I feel as though I have a bit of dementia regarding 2021. There are plenty of moments I’d like to forget and many I’d like to remember. I resolve to make 2022 a better year of capturing happy moments to remember.
Our annual tradition of de-decorating begins January 1 of each new year. We’re always resolved about that decision to do so to end the previous year on a clean and tidy note. Mr. and I have done that every year since we met.
It was kind of a compromise at first, as my family was more of the having a tree to decorate on Christmas Eve type and then leave it up until the end of January. Versus Mr.’s family – they put up the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving and then took it down no later than New Year’s Day. Our simple routine of the latter works for us. It’s not even a push and shove kind of thing, it’s a mad dash to get it done so we can move on to tax prep. Okay, so I can do that. Next weekend.

While Mr. busily disassembled the village of shoppers and houses from the Dickensville figures on display in the man cave, I resolved myself to not get too distracted in the roller coaster of emotions from the year that was ________ and the ultimate fun we had at Christmas with the kids home.
The beginning quarter of 2021 was emotionally rough for me. Thankfully, after my trip with my best friend to Florida, the end of April 2021 ended on a higher note from where the year started out from.

I kind of didn’t want to take down the happier memories of the year.

I smiled as I took the new Copper ornament off the tree and placed it in the storage box that I’ll retrieve next year when I repeat the decorating process.
I also smiled thinking about the book I read earlier in the week. A Dog’s Life (recommended by Neil in this post). If you’re looking for a delightful, light read to warm your heart this year, I’d highly recommend it. I’d also recommend you check out Neil’s blog. I love the clever name he chose for his blog.

After that, I started to put away the snow people (because some are women, not just men, I’m sure of it). I thought of my mom.

I always put out some of her decorations that I remember from my childhood and those from our kid’s younger years. Mom loved Christmas and decorating for it. I remembered that I forgot to take my traditional photos to capture the bokeh effect with the Christmas lights. A slight delay took place.
It’s a tradition for me to miss my mom during the holidays. Facebook blessed me with a memory to remind me of how long ago it was that a flu bug in our house on Christmas prevented us from getting together with mom on Christmas day. We had to go to visit her days later. We didn’t do that because of some order, or mandate, it was common sense not to want to spread a virus in assisted living.

Mom’s dementia resolved her to think all was well whenever we were together, regardless of the date. I remember asking her how her Christmas was that year, and she replied, “The best ever.” I smiled. When you look to see them – there are blessings to dementia. And caregivers are a major part of them. God bless them all – they are real live angels.
Once our decorations were safely packed away, it was time for me to ponder the new year and what’s to come. I frankly have so much hope for the new year. Mostly because it’ll be what I resolve to make of it.

I finished reading the Swedish Death Cleaning book I wrote about last week. I do think it’ll help me kick start balancing what’s important and what’s not so important to keep. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what to do with wine corks, beer bottle caps, and toilet paper rolls. I get lost on Pinterest trying to find the perfect solution. If you’ve got an idea that combines them all into a creative project, besides tossing them into the garbage can, I’m all ears! The recycle bin might just win.

A loved one wishes to inherit nice things from you. Not all things.
Margareta Magnusson

What will I do in 2022 to create happy memories?
I resolve to enjoy each snack and cup of Matcha I’m blessed to consume.
I resolve to limit my rabbit hole investigations unless they lead to taking fun photos.
I resolve to grab my camera and play often. To capture the memories the year has in store. Marie Kondo won’t approve of my methods, so I’m on the right track.
I resolve to watch old shows and less news (thank goodness for the Twilight Zone marathon). I resolve to read more books. And drink less wine, or whine less. Yeah, probably both.

I resolve to let go of the things from the past year that kicked my butt. Like losing some friends over PBS. I hope none of us gloat in vindication but find ways to come together in thanksgiving that we’ve all survived to tell the tales of this pandemic to future generations.
I resolve to smile at every sunrise and sunset. And to be a ray of sunshine to those I meet. And to tell loved ones how much I love them.

I resolve to reflect often in a prayerful and playful way.

I resolve to learn how to take a selfie with my camera’s remote that I’ve yet to try. You can’t see that I’m smiling in this photo. I’m thinking about chopping off some of my hair again. I had to have one task to add to my to-do list.

I actually got dressed for New Year’s Eve dinner at home sweet home with the Mr, who cooked this delicious meal for us. We ate the whole thing, including the entire shrimp ring for two! That’s a thing to do – check out Rebecca’s post, she agrees! And congrats to her on her writing accomplishments for 2021. Oh, and congrats to Linda, she accomplished her walking goals too. I am inspired by those who do set goals and accomplish them as well.

Truth be told, I enjoyed a tad too much wine as I whined a bit while letting go of the sadder moments of 2021. The sad feelings were short-lived, Copper would’ve been begging for steak scraps of joy – not tears from me. We celebrated the joy the little guy had blessed us with all the years we shared together. Ah, all the adventures close by we took, reminds me of John in Las Vegas. There’s always something to notice we just have to look right before our eyes. We had Calvin and Hobbes kind of fun throughout the years, yes, we did. And in true to Copper’s preferences, it was off to bed before 7 pm for me. He would’ve been mightily happy to snuggle in the covers for a long winters’ night and not wait up for a ball to drop from the sky.

There you have it – another New Year’s Day accomplished. It was easy to embrace the jammies all day look to kick off 2022 in style! And the nap was nice too. Just saying…I resolve to pace myself while making happy memories in 2022! I never start my resolutions on January 1, it’s a holiday for goodness sake!
If you’re into looking for creative ways to do blog challenges or prompts, join Dan and the gang for the prompts he shares on his blog. Cheers to Thursday Doors badge challenge, I see Janis joined in too! And John, he’s so organized, I don’t know how he keeps it all so straight! Stay tuned for next week, I’ll call out some more of my favorite bloggers. I need to keep some surprises back for the suspense of the new year, right?!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday and Just Jot January – Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “resolve.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!
PS – Happy New Year to you and yours! Did you watch the Twilight Zone marathon? What snacks did you eat? What memories did you celebrate?
Happy New Year, guys! Thanks for mentioning my blog, Shelley, appreciated. You lost friends over Public Broadcasting? I never watch that stuff… Copper was such a cutie, even I miss him! Let’s hope that this year sees a severe decline in the virus and that our families continue to safe and OK. Happy 2022!
Happy New Year, John! You’re welcome, glad to refer folks your way. PBS = political bullsh*t
Yeah, Copper was quite the charmer.
Yes, I agree, let’s hope this year is better for those reasons for sure!
Happy 2022!
Oh, OK, ooops! It’s PBS alright, I tuned out the “news” a long time ago.
I guess I could’ve been better at describing it instead of using PBS! LOL. You’re wise to turn off the news.
Hi. Glad you enjoyed A Dog’s Life. By the way, for some reason this post didn’t appear in my Reader. I hope this won’t be a continuing problem.
Hi Neil, yes, I did enjoy the book.
Oh, dear, I’ve yet to figure out why that happens? I’ve seen Dan at No Facilities talk about it too. Sometimes WP automatically unchecks follows. I don’t know how to fix it.
Hi. I’m one of your followers. All of your previous pieces showed up in my Reader, but this one didn’t. Did you change any settings or anything in re your blog’s structure? Maybe one of the WordPress help desk people can figure out what’s going on. Anyway, I’ll take a look at your site periodically, even if the stories don’t arrive in my Reader. See ya.
Thank you, Neil. I suspect it was due to someone I ping-backed to didn’t acknowledge the ping-back? I’ve had that happen before. I may need to reboot my computer too? I appreciate you telling me what happened. And that you’ll stop by periodically – ditto to you. Take care and enjoy 2022!
Hello again. The post popped up in Reader. It was very delayed, but it arrived. Take care.
Thank you for following up. I do think it had to do with the ping-backs. I’m thankful to hear it finally arrived in the Reader!
Thank you for the lovely post that has strengthened my own resolve for the year!
Nice set of resolves. Love your village.
Thank you, Janet! Happy New Year to you and yours.
For the record, Shelley, I approve of your camera methods 100%. I hope you are finding a way to stay warm as you thing about the things you have resolved to do. I hope you enjoy the whole year and make many good memories.
Aw, thank you, Dan, I appreciate your encouragement. We’re staying warm, built a fire and have plenty of blankets around. I do daydream about warmer days, so that’s good too.
I resolve to enjoy the new year and to make many new memories. I hope you and yours do the same!
Lots of great resolves… I like that they are positive and doable. We could all use more peace and understanding in the coming year. Thanks for the call-out!
Thank you, Janis! Happy New Year to you. You’re welcome, I wish you well on the badge contest!! I love the colors on the badge you made, nice work!
Thanks so much for the mention Shelley! I am goal oriented for the walking, but maybe you need to add an asterisk for me setting goals and getting OTHER things done too.
I’ve stopped and started resolutions to get more sleep, read more, exercise … my goal to do yoga in 2021 has not yet come to fruition because the yoga DVD ordered from Amazon in December 2020 (yes 2020) remains shrink-wrapped in a drawer. Oops! The de-decorating used to be New Year’s Day here too, back when I decorated for Christmas. I spent all day Black Friday decorating and since it’s a small house, I had to tuck away the other knickknacks (of which there are many in this country-themed house) … then to remember where they were and my mom would say “I like the Christmas decorations, but it’s time for them to go.” I like your mom’s “snow people” – they’re adorable. My mom collected cardinals and jay figurines and we had a few ornaments hanging on ornament hangers and decorative plates for the holidays. I miss the antics of Copper and I know he is looking down now saying “thanks for keeping my memory alive for yourself and your readers.”
You’re welcome, Linda. You did the important goal of exercising and getting in miles. The yoga can happen this year, yank off the shrink wrap and get started (when you’re ready to do so!).
I remember you telling me about your decorations. I don’t think either one of us will forget how special they were to our moms.
I miss Copper’s antics too. I enjoy thinking about him. I’m glad you don’t mind me mentioning him again occasionally.
Happy New Year – happy trails too! 2022 will be a better year!
Well Shelley, I keep telling myself that when I’m retired I’ll have lots of times for all the little things I want to do, but trying to squeeze them in now pre-retirement just doesn’t seem to happen. I was happy to read an entire book over the New Year’s weekend, but then trying to get just a chapter a day read post-holidays doesn’t happen.
We have good memories of our moms to carry us through the holidays – we are not blessed to still have them with us, so we compromise and make do. Yes, Aunt Linda misses Copper stories … keep remembering him in your blog and always in your heart. I hope 2022 is a better year for all of us … happy trails to you too!
I’m taking one day at a time this year. One chapter read in a book is a good accomplishment too.
Yes, great memories of our moms and of Copper. I have so many memories to still share of him, I’m sure he’ll pop up in a post from time to time.
I’m positive 2022 will be better!! And we’ll hear many more of your happy trail stories too!
I have to modify my “pie” as I know I could accomplish more, but by the end of the workday, I lack the energy level and usually ready for bed. I never realized until recently the importance of sleep (or lack of it) and I was a little shocked to learn all the health problems lack of sleep causes, so I’ve been more diligent about getting more sleep. Like you, I’m up early, though I think you have me beat (but you’re a youngster).
Yes, sleep is so important. While I adore my two cats, Dessy rarely lets me sleep past feeding time. And she snores. When she sleeps elsewhere, I sleep better. There are many days when I feel VERY old and slothy when I get up.
I went to bed early on Friday night – the dog two doors down started barking its head off. I then couldn’t go back to sleep … I have my two alarm clocks in the kitchen so they are not handy to hit the snooze bar, so I put them there nightly. So I have no idea when it barked … might have been 10:15 which Friday night for most people would not be late. I’ve been trying harder, but it’s difficult and even more difficult to get reading done at night.
Bummer about the dog barking! Must’ve been something mighty important for it to do so?
Dessy is my alarm clock. She’s louder, more annoying, and always on time. I suspect your technique is very effective as well.
I think January is a sleep inducing month. It’s dark in the morning and dark at night. I’ll be ready for summer when it arrives!
This morning it was barking around 6:00 a.m. – now, I was up since 5:00 and at that time, I was going through photos from yesterday’s trip to the River, but lots of people sleep in on Sunday morning, so that is just plain rude IMHO. Back before walking, it was work Monday through Friday, errands, yard work, house chores, etc. on Saturday (weather permitting), so Sunday I slept in a little longer, so I would be very angry if it was my only morning to sleep in a little.
I agree Shelley … I’m ready for warmer weather and the days are getting longer ever so slowly … it’s been gray so much that I am not getting out until after 8:30.
Yeah, that’s rude. It’s hard to believe that someone would tolerate the barking in their own home?

We’re going to survive this winter just like last one. It has been gray – hopefully the sun will shine again soon.
Hi Shelley, I finally have a chance to read this post. I miss Copper too but not sure what that little dog is doing to your phone….I don’t know if “cam dogs” can make money

I almost didn’t get my nativity scene out this year but I was sure there would have been complaints from K and my girls, so I set it up. Don’t cut your hair, maybe a little trim. Go photo mad I say. As for your collection of craft stuff I can only add one thing – Largaphone 

Have a wonderful 2022 and as for wine, who cares. As for whine, who cares.
Hi Brian, I rescued your comment from my pending folder ‘cuz of the link. That WONDERFUL link, I love the idea of a lagerphone!! I can’t wait to add the task to Mr.’s list. Although, I may get better at using the tools of the trade to make it if I practiced and made everyone in the family (because I have that many bottle caps) one for next Christmas!! Thanks for giving me a happy memory-making project for 2022!
I’m glad you miss little Copper too. Cam dogs aren’t my thing either. I’m sure Copper photos will pop up again, I have way too many memories to just push them aside.
I’m also glad you did get out the nativity scene. It’s important for us to keep the faith and our traditions going. I’m sure your efforts were appreciated!
When it comes down to the actual cutting of my hair, I keep backing out on the idea to do a full-on chop. Trim is in order soon. I had a dream about it last night, so it’s time.
I reviewed my photos from last year, and I didn’t play with my camera enough. I need to do more of that, so thank you for the encouragement. And for the whine/wine encouragement too. I hope you have a wonderful 2022 too. 2022 will be awesome because of fellow blogging buddies like you!
Thanks for rescuing me from the spam folder Shelley. Largerphones are easy to make and I am sure the family will love them. It will be a big rattling Christmas in 2022

You’re welcome! They do look easy to make. I might even get the hang of the tools and make them myself. It will be a rattling Christmas for sure! Maybe you can create an emoji for rattling, clanging, noisemaker? I could find one at all!

I think you over estimate my computer skills. I am a user not a creator.
I bet you could take an inspiration photo and send it to those who create the little figures?!

Even that is beyond my realm of expertise
No wonder you melted your bestie’s heart – you can admit to your limitations!

Thanks Shelley. But a lot of the time I’ll give it a go just in case I can fluke a good result
You’re a wise man!
Thanks for the shoutout! Happy New Year! I can’t say we’re big fans of The Twilight Zone, so we didn’t watch the marathon. We had pizza rolls for dinner, which is our tradition: we don’t know when it started but we’re not stopping now.
We got two of our many cats on New Year’s Eve. Both are long gone, but we still remember them.
You’re welcome, John! TZ isn’t for everyone. But it beats the news.
Pizza rolls for dinner – that’s a fun tradition. I’m sure they were yummy.
Aw, kitties to bring in the New Year. Our furry friends aren’t easy to forget.
Happy New Year to you and Mary. Enjoy the fun ahead!
I know how you feel about 2021 dementia. Much of the year is kind of blur to me, having done nothing interesting to remember. I wish you the best with your resolution to make happy memories in 2022. We all could use a few extra ones this coming year.
It’s funny how the brain protects us from things we don’t want to remember. Our brains do better when they’re learning new things. I have high hopes that we’ll all be learning new things to remember in 2022. You’re right, we all could use a few extra happy memories this year!
Hi there, I like the way you mentioned bloggers and gave their links.
And we actually did join in on the Twilight Zone. Well we recorded about a dozen of them and watched two and started a few others but some are hard to get into. I had not seen them in yers and I forgot how awesome the writing is – how quirky the stories twist during the episode. But the biggest takeaway was the excellent acting – it seems like today’s shows (sitcoms and series movies) have average and below average acting.
— seriously – it amazes me as to how the actors are so good with facial expressions and body work.
Your intentions for this year sound like excellent ideas and mantras to live by –
and the vintage snow people are super cute
Happy New Year
Hi Yvette! I mentioned you this Sunday. Love the photos you shared from 2021!
I agree with you on the TZ writing and acting. I miss those days.
Thank you – so far I’m keeping my spirits up for 2022. Happy New Year to you too!
Hi Shelley! Sorry I’ve been absent from visiting your blog. I have been very bad at that with a few other people too, but hope to be better in 2022. This is already a crazy new year with the Omicron surge and the weather across the country. I hope you’re staying warm and you’ve given me a little push to take down some of my Christmas decorations. I like to leave the tree up until the end of January, but the rest could probably find their way to boxes. If I didn’t have the chance to tell you, I’m very sorry about Copper. Our fur babies are our children, whether or not you also have the human kind. I hope he brings happy memories and a few less tears of loss.
Happy New Year and stay warm this week!
Hi Mary!!! I’m sorry too – I haven’t had much time to blog, let alone get around to reading blogs – I always enjoy seeing your posts. I’m always thankful to hear from you and Gibbs!
You’ve got plenty of time left in January to work on the decorations.
Thank you about Copper. It was/is a challenging time for us. We’re very thankful for the memories and that he doesn’t have to go out in this cold. I’m sorry for your Ziva too – I bet Gibbs misses her too. You’re right our fur babies are our family.
Happy New Year to you too – take care and stay warm.
I look forward to what the new year will bring. I have hope and peace for a better year than last year. Some things won’t change like caring for my aging mom, working my job in health care and blogging. Happy New year.
Your positive outlook is heart-warming and especially important in the work you do. Your mom is lucky to have you around to help her as she ages. Happy New Year to you too – thank you for stopping by my blog to brighten my day.
I visited your site. I can read some blog. I read your biography. Very nice. Beautiful blog written you. So nice experience have to you. Iam so happy. Interested share your memories. Iam so glad
Hi – so happy to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. Take care!