As a small, little dog, I find my fun happens by hangin’ out with hoomans. There’s an aura about them as they get deeply entrenched in activities. It fascinates and scares the hell out of me at the same time.
Yesterday, was the Mrs.’s second to last day of her staycation and she was busy making fun kinda sh*t happen. For the most part, I tagged along.
Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity. – Bo Bennett
My sister, Tizzie, and I discovered things were moved around in the ‘exercise’ room. Hum…normally it’s just the treadmill humming and thumping with hoomans bouncing on it.
Ghosts of past loomed here in the form of old clothes, sheets, and pillows. Baskets of potential crafts projects towered on this table and under it forever…and suddenly stuff moved to new spots on the floor.
Here I thought they had become our family’s old wives tale of “I’m going to make pet beds and toys out of the stuff.”
The loud noises awakened me from my slumber. I normally just spend the day right here, all comfy and cozy. But not yesterday, or this whole staycation week for that matter. It’s been hit or miss on where I’ll find Mrs. in the house. It has been quite exhausting really. I found myself dozing off quite often. Sigh…
She had grabbed her camera and off she disappeared to the room down under. By the time I made my way down the stairs, Mrs. had this adorable little prototype bed laying on the floor for me. Yay – a new napping spot, how fun is that?
While Mrs. set up the iron, I took the opportunity to haphazardly rearrange the patches.
Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way. – Edward de Bono
I thought I’d get the boot right then and there, but Mrs. didn’t mind, she said, “Aw…you like the bed little guy? It’s okay you messed up the patches, I’m not into perfect, it’s going to be rough and random and fun looking – I need to practice sewing again…it’s been a long time. But it’s not finished yet, move, buddy, I’m ready to iron and pin the patches in place. MOVE…”
Had I known the mission she was on, I would’ve encouraged her to get that sewing chair recovered a long time ago. A new bed for me and all the psyched up energy in the room was infectious. I could barely contain myself.
Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun. – Randy Pausch
But then I got scared. The room sounded like it had fireworks going off, continuously, and I’m terrified of those.
I don’t think I’d ever in my whole life heard such noises. But, dang, it didn’t scare the Mrs., she was happy.
She got so into her work, she ignored me. The longer she worked the faster and louder the sounds came from the wild machine.
Even though you’re growing up, you should never stop having fun. – Nina Dobrev
I left to find shelter. From the other room, I could hear her when she paused and cursed. Yeah, apparently it had been that long since she used the machine she couldn’t remember how to reload the bobbin!
She worked and reloaded, and worked and reloaded, and then, all of sudden the scary noises stopped. I heard the familiar sounds of her camera clicking. I rounded the corner to peek in and saw her snap photos of something next to the loud machine.
There was a different feel to the room, it was her, Mrs. radiated happiness. She turned around to see me with the biggest grin on her face. She laid the glorious new bed on the floor and patted it for me to give it a try. “Come on buddy, I made it for you.”
Aw…she even put little hearts on it for me. Man, oh, man, she sure loves me. I couldn’t resist for long, it wasn’t making any loud noises on the floor. I laid on the corner of it so I could admire her handy work. Dang, Mrs. sure had fun making it for me.
I’m amazed at how released pent-up creative juices in a hooman’s brain exudes an aura into the house. Hoomans having fun is fascinating, don’t ya agree?
At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a good day. – Simone Biles
I wonder what kinda fun today will bring?
Post Inspiration – Special appearance by Copper, and Lens-Artists #17 – Just for Fun
PS – Tell me about a day when you dusted off an old hobby and got absorbed into the work of creating – did it bring a smile to your day? What’s your favorite ‘fun’ or ‘happy’ or ‘creative’ quote? Do you spoil your pets, too?
Nice work! Doggie is so cute.
Thank you, John
Aww…. what a sweet post! I love the new doggie bed!
Thank you, Gail :-)!!
This is so much fun. I love seeing this from your dog’s point of view.
Thank you, Patti – Copper is glad to read to enjoyed his story
I love this post, Shelley! It was like I was watching a movie. ”A day in the life of a dog named Copper”.
Aw, thank you, Winnie – we appreciate your kind words of encouragement :-)!
You’re welcome, Shelley!
Pats and love to your little friends!
Thank you, Leya!
It’s great to hear you’re having fun creating! What a lovely slant telling of your adventure through your beloved pet’s voice!
Thank you, Marie, we appreciate your encouragement!
You’re welcome Shelley I think that’s all any of us need! I’m a half-empty nester and know the importance of trying to rediscover myself.
Yes, very true, Marie – I’m on that journey as well!
My domestic skills would not fill a thimble. Great bed.
Thank you, Anita.
Love how your little friend did the post for you!
Thank you, Tina – he enjoys writing too
I took a phone video of myself threading my really old sewing machine (and bobbin) that used to be my mother-in-law’s. It still didn’t help months later. Packed it up and am saving it for my sewing daughter when she’s ready for it. Who needs to do that mending anyway? Good for you getting it to work.
LOL! I should’ve taken a video of me trying to figure it out – that dang spool of the thread does not fit where the bobbin is supposed to go when re-threading! Heck, yeah, have your daughter do your mending :-)!