Today’s the big day – the 5th day I was all psyched to write about. I had tons of ideas floating around in my head to go with the assignment for self-love #5 day. And I was gonna wow you all with my words of wisdom to show you I knew what the hell I was gonna do.
Remember here’s the trigger:
Identify self-love motivations (Prominently place the object of clothing you’re dying to fit into or look FANTASTIC in – so you can’t miss it. Maybe place it next to the Tostitos bag, or by the beer, or next to chocolate package in the box you stored all of it in – dig really deep down, ‘cuz it should’ve been the first item in the box).
I went to bed early to read, instead of eating chips. I slept well for about 5-6 hours, then sh*t happened during the middle of the night.
I couldn’t sleep from 12:30 – 2:30 am – my mind busy ‘writing’ thoughts across my brain. And then Copper decided all the tossing and turning meant it must be time to get up.
It is a great delusion in those whose understanding has been darkened by self-love, to think that there is any obedience in the subject who tries to draw the superior to what he wishes. – Saint Ignatius
I heard him get off the bed, but I rolled over and tried to pretend it wasn’t time for him to get up. I dozed for a bit, but woke again in a panic…something must be wrong with him, so I got up at 3:30 am to see if he was okay.
He was, of course, just waiting patiently for me to fall head over heels in love with his idea of an early awakening.
I coaxed the damn mixed up nocturnal goofball to go outside. I kind of pushed him, cuz’ it wasn’t quite Jamaican weather at our Wisconsin beachfront spot. The winds blowing in the door with a balmy 13 above chilly gust. The icy lake that formed yesterday wasn’t a welcome sight either.
I do think he’d love the real beach, though. I’d watch him play; it would be such a welcome sight.
After he came back inside, I went back to the warm bed to catch a few more z’s. I dreamed of Jamaica…
At 5:40 am I woke all startled, Mr. was getting up before me. WTH? Now I was really late.
Well-ordered self-love is right and natural. – Thomas Aquinas
No worries, mon, I still love myself for trying.
And in no time at all, in a caffeine-fueled few minutes, I’ve set up quite the scene to help myself refrain from grabbing the Tostitos.
I think self-love isn’t some destination you get to and you are then incapable of feeling those feelings, but a journey in which you adapt your experiences to make for a happier life. – Paloma Elsesser
Our family beach photo and frame made by my daughter – Yep, that’s good motivation.
I hung the red swimming suit, (the one I wore the 3rd year we went to Jamaica), on the pantry door handle.
When one door is closed, don’t you know, another is open. – Bob Marley
It is starting to sag kind of like my skin I’m toning with magical exercises I found on YouTube. The elastic has had its share of growth over the years. We’re quite the pair I tell ya. Don’t even get me started on why I still have it…that’s not a drawer I’ve cleaned out in years…!
And this adorable card my father and his girlfriend sent me in the mail.
They know me so well, right? Copper was even a bit smitten with the cute pup on it. I placed it next to my desk, on the shelf in my office, to keep me motivated there, too.
I’m growing to love this challenge…
It’s only day 5, it’s still the honeymoon stage! Things could change at a moment’s notice. Like a foot of snow is expected?! WTH?
Oh, dear, look at the time! Jeez…I gotta run…Mr. just found the suit on the pantry door and is asking questions………………!
Post Inspiration – Challenge – Fall in Love With Your Over 50-Self February #FILWYO50SF and Tuesday Photo Challenge #TPC – Growth courtesy of Frank (I can’t wait to hear what he thinks of my take on the prompt this week) at Dutch Goes the Photo.
PS – Don’t ya just love that card? Do your pets wake you in the middle of the night? Do you ignore them? What tricks do you hide in your pantry so you stick to your diet plan?
You sure that dog’s name isn’t Lolita?
That’s a good option! I like it!
Look at a picture of the girl in the movie, Lolita!
That’s your dog for sure!
I lead such a sheltered life…I’ll have to look that up!
And don’t forget the lollipop!
Now I really need to look it up!
I think that’s such a wonderful idea to put pics and other reminders next to your trigger items. I’d never thought of that!
I hope it works – Mr. is thinking that I’ve gone a tad bonkers with this whole thing! At least I’m good for a laugh in the morning!!
I was also awake at 2:30am for no good reason. And I don’t have any pets to worry about! Your photo reminders are a great idea. Whatever works
Crazy…maybe you and I are on the same wave length – there’s a storm moving into our parts here – upto 8″ of snow predicted. Hope the photo works too!
Love your courage and determination. Being you is always a fabulous choice.
Thank you, Anita!
That’s a great idea Shelley – a trigger that screams out “don’t touch!!” I don’t have any pets that wake me up.
Thanks, Linda. I betcha if Grady, your outside furry little pet, could find a way into the house, he would.
I’m sure he would Shelley. I have to open the door slowly to ensure he’s not hiding beneath the stoop. I don’t use the front door for anything except getting the mail and giving them peanuts. Years ago, we had a resident squirrel and had to stop feeding him as he kept trying to get inside and my mom was on a cane and a little slow. Had to nip that in the bud before he got inside and wreaked havoc. My grandmother got squirrels in her attic somehow – they made a big mess up their chewing things. This was in Toronto in an old neighborhood and the houses were tall and skinny and all attached. She figures someone else had them and they chewed their way through to her attic!
You’re very wise to limit Grady’s access! Yikes, that’s good you stopped feeding that one! As landlords, we’ve had squirrels nest in roof attics before, and it is a nightmare scene!
Wow – you have had it all haven’t you? Especially after seeing the mess in your recent post from the ferrets (among MANY other things) … my grandmother had to get an exterminator in to get them out of there.
We’re less surprised by things that happen in rentals now than we were when we started out on the venture!
I’m sure it leaves you scratching your head. The homeowner next to us died in 1990 and the house was sold to a landlord who had several homes nearby and that was their livelihood. Apparently they never checked on the house, just had the rent check mailed to them. A young couple moved in with two toddlers … if the kids were out in the backyard, they were toddling around without clothes on. Apparently they walked around the house like that based on what the landlord told my mom. My mom was at the front door getting the mail when the real estate company came to put up the sign out front. They left and the landlord told my mom what they found in the house as to filth. They evicted them for non-payment of rent and had to have a cleaning company come in to clean/disinfect the house and pull up the carpeting. SMH.
Yuck…so sad for the kiddos. It still amazes me that people can live like that!
I know – feel free to wipe my comment off your blog post or edit it – it was an ugly thing they did!
Ha, I love this trick! Keep your intention front and center!
Thank you, so far it is working! Surprisingly well
Clever inspiration in front of the Tostitos! Our dog has randomly gotten up at night over the years, and it’s generally not good news.
Nothing wakes me more quickly than the sound of a dog about to barf. lol. And if he insists on going out, it’s usually because he needs to ‘go’ and someone has to draw the short straw and get dressed and wander out with him. He can’t be trusted to do his business and come back…he was a rescue and is a real opportunist, so he has to be on a leash. We live in a semi-rural area, and he’s been known to come home on the front seat of the pickup truck of a guy that lives 2 miles away. Or jump into the UPS truck while the guy is coming up to our house. Or just go down to the river for a swim and then chase deer into the nearby woods. You get the picture. So, no. Night adventures with our dog are
Thank you, Laurel! Oh, my, your doggiecapades top mine for sure, he sounds like quite the ball of adventures waiting to happen! The sounds in the middle of the night are no fun, I agree 100%! We love them despite their hangups though :-)!
The problem is that I just don’t look good in a bikini.
LOL – I’m glad to hear you at least gave it a try ;-)!