In the middle of the night, I had an inkling that it was close to that time of the month again.
As a post-menopausal woman (…TMI???), I’m NOT talking about THAT time of the month – the one that you younger chicks (& guys who worry about THAT) are thinking of. PMW don’t have to worry about THAT anymore. THAT is something for you to look forward to.
We PMW get to enjoy hot flashes from heaven at random moments along with the pleasurable addition of them aiding our restless-drenched-in-sweat-toss-the-covers-off-pull-them-back-on-sleeplessness moments of the night. The best times for me are when those moments cycle along with the tides of the full moon.
THAT’s the time of the month I’m talking about.
When THAT bright moon shines through the curtains in our bedroom, the moonbeams lead me easily to the bathroom each and every trip. Somehow being able to see where I’m going wakes me up more? Even if I can’t see shit without my glasses on, I’ve grown to appreciate how being able to see the general area makes my attempts successful.
When I’m in a semi-awake state, tossing and turning, (aka, burning calories – I must be, no one sweats without burning calories do they?…And it is a good thing I do burn calories since I eat plenty of chips and dip and a beer(s) before bed), my mind kicks into gear.
Once in THAT state I think of bazillion things – like blog word prompts, tax receipts and papers to be finalized, why I drank that Kentucky Mule instead of working on tax receipts and papers to be finalized, and my photography breaks of the day, and what the hell time it is?, and will I get to sleep any amount of time IF I do fall back to sleep, and tax receipts and papers to be finalized.
Finally bored to sleep with thoughts of tax receipts and papers to be finalized, I slipped into a drool-soaked bliss. I dream of the melting snow oddball photos I took yesterday afternoon when I took a break from tax receipts and papers to be finalized – and my full bladder. It can wait, just a little bit longer…
Awakened an hour later by a cat standing on my bladder, a dog yawning with a squeak (no leak yet) to be let out to do his business, and other morning sounds best to let out in the bathroom – oh shit, better run fast before there is a leak.
Gotta love the delicate morning cues pets observe reminding them their breakfast time is soon arriving. Our morning ritual commences once again.
I arrive at my computer, with a cup of coffee in tow, and I open Outlook to see an email from my deceased mom. THAT always throws me into a sudden jolt of alertness and tugs at the heartstrings. I sure do miss getting emails from her. I wonder if the other people on the distribution list miss her, too? Wonder who the hell tomobox is anyhow?
I delete the spam email, wishing it was real; toast mom’s memory with my coffee cup and begin writing my blog post (aka, the one you’re reading now…).
Looking for words to appear, I glance down at what I’m wearing – my sweatshirt, covering up my green running T-shirt, my black shorts, and running socks & shoes, and catch a whiff of something over the smell of the coffee (it might be time to wash these clothes…or maybe it was the night sweats…a shower & a wash is in order today!?). I whisk those thoughts to the back burner as I think of the book I’m reading. The strange moment reminds me of the chapter where Ralph writes about those who have a ritual of wearing a special outfit, or some authors prefer writing in the nude, each time they write – those who do are more successful at being writers.
Huh? There you have it, by golly gee, creativity is all in the outfit you wear when you write?! I have an inkling those of you in your robes, or butt-naked with your moonbeams shining, are sitting there reading this post and YOU looked down to see what you were or weren’t wearing, didn’t you? And now, you’re thinking about how creative you are in THAT outfit aren’t you?
Go – write a blog post, or a letter, or an email or do whatever it is THAT you do?! I’m going to hit the treadmill, right after I go to the bathroom…leaking as you run isn’t fun; coffee is a diuretic don’t ya know? Then I’ll get to tax receipts and papers to be finalized.
Photo Prompt Inspiration: Cee’s OddBall Challenge
Do tell…are you a robe & jammies, a formal tie & tux, a jeans & sweatshirts, or a naked writer?
My uniform, jeans, and a t-shirt. Soon it will be short, and a t-shirt. Lol
Thanks for sharing! Lucky you living in a warmer climate ;-)!
Yes, I do. Thank goodness! I have little tolerance for the cold.
I can relate to so much of this post! LOL! Lucky clothes to write in…whatever is comfortable and keeps me warm or cool depending on the time of year. But now I am thinking I might need to change that a bit! Lots of writing to do.
btw…how is the book? ♥
Aw, thanks for sharing your thoughts and for relating to the post! Good luck with tweaking your writing routine! The book is a pretty good read, not my favorite, but still has some interesting ideas and thoughts to consider. I love hearing from you – take care!
This made me laugh. I’ve never thought about what I’m wearing, probably cause I don’t write in the middle of the night. I’m too lazy to get out of bed.
LOL – glad the post brought about a laugh for you! I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and for reading the post!!
That cat photo made my eyes go bonkers. Wonderful post for this week.
Thank you, Cee! That’s funny, it did the same thing to me, and I thought, “I can’t delete it…maybe Cee’s Oddball challenge would work!”