Adventures · Emptying the nest · Inspiration

How to get over the hollow feelings of an empty nest

It’s quiet…well, not really, I have my window open and the early morning birds are chirping and singing songs that are fun to listen to.  And then its quiet again.  An empty feeling floats in the room, but for just a moment and then it is gone and the peacefulness is nice.


And then that empty silence is interrupted by a couple loud geese flying back and forth, trying to figure out where they want to land.  Their sounds get Copper to bark, because, dogs must bark at geese.  Then sounds of a car whizzing by, and then back to the silence again.

Focus…focus…is what I need.  And I begin to smile while I look through pictures I took the last week.  This geese family was cautious as we walked by.  I remember thinking that birds seem to have it so easy when it comes to raising their young.

There it is again, the silence of an empty nest house that I’ve (we’ve) adjusted to and settled in for a week now.  Shake it off…

We can do this.  I can do this!

I don’t feel as hollow and empty as I did last week when we moved our youngest to a town 3 hours away.  I think it is a good thing that I’ve found the strength to look back at some of the pictures without feeling heart-tugs like I did when we left her there.  That day, we walked through the parks and it was nice.

Yes, I’m going to be okay.

I’m excited to focus more on my camera skills and gardening for the summer.  I keep pounding away at new thoughts in my head.

I’m looking up more.  It’s fun to see pops of color that way.

I know I’ll still look down some days, but that’s okay – quiet reflection isn’t a bad thing.

Growth is a good thing, kids are only young once, and you can’t keep them under your wings forever.  You can build the nest, keep them safe, but they eventually need to fly off on their own.

They’ll launch, and dip their noses into all sorts of things on their adventures.  And so will we.  We can’t stop growing.

They’ll find friends to hang out with.  Maybe we’ll kindle some too.


We all find our way to go.


Kids will find a special someone who will take them on a path they pave all their own.


Sometimes, you may feel a bit twisted, hollow, empty and alone.


Don’t get knocked down by that.  The complications you find will work themselves out.  Let nature take its course.  Look for surprises in what you see.


Stop focusing on the empty feelings.  Look at all the possibilities, there are so many ways to turn.  Go ahead and discover new things.

Take the opportunity to GROW…GROW…GROW…


Enjoy new perspectives.

And…dang, if that doesn’t work, you might just need to get a bigger lens…


Post inspiration:  Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday:  Hollow/Empty

and Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge

28 thoughts on “How to get over the hollow feelings of an empty nest

  1. Wow. This post was just beautiful. I loved the photos that accompanied your words. I’m going through the empty nester thing at this point and every sentence you wrote rang true and touched my heart.

    1. Aw, thank you! It’s a tough time, but WE can do it, and we’ll grow too. Stay in touch, and I’m following your blog to see how you do with this stage in life too! xx

  2. Focus, focus? Time to take up Buddhism. 8 Golden Rules next week!
    Dr C just back from hospital after sodium deficiency nearly ended it all, she spent the day watching Harry & Meghan wedding. Bores me silly so sat in the garden since 8am weeding, watching the grass grow, counting the gravel chips in our Buddhist concentric circles! Barbecue was nice, as was the wine from Alsace. Life’s a bitch (am I allowed to say that anymore?) and shit happens as we Buddhists say. Has your snow all gone? See, nothing is permanent…. said Buddha!

    1. I finally discovered that your comment went to my spam folder – must’ve been the swearing. 😉 I’d be one of the first to say, both – life’s a bitch (except my Mr. always adds, ‘and then you die’) and we say shit happens, too. We went through a long period of studying religions and have come to accept, “everyone has an opinion.” I look forward to your 8 golden rules next week. I enjoy reading your posts about Buddhism, too. Sorry to hear about Dr. C, glad she’s back home. I didn’t watch the wedding, either. Yes, snow is gone, replaced with dandelions and bugs. You and Buddha are so right, nothing is permanent.

  3. Oh my Shelley. This is something I’m not far from. My eldest is doing A-levels this year and junior GCSEs. I’m the primary carer for them since birth and just know how silent the house will be in a few short years time. Dreading it to be honest.

    Excellent post and I can see where I’m heading!

    1. Aw, Gary, thank you for sharing your thoughts. We all know the empty nest will happen at some point, and we all survive. You will, too! Enjoy every minute you can while your eldest is still home! Thank you for stopping by my blog – best wishes to you!

      1. My pleasure Shelley. I thought SoCS would show me some good blogs to visit and yours is certainly one of them. You’re right, we all know it’s coming. Part of the deal having children. Doesn’t make it easier knowing that though! If you do SoC them it’s likely I’ll be back regularly too!

        1. Ditto to you, Gary. I enjoy the SoCS and do the same thing! It’s a fun way to discover other blogs. I’ll be back to visit your blog as well :-)!

          1. Thing I like most is just dropping in, leaving a ramble and finding the result like meeting an old friend. It’s so refreshing! My blog is due an overhaul shortly. I’ve had it just over two years and it’s still in the initial don’t know what I’m doing state! Possibly because I’m not theme savvy! 🤔

          2. Me, too – that’s what I enjoy about dropping in on other blogs! I redid mine last fall, it was quite the chore and took way more effort than I thought it should! Hope your redo works well! 🙂

          3. Have to say the effort and chore is something I worked out and used to procrastinate with! It’s been on my to do list since January 2017! This week I scheduled a post to that effect so I’ve no excuses left… at least that’s the theory 🤔

          4. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that your theory works! I have a note I scribbled on my office whiteboard, “Dreams don’t come true, decisions do.” On the other side of the room is the box of papers I still have to sort through…years worth. I always find something more intriguing to do, like sit out in the sun on a sunny day or dig in my garden and dodge ticks. 🙂

          5. Thanks! It will either be this week or next simply because I’m currently running about as taxi for exams my boys are taking. Half term is more likely which is next week! Very good quote too. It stays with you if it’s in your face each day! As for papers… I get that too. Sometimes they stare back asking “Why did you let me pile up in the first place?” 😱

          6. I wish you well. You’re definitely doing a great job juggling all the things on your plate! Enjoy every crazy moment!! :-)! PS – if you find a secret to the dreaded dealing with papers…I’m ALL EARS!! 🙂

          7. Thanks Shelley and I’m glad I found your blog too! As for papers… critical dust build up. If it gets an even coat they were probably not important anyway otherwise we’d have already searched them 😂😂

          8. It also saves time in going through things, getting nostalgic and boxing them back up for another decade 😂😂

  4. This IS a beautiful post. I love the photos and reflections. I need to remember to “Let nature take its course.” and know that surprises are always around the corner. The empty nest will feel less empty as it fills with your interests and adventures. <3 Yes, we do keep growing! 🙂

    1. Thank you, JoAnna. I know you do understand the feelings and appreciate the naturalness of the process. We’re fortunate to have children in our lives that help us keep growing! Happy Sunday to you!

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