Adventures · Inspiration

How to know you’re addicted to photography

When you’re feeling blue, and wondering why – you might wanna go check your camera to see what date is on the last photo you took.  Was it days ago?  If it has been a few (or more) days since you’ve taken any photos, then it’s official…

You’re addicted to photography!

And, you’re going through withdrawal.  So that’s why you’re feeling sad and blue…and wishing that it wasn’t dark outside so you could go on a photography adventure…

Okay…maybe that’s just me.  My first week back to work after my staycation is kicking my a**.  I haven’t picked up my camera for DAYS!

I’ve missed my camera, and the random stopping to notice things I can take shots of for the fun of it.  The days have all blurred together…

Has that ever happened to you?  Do you think something is wrong with us, are we addicted to staycations or is it something else?  I hope it is photography instead, I need to work to pay for my habits!

Time to take the Are You Addicted to Photography Test below – go ahead, take the test with me, are you addicted, too?

  1. Are you an aspiring photography blogger that sees potential in every (almost every) photo you take?
  2. Do you think you can always write something about that photo someday?
  3. Do you fill up SD cards with shots you’ll maybe (never) use, but don’t want to part with them…just in case?
  4. Do you wonder when that someday will come as you scroll through your photos looking for the shot you thought you took and could finally use, but now can’t find it, so you take another photo?

CLICK – how did you score?


Did you score 4 out of 4 like me?  YAY!  You’ve officially joined the ranks of fellow Dubious MinimalistTM Blogging Photography Addicts, like me.  We’re a friendly bunch, and we love our habits!

Our Mantra:  We believe every photo counts, every shot wins our heart, and we know we’re gonna need a bigger server someday!

I don’t know about the addict in you, but I’m glad I confessed to my addictions.  I’m no longer blue, I’m rather giddy now (it might be the coffee…not sure, lost count of cups consumed while I looked through photos), because I have written a post, and I can go on my merry way (back to work – TGIF) feeling satisfied I got both my blogging and photography fix for the day!

Post Inspiration – November 2nd, day 2 of finding gratitude moments in my simple life.

PS – Your thoughts are safe here with me – I’m curious to hear about your addictions to blogging or photography…or creative writing, etc.  

45 thoughts on “How to know you’re addicted to photography

    1. LOL – if I could figure out how to offload the photos easy (I’m sure it is, just don’t take the time to do it), I’d have more SD cards available to take MORE photos :-)!!

  1. It is rare that I walk around without my phone. I often see something that I feel the need to snap a picture of. I wish I was better at blogging it though (I have a private photo blog of family events, but I’m behind and it takes time to sort through which I haven’t had).

    I do enjoy reading blog posts with photos. I should make more of an effort to post my photos, not just of messes the kids leave behind. ;P

    Maybe you’ve inspired me…yes, I think you have. Let me go snap a photo right now!

  2. Oh my. I passed that test too. “Just in case” is my mantra. And…in this age of digital photos, why not? It doesn’t take up much space. I can’t say that for the 40 (!) full size photo albums that take up an entire bookcase…however who knew that those photos would be the “just in case I started a blog and can use them” reason to keep!! Negatives too. (love your tree against the sky pic!!)

  3. I scored a big yes on all but the SD card, as I don’t know what that is. # 4 definitely! It is sometimes hard to find a photo you know you’ve got, so I just take another one. I just have my phone camera, so nothing fancy, but yes, I’m addicted to taking photos of all kinds of things. 🙂

    1. Yay, I’m happy you’re addicted too – it’s fun, it’s healthy, and there are so many objects just waiting to have their picture taken!!

  4. Well, considering that I had 17,000 photos! on my Mac when I had the recent issues with it and was in a panic (sort of) that I would lose them, yes, I’d say I qualify as a photo addict. Fortunately I lost none but I think it is really time to sort and get rid of those ones I no longer need don’t you? Happy Friday!

    1. WOW – you are addicted, like me, only you know how many you have, that takes the challenge to a whole new level!! 🙂 Happy Friday to you too!

  5. I win! I got all 4…I bought an IPhone X just to be able to take photos any time any where. I photographed 3 events for friends last month just because I’m the One who takes pictures…Thanks for the fun quiz and photos. Keep snapping 😄

  6. I had to laugh when I first saw your post. Yea I am addicted and don’t even have a real camera, only my phone. And every time I see a blog that needs picture, off I go to see what I can find. I am trying to store up as many random fun shots as next week will be my last until January for getting to “run go look”. It so much fun to share pictures. After all a picture is worth 1000 words – and who wants to do all that typing. LOL

    1. Yay! Way to plan ahead! You’re right on target with the benefits of photos too – BTW…I’m getting excited to see your Christmas decoration photos!

  7. In the movie ‘Jaws’ they needed a bigger boat.
    At my home office, “I need a bigger server!” LOL. Hysterical comment. How did you ever know?
    I’m addicted to photography. Most of the time when I leave my house it’s to go on a photography adventure. But I’ve become addicted to my dual iPhone camera and all the new software coming out to enhance and make my iPhone pics way better. I just read an article about this, that software is going to take over actual photography. They have gone as far as they can go with the processors for both DSLR cameras and iPhones. Dunno. Have to wait and see.
    But I will tell you, with just a click of my little finger I can get those long exposure looks on my iPhone that used to take hours to master on my reg camera. I’m all for the software!
    I shirked at upping my Canon to a $749 model BUT have no prob buying the latest dual lens iPhone @$1200
    I’m just a software kind-a-gal.

    1. Oh, my goodness…you are addicted and you should be – your photos are great! I’m impressed that you enjoy your phone for photos…I’m not there yet, but maybe if I understood it better?! LOL – did you write a blog about rationalizing the phone versus camera expense yet? Help me rationalize how to do so!!

      1. The dual lens on the newer iPhone have proven to be better than many DSLR cameras. Spoke has added free software that can turn your photos into graphic masterpieces. I’ll do a whole blog posting with links. I’m currently taking free online lessons with my iPhone and I’m blown away. I can make any water image have that dreamy look just from a setting on my iPhone.
        Who knew?
        Thanks for the idea for a blog topic!

  8. Sounds like I am in. I do tend to purge the SD cards. However, I keep too many originals as well as their edited versions! Thank goodness storage doesn’t cost $1 per megabyte as it did once 😉

    1. YAY! Welcome to the club. No kidding, thank goodness storage is so cheap and we save so much money with digital photos, it just adds to the addiction! 🙂

  9. 3 out of 4 here. It makes me anxious to leave photos on the cards which means my photos library on the laptop is GINORMOUS. But I can’t seem to erase those… 🙄

    1. If I could figure out how to upload them on my computer, I’d be right there with you! I leave the technical stuff to the Mr. and I’m embarrassed to tell him my SD card is full again…!

    1. Aw, that’s an awesome post, Cindi – I love all your details, examples and tips on what to do and what works for you! You’ve inspired me to consider upgrading when my plan allows me to! xx

  10. I am totally addicted to photography though often find that I don’t like most of my images on first review. But I save them for memories only to come back later and find some real gems among them. Your trees are magnificent

      1. Thank you so much for your lovely compliment on my photos and for sharing a link to my new post. I miss a backyard with changing seasons. A true explorer is one who can find adventure in every experience.

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