It can’t be so…
No matter how much I rubbed my eyes – the thermometer didn’t lie.
16 degrees outside on November 7?
Did I sleep through November and December and it’s January?
I guess it’s not going away, winter is here to stay.
I can only dream about being on a warm beach somewhere with my toes in the sand wiggling them as I walk through the splashing waves.
Some day I’ll go back there.
In the meantime, it’s onward I go to enjoy the white surprises of winter!
Thank goodness for you! I finally (I think – I hope I didn’t miss anyone’s) read and replied to all the comments shared over the last few days.
You all warmed my soul – I appreciate you so!! Thank you so much for your support!
xx – The Whip Cracker
Post Inspiration – appreciation for blogging fun!
PS – What’s the temp where you live? Do you like the 4 seasons or are you a fan of warmer climates?
You’re a ray of sunshine whenever I read you, even in this also very bloody freezing November London weather.
49° In your American Fahrenheit lol.
9°C!!!! Like….take it easy, November! Such a ways to go yet!
Congrats on 800 posts, Ms. Wonderful. Looking forward to many more
LOL – thank you so MUCH FOR CHEERING ME ON! I could almost hear you across the ocean :-)! Your cheer made me smile. I’m thankful we’ve crossed paths here in the blogosphere too!!! Your blog posts tickle my fancy for whimsy! Stay warm! And thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!! xxxxxxxxx
A blog that tickles one’s fancy for whimsy! …aside from my blog being called “hot” and “mysterious” that is my favourite compliment ever!
Yay! I will always cheer you on. You can count on that, Ms. Wonderful
Yay – I’m glad to have hit a new tickle spot for you ;-)! I appreciate you cheering me on – I’m there for you too. Thank you for the beautiful ear worm this morning – I’m still hearing your easy to listen to song in my head. xxxxx!
Winter is making a statement all over the place. We’re in for some cold weather, but it looks like I will get the break I need to make some significant progress on my last set of steps. I love four seasons, and I would run from a place that had hot weather most of the year. The heat really gets to me after a while.
Yes as I walked the puppy last night before going to bed on the 6th of November…it was snowing…sigh…3rd showing of the white stuff. Didn’t do much but is the constant reminder of “hello – I am here, signed winter” Boo Hiss…ah well. We will warm each other hearts until the blessed warmth returns. Congrats on 800 – you are enjoyed by many. :0)
3rd snow…oh, no, that’s too much! Yes, we will warm each other’s hearts through the cold and on through the warmth. Your kindness always warms my heart! Thank you, I appreciate you!!! xx
I appreciate you and your blog as well. You were one of my first joining hearts bloggers.
Aw, thanks, Anita. I remember when we first met, you supported me in my wild idea for a monthly challenge. I’m forever grateful for your kindness.
Isn’t there some saying about cold hands, warm heart? Seems like your 800th post embodies that!
Aw, shucks, thanks, Ally!! I appreciate your vote of confidence in my efforts :-)!
Reading your post makes me feel envious of your wintry weather. I’m still enduring summer temps and high humidity….in November! Ugh, the pain of living in the south. I never thought I’d every say it, but I am ready to move north. Well, north-er. Not sure I could do blizzards and such. Sending you sunny thoughts from Florida today. Your blog posts are a little ray of sunshine each day for me. I enjoy reading snippets of your life and the great photos you share.
Thank you, Lisa. There are days when I wish it was warmer and am envious of those living in Florida like you. I’m not a fan of the blizzards unless I’m well-prepared and have a cozy fire to sit by while I watch the snow fall to the ground.
Aw, thank you – I appreciate your feedback and encouragement, thank you for sharing time with me!! xx
Thank goodness you have those beach photos to warm you up! Congrats on 800 posts – quite a milestone. I enjoy 3 out of the 4 seasons. I could do without winter, but as long as the sun shines it is bearable!
You’re right – I look at them often to remind me there is a warmer spot in the world! I appreciate your support and encouragement along the way to this milestone. Your comments always brighten my day, thank you for sharing your thoughts!!
Likewise…and you’re welcome
Shelley, congrats on your 800th post, that´s quite the accomplishment and takes so much determination, discipline, and creativity. Hats off to ya! I feel with you – I lived in Northern Germany for more than 20 years, where it was pretty cold and dark in Winter, oftentimes hitting minus 10 or more. Glad to live in the Mediterranean to subtropical climate of Southern Spain now – it´s around 20 degrees here at the moment and sunny most days. Snowy days do hold a lot of appeal as well though! Big hugs to you lovely lady xoxo
Maria, thank you for your encouragement! I’ve often said that blogging is a wonderful and cheap form of therapy for me.
Your current location sounds wonderful to me – I’ve never been to your side of the world – that’s why I enjoy your posts so much, I get to take virtual travels with you! Hugs to you too – enjoy your day!! xxxxxxx!
Shelley, your super welcome
Absolutely love having you with me on all my travel adventures, your cheeky, warm and loving vibe is just wonderful and shines through beautifully in your writing! Hugs and have a blast today! Talk soon xxxx
Ditto to you!! Hugs from across the ocean!!! xx
Hugs from the Mediterranean
Just published my surprise also, yay! xxxx
Congrats, Maria – I hope you enjoy your new venture into podcasts! xxxx
Thanks Shelley
It´s fun! xxxx
Congratulations on #800!
Right now it’s 63 degrees (that’s 17 C) and we’re expecting rain. Our winters are generally cold and rainy, but temperatures below 32 are rare. Summer gets hot, into the 90’s, and dry, with most of the rain coming in the form of severe thunderstorms. I knew of some people who wintered in Arizona and summered in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Sounds like a good compromise…
Thank you, John!! You lived in Chicago, if I remember correctly – I bet you don’t miss those winters? I do agree – Arizona in the summer and Wisconsin in the winter is a nice compromise. If nothing else, weather gives us something fun to complain about :-)!
I certainly do not miss the Chicago winters. Particularly not the snow and Alberta clippers…
I bet you don’t!!
We’re fairly cool for us, for this time of year. 40s over the weekend. Brrr! Keep warm!
Winter is here……….brrrrrrrrrr…….is right! I’m thankful that you stop – your comments always warm my heart and bring a smile to my day!! Thank you!
Since these wacky seasons began about three years ago thanks to global warming, I think more and more that full-time warmth is more welcome then what we have these days. Our Fall was nothing special, unless you like incessant rain, lots of wind and colder-than-usual temps. And what’s on the horizon for next week makes me want to buy a lottery ticket..
Take me with you when you win!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Shelley, The photos depict a dichotomy of the seasons. Both beautiful in their own right. I tend to favour the blue sky one.
Like you say, we can enjoy the white surprises of winter:)
Hi Erica/Erika
Now I know the back story to your name, and I’m smiling too! Thank you for the kudos on the photo. I can see why you like the blue sky one. Yes, surprises are a welcome sight :-)!