“Just get back on the horse and try again.”
“Yeah, right!”
So my horse is my bike, and after the crash on Sunday, I’m gonna take a break from riding that horse for a bit.
The other horse is my blog that was recovered. I’m on to getting back into writing and my 31-day photography challenge on my recovered blog. Yes, I lost the damn thing for a day or two (due to my own doing, which is always harder to deal with), it’s hard to tell.
It seems to be working…we’ll see…
Now that I have to slow down a bit, it provides me with the potential opportunities to discover more about myself and my ability to do so.
I’m catching up slowly.
The pain in my ribs is causing the most distress, so I need to respect that and take it slow for 2-4 weeks. If I’m lucky, and a good girl, hopefully, it will be just 2 weeks.
Slowing down has caused me to reflect on and appreciate the movements of what my body did in the past without me really paying attention to it. When my breath is taken away by a movement that I have done all my life, I stop and pay attention quickly.
I sat in silence yesterday, with my camera in hand, hoping an animal shot from yesterday’s challenge that I missed or a juxtaposition shot for today’s challenge would magically appear. The tiny yellow birds on the birdbath didn’t really cut it.
So I sat down for a spell. The wind was blowing the different sized clouds across the sky in big, little, white, gray, forms all contrasting against the blue sky.
I was waiting for Mr. to return from an emergent rental repair. And I realized how much I enjoy his company out here in our new seating area.
(The pop of reds – a comparison of objects with the same color – new and old).
I was so looking forward to the juxtaposition challenge since I saw this post from Donna at Wind Kisses. I thought to myself, “Yes, I’m wanna do that someday!” I admire all of Donna’s photos and her words of wisdom. Here’s to crossing my fingers so that I do the juxtaposition theme justice.
Today is that day to give it a try.
The day I fell would’ve provided a juxtaposition movie that would’ve been funny if someone had been filming me riding on and then falling gracefully off of my bike.
(LOL! The movement from the vertical to the horizontal of me, myself, and the bike is funny…enough already…get over the fact that you fell! Jeez…)
On to the photos…some animal examples of juxtaposition:
A contrast of a dog in his surroundings –
Copper is my little investigator –
He’s always patient, too. Copper’s patience pays off if he lets his sister, Dessy (aka, Chubba) do the begging.
Typically it is the two cats – consuming the begging spaces.
Tizzie, she is my inquisitive cat. When you place something odd in front of her, she’ll discover it.
Flowers are fun examples – contrasting colors and different shapes and heights.
Even the same flower in one photo with all the different stages of its blooming.
Or a flower that is growing vertically.
Color – green in different forms – grass, long grass, weeds, corn, and the trees.
A form of recycling.
Sarah Mae: “Dad, can you make us a Hammerschlagen log, and do you have nails and a hammer we can use, too?”
Mr: “Sure…”
A small tree, growing in the moss of a chopped log…nope not the best one for the game.
And here it is, the unique form of recycling wood and apparently the game will have the kids having fun while they’re at using it in its new form.
Mr. (aka Dad) comes through a ‘Dad can you do this for me’ challenge once again!
If Mr. can do it, so can I beat the challenges set before me this week! xx
#31SRW Photography Challenge – Animal and Juxtaposition (rules here). Word of the Day Challenge – Potential.
PS – How about you, what examples of juxtaposition do you enjoy capturing? Have you checked out Donna’s blog yet? You won’t be disappointed! Any tricks you have for healing a cracked or bruised rib…?
Sorry about the fall, only help on the bruise rib maybe cold or hot pack and rest
Thank you, I appreciate your concern.
I’ll keep on with the cold/heat and REST!
I’ve gone through one episode of cracked ribs, and the only thing I learnt was that laughing hurts. Here’s wishing you a few jokeless weeks. (Smiling works)
Aw, thank you for the advice! Yes, laughing hurts, coughing hurts too! Ah…I smiled at your comment, wanted to laugh, but took your advice!
Nice photos Shelley, you live in a lovely spot … hope those ribs heal soon and then you can get back on the horse to realise your full potential
Thank you, I appreciate your words of encouragement!
you’re welcome
Ahhh, get well. The good thing is you have energy for writing. I loved your juxtaposition photos and how you walked us through your day. I liked the vine growing up the trellis, but my absolute favorite is Tizzy sniffing the potato. Or is it a dragon fruit? Well done. How you feel better soon. And thank you for the short out and your blogging friendship. Always MY pleasure in to in touch with you . Hugs, Donna.
Thank you, Donna, it is my pleasure to shout out you and your blog! I appreciate your blogging friendship and encouragement. Yes, Tizzie and the potato! I’m on the slow mend! Hugs to you, too!