Adventures · Inspiration

How to be okay with crappy first drafts

When you sit down to write, do the words just fly onto the page?  Where do you find your inspiration to write every day?  Who wins the battle, the page, or your walk-away until tomorrow stage?


Or do you persevere and take the simplest act in routines of your day, pause to notice the extraordinary, and write…just write?

That’s what I do – and often times, it produces really sh*tty results.

But I rejoice because I never wanna quit.  I can’t walk away by throwing a fit.  I know it is just best to write.


I imagine a feather pen from God, writing to me from the sky,


and then you’ll see,

words penned to paper from thee,



I notice the birds’ that flew in with clouds, landing on frozen turf to sharpen their beaks,


a small whisper from nature’s twist as it speaks

a rare thaw to our winter chills

to give cats watching from the window sill some thrills

or a little dog’s moment in the sun


having fun, while he enjoys a wide-open yard to poop upon…

I didn’t say my poem would be grand…I’m just taking a stand…

Sometimes my first draft will be sh*tty,

like poop left behind by a kitty,


Eventually though,

You’ll know,

words shall come, or go,

I remember to take what I get,

and never forget,


To play…just play…

and not let those words get away,

I write them down anyway,


‘cuz as famous writers say,

each and every story is written,

as a process to be smitten…

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Post inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s #JusJoJan – Flew/Flu/Flue – prompt credit to M. Oniker.


PS – Is it just me or does that look like a feather from a quill pen in the sky?  Do you let yourself post sh*tty drafts, or do you fight and fight with yourself to make it perfect?  Do you find it really hard to write cursive with a mouse?  Have you read Anne Lamott’s book Bird by Bird?  It’s one of my all-time favorite books on writing.  



13 thoughts on “How to be okay with crappy first drafts

  1. Mostly the words just fly onto the page, but not from my day… god, that would be a book about nothing! I am always daydreaming about my characters and the shenanigans they’re getting up to, so when I have time to write, there’s lots to say. 😀

    1. LOL – you just take awesome photos, that’s great! I have no idea why the pooh…it just appeared out of the blue!

  2. The cloud does look like a feather. I tend to just write. I am often asked to write stuff at work, even stuff I don’t know much about. I think others find it easier to edit than start with a blank page.

    1. You do an awesome job describing the world and your environment, I can see why they would ask you to write – keep writing, I think you have a gift for it! Thanks for seeing the feather, too – I appreciate the reassurance 😉

  3. Yup, it does look like God’s feather quill pen – sometimes I have a blog post bubbling around in my mind while I am walking and can spill it all out once I get here and open up a Word document – sometimes I follow the progression of photos taken on a longer trek and take it from there. I have had what I thought would be a great post, turn to cat poo once I write it – and I’m left thinking “why did I think that was so good?” Caught in the moment I guess.

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