This morning before rising, I felt a warm breeze blowing across my face. Ah…the beach is calling me.
I love to shut my eyes and relax and listen to the waves crashing in.
Wait…nope, it was just Dessy, breathing heavy on my face, wanting me to get up and feed her.
What was that wind sound then? Oh, yeah, that’s right, it is February, I’m in Wisconsin, and I’ll be damned if it isn’t a balmy -20 below.
With an offering of a profuse tone, all I’ve got to say is, “Well, isn’t that just NICE?”
The real sandy beach somewhere must be calling me? A gal can dream, can’t she?
A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence. – Richard Dawkins
Sunbathing in Wisconsin, in February, is only perfect for cats. Humans know better. They put very little skin in the game at this time of year. Plus, there’s only a small section of the beachfront available.
Yesterday, as I admired Tizzie basking in the sun in her bathing suit – (which fits perfectly, don’t ya know?) I glanced outside to see the view of our white ocean. Nada chance, not going there today; my bathing suit is stored away and replaced appropriately with skinny jeans (they’re the only skimpy thing I got going on) a sweatshirt, leg warmers, tennis shoes and a scarf. I’ve considered adding mittens, they would be a nice addition, but they’re hard to type in.
But that doesn’t stop me from imagining I’m on a beach.
It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. – Carl Sagan
Just look at all my beachfront property, calling me…the possibilities are endless.
The Nordic winds came in like a lion on January 31st, and have created beautiful waves in the snow. Unlike on a sandy beach, our snow-blown waves are perfected into a standstill form. Just waiting for busloads of gawkers to admire as they pass it by.
There’s just as much water here as in the ocean (well, maybe not…), it just doesn’t flow and one should avoid sticking their toes in it. But, it’s still pretty.
If you use the right photo filter, you can even see blue instead of white. Either way, wearing sunglasses to look out at the view isn’t out of the range of possibilities.
The waves swirl around objects, leaving space for critters to enter in and the Mr. to grill.
When all else fails there’s always delusion. – Conan O’Brien
Maybe I should set up a go-fund-me page to help with my copious desire to hit a beach? My delusions aren’t getting me there fast enough.
Nah, it’s Friday, and thank goodness for that. I’ve got plans for the weekend to finish up my tax papers and receipts that need finalizing…maybe I’ll find a refund in there that will fund a trip?
Yeah, that’s the way to find motivational splashes and get back to reality in a hot flash kind of way!?
What do you do to keep yourself motivated in the cold weather? (Don’t say take a trip to the beach…that would be cheating!) What’s the weather like where you’re at? If you’re on a beach, go ahead, describe it, I’ll enjoy hearing about your waves of joy to feed my desires to see the beach! Share your blog link in comments or tag me back to this post and I’ll stop on by to see what you’ve had to say!
Day 2 of #GFTH-GFTB Challenge – A View from the Beach Front
What fellow blogger posts inspired me today for #GFTH-GFTB?
I always have to be prepared to laugh out loud when reading your post. Today is no exception.
Thank you,
LOL – thank you, Donna! I’m so thrilled to hear you’ve had a laugh for the start of the day – keep smiling and thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts!! And…stay warm…it’s COLD outside!
Just love the humor you bring to the page – even in the chilliest season!
Thank you, April! Humor, love, and kindness make the world keep on a spinning. I appreciate you stopping by to share your thoughts – stay warm!
Great work. Very nice
Thank you, Bakshi!
Always welcome mam
Your posts always make me smile (thank you!). I love the stick figures! Very cute! We were hit with those winds too. I went to my mother jn laws and shoveled off her deck and sidewalk. When it came to her drive way I was feeling rather tired (unmotivated)so I got in my car and drove in forward and reverse until the drifts were flat and smooth. I guess you could say my laziness inspired to find an alternative
Aw, thank you, and you’re welcome for the smile. Speaking of smiles…LOL…I love your improvisation on plowing!! Now that’s clever (and, if you’re okay with it, I’ll probably use the idea when I’m in a ditch or pinch for time ;-)!
Thank you, Winnie – glad you smiled reading my post. I just figured out how to add handwriting to the pictures. As you may have noticed, I may need a bit of work finetuning my technique??? I’d love to have you join in on GFTH-GFTB!! Thanks for playing along, I look forward to reading your posts (as always!!)!
First of all, your photos are stunning. It looks so peaceful there,e.ven though it’s cold. That’s probably why it’s peaceful, don’t you know lol! AND what a great idea you have of naming blogs that inspired you today. Thank you for including a link to my site! Is this the first time you’ve done that, I haven’t noticed it before.
Thank you, I appreciate the feedback on the pictures. I was surprised how much they ‘can’ look like the ocean with the right filter! You’re welcome for the link and the well-deserved recognition of your inspirational blog! I haven’t done that before – just started, thanks for being okay with the sharing of the link to your blog!
My soul-sister …. awesome post! 2 husbands ago I lived in Franklin, Wisconsin …. talk about cold as a witch’s tit! (no offense to the Wiccan gals I follow). Anyway, I KNOW we are soul-sisters ‘cuz I DRAW THE SAME WAY!! LMAO! Happy Fri-Yay <3
Soul-sisters!!! Yes, you’ve got Wisconsin down with that description :-). I’m sure you too are exceptional at drawing people with a pencil instead of a mouse right? Stick people ROCK!
Thanks for participating in the beach fun for the day!! Happy Fri-Yay to you too!
this was really cute and fun to feel invited to your winter oasis. It does indeed look like the ocean when you describe it that way. so pretty. And yes…always follow the furry felines, they know where the warmest spots in the house are. Thanks for including me in your links today, Shelley, donna
Thank you, Donna. I was feeling the warmth in your pictures floating with your granddaughter – jealous of the warmth you have there! Dessy recommends keeping an eye on your blog, so I’m happy to keep linking to it :-)! Stay warm (or cool)! xx
Thanks Shelley. Dressy reminds me a lot of our kitty.
It’s been a cold two days, Shelley. Where did the balmy 30’s and 40’s go?
I hope you don’t mind if I close my eyes and join you on the beach. It’s getting to be that time of year when we all want warm sun and hot sand somewhere on the Gulf coast. I think the GoFundMe idea is a good one!
I hear ya, Mary! And the forecast is for quite a few more days of COLD! At least we have our imagination, good friends, and warm cuddly cats until the warm months appear! If you find some investors for the GoFundMe(US) account, let me know!!
I hate to do this to you. But I used to dream about being on the beach during the cold winter months. Till I finally made year long beach living my reality. You inspired me to get in my car and drive to one of our local beaches. It was an overcast day yet sunny and warm! Perfect!
Ah…I love it, thank you for sharing the view of the beach and a picnic too!! OMG – I’m so jealous!!! #GFTH-GFTB