
How I Yarns a Blog Post

If you’ve ever wondered how this blogger yarns her way to complete another stream of consciousness post, I’m here to confess that isn’t as complicated as one would think it is.


It’s about looking for inspiration in words and photos and sometimes YouTube.

I use pictures I take or capture from the internet to do most of the talking and then fill in the spaces with simple commentary. Hopefully quirky at times too.

It’s a matter of using my own logic really.

This is me after my lab appointment…still waiting for results to see if Keto diet is lab work friendly!

I take opportunities to notice any and all things happening in the world right in front of me.

Like my cat, Dessy. She loves to pose.

I notice her adorable paws. Aren’t they cute? I love the two different colors of fur.

This morning, as I was about to write this post, I glanced out the window for inspiration. I noticed some dark objects across the field.

It was two female turkeys, walking up to a spot in the field. Tom noticed them too.

It appeared they were oblivious to Tom who was strutting his stuff while they looked the other way.

Soon after watching that semi-successful endeavor unfold, I felt as though I was on fire when it came to ideas. Plus I had some photos I didn’t use my the previous post.

The ideas started to take shape from a spark of an expired outlet.

With some extra smoking hot wood attached to it. Remember the remodel of our rental from last year? Yeah, well, the wood was smoke filled before we lit it on fire. But that’s a totally different story line.

Abstract enough for ya? At least I keep trying, right?

I have no idea what I was trying to capture…

Silly me. Enough of abstractness.

I’ll just finish off with a short story about how I got to help Mr. cook dinner last night. Actually, he conned me into helping. He’s more successful than Tom was to get his gal to do as told. I started out by washing and prepping the Brussels Sprouts, then I was handed the recipe, then given instructions on how to use the Instant Pot, then I cooked the BS in the pot all by myself – then wallah, I was the best Sous Chef ever.

Because teamwork makes for the best dinner and blog post ever (so far, that is…)

And, there you have it, that’s how I yarned my way to another post.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “yarn.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

PS – What are you up to this weekend? Is it hot where you live? Have you ever watched a male turkey strutting his stuff? Are you the chef or the sous chef in your household?

40 thoughts on “How I Yarns a Blog Post

  1. Poor Tom…I get it. I love your cats, Shelley, they are so beautiful! And yeah, it’s hot where I live. 😂

    1. Aw, I felt for Tom too – it didn’t seem to stop him from fluffing his feathers. Up close they make such an interesting sound, have you heard one before? Thanks – Dessy and Tizzie love your feedback.
      You definitely have the heat in Vegas – it’s 48% humid today – so it feels not as nice as yesterday. HOT HOT HOT!

      1. Yes, I’ve heard them walking through the wood in Michigan. Beautiful birds when all fluffed up!

        1. I thought maybe you had heard them in person! Yes, they are beautiful. I wish I would’ve had a better zoom lens to catch the show with 🙂

          1. Yes indeed! You may need more than a 200mm for that distance, just a guess. And possibly a tripod.

          2. Yeah, ‘cuz I don’t know if I’d be strong enough to hold one of those! The turkeys were out there again this morning, gobbling and strutting and running in the field. It’s quite the sight to see!

        1. You’re welcome. Dessy is purring with a glow almost as bright as she looks when there’s food involved. 😉

  2. Interesting journey through your thought process 🙂 It’s not really hot here yet. In fact, we don’t even have air conditioning since it seldom gets too hot and/or humid here at all… although we have seen that shifting due to climate change. Those “seldom” days have grown in number, especially in August/September. Dessy is a beauty… and I really love her two-tone paws!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Janis. Wow, that’s interesting that it’s not really hot for you? Silly me, I assumed that it gets extra hot in California compared to Wisconsin? We have all the extreme temperatures. I remember them from childhood too – guess Wisconsin messes around a lot with weather.
      Thanks for the Dessy kudos – she appreciates them, they keep her paws pouncing merrily along.

  3. Doing pretty much the same thing we always do, i.e. nothing. My brother’s in the hospital, so a lot of text messages back and forth. We’re expecting rain this evening and most of the next week, so it’s warm and very sticky outside. Mary does all the cooking since my stroke…

    1. While it may seem like nothing, you’re always being creative with your blog – including lots of research, that is unless you just have all that knowledge at the ready without needing to do so??! We’re not due for rain, but the clouds look like they could drop something? Sticky heat is not enjoyable to me either.
      Mary is a wonderful wife. I’m sure you appreciate every meal. I hope you have a great week!

  4. I like how your brain puts together a yarn. Very stream of conscious and delightfully insightful. Nothing can be interesting. The photo of your cat is great. That attitude is why I like cats.

  5. I was there all the way Shelley. Hi to Dessey’s paws. Winter is here now. Snow on the ranges above my place. Snow is a rare event. I didn’t need reminding of your smoky rental at all……….bleah. The photo of the curtains was pure genius, quite abstract they fitted right in. Sorry I am late in replying but life you know….

    1. YAY, Brian, I’m glad you’ve been here all the way. It’s fun to read you remember the events I’ve rambled about over the years. I appreciate your feedback.
      I’m not ready for winter yet. But some rain and some cooler temps might be nice. We’ve been in the 90s-100s and it’s been very dry here. The grass is prickly.
      Late to the party is my middle name, you’re always welcome here!

      1. That is a tad warm Shelley. I bet Copper is complaining about having to go outside 😀
        I am always happy to venture into your place Shelley <3

        1. Yes, it’s warm, that’s for sure! And, you’re correct, Copper is complaining about the heat.
          I’m always happy to see you stop by! 🙂

  6. Dessy is beautiful, no matter the angle you photograph her. I’ve never seen wild turkeys, though in a semi-rural nearby city, there are several who run out in the middle of a busy intersection and then people know to call the police who escort them into the bushes. I’ve driven by hoping for a photo op, but never got lucky with one .. yet. It is hot, hot, hot and it’s getting old, old, old.

    1. Aw, thanks, Linda, Dessy and I appreciate your feedback. The turkeys have been busy here – I haven’t heard about road crossing, but I’m sure they are doing that too.
      Yes, it’s hot here too – and it is getting quite old. 🙁 But I don’t want snow yet…!

      1. Dessy is very soft and fluffy looking. Some motorists were videotaping the police trying to herd the turkeys across that intersection. The officer took his jacket and tried shooing the turkey with it and the bird turned around and went after him (worse than a Canada Goose), then went over and started pecking at the police car. I don’t want snow either – maybe I’d better stop complaining about the heat.

        1. Dessy is fluffy – she’s soft when she’s been brushed, but her sister Tizzie has softer fur.
          That’s crazy about the turkey – the more you share the more I think I remember seeing that in the news!
          Rain is on the way and a break in the heat too. This month has been crazy extremes!

          1. How odd, the disparity between sister felines. How is Copper doing? It probably did make the news there too. It was all over the local news plus social media of the police throwing his jacket at the turkey to get him to cross. We’re getting severe weather tonight – anytime from 7:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. – chance for two bouts (maybe three) of bad weather and possible tornadoes as well. Oh joy – what a way to welcome Summer, (which has felt like Summer the last six weeks).

          2. Yes, the sisters are so much alike, yet so different. Copper is hanging in there – his dementia is more prevalent, he is definitely deaf, and he misses stairs and rolls down them a few times a week. He took a tumble off our front concrete and cut his chin open, so that was fun. He sleeps a lot and lets me carry him around the yard. He doesn’t like the crunchy grass. He’s getting old. After all these years, I’ve discovered that if I carry him around the yard to sniff the air, I can cut his nails while we walk. That’s been a game changer. Thanks for asking about him. He sends you love!
            We had glorious soaking rain yesterday and this morning its in the 50s. Such extremes are typical in summer. Like you said before, glad it’s not snow!
            Happy trails to you!

          3. Poor Copper – it is sad to watch him going downhill as he ages, but you extended his life and his good days by your discovery of the better dog food for him, so that’s a plus for both of you. The nail clipping too … you don’t find that in those hacks they have on FB or Twitter! We got 1 1/2 inches of rain during multiple storms and this morning was gorgeous – in the 40s for goodness sake. Back at you – I hope you and Mister are getting more walking done.

          4. Yes, little Copper has declined, but other times he seems like a maniac little puppy. Then he naps for quite a while to recover. I’d like to believe his diet and his CBD oil has helped. The nail clipping hack amazes me, and you’re right I’ve not seen it on YouTube! I should have Mr. take a video of me doing it so I could share it for people to try.
            Yeah, our weather is crazy too – we had a scary storm last night, and did end up getting quite a bit of rain. We needed it.
            Yes, we’re walking as much as we can – we will miss that once winter comes – sigh – today marks that there’s only 6 months until Christmas! 😉

          5. You help Copper get through his days and are extending his life. The weather is crazy and we waited all Winter for this? You’re right – I completely forgot about the date. I’ve been dwelling on today’s all-day rain and seven more days of rain to follow. Then late this afternoon they said “slight chance for a tornado” … what, wait … when did that happen?

          6. Yes, Copper keeps on keeping on. He naps more and his age is showing, but he continues to surprise me with his youthfulness despite his age.
            We’ve finally had rain for three days in a row. The field of soy beans are soaking it up as fast as it fell. We had a pretty bad storm go through too. And it was a full moon week.
            We both can count on the fall being our prime time for walking, eh? 😉

          7. That’s good – Copper is loved and that makes a difference to his longevity. We had some severe weather on Friday into Saturday morning and parts of Wayne County (where I live) got seven inches of rain. The expressways flooded and pumps could not drain it fast enough, so thousands of vehicles were floating or stranded somehow on the freeways in metro Detroit. Much damage and a state of emergency was declared. I am grateful I had no issues. We got new sewers in 1990 and I think that is the reason we were unscathed. We have storms tonight and every day this week!

          8. Yes, he’s loved. 💕💕
            Yikes, that’s more rain than we’ve had. I’m glad you were safe from damage. I hope the weather clears intermittently so you can get out and walk! Stay safe!

          9. That’s why Copper thrives. 🙂 I feel very blessed to be spared from this damage Shelley as it was really bad. Some expressways still are closed as the water has not receded even though most all of the pumps are online once again.

          10. I am so ready for Fall Shelley. We had another severe storm at 3:00 yesterday. I did not lose power but many more did and we had another inch of rain. I took this morning off – I needed a break from the oppressive heat.

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