Adventures · Inspiration

How red moments changed my life

Have you ever wondered if it would take a bright red-stop-light-major-life-changing moment to make you change and give up the life you have?  What does it take for you to pause to notice the world around you?

Like the deer on the horizon, and the moon going into its hiding for the day as the sun rises on the opposite side of the world?


Or how a song sticks in your head when it pops into it, while you’re listening to the Robins singing outside your window?  Do you stop and pause to notice the little things?

Where is that bird anyhow?



For me, I’m noticing a lot more than I did last year.  Red bloody knees, palms, and elbows, resulting in a colorful ribcage will do the trick.  Speaking from experience.  When I see red, I pay attention.





Yeah, that wasn’t me, last summer, until I had a bike crash, fast and furious enough to result in a broken/bruised rib or two.  That was enough of a wake-up call for me to start paying attention.  That crash and recovery timeframe changed me.

Before the crash, I was a daily runner.  Running to get exercise in, in the allotted timeframe, and then moving quickly on to the next thing on my to-do list.  I quit running, suddenly, cold turkey because of the rib pain.  If you’ve ever had a rib injury, you know running is most definitely out of the picture until the rib heals.  A good 6-8 weeks later.

That long healing time was surprisingly welcomed.  It revived me in a good way.  Heck, it changed Mr. and me both in a good way.  We still exercise, to this day, by walking.  The best part of that crash is it resulted in us slowing down and noticing the little ol’ world around us.  And a revival of my love for nature photography.

Sure, before the crash we talked and enjoyed running together.  We’d push ourselves a bit further each run.  But, in retrospect, it was hard to notice the little things on the side of the road at a faster pace.  We see so much more now.

We might start running again, we’ll see.  We haven’t decided.  So far, walking hasn’t resulted in any injuries.  And, we haven’t found a reason not to enjoy walking together.

Just like we treasure time sitting outside on our deck, now that the weather is a tad warmer.  I’m enjoying how the two of us see things together.

We’re like these two love birds who keep trying to build a nest under the rafters of the Tea House.  Keeping an eye out for danger or fun or food?  They’re persistent, despite Mr.’s strategic daily removal of their nest-building efforts.  There are plenty of trees around to build a home in if they’d just look…

How many birds do you see in this picture?


There are 4…3 close to each other on the right,

the other one is to the left – it’s a bluebird.  They’ve returned from their winter hideaway. And the yellow finches have returned too.  See the female sitting on the left?  I love watching them fly.


Their hungry rib cages are filling up rapidly – Mr. has to replenish the feeders often.  Did you notice how many birds on the feeders?


Did you notice the jump plane turn into an eagle or two?


Seriously, though, we have to keep an eye on eagles circling in the air.  That big majestic eagle has a wingspan 6-7 feet wide and would take an 8# dog out in a heartbeat.  Copper keeps an eye out, and so do we.  Did you notice Copper’s inquisitive face and his caution for the stairs…he’s getting older and afraid to fall now…just like me?


As we looked around at the birds, I told Mr. that I had seen a Cardinal in the morning.  Here is an interesting tidbit of random information about us.  The high school mascot for me was the Eagle, and for Mr., it was the Cardinal.  You, know, just in case you were wondering what drew the two of us love birds together…?!  LOL…

Did you notice the Tostitos…!?  Yes, I need to cut back…still…I’m hopeless.  It may explain how and why I haven’t lost the extra 2-4 vacation pounds yet, but, who’s watching the scale anyhow?  Not me, apparently.  I rib you not!


Post Inspiration – A-Z Blogging Challenge – R and Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Rib

PS – Do you need a pop of red to make you stop and notice things around you?  Or are you more of the type that says, “I’ll change directions when I chose to, not because of life forcing an instance on me?”  Which birds do you like best?  The red Cardinal or the Eagle?  What did you notice today that surprised you?  

17 thoughts on “How red moments changed my life

  1. That song was a real treat. I remember my parents playing it or my dad singing it when I was a child, so it was nice to fill in the gaps. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and enjoy!

    1. Thank you, JoAnna. I remember my mom singing it too. Enjoy your weekend, it looks like you’ve got beautiful flowers popping up in your part of the world! I enjoyed your photos on your post today!

  2. It’s amazing how we react to accidents as we get older. As I was pulling out of our garage today, I saw Mrs. Cardinal sitting on the fence. Her husband gets all the oohs and awws, but she’s quite stunning in her own right.

    Spring is such a good time of year to reflect on things, since everything is getting better. Terrific photos, Shelley.

    1. Yes, it is. We take considerably longer to bounce back, too. I agree, Mrs. Cardinal is very pretty too. I’m happy to see spring, that’s for sure. Thank you for the photo kudos, much appreciated!

  3. Well done……I’m curious what you will do with X? I remember the song too, but then I grew up on Bing Crosby, a favorite of my parents.

  4. We’ve had three Pops of Red that stopped us in our tracks. Two health related and one home invasion. Many other smaller pops over our 50 plus years on this planet. The change at first was immediate but over time we went back to old habits. Shame on us for occasionally forgetting to be grateful.

    Which birds do you like best? The cardinal since the saying is when you see a red cardinal, it’s a deceased loved one stopping by to visit. Comforting. Though seeing eagles on our trip to Alaska was spectacular.

    What did you notice today that surprised you? Nothing today but I’m reveling in yesterday’s epiphany to stop and notice my surroundings.

    Reading this today is serendipity:). Enjoy those Tostitos! Happy Saturday!!

    1. Aw, thank you, Jill, I appreciate hearing your thoughts and for you taking time to answer several of my questions. You’re right, we’re grateful immediately when red moments happen and we get through them, but later on, the vividness fades and so does our gratitude. Lucky for us, we have many more opportunities to rekindle those thoughts. I had forgotten the cardinal saying. You reminding me was touching – my mom passed away in April, so I like to think now that it was her visiting and singing to me. Eagles soaring in the sky is a beautiful site. Thank you for stopping by – I enjoy sharing space here in this blogosphere with you – your comments always make me smile, thank you! Plus now I have that song stuck in my head from your Letter R post! Enjoy your day – :-)!

  5. I believe that when you’re ready to change the teacher will come. If that teacher happens to be a bike accident, which sounds lousy btw, then so be it. i’ve had some major setbacks along the way, and found each time that I changed for the better, learned something new. It’s all in your attitude I suppose.

  6. Very insightful Shelley. I always enjoy how you tie in the writing to the pictures … I looked at the old post about the bike accident. I mentioned to you before when we were discussing bikes, that I was hit by a drunk driver on Bicentennial Day (07/04/1976). I was bruised up but nothing broken like your ordeal.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Wow – That’s horrible that you were hit by a drunk driver. I couldn’t imagine that. I crashed all on my own, that was bad enough. Did you ever get back on a bike again?

      1. Yes, and luckily she was just leaving the parking lot and not out on the street, but she never stopped for the stop sign. Said the sun was low on the horizon and didn’t see me, but helped me up and I drove away. Interesting, since she never stopped and I wheeled my bike to the police station about 4-5 blocks away. I was badly bruised on my legs. Someone witnesses the accident and I went over to the woman (sitting on the porch) and she got up and walked into the house. I didn’t pursue asking her anything because my mom witnessed a hit-and-run accident (vehicles only) and told the police she didn’t want to be involved and they subpoenaed her to testify in court (the guy had multiple DUIL and vehicular accidents). I knew the car’s make and got most of the license plate and description of the woman (blonde, medium-length hair) and they got her. At that time, the police officers used the diner where I worked for all the prisoner meals, so I got to know all the patrol officers, and they also came in for donuts/coffee. They found her/the car the next morning (it happened in the afternoon). We had to go to court and all she got was a ticket for a rolling stop and she insisted she helped me up. I had told the police otherwise and I know they believed me, but she hired an attorney and all she got was a fine. Nope, had it repaired by my parents’ homeowners, but never used it. I have an exercise bike. I should change my mindset on that, but it is not safe to ride around here anymore, too many people driving fast, texting – I have to be watching all the time while walking. I’d try again if I was at a big park though – maybe after retirement and I have more time, as riding would take from walking time.

        1. Wow, that’s quite the story – so nice the officers were on your side and that at least she was called out and ticketed/fined for something, not just off free. Yeah, texting and driving is scary stuff. We worry about that when we walk on our country roads. We’re going to get mirrors for our bikes so we can see if the cars are coming at us and not going around us. I’m glad you walk and are safe in your exercise routine. Thank you for sharing your story with me.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for stopping by via the A-Z challenge. I had to smile at you mentioning birds and you’ve commented here via Twitter. I’ll be by your blog to say hi, too!

    2. I enjoyed your blog post for R. I’m not sure how to comment on Blogger blogs…sorry, but please do know I stopped by and appreciate you stopping by here!

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