Hey and good morning dear blogging friends – welcome to one of the last bursts of winter’s view before spring wins the battle. I’m hoping there are things outside that are ready to start to sprout from the cold ground. I can’t wait to investigate.

Winter has reared its ugly head again. We had a week of rain, fog, snow, and wind. Nice eh?
After it snowed again, the March winds have blown like crazy…look at those drifts in the yard. The snow has been relocated as if it would rather be in a drift than hanging out in a low area that would melt.
The chickadees are hanging on for dear life.

Until they’ve spotted something else they’d rather do.

The red squirrel makes multiple daily visits to the window bird feeder. We always know he’s there as we can hear Dessy paw at the screendoor in hopes she could play with him. She even talks to him, he appears uninterested though.

Dessy likes to anticipate the door opening if she paws at it. Aww…she’s ready for spring and some outside time too.

Even if I think the cardinals are stunning against the white backdrops of winter, I think they’re ready for spring too.

We’ve had a cozy fire in the fireplace, so it was warm inside the house, but I’m here to tell ya, I’m longing for strolls in the yard. Our driveway is laughing and smiling as the coating of snow and ice melts – it’s ready to let go of the snow too.

Today, I’m gonna just pause and roll the tape of spring, summer, flowers, and places I’d rather be – primarily upon rising to another bitterly cold day. It’s a whopping 14 degrees as I type this post.
Heck, I’d even take extra hot and burnt brown grass!

And a dollop of a daisy.

Some pink flowers and a butterfly, oh, my…

This year, it’ll be the 2nd year of little ol’ me and my camera out in the yard. I’m dreaming of how I’ll make it fun without my little Copper by my side. I’m determined so. I know he’d want it that way!
Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom.
Benjamin Franklin

I’ll have to learn when it’s time to go back in the house, though…

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “tape.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Use it any way you like. Enjoy! And Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills “I’d Rather Be…“.
PS – Where would you rather be? What did you do for your Saint Patrick’s Day meal? What is your favorite spring flower that sprouts from the ground each year? Are the flowers blooming where you live? Do tell, do share!
You have me longing for spring as well, Shelley, with all these snaps of past springs! Most of our snow has melted and we’re enjoying a weekend with temps in the low 50s and sunshine. Sorry to send all that snow your way. Those first bird pics are stunning–I looked for that window bird feeder and couldn’t find one, yet.
I feel the same way you do about your sweet Copper–as I took Brodie on a long walk yesterday. When Aero aged, got arthritis, and lost his hearing, I couldn’t take him with me for too long of walks. It will be a while before I stop thinking about him every day. You have a great attitude about your Copper–he would want to you to be outside where he loved to be with you. Spring is just around the corner, my friend, so enjoy the warm temps when the come your way!
Thank you, Terri! I think a lot of our snow will melt this coming week. We can get snow many more times before our trees bud and flowers sprout, but I’m ready to embrace it when it arrives.
Aww, our fur buddies sure make an imprint on our lives. Copper will always hold a special place in my heart and our yard.
Same to you – enjoy the warm weather and sunshine!!!

Here’s the link to the bird feeder: https://www.amazon.com/Gray-Bunny-GB-6895-Birdfeeder-Transparent/dp/B07JCBSJB1/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2MYB6BNSHA1RM&keywords=window%2Bbird%2Bfeeder&qid=1679236925&sprefix=window%2Bbird%2Bfeed%2Caps%2C1033&sr=8-8&th=1
Oh thank you!
A lot of nice camera work here, Shelley! As a photographer, I’m not often stopped by an image to admire its composition and execution. A couple of your shots made me “stay” longer than the quick glance. That’s photo success in my book.
As for spring, well, I guess I can’t do anything to stop it from melting all of this beautiful snow and filling these trees with leaves that block my view. Sasha and I will always hold out hope that the snow will not leave us one year, and we won’t have to wait through that awful summer business until winter returns to us.
Good to see Copper. Thanks to being an avid photographer, I was pleased to discover how many wonderful pictures I have of my dear late canine companion, sharing our many, yet precious and numbered, days.
Be well and stay warm.
Hi Paz, it is great to hear from you. I’m blushing at your feedback about my photos. I’m happy to hear from a photographer that I have captured something in a successful way.
The snow is beautiful, that’s interesting to read how you and Sasha would love to have it hang around. I wish I could send some your way ;-).
Aw, Copper would be happy to know his reappearance has brought about memories in his fan club. I must confess, I have A LOT of photos of him over the 16.5 years he blessed our lives.
Thank you- you too, be well and stay warm!
So, you’re enjoying spring and winter at the same time – good for you
I love the photos, especially the one of Dessy at the door and the cardinal. I hope your weather settles into spring this week.
Yes, we have this inbetween teasing season. We should be in the 40s in the day and 20s at night so this week so much of the snow will melt.
Thank you for sharing which photos you enjoyed. Dessy has been entertained by the squirrel. The cardinals keep coming back too, that’s a nice surprise, they must like the food too.
Thank you, I hope you have a great week too!!
Shelley, I second Don’s thoughts here regarding the weather and the photos and the pets. That leads to my answers to your questions.
Where would you rather be? Well, at least not back in my hometown in So. Cal where they finally got enough rain to end the water limitations! I am also hopeful that spring will REALLY arrive soon in my current MI residence. I keep telling my kids (who brought me here) that I don’t do snow, but even I must admit I “enjoyed” the view of the “light snow” that was falling as I rode the recumbent bike inside the gym of my apartment complex!
What did you do for your Saint Patrick’s Day meal? Didn’t have a traditional holiday meal this year. I used to make it in the crockpot for my ex, that one time a year, but my kids told me they never really liked it. My meal this year was much better, though, since I spent it with my kids and their spouse and soon to be spouse toasting the midpoint of my daughter’s medical education journey. She got matched with an internship/residency program in Lansing, which is where her fiance is in vet school.
What is your favorite spring flower that sprouts from the ground each year? Although I didn’t appreciate much of what TN had to offer when I lived there, I must admit that one exception was the daffodils that bloomed in odd spots and/or on the sides of the roads.
Are the flowers blooming where you live? Not yet.
Hi!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and answers to the questions. I have a few friends from MI and they have not enjoyed this crazy winter weather. It’s so nice to hear you enjoy watching it from your apartment complex gym.
Congratulations to your daughter. And for enjoying time together, that definitely makes the season of winter more tolerable.
I love daffodils too – they’re such a happy spring flower. Hopefully you’ll see some flowers sprouting again soon! Take care, and thanks again for stopping by!
Your photos are so beautiful, Shelley! Spring can’t arrive fast enough, even down here as it’s still cold by Las Vegas standards. Copper was such a sweet little guy, I feel as though I had actually met him. Wishing you guys a wonderful new week!
Aw, thank you, John, I appreciate your words of encouragement.
I have friends that are visiting Las Vegas for Spring break and their photos show that people are wearing layers to stay warm.
You have been one of Copper’s most loyalist fans, he would’ve enjoyed meeting you in person!
We wish you a great week too! Hopefully, some warmer weather will appear and you’ll be out and about on your bike!
Thanks so much! I rode yesterday when it was decent but it’s raining again this morning. I where layers when I ride but that’s just because of the slight wind chill factor at 58-60 degrees. I wear no more than a T shirt and light jacket all winter. Some locals actually wear a heavy winter coat with faux fur here! Makes me laugh. It’s really not that cold here at all compared to Wisconsin.
You’re welcome! I’m jealous of the temps there (at this time of year, in the summer…that’s another story 100s all the time!). Yes, WI is chilly that’s for sure. It’s 34 right now, so we’re heating up to the 40s today!
But it’s 43 here this morning and windy with rain overnight. It’s all about that stupois atmospheric river the weather channel talks about. NOT normal here or in California. The upside is that the drought has been eliminated or reduced in some areas of the southwest. I really hope that this hashelped Lake Mead which has already come up two feet. It’s a start.
We had misty rain yesterday and it melted a lot of the snow. All good signs that spring is really upon us, even if it is slow to take hold. I’m not a fan of the doomsday weather channel, frankly, none of our weather forecasters get the weather right.
I’m glad to hear Lake Mead is coming up as a result of the weather you’re having!!
Me too, thanks! TWC does have a doomsday thing about it, what really makes me mad is the constant babble about global warming. I just can’t believe that. It’s the biggest lie ever pushed on an entire planet.
You’re welcome! LOL – yeah, it’s ONE of the biggest lies told to us…the list is really long

I’m glad you agree!
Yes, I do!
… Male Cardinals with a white background are always a great pic. Hang in there … spring is around the corner … but then you’ll miss winter.
You’ve given me the impression that you are ready for winter to be done and over …. therefore bring on spring! …. but I may be wrong.
Hi Frank – yes, I’m ready for spring to arrive.
I don’t know why we feel that way so much this year? We normally get a few more ‘warmer’ days in between the snow storms.
The bird watching has helped keep the window watching of the weather a bit more ‘interesting’.
Thanks for the encouragement to hang in there. In 2021, I took a week long trip to FL and that break in the long winter helped. I imagine your 2-month break in winter helps you stay so optimistic about spring’s arrival. I appreciate the encouragement to have faith it will appear!
Beautiful flowers, Shelley. I so looking forward to seeing what comes up in the garden and buying new plants for the gaps I know will appear. So sorry you lost Copper, they leave such a hole in our lives when they cross that bridge.
Hi Cathy, thank you, I appreciate the feedback. Ah, yes, I’m looking forward to doing more gardening this year. I need to experiment on how to keep the critters out of my garden beds.
Thank you – I miss Copper, that’s for sure. He was a special guy indeed.
We, in the midwest, all got teased with a few days of warmish spring before this last blast of winter refusing to let go. Great shots and looking forward to more beautiful pictures.
Hi Anita! Yes, isn’t it kind and cruel at the same time to get the tease of nicer weather and then be blasted with the reminder that it is still winter? Ugh.
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. I look forward to taking more photos this year.
I hope you’re doing well!! Happy Spring – according to the calendar, it is Spring!!!
Yeah the calendar lies…lol. Have a great spring.
Dang calendar! You too, Anita, enjoy the spring!
I am sorry to tell you Shelley, your warm Spring weather is still at my place. My autumn hasn’t arrived and the days over the past few weeks has been in the low to mid 30C plus, like today, quite humid.
This is planting month so they get a bit of rain to get started and establish to get though Winter.
I loved seeing our little Copper
Hi Brian – are you keeping the warm weather hostage?
Yikes…that’s a tad hot and humid. I’d probably be complaining. I know I will be complaining when we get that hot later this summer.
I hope you get just the right amount of rain this year, last year wasn’t as king.
I’m glad you enjoyed seeing Copper too – he’s missed by all of us blogging buddies!
PS – I enjoyed your take on the prompt – very creative!!
Dessy and the squirrel! I like that photo so much. As for showering us with pics of cheery flowers, I dunno. I’m trying to believe that is coming again, but winter cold hangs on here. Happy Spring, Shelley
Hi Ally, thank you! It was one of the adorable Dessy/Squirrel moments.
I enjoyed your post about the doorbell ringing kids. I’m still smiling.
Yes, Spring is officially here according to the calendar, so the snow/cold just needs to go dejected away like the kids who rang doorbell where no one was home to prank.
Happy Spring to you too!!
I can’t wait either. We have daffodil nubs coming up…but not far.
Hi Dawn!! Glad to hear I’m not alone in being tired of waiting. I’m so happy to see photos you shared of the blue birds! Their arrival back is a true sign of Spring! Yay!
Shelley, I hope that a lot of your snow has melted. Except for the plow piles, I’m seeing bare ground again. Spring is in the air, so let’s hope that the weather tracks the same.
Hi Mary, the snow is slowly melting. We’re seeing more and more brown with each passing day. I saw that Southern WI got dumped on – did you get a lot of snow?? Spring will be a welcome sight once it finally takes hold!
Appleton got @14″ of snow. Bah humbug!
YIKES!! I know how you must feel!!!
I am sure the birds will be happy for any sign of Spring – they always look so cold, even the regal Cardinal with the snowy background. Shelley, it was nice seeing Copper again. I liked Dessy admiring the squirrels and the Chickadee with the blow back “hair style” and mooning us. How nice to see colorful flowers and sunny shots we can only dream about for now. We are on official “April watch” though our weather forecasters say that we are due for a chilly and rainy April – ugh.
Yes, the birds are happy. They’ve been singing so loudly every morning. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and seeing Copper again.
We are ready for April! I just learned that south of us, by where our youngest lives, received over a foot of snow yesterday! UGH…I hope that storm doesn’t head your way!!
I did – my little pal that I still miss. That’s terrible news – that’s a lot of snow … enough already with the snow. We are having a wintry mix, but in my area, it will only be maybe on grassy surfaces. In northern and western counties they will indeed have snow. I am glad to be done with yesterday’s rain and the high winds which rage all day – one gust at Detroit Metro was clocked at 67 mph!
I miss our little buddy too.
Yeah, the snow records ranged from 11 inches to 16 in some areas. My daughter says it was a record snow in their area and it is slowly melting today.
YIKES 67 mph is scary!!!!
Years ago my mom and I changed the siding from green to blue and the salesman called to set an appointment – he had just moved here from Texas. He set it for the next day which was April 1st. My mom said “that’s fine with me, but the weatherman says we’re having a big snowfall tonight – how can you do measurements, etc.?” He said “snow – I’ve never seen snow, but snow in April ma’am – you are kidding right?” She said “no” but he insisted on keeping the appointment – we had a huge snowfall, I want to say around a foot and he called the next morning “ma’am – we’ve got to cancel that appointment – when is the last snow arrive here anyway?”
That’s a funny story – it’s amazing how we who live here know better when it comes to the unpredictability of when winter will give up and move on for spring, summer, and fall to take their turn!
He turned out to be very nice but I am sure he was plenty embarrassed to realize that weather prediction was right. Now parts of Texas get snow – back then it was not common.
That’s good – kindness goes a long way to smooth out awkward situations.
So many great photos! Great choices.
Thank you, Kirstin, I appreciate your feedback. I enjoyed your Peek post too – so many enchanting photos!!!
Beautiful flowers, Shelley. I so looking forward to seeing what comes up in the garden and buying new plants for the gaps I know will appear. So sorry you lost Copper, they leave such a hole in our lives when they cross that bridge.
Thank you, Tyler, for your words of encouragement and the fellow love of the hope of what spring will reveal once the ground thaws.

Yes, our fur babies definitely leave a hole in our lives.