Finding distractions so you don’t fail is the tough stage of dieting plans. If you’re trying to stick to a diet or to eating healthily, the crappy for you stuff is way easier to grab and ends up being cheaper in the long run.
I still haven’t opened the new bag of chips. YAY ME!
I’m eating veggies instead of chips! The old bag of Tostitos is getting close to having a rancid smell to it. I may have to toss it, soon – i.e., the magic expiration date marker only works for so long. I open up the bag occasionally, take a sniff, and rid my self of my desires. It works!
Veggies crunch, too.
Plus, I made this super fun Skinny Greek Yogurt Ranch Dip to go with the veggies. I love a dip not made with sour cream!
Leading up to game time, though, other things happened.
Retail therapy.
That damn internet is so easy to happily click sorrows boredom away.
Boom. I went all non-red for a bikini option. What do you think? Like it? I wish I could order the curves and missing love handles that go with the picture, but, you know…that’s what the miracle exercises are for.
Got that retail urge outta my system, now I just have to wait for the package to arrive and decide if I’ll return the stuff or not. Probably will. We’ll see. I did order these adorable swim shorts, though…I do hope they fit! Those items will be placed (if they fit) prominently next to the bag of chips in the pantry to remind me to stick to the plan.
Then I graciously announced to Mr. that we should probably run to Kohl’s and Target before the crowds got too thick, i.e., beat the after church crowds. He asked what we were looking for, and I told him I had a list and shorts and shoes for him since he told me earlier that he needed new running shoes. The Kohl’s advertisement came in the mail this week – 30% off tends to provoke the desire to save money and if HE needs something too, he typically will join me.
We got ready and as I grabbed the ad to take with me, I glanced at the dates for the sale. February 8-18.
Oops…a week early.
I had to confess to Mr. and subsequently beg him that we still had other things to get at Target, so we should still go.
We did, but he sat in the car to wait for me.
I couldn’t find what I was hoping would be available in the store. It’s like the Polar Vortex kept supplies from showing up to restock shelves? For some odd reason on February 3rd in Wisconsin, there aren’t many summer clothing options available.
Jeez. Don’t they know I was ready to restock my travel wardrobe?
They did have some jean shorts – I’m thinking they are for the layering look with leggings under them – they are extra wide in the legs?
But that’s a good thing because, over the course of a weeks’ vacation eating uncontrollably, some extra room in shorts is a good idea.
Since I was in the store already, I tossed a couple of pairs in the cart along with a few other toiletries – like sunscreen for my face and lips for the trip. I couldn’t wander forever since Mr. was waiting in the car – thank goodness it was 37 degrees above, so he wasn’t freezing out there while waiting. I can always return the shorts!
Feeling deflated by not finding whatever it is I thought I would find there, I said, “Let’s head home.”
We drove past Kohl’s. I sighed to myself, We’ll I’ll be back next week.
He could sense my deflated mood, so asked if I wanted to stop at Wal-Mart to get what I couldn’t find at Target? He joined me in the store as the perfect distraction to me buying stupid things – he makes me stick to the list and we get outta there in record time.
They were void of summer clothing as well. Hum…?
Retail therapy was a bust, at least I saved money.
After we got home, I decided to prepare the alternative munchies instead of grabbing chips for comfort.
The Polar Vortex must’ve hit the produce too, or Mr. hit the tail-end of shelf life when he made purchases this week? I can see why Wisconsinites eat canned or frozen food or fast food – it’s cheaper, and there’s less waste, and it isn’t disappointing to throw money away.
Woodman’s produce this week was so crappy, I can’t even describe it. Pictures do it justice, maybe?
There was a sale on raspberries. I adore fresh raspberries.
I had to throw away close to 2/3rd of the package. They were mushy and moldy. Top berries looked okay in the package in the store, but when I opened it up and stuck my fingers in to grab a couple, the gooey feel to them made me cringe and toss.
Extra low cal version, I guess?
The blueberries were the same – pea-sized not yet ripe ones mixed in with mushy moldy ones. WTH?
I ended up making a smoothie out of the salvaged ones; added a banana, soon to be too ripe too, and baby spinach to give me greens before the leaves in that package turn bad too, and a plop of some greek yogurt to make it a balanced meal.
It was ugly-looking, but tart and tasty – and I got my fruit & some veggies in for the day.
Now we’ll have to add those items to the shopping list again. A 4 day supply, gone in 1 day. Cha-Ching…$$$$$$$$
All the colors of fruit make me happy – until I try eating them.
It is like when they are picked up in the store, placed into the cart, scanned over the thingamajiggy before paying, it zaps them into fast-paced ripening mode. Or maybe it is the walk to the car in the frigid cold or the drive home?
I dunno, but damn…it is like they ripen as fast as we can eat them, mostly.
Makes me tempted to slice up limes and have a Corona with it?
The Kiwis are mushy.
The clementines are orange but really tart and hard to peel.
The veggies were a bit better, except, we better eat them in a hurry, too. At least they are prepared and ready for snacking. That was the goal of the day…and to find a pair of shorts that fit.
I did stick to said distractions while watching the 1st half of the boring Super Bowl game.
BTW – Did you see those silly memes about misspelled cakes with “Super Bowel” writing?
Eat cake instead – stay away from the fruits and veggies…lest they cause bowel issues!?!
Post Inspiration – Day 4 – Identify Distractions for the Challenge – Fall In Love With Your Over 50-Self February #FILWYO50SF
PS – Did you watch the game – it was way too boring for me to endure to the end? Did your team win? Did you eat cake or veggies?
Send any and all excess limes over to Cheryl For Saturday’s visit to the bar. My wife complains about the fruit and veggies that look good, until you open the hermetically sealed plastic pack and reach below the surface. I do enjoy veggies, especially peppers.
LOL – I should do that – every time I look at the limes I think, “Dan would want me to have a Corona!!” What is the deal with the produce? It’s so discouraging
The peppers we’re good so far!
For the record, I’d also want you to open those Tostitos, but I don’t want to send you down the wrong path.
I don’t blame you, Tostitos and Corona go really well together!
I’m feeling the effects of the Polar Vortex, and since this weekend, the slush. I can’t get my dog-walking to be anything other than a short stroll, not exactly cardio exercise this way. I feel it, and it’s not fun.
Also the fresh veg option is kind of dire here as well. Sad.
Another 6 weeks of this? Sigh.
I was wondering about you knowing that the PV would be heading your way after it hit us here in WI! It has been a crazy winter. Poor pups, I’m sure they are missing the walks as much as you are. What are moms supposed to do to torture their kids in lunches without fresh veggies available? Hopefully spring will come earlier? I’ll toast you while I’m on the beach, because I know you’d do the same for me, right?
I try to plan ahead when it comes to retail therapy. I have a vacation coming up at a beach resort. Purchased my new duds months ago anticapting I wouldn’t find summer clothes during the winter.
You’re one smart cookie! I bought swimsuits in the summer months too, before the Dry January weight loss…an unusual surprise. Enjoy your trip, you deserve a relaxing break!
Thank you. Always shop ahead for vacay.
No cake but not many veggies either! As for fruit, this time of year we mostly do apples. We’re in blueberry and strawberry country around here, so I wait for the real ones. I watched the game (my husband likes the Patriots–not I, a diehard Browns fan!). Being a Browns fan, I’m used to the old mostly-defensive games, so I don’t mind that. And there were some funny commercials. I admit to laughing at the mere sight of Lil Wayne, so I had quite a few laughs!
Apples are fairly safe this time of year. I love the fresh ones we have in the fall in our neck of the woods. Fresh strawberries and blueberries sound heavenly. The game was so slow to me, plus the Packers weren’t in it, so my heart wasn’t into it either. I’ll have to watch the replays of the commercials, glad to hear you found one you liked!
Super Bowel! LOL! Get your money back on the rotten food that store sold you. Gross…
LOL – sadly they don’t take returns on the produce. It was gross!
Ooh, that dip looks great! Thanks for the recipe…gotta try it. I have been eating veggies with hummus, but DH HATES hummus. So maybe he’ll like this one.
I didn’t watch even one minute of the Super Bowl. Most years I try to feign interest because it’s such a topic of conversation, but this year I decided to read my novel. Sounds like it was a slog anyway.
Nothing worse than paying good money for fruit and veggies that are half rotten before they hit the kitchen. I am finding our bananas are either green or too ripe lately – they seem to transition overnight while I’m sleeping. Kind of like avocados.
You’re welcome. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the dip recipe was and tasty too. I like hummus, but this was lighter and more fun with the veggies. I went to bed early and read, you’re right it was a snore of a game. LOL – funny you mentioned avocados – Mr. told me this morning…”The avocados are going bad too, so we’re having them for breakfast.” At least we were able to use them instead of toss them. I’ll have to share that recipe – it’s easy and light.
Stimulating the economy should not be that difficult!
However, whenever I get produce that is inedible, I pack up what’s left – collect my receipt – and bring it back. Otherwise they’ll keep selling it…if no consequence. I don’t care if it’s only a few dollars. I’ve never had a problem doing that.
Berries are difficult this time of year. Frozen work though.
Bring on Spring!
No kidding! Our stores are frowning on returns of produce – might happen way too often? I’m toying with the frozen fruit option this round – plus it works well in smoothies. Yes – Bring on Spring!!
Let ’em frown! They shouldn’t get away with selling rotten produce. I agree, it probably happens more than they’d like to admit.
I agree with you – it’s a shame!
I admire your dedication with a fresh bag of Tostitos whispering your name, but the shorts and bathing suit were calling louder – good for you! I love clementines but the last two bags were mostly soft and mushy feeling – your countertop exudes healthiness and all the colors they say should be on your plate!
LOL! Thank you, Linda, your encouragment means a lot to me! I love the rainbow of colors – it’s a fun way to make sure I get a variety. Except when I mix it all into a smoothie, then its not so pretty
Unbelievably, I have never had a smoothie – we had a blender and I gave it to my neighbor as I never used it – I don’t think my mom did either.
I don’t think of using it often, but Mr. does and so did my daughter. Smoothies are kind of fun and an easy way to get all your veggies in one vitamin packed drink!
Especially this time of year as you said with the sometimes funky-looking produce.
So true!
I’m a huge believer in keeping healthy snacks heavily stocked in our house. That way when you’re roaming the kitchen looking for something to nosh on, you’re presented with fruits, veggies, string cheese, yogurt, etc. and less likely to turn to the chips and sweets!
Like I’ve said to you before, your wise for your age and on the right track to healthy living! I’m so inspired by you!!
I love blueberries. They are supposed to be real good brain food. I guess some of us are just too far gone. Even if I were to get these excess 45 lbs off I could never fit into those cute clothes you have pictured. But still I am trying. Good luck with it all.
Yes, blueberries are good for you in many ways. If they don’t have mold on them, that is! But maybe the penicillin would be good? LOL! I suspect your pounds will shed at a fun for you pace once you can get outside walking again. You’re not too far gone, you’ve been healing in the comfort of your home!
Kohl’s [and CostCo] are both sneaky about the weasel words on their sale announcements. I feel your pain. We have a frig full of citrus fruit right now, too. If I can’t be warm I can at least look at fruit that grows where it’s warm. That’s my logic.
Yes, ads can be deceiving. Sometimes I like to go early and buy what I want, then go back, return it, and buy it at the sale price. Just to be pain. Weird sense of accomplishment – like eating fruit and veggies before they go bad! LOL – you’re on to something very profound about fruit and warmth, nice! I like the way you think!