mine, since now we have a “real ID” thing in MD. And I liked my old pic–oh, well. I know it’s not a beauty contest, but it’s a pic that sticks around for a LONG time!

    1. Aww, you’re right, we’re stuck with it for a long time. Thankfully we don’t have to show it all the time to be ‘carded’. I miss those days! Mine was due to renew in Nov and I needed to get the RealID thing too. I heard a rumor that all of us in WI had to have that done by the end of the year? Double the reason to smile, I guess. My last one, I thought I wasn’t supposed to smile. So I didn’t and even my kids felt sorry for me on how bad the photo turned out. I’m happier with this version, except I look like a pudgy kid – or maybe a first time old lady driver?! Oh, well, I survived! LOL

  9. What DOES a bald person list for hair color? I never thought of that. Hopefully you didn’t have to wait too long. I don’t bring a book since there are way too many distractions like multiple TVs going at the same time. My hair color is listed as what it is at the time. I go next year – also to get the Real ID – so maybe I will bring earphones and a book. We can use the same photo from one year to the next if we want to (I think). I see people squinting through the eye test, which is not too encouraging! Hope it went well.

    1. I didn’t have to wait too long. You’re right it is quite distracting – lots of noise going on. I did get to read a few pages, but not as many as I thought I would. I was in/out in less than 45 minutes. I passed the eye test with my glasses on, so I guess my Rx is still good!?

  10. Yay, I weigh less than what my driver’s license says! We just had to have them renewed as well and brought all the documentation to get the “real” ID. Had to laugh, they renewed my mom’s driver’s license and she is 96! We told her she couldn’t drive anymore but she says, “The State of California says I can.” Hope it didn’t take you too long.

    1. Yay – that’s awesome! I’m impressed they renewed your mom’s license. My mom lost hers when she couldn’t pass the eye exam. That was devastating for her. Your mom’s right – CA says she can! 😉 It didn’t take too long, I was pleasantly surprised!

  11. I take a book everywhere not just to the DMV. I don’t recall providing weight or hair color just height and eye color. Made me look and yep weight and hair color aren’t there. Had to remove my glasses in pic but there’s a big A= must wear corrective lens.

    1. You’re such a book worm – I admire that about you!! Really – that’s a lot different from our DL’s, very interesting? Is yours a RealID? I find the glasses funny – ours is by choice or the camera lady’s choice. She’s got the power to decide!

      1. Oops take 2 … I’m not sure if it is a real ID but I do know if I don’t do something soon, I won’t be able to fly. Not that I fly all that often anymore anyway but my license is missing some sort of marking. It doesn’t expire until 2022 though and I really don’t want to pay for one 3 years ahead of schedule. If I had my choice, I’d leave my glasses on. I don’t look like myself at all in my license photo.

  12. love the photo – nice to see the smile and you have a freshness to your gray and seasoning – if that makes sense –
    and wonder what the dog was looking at when you grabbed that photo of your book and feet ??

    1. Thank you, I’m happy with my seasoned hair. I earned it all.
      I think he was looking at my husband, or just to make sure it was safe to lay down and not be interrupted. Or a phantom bird? Copper does see things I don’t sometimes!

  13. Hope all went well . . . . . we don’t record anything personal on our driving licences apart from name, address and DoB, and we renew online!

  14. I had to renew my driver’s license after 8 years last year. I don’t drive that much and I decided I should study the “What Every Driver Must Know” booklet which is now online. I started going through it and kept saying “I didn’t know that” over and over too many times and I began to worry. There were so many signs I’d never seen and I never take the expressway, so signs and so many road markings and the last time (in 2010) they got me on questions about pulling a trailer and something re: a baby seat – I said “I’m never pulling a trailer nor using a baby seat … trust me” and the clerk was not amused. So I studied and crammed a lot into my head because you had to take the written test every 8 years. She never gave me the test and all they did was take the picture which looks horrid in my opinion. But, I did badly on the eye test and she said “are you getting an eye exam soon?” I said “next month, why?” She said I didn’t do so great and I said “I’m a blogger and work from home and am staring at a screen sometimes 12 hours a day” … she said “oh” and when I got my license, I have to go back in four years as the pic is ghosted. I was not happy about it, but it could be because I’m older too.

    1. An example of the classic ‘one-size fits all’ syndrome at DMV. I’m intrigued by the different ‘rules’ or ‘procedures’ at each DMV. Glad you passed and have a few years to prepare for next round!

      1. It was a little daunting to look at that publication and discover a lot of what I didn’t know … situations don’t always come up that I’m on a road with those markings or dealing with different types of flashing lights, etc. I don’t know if I have to go back in four years since I am older or due to my eye test. She was not Ms. Personality and I was grateful for not taking the exam so I got out of Dodge quickly. None of the clerks were friendly – we had a half-dozen SOS offices in my area and they closed them all down and I had to go about 12 miles one way to get to this office which was very large and very busy since they closed down so many. I was surprised they were so busy since you can do most things online now. The other clerk took my pic and showed it to me … looked bad and she said “do you like it?” I said “not really” and smiled … I was joking as I never take my license out for anything anymore and she said “well then I’ll take it again” and I said “it is the subject that is the problem” … she didn’t even crack a smile. She had me hold my head back and the pic was taken from an odd angle but I wasn’t going to tangle with this humorless creature.

  15. I believe the hair color for bald people is N/A. LOL
    Motor vehicles is a book worthy trip.
    Love the title of your book of choice. And I noticed he also wrote “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a &*&%^%

    1. LOL – that’s a good way to put it for bald!! DMV is a great place to people watch too – I was surprised to see some of the workers giving a &*#* which made the experience pleasant. I was in/out of there in less than 45 minutes. Yes, Mark wrote that book too – I liked it better than this one, except the ending was disappointing. I’ll let you know if the ending is better than the beginning on this one. 😉 PS – thank you so much for catching up, I so appreciate you!

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