Adventures · Going Gray

How I’m rolling out of my nasty thoughts about February 2019

February 2019, the shortest nastiest month ever, is almost over thank goodness.  It has had lots of ups and downs like my sleeping bouts last night.  They were short, too, and rough.

Man, I had weird dreams.  Maybe I shouldn’t have had that serving of Tostitos before bed?

My nights’ lack of sleep due to the up and downs of emptying my aging bladder reminds me of the roller coaster month we’ve had so far.  The month has been more stressful than I had hoped for, why is that, hmm, let’s see?

Stress overload makes us stupid.  Solid research proves it.  When we get overstressed, it creates a nasty chemical soup in our brains that makes it hard to pull out of the anxious depressive spiral. – Gail Sheehy

Yep, February has been nasty.  Downright, nasty.

Not nasty like the few pages of Steven King’s Rose Madder that I read before I fell asleep last night.


Come to think of it, maybe that’s why I had such bizarre dreams?  Steven King writes some weird a** stuff.  I woke up this morning making the same face I made when I read those few pages last night.

A VectorStock Image

On second thought, maybe that was because of the monster that purred next to, snored into, or sniffed and tickled my face several times during the early morning hours as I tossed and turned trying to keep away from her.

Dessy can be so intrusive when she thinks the hoomans are moving to get up instead of turning away from her redundant fluff presence, consuming way more space on a king-sized bed than a cat ever should.  She doesn’t agree, apparently…


We’re hoping she’ll lose a couple of pounds while we’re on our vacation.  Our housesitter isn’t trained as well as Mr. to dispense treats or food at every one of her annoying whims.  Then she’ll come to know what a Dry January without Tostitos feels like.

Where was I?  Oh, yeah, nasty February.

We’ve had it all when it comes to weather, so I’ve thought.  We’ve had warm temps and we’ve had cold temps;

We’ve had melting snow and spring-like fog,

and we’ve had falling snow…snow…snow…and accumulating… snow…snow..snow

And shoveling,


And a poor pup who’s confused each time I tell him it’s time to go do his job – his outdoor space has had a lot of room, down to not so much.

And here we sit, plus the extra 5 inches that arrived yesterday, with lovely roller coaster waves of snow forming all over the yard.

I thought we’ve seen it all, but, nope.  I hear for the upcoming weekend we’re going to get rain on top of 22″ of white stuff we already have on the ground.

We had that happen years ago, and it flooded our basement.  That was NASTY.

Emotionally, I’ve been a basket case of nasty thoughts about the weather and myself.  In between better ones that remind me to get-over-it-girl-you’re-54-dagnabit.  Despite it all, I’ve kept my skin in the mental games of the month.

And I’ve done a LOT of squats, etc.  My post-it note reminders are seriously helping, if they weren’t there, I’d be less tone under all of my 54-year-old skin.  Now that would be nastier.

The nasty weather caused delays in deliveries – and OMG, so much undue stress related to the bikini arrival, on and off the skin trials, and subsequent departure of it.  That dang thing has put a twist to the unfolding plot for my fall in love with my over 50-year-old self this month.  I kept the shorts, though, their cover-up worked.

I really thought I should wear an itsy bitsy teenie weenie bikini.  But, for the life of me, I can’t figure out why I’d want to share my wrinkles in such a manner?  My smile (when I’m happy, and that’s what I am on the beach) is enough, right?

I now believe (again…it takes time to convince me of things, the return shipment went out 3 days ago) it is not my destiny to wear that bikini on the beach this trip.  I think I should wait until I’m 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100 to do that?

Your wrinkles either show that you’re nasty, cranky, and senile, or that you’re always smiling. – Carlos Santana

I’ve warmed up to the idea that the trip isn’t all about me in a bikini, for chrissake, it’s about getting away from this damn weather, and putting my toes in the water and the sand with my main man.


I don’t care what I’m wearing (except for the other outfits I bought that are way too cute not to keep).  All I know is I won’t be hiding under a parka and boots, and mittens, and a scarf over whatever suit I decided to finally wear!  I haven’t packed yet…


And I won’t be carrying a shovel either – maybe for all the sh*t, I’ve rolled-up here to get another post written, I might need one – but I definitely know I won’t need a shovel for any snow in the Caribbean.  Nope, not gonna happen!

Post Inspiration – Challenge – Fall In Love With Your Over 50-Self February #FILWYO50SF

PS – Have you read Rose Madder?  What did you think of it?  I’m not very far into it, so don’t spoil it, just curious if you’ve read it!?  Have you seen the groundhog?  Copper and I have a bone to pick with him/her.  Do tell, have you had nasty thoughts about February too?  

29 thoughts on “How I’m rolling out of my nasty thoughts about February 2019

  1. My Feb.: We’re still patiently awaiting the return of our living room from the pipe-bursting incident. It’ll be ready just in time for spring to send us outside!

    1. Oh, my, sorry to hear it hasn’t been completed yet. Pipes that burst are not fun. We’ve had that happen in our rentals, in the walls and the renters don’t tell us about it right away. You’ll feel confident in being able to go outside knowing it is all fixed, though, right?

    1. Yes, it is! I hear you’re getting snow in Las Vegas, too. A blizzard, right? Thanks for the encouragement to make it through the rough winter we’re having here!

      1. Yeah, we sure are Shelley. John is not happy! gladly it’s mostly gone now, too warm for it! I’ve posted it on my blog and IG…

  2. What if we changed that last image to say: Be feisty. Be flab. Be you.? That might take the pressure off you to want to wear a bikini. Just saying… 😁

    1. I like it! For the life of me, I don’t know why WordPress tossed this and your other comments to my Spam folder!?! I don’t want you to go to SPAM! Spam, by the way, will cause flab and it is yucky tasting, too.

  3. OMG, I cannot read Stephen King, and especially not before bed. I do find when I’m reading something disturbing it shows up in my dreams. And when my DH and our dog are both snoring, well, it’s never a good night. Ha! Hang in there…sunshine soon!

    1. LOL – this is the first time I’ve tried SK’s books before bed, and I’m not enjoying the weird dreams. I may have to find a different book to read. And…Mr.’s snoring and Dessy’s are like you said, not a recipe for good sleep on my little corner of the bed. Yes, sunshine will come soon, I’m holding you to that promise! 😉

    1. Thank you. We try to recreate that pose every trip, so I’m looking forward to an updated picture. I’m keeping my fingers crossed on the storm, I hear next Wed/Thur on the official end of the month, we’ll have another storm. Ugh…but then it will be even closer to our departure date, so I won’t be as crabby about it, I hope!

  4. February is the month to get through in order to arrive at March. Which contains the first day of Spring. Crossing fingers, of course, that the snow doesn’t melt too fast in the meantime flooding the basement.
    Also – reading before bed is a tough one. Something boring is a better bet on a semi decent night’s sleep!

    1. 7 more days until March. Thank you, I appreciate your finger crossing too, we’re gonna need a bigger boat if the snow is melted with the rain. It is already over window openings at the ground level. Maybe my mind is running wild due to the book…I shall switch to something boring!

  5. It sounds like March is gonna be better for you. I thought of you when our weatherman said more winter storms were headed that way. Your snow is so pretty, but I’m content to see it on your blog and not in my yard. LOL!

  6. I’ve never read any of Steven King’s novels. Did you have salsa with those Tostitos? If not, hmm. I love the Santana quote – I really like his music.

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