Adventures · Inspiration

How to be friends with your muse

You know it is in you, hiding, waiting to be heard.  Your muse knows you better than you know yourself, yet, you keep it in the background –


How come we humans (yes all of us) do that?

Are we scared of the long-lost friend lurking inside of us?



Are we keeping it caged or blocked up inside of us, all tidy and neat and protected?


What causes us to stand by and let someone else be the creative one?

Our muse is so incredibly handy and creative, let it do the work!


What holds us back from letting our muse help us?  Is it because we’ve been told to be politically correct all the time?  Instead of saying, “WTF?”  We don’t let it say what’s on our mind.  Instead, we reply in a protected fashion and we get all polite and correct and say, “Pardon me, I must have misunderstood, please clarify_____.”


There are a time and place, no doubt, for shitty responses, but sometimes, it’s okay to let them out and get some comic relief before you correct it.  There might be bits of creativity just waiting to be released in that shitty response.  You just need to focus it in the right direction.


Otherwise, you plug it.  And you cower and curl up and get all confused, messy, and disorganized.


And then you think you’re not creative.  Then we humans let our thoughts go back into hiding because something doesn’t feel right.  Then there’s a wall constructed yet again.

Blocking us from the colorful creativity inside of us in our friend the muse.



But that’s when we need to step out of that towering comfort zone…invite those thoughts out into the open…


and let our friend the muse shine…


We need to stand tall, and be proud of the muse’s thoughts.

Let them flow.


Let your muse make waves.

IMG_470231SRWDay13csskrupaLet your muse make a splash with your thoughts.

IMG_470331SRWDay13csskrupaLet your creativity free to travel through your fingers onto the paper or the computer screen.

Let yourself discover your friend the muse and let others find you, too!  They want to hear or see what you’re doing, just as much as you do.  IMG_539031SRWDay13csskrupaYour little old muse is your trusty friend.


Your muse is the answer to your creativity.  Give it a wave, give it a try, you might just like what you discover together!

#31SRW 31 Day Photography Challenge Day 13:  Wave or Waving (challenge rules here) and Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge July 8th (yes, I know it’s late…but my muse was thinking…!)

PS – What do you do to release the power of your muse?  What are your barriers and how do you break through and let it shine?  

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