
Pet Hugs from Our Pets

Many pet owners are blessed with cuddly pets, aka, pets who enjoy hugs.  Our family, well, let’s just say, not so much.  Our dog is the exception.  He adores me and sitting in my lap for hugs.  Our cats…they only like a hug when it involves waking us hoomans from our slumber for their feeding time.

Then our cats sure know how to shake the bed.

They aren’t shy or embarrassed about it at all.


They are always on the lookout for food, versus hugs.  Any empty bowl will do.


Our cats are darn independent and aren’t huge fans of being lap cats or getting hugs from us for that matter.  Sure, they’ll curl up with us if we’re napping or sleeping, but rarely will they want to be held to share hugs.

When they were little, just fresh out of the roadside rescue litter they came from, they hugged each other often.  They were part of a litter of kittens abandoned.  We found our way to the foster family to adopt them.

As sisters, they’ve learned to depend on each other as playmates and hug-mates.

It is possible as a single littermate to find new friends to hug.  This little kitten, our grandkitty – Wasabi (Bee for short), was ready to move on with humans when she found herself to be one lucky hug-loving cat rescued from the farm.  She loves to get hugs.  But only from her two proclaimed ‘you were meant for me’ hoomans.

Me, I don’t get hugs from her, nope, not so much.  I usually just get the stare or is that a glare?

Her momma, who didn’t grow up with human hugs, seemed okay with to let her flee from the farm. Must be the extra special touch of the cat whisperer, aka, Sarah.  Sarah, by the way, was the human who cuddled a lot with our cat Dessy when she was a little kitten.

IMG_6071cDessy (our Garfield-like cat), with all the loving she’s received since joining our family, is our big.huge.redundant.tissue cat.  She is left-handed and will use that arm (paw) to hug things, even the air around her as she lays there chilling.

IMG_6112cDespite not wanting to be held much by humans, (except by Mr. who is strong enough to hold her), she does appear to like being hugged.  All of her extra tissue hugs whatever it is she’s laying on or by.

When she feels like she’s hugged by whatever it is she’s climbing upon or into she lingers for long naps.  Like on the kitchen window sill.  See that left paw is hugging the wall.

IMG_6214cBoot boxes fit her well.  I’d say shoe boxes instead of boot boxes, but no matter how hard she tries, she doesn’t fit into shoeboxes.  All that extra fluff just doesn’t fit.  But a boot box that expands a bit works very, very, well.


Tizzie, her sister, likes boxes too, but she fits better in them then Dessy does.  She also prefers high places or sunny spots.

Or laying on the clean clothes that someone forgot to put away.


Or giving me the leave me alone look.


Dessy can do that too, only she has a longing for food look in her eyes.


Together, our two cats rule the house, and control us, as they are always on the lookout for food.

Sometimes they’ll watch the birds.  But realize quickly they aren’t an easy-access food source.


No worries, there’s always the community bowl.


All we need to see is Dessy’s…to know it is feeding time.  Again.


“If you plant yourself in the hooman’s way…food will come, yes it will.” – Dessy


Don’t worry…Copper gets along just fine with our two cats.  His only quirk is the darn allergies he’s got going on…and the licking…the damn licking.  He’s comfortable being the smallest one in the family and the one that gets to go outside (when the grass doesn’t bother him!)

Post Inspiration – Pet Hugs and Lens-Artists #61 Precious Pets

PS – Hope you’re having a great week.  I’m super excited that it is a short week!  How about you, do your pets let you hug them?  Are they spoiled like ours?  Are you a cat fan or a dog fan or neither?  Do you have grand-baby-pets too?  That’s a word…really!  

34 thoughts on “Pet Hugs from Our Pets

  1. Cute kitties. Glad they get on well with Copper. Each and every pet has their own personality, too. We learn to read their thoughts. haha! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Barbara! He’s their big brother – they arrived after he did to our family, so he feels protective of them, even if they bully him in a playful way. It is fun how we learn to read our pets. 🙂

  2. We realized early on that our dog is not a hugger. He will lean against you but if you try to hug him, he puts up with it for about 3 seconds and then escapes.

    Those cat pics are hilarious…especially the one with the two of them looking sideways at the same thing. LOL.

    1. Our Golden Retriever was like that. When he was a pup, he’d climb right in my lap while I held his chew bone for him. That was the turning moment in the Alpha dog life he led. It was a darn good thing he was handsome. 😉
      Oh, yes, Mr. can get the cats to do some awesome poses and expressions. It may be my main source of entertainment and photo ops once the snow flies… Sorry for swearing…! 😉 Thank you for sharing your dog hugging story!

  3. They’re adorable! My daughter will love going to your house if we’re neighbors. I did not know cats can be left-handed too!

  4. Cute cats. I certainly notice the difference between Benny, our dog, and the two cats we’ve had. They couldn’t care less about us but Benny gets excited to see us if we go out of the room for 5 minutes 🙂

    1. Thank you, Janet. Yes, I agree, dogs can certainly make you feel important by their greetings. Plus they’re always ready for some adventure, even if it is just into the next room!

  5. Wonderful post. I found the crinkling of a treat package will work wonders. My two always seem to have their paws out … wanting another meal or treat. Thanks for the smile this afternoon. g

    1. Thank you, g. Yes, that sound works for our two cats too. I’m happy to read you enjoyed the post – thank you for stopping by to share cat treats with us!

  6. Beautiful photos. I especially like the cat in the kitchen sink. We had one who did that and it cracked me up. He didn’t like water, but he loved the sink. I’ve only had one lap cat btw. The others were anti-hug, engaging in contact only in an effort to get a meal served quickly.

    1. Thank you, Ally. I’m like you, I’m excited to capture the cats in spots they shouldn’t be in – it’s funny material. I’ve only had one really cuddly cat, she was a stray that was dropped off on our doorstep. She fell in love with me. The rest of the cats, well, I’m a food feeding, poop scooping source for their 9 lives. Thank you for sharing your cat stories!

  7. Why does it seem as though the default expression for cats is “disgusted”? I used to have a male Siamese. Now, he was a hugger!

    1. LOL – for my two, it’s ‘cuz they’re sick of me taking photos! Wow – a Siamese that was friendly, that’s a magic touch you had!

  8. Such cute pictures. I love it when cats find boxes that are a little too
    small. They manage, but it fits. Maddie gives good hugs, but our previous Irish Setter could melt you with her hugs.

    1. Thank you, Dan. Yes, cats and boxes and no fit excursions are a hoot to watch. Aw, you’re fortunate to have two hugging dogs. Irish Setters are so gorgeous, I’ve always admired their beauty and grace. And their ability to claim porch space. 😉

  9. Shelley – you should be an animal photographer! So many wonderful shots of your lovely pets. Personalities they surely are…My old dog was a cat before he was born a dog – I am sure. And cuddling forbidden…The young one though – loooooves sitting as close as possible being talked to and patted.

    1. Aw, Anne-Christine, your encouraging words warmed my fall morning! I have a cat-dog too. Your pets sound wonderful, thank you for sharing your thoughts about them!

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