Adventures · Inspiration

How to make your point vanish into food

When my thoughts wander off, and I lose focus, due to all the amazing scents on the ground a light dusting of snow has to offer the world,

I invite Dessy to write.  Instead of me…or the Mrs.  Who, by the way, seems to have vanished into thin Dry January air…or maybe it’s her pile of tax prep papers?!  I’m sure she’ll reappear, eventually.

We’ll all survive, and in the meantime, we cover for each other during times of stress.  Pets just know when the hoomans need them around.  Dogs are faithful that way, and I guess the cats are faithful in their own selfish ways, too.

So yeah, Dessy will come through for us today.

Dessy always wants to write about food, though.  Sorry, it’s her thing.  But, whatever, it means I can chill and watch the easy (hand) off route to writing a blog post for the Mrs. It’ll take shapes and sizes of all sorts, never really making a solid point.

Dessy…are you ready to take it from this point forward? – I’ve got my own job to do.


Um…okay, it’s not like I was busy or anything, I was just waiting for Tizzie to leave her scraps behind.

So where should I start?  Oh, yeah, us, the pets, like Copper said, we’re all great companions for the Mrs. when she’s struggling to write posts or get shots of the moon on her way to feeding us cats, the important ones in the story.

It isn’t even a full moon, mind you!  And Mrs. tried to catch it, from inside the house, from the hallway…


looking into the room, at a distant view – from the window…


with a standard camera, set on 1600 ISO.  Jeez!  All, I heard her say is something about a “vanishing point” prompt and not being thrilled with her attempts.  I frankly don’t blame her.

Um…yeah, DUH!  She may need to reconsider and post the photos from the sunset last night instead?  This moon shot is a dismal failure.  When will she ever learn?


The sunset photos were much better.  Don’t you agree?


Oops…grabbed the wrong photo – that’s Copper doing his job.  These are much better. The sky looked like it was on fire behind the trees!

Where was I?  Oh, yeah, the food.  The important stuff in the story.


In the mornings, I accompany my sister, Tizzie, to the shelf where I oomph (sound effect of exertion it takes to launch my redundant fluff vertically to the shelf) up next to her like a fellow cow at our feeding troughs.  The Mrs. appears, can in hand, with a magic spoon to toss slop in the bowls.  Then we chow down.  Pretty simple right?

But there’s a delicate method embedded into the magic of disappearing food.  Here’s how I roll with it.

Tizzie licks the gravy, nibbles a bit, (while I keep a patient eye on her, only when Mrs. is photographing though…I’m usually not this patient – I’ve been known to head-butt my way to her leftovers…)


I know Tizzie usually leaves treasures behind for me.  She hasn’t failed me yet.


There’s no shame in me consuming 2 helpings of food per morning.  I have my figure to keep plump.


Yowsers…the space after a few meals tends to look kind of messy, like an area where cows have been crossing…

We don’t mind, though – we come and go as we please.  And we’re fed 2-3 times a day, as well as a continual feeder for those mid-day/mid-night snacking sessions.  See, the magic is all in being at the right spot at the right time, as often as possible.


Eventually, the hoomans clean the space and refresh the supplies.  And then we get to mess it up again.  They’ve yet to use the Easy Off though.  Not sure why?  There have been occasions (daily) where the aromatic fumes waft across the room from the litter box out into the hallway.  Those moments have been known to send hoomans a-runnin’ for some kind of scoop for the poop and a floral spray spritzed in the air to attempt to cover it up.  It never really vanishes completely…and neither does the food source.  So we’ve got that circle of life going for us, too.

What? That’s it…Did you want more of a story?

Our morning routine is not that exciting.

What are you waiting for…jeez…?

Oh, I know.

I bet you wanna see what the Mr. printed while Mrs. was sleeping?

We’ve yet to get any of these objects as toys to play with, but whatever, he’s having fun with his new 3-d printer companion.  New colors of filament show up at the doorstep in boxes Mr. tosses to the floor for us to sleep in.  It’s happened quite frequently, of late, and then these little objects appear on the counter the next morning.  As prizes for the Mrs.

What?  Aren’t you impressed?  She appears to be!

I’ve seriously got nothing else to say.

Besides that, I wasn’t really prepared to write today, I’m just winging it and rambling here.  I’m doing it as a favor for the dog, and the Mrs.  And my mind can’t focus when there’s food left in the bowls to consume…it is a gift, I tell ya, I have to make food vanish.  And really, that was the point of this whole story, right?

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s #JusJoJan – Companionship, prompt thanks to Di, check her blog post out here; Cee’s Black and White Photography – Unusual Perspective; and Nancy Merrill’s Weekly Photography Challenge – Vanishing Point.

PS – Do you ever try to capture photos of the moon through the window and resort to your pets eating instead?  Aren’t those 3-D prints impressive?  That’s a clementine next to them for size perspective.  Let’s vote – who writes better, Copper from yesterday or Dessy from today?  They wanna know…



14 thoughts on “How to make your point vanish into food

  1. Awesome job, Dessie! I loved reading about your morning routine. And, please tell the Mrs, nice sunrise photos!

    1. Thank you, your words of encouragement are appreciated Laurie – Hopefully, their heads won’t swell from the compliments ;-)!

  2. What intelligent critters that Shelley has – they amaze me and I can’t play favorites so I’ll say both of their posts were stellar offerings … and who will be there to watch the big important moon this weekend? Will Copper bay at the moon or will Dessie and Tizzie watch it without moving a muscle at the window? Who will see the Man in the Moon first? Perhaps Mr. if that is his next project? Hmmm.

    1. Aw, Linda, you’re such a sweet animal lover – thank you for your words of encouragement! You’re right it’s the cats who watch the moon – they adore the fact that there was a bit of snow on the ground overnight, the moon in the background lights the yard up so they can see the rabbits from the window. Copper likes the moon to light his way to do his early ‘job’, but it’s damn cold 5 degrees, so he’s back on his bed warming up. Pet priorities all in order here!

      1. Copper was running back in the house before his bed got cold – cold and ugly here too Shelley as the Winter weather settles in … I was happy with Winter, no matter how cold, but all this snow, makes me want to hunker inside forever. No furry pets to snuggle up with however – that’s too bad.

          1. Hi Shelley – they are now saying 6 inches – snow finally is done, but the wind is gusting mightily – yikes! I sure hope we don’t lose out power.

          2. So far so good Shelley, but I worry as I have no family here – most of my friends, except for Ann Marie live either far from me but most live out of state. The police department has opened up as a warming center – tomorrow we have -20 to -25 wind chill, likely same as you.

          3. I’m glad you’re safe and warm – you’ve got me thinking about you, even if it is states away too!! Scary when it gets that cold – I know we’re not looking forward to it either.

          4. Thanks Shelley – I would be fine with the cold like we had last weekend and were there no snow, would have bundled up today and been okay, but thisd is really bad.

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