Adventures · Cheers · Emptying the nest

How to be ready for two major holidays in a week

As the sunset last night, the clouds indicated it’s going to be a snowy week.  That sun-dog = snow-dog in November.


Sigh…snow happens.

The long-awaited big holiday week is here.  Am I ready for both holidays?  Am I ready for all of the busyness that happens?  Our guest list has changed 3 times.  Our kids are coming home, though, so I’m super excited about that.  Oh, and the clouds didn’t lie, we’re predicted to get 15.5 inches total of snow over the course of the week.

Great, right?

Wait…I mentioned two holidays, what’s the other one you ask??

Let’s Google it to find out.


Okay, the cat’s outta the bag, yep, the blurry big reveal that I hinted about earlier in the month happens the end of this week.

It is almost time for me to give up on my 54-year-old self.  Not quite.  There are a few tiny details to finish before I’m ready for it.

The thing I was talking about that was going to change about me at the end of the month will be here, after a few more things happen.  You guessed it, I’ll be 55 on the 2nd major holiday of the week.  On Black Friday.  Except I’ll be shopping, with my daughters (our annual tradition), and this year I won’t be in faux colored hair (like I did for my 50th birthday).  Now I’ll be sprouting my favorite color of all-natural me gray!  And maybe wearing my new hat.


This past year, I’ve been incredibly blessed.  Mr. has been such a trooper.  He’s put up with my unicorn removal.  We celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary (early) in Jamaica.  He tolerated the oregano scented stint of mine when I played a plastic surgeon.  He, thankfully survived one full year after his big heart scare, taking his medications faithfully.  He reluctantly (beat the 15.5 inches of snow predicted for this week) hung the Christmas lights up outside.

The biggest birthday gift of all is that he’s orchestrated and carried out our impromptu kitchen remodel.  (The top trim of the range vent and the top of the copper tiles will be done this week.)


Oh, and he got the stove back in place yesterday.  That’s a good thing since he’s (we’re) cooking Thanksgiving dinner in it.  I can’t wait to see how he works his cooking magic in our remodeled kitchen with all the space he’s left open to work on –

Mr.:  “We’re not putting a bunch of stuff out on the counters anymore.”


He even cooked in our Instant Pot to test out the new counters once or twice during the work-in-process.


In between our mutual, I’m too tired to cook sighs of, “Let’s get pizza instead of cooking.”

Could he do even more?  What’s still in the works?  Aren’t we done yet?!

Yep.  I know…it’s unbelievable, but yep, there’s more.

When remodeling and retro-fitting new counters into old spaces, there are small areas that simply don’t match up with each other.

They are uniquely shaped and require MacGyver-like thinking to cover them up.  And a 3-D printer.  And a clever guy who knows how to design the parts that need to be printed.

And some filler and paint, blue isn’t the pop of color we’re looking for!


Then, Thanksgiving dinner can happen.  The day before my birthday!  We can celebrate yet another victory in our adventures together.


After the holidays in December and January have passed us by, we’ll start in again to finish the project.  The fronts of the cabinets will be sanded and refinished and new hinges will go on.  But for now, I don’t know about you, but I think Mr. deserves to celebrate and take a break from the whip-cracker requesting just one more thing to be done.  She (aka, yours truly), by the way, is going to be quiet here in the blogosphere for a bit too – we’ll see you when the whim hits me!

Post Inspiration – #SeniSal47 and a week of Thanksgiving.  For my blogger friends, check out Hugh’s advice on how to get comments on your blog.  And do stop by to say hi to a fellow November baby boomer Glenys’ where she shares her advice about what makes a marriage work.

PS – For those of my friends here in the US – Happy Thanksgiving to you.  I hope you have a blessed holiday.  If you’re alone for the holiday, please know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers (I hope you know who I’m talking to) – I’m sending you cyber-hugs!  Are you a turkey fan or ham fan?  How about Lefsa?!  What kind of pie is your favorite?  See you all again soon. I’m incredibly grateful for followers and your comments, you keep me interested in this hobby of mine!  xx




43 thoughts on “How to be ready for two major holidays in a week

  1. You have every right to be apprehensive and excited, Shelley. Two major events. November 29th still wins as the most major event. Your birthday! Your hair is beautiful! Great on how your kitchen looks. Happy Birthday, Happy Thanksgiving. Happy everything! Lots to be grateful for! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Erica, I appreciate your comments. Happy Anniversary and Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I’m so happy for you that you found your ring. As you said, so many things to be grateful for!! xx

    1. Thank you, Dan – it takes the proper tools and measuring 3 times! Enjoy the holidays too – hope you get to see Faith. I appreciate the welcome cheer to 55! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Rebecca – same to you, I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful. It’ll be fun shopping…I wonder if any place will give me extra deals for my birthday? Almost a senior discount kind of deal! LOL!

    1. Yes, and your post made me smile – you shared my birthday flower and tidbits I didn’t know about them! Chrysanthemums are so pretty – your photos are gorgeous. Makes me want to go buy one for my birthday gift to myself!!

    1. Thank you, Barbara!! Your comment made me smile and has added to the fun for the week. And your paper towel post did too!!

  2. Your kitchen looks fabulous! And ready for cooking a massive turkey feast. Happy Thanksgiving AND Happy Birthday as well. Hope the 15 inches of snow don’t mess with your plans…too much. Stay warm!

    1. Thank you!!!! So far, the forecast is good for the big turkey day. I kind of enjoy a little snow when we’re shopping, it puts me in the mood as we sing to the Christmas songs in the car inbetween shopping stops. Stay warm – I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving day too!!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving/Birthday/Black Friday to you! Between ham and turkey, I prefer ham, but we’re doing ribs like we always do. My favorite pie is banana cream, but they were out when Mary went to the store this morning, so it’ll be coconut cream instead.

    1. Thank you, John! Ribs…on Thanksgiving. Good for you, finger licking good too. I’ve never been able (brave) to eat coconut cream or the banana cream pies. I was always impressed with the meringue though. I did like that! I hope you and Mary have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy!!!

  4. How exciting for you! Such a beautiful new kitchen. 55 is a nice age. Add 10 to that and that’s what I’ll be in March. I still have to do our food shopping for Thanksgiving but it’s gonna be a small one with just four of us. Happy Thanksgiving/birthday to you!

    1. Thank you, Janet. March is a great time to turn 65! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving – celebrate all those sales you did too!! xxxx

  5. What a busy and full year you’ve had!! So happy your husband had a heart happy year and you both celebrated in Jamaica.
    Happy early bday and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Black Friday is a separate holiday altogether…hehehe. It seems like the black froday ads have been around for weeks though.
    Geesh! Start of Thanksgiving and pre-Christmas. Hope you enjoy thrm all!

    1. Thank you, yes, it’s been a full year! Yeah, the ads and the sales have started early. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season – full of smiles and hugs and healthy days! Thanks for stopping by – I missed hearing from you! xxx

  6. Great job on the kitchen…you both deserve a break. And enjoy your Thanksgiving and BD celebrations! Happy Birthday! Cheers!

  7. Happy birthday and happy Thanksgiving, Shelley! The Girl’s birthday usually falls about a week before Thanksgiving; she turned 14 last week, and being our firstborn, her birthday celebration is typically about a week long. So our holidays always get started a bit on the early side, and I’ve already eaten more than I should with no end in sight. I prepare for the holidays by doing what The Boss tells me to do when she says I need to do it and sitting back to enjoy the ride. Happy eating!

    1. Thank you, Denny! Happy Birthday to the Girl – I know how she feels with a birthday so close to Thanksgiving. Mike P would be mighty proud of your techniques – enjoy the holiday and happy eating and good cheers to you and your family!!!

  8. Fabulous post Shelley. Glad you said you won’t be around much this time. Enjoy life. So glad everything is going to plan for you and Mr
    Catch ya later xx

  9. Nothing on the counters, eh? Well perhaps you can sneak up on it slowly … maybe invest in a really nice utensil holder and set of cannisters. I’d be lost w/o my blender on the counter, and then there’s the wicker basket with my daily pills and pill splitter, and the all-purpose other wicker basket with breakfast protein powder, KIND bars, napkins and salt & pepper shakers.

    But you have some open shelves and cupboards, so maybe a nice clean counter makes sense, for at least the first month or two…

    1. LOL – yes, indeed, the honeymoon phase will wear off when the handy items need to be retrieved from the storage areas! 😉

  10. Well Mr. promised to be done on time and he got ‘er done. Congrats! Now have a happy Thanksgiving, birthday and blogging break, all rolled into one!

    1. Yes, he came through with his promise, he always does. I just need to be patient! Thank you – I hope you have a great week – and that you get many walks in before it snows!

  11. Thanks you so much for linking to my recent blog post, Shelley. I hope you have a wonderful week, happy thanksgiving, and happy Birthday. I hope the predicted snow does not stop you and your daughters from shopping on Black Friday.
    Have fun.

    1. You’re welcome, Hugh. You shared great tips!! I appreciate your wishes for a the holiday and our shopping trip. I hope you have a wonderful week too!

    1. Thank you!!! We’re on the homestretch now! Way to be ready for the holidays and I love your post about your rabbits. You do love them don’t you?! Cute names too!!! Happy Holidays to you and your adorable families!!!

  12. Dear Shelley, happy thanksgiving to you!! Hope that snow storm is on its way out. I ll be back tomorrow to congratulate one of my favorite amazing blogger-lady-friends!:) (In the highly unlikely event I would forget and be untrue to my German reliability :P, I already wish you a fantastic new year of live full of health, fun, sun, magic and love!) Also – you look fantastic, awesome photo of you beauty! 💕 Hugs from the other side of the ocean

    1. Thank you, Maria. The storm is gone, the snow remains, and it’s chilly, but the weather will permit for our kids to travel home for Thanksgiving! Thank you for the birthday wishes, and I so enjoyed the virtual elephant ride you shared today on your blog!! You look stunning on an elephant – with your smile, you can pull off dancing and elephant riding with grace! Hugs from me to you – thank you for your kind encouragement and for the birthday wishes!!

      1. Shelley, that´s great news! Happy to hear that you´ll be able to have a lovely reunion with your kids for Thanksgiving:) So happy also that you enjoyed our elephant interaction so much! With our, I mean your and mine 😉 Awww thanks for your super-charming compliment…😊😊 So sweet of you to say! Hugs and enjoy your celebrations to the max xxx

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