I’m not sure if I’m ready for winter yet. I better warm up to it soon, ‘cuz it doesn’t hold back from arriving. It comes every year.
I’m not alone in my desire to hang on to warmer weather. Two men in my life aren’t tickled about thoughts of going out in cold snow.
In fact, I have yet to encounter a person, in my little corner of the world, that has said, “Heck, ya, bring on winter!”
Well…I take that back. The local hunters are ready for the cold. They like it cooler. Yesterday was opening gun season here in Wisconsin. Deer are on the run.
Deer don’t seem to mind the snow.
Hunters season their clothes so the deer can’t smell them in the woods. All week leading up to the big day, you can see their blaze orange clothing hanging from the clotheslines. I’m sure my dad and my brother did the same. I grew up watching those seasonal rituals as hunters warmed up to the thrill of the hunt. It’s easier to see the deer in the woods when it snows too.
The woods and streams take on a white winter coat. It’s kind of fun to see things start to frost over.
And I bet those pesky voles are ready to find their way under the snow and survive again.
For those who don’t hunt, we still find ways to delight in the change of seasons. Our local Irvine Park is decorated and most of the town will visit there to see the lights which go on right after Thanksgiving and our annual Christmas parade. I hope to go back to walk through the park this year and take more pictures.
Night pictures are more challenging for me.
I guess the sights of the season do warm my heart. I would miss winter if I didn’t have it. All of us Wisconsinites survive each year, no matter how cold or long winter ends up being.
So yeah, I might as well just warm up to it after all…the snow and frost can be quite enchanting.
Oh, and…for the first time since I was a kid, I bought myself a new fun hat to wear to keep the chill off of my head!
Post Inspiration – Sunday Stills – Oldie but Goodie or Favorite Photo (since we don’t have any snow yet, (YAY!) I shared some of my old favs from the few years) and Lens-Artists #73 – Cold.
PS – How about you, are you ready for winter? Since there is less time between Thanksgiving and Christmas are you feeling the desire to put up your tree yet? Are you a real tree or an artificial tree lover? Have you started shopping yet? What is your favorite cold-weather activity?
Great photos!! Michigan’s deer season started November 15th. i like all the fun colors of the Christmas lights too.
Thank you, John! I think our bow season started then and continues, but the gun season started just last weekend. So many rules. Which is a good thing! Christmas lights are fun to photograph when you get the right settings down!
Shelley, these are terrific! Loved that deer between rows of trees especially. Must admit not a fan of hunters but know it’s a true ritual for many. Beautiful response
Thank you, Tina. The deer shot happened when we were driving around to ‘find something to photograph’. She just stood there and watched me take photos of her. With all the deer we have here, hunting is a purposeful ritual. Thank you for hosting the prompt this week. I hope you’re onto another year free of snow where you live!
I think living in the South has spoiled me. It gets cold, but not like Chicago (and certainly not like where you live). Here, a cold day means 30; there, a cold day means -30. I moved here because I didn’t want to deal with the cold and snow. Of course, here we get ice…
Yes, you’re spoiled. 30 degrees is shorts weather in February where we live. LOL! I wouldn’t like the ice, we get that too – not fun. Enjoy your warmer climate winter season. I’ll be thinking of you when we’re in the middle of the below zero temps!
In Chicago, 33 was “wash the car” weather.
LOL!!! That’s so funny – we did just that this week when it got to that temp!!
Great photos, Shelley. I’m not 100% ready, but close enough. I’ll get there before the snow gets here.
Thankyou, Dan. The snow is heading your way – after it dumps on us first. Hope for you it loses steam instead of picks it up as it crosses the Midwest!
We have two wildly different forecasts for Sunday/Monday. I’ll be done with prep by then. Thanks.
Way to be on top of things, Dan! You’re making retirement look worthy of considering!!
I will never warm up to winter! Haha. What a beautiful look at the season though.
I have a hunch you’d find a way to laugh and play in the snow. If you can let animals stick their heads in your car – you can play in the snow, right?!
Thank you for stopping by!
Wonderful variety of photos – that deer standing in the trees is exquisite. Really nice. I am in denial about winter – not ready. So far I’ve only seen rain, not snow. I’ve only done a bit of shopping at Holiday craft fairs so far. (I like your hat!)
Thank you! That was a lucky shot – she posed for me as we stopped on the side of the road. I can’t deny the arrival of winter, it’s here to stay this week I fear. I don’t know about you, but maybe it’s because Thanksgiving is so late that it feels like snow shouldn’t be here yet? Craft shows are so fun – I think my hat was made by someone local? Not sure, but the fun colors made me smile.
It does seem early for snow, although it IS November. I think it’s a case of snow denial.
I can’t deny it today, it’s way too in my face white! LOL!
Love the hat! Jealous of your snow, but I might not be if I had to shovel it!
Thank you, Rebecca. It’s a cozy hat, I’m glad I bought it. I’m with you on not being a fan of shoveling.
My favorites are the one with the deer and the one below it. The beauty of winter.
Thank you, Janet. Your photos are great too – I adore the cardinal shot, so pretty! I hope you find many moments to capture the beauty this season!
Winter is beautiful when it’s fresh. It’s Feb & March (April?) when I get sick of it. Right now, it’s the holidays and snow is appropriate to me, even though we have none left right now. We had a hard frost and a bit of sun for part of today. Your pictures are lovely.
We got a tall artificial tree 15 years ago when we moved here, and we haven’t regretted it. It’s way less effort to dig out and clean up afterward, although if I were replacing it, I would get one that’s pre-lit. We still have our annual “dance” stringing the lights. Luckily, it’s funny now…there were many years when it wasn’t.
I agree with you Laurel – by spring, I’m done with snow! We’re brown here now too – so the snow this week, as long as it doesn’t affect travel plans, will be a welcomed sight.
We have an artificial one too – we bought it 29 years ago. The dust and falling needle factor wasn’t missed last year when we bought a budget tree and went all Charlie Brown for our empty nest. It was a fun change of pace. We hope to find one again so we get our $ out of the expensive tree stand we ended up having to buy. LMAO – we do that stringing lights dance too – you’re right though – it is getting funnier as the years go by!
So much snow already – oh my. I heard that Northern Wisconsin would be hit hard Tuesday/Wednesday – other states too, but Northern Wisconsin stuck out in my mind. I like the snow pictures and especially Irvine Park – very nice! Colorful too. Felt badly for the poor deer in the photo- very picturesque with the deer in the snow. Our deer hunting season started November 15th. Hunters were happy as we had that big snowfall on November 11th. Is the snow here to stay then? Ours melted – most of it, all but maybe 5%.
Yes, we’re expecting to get hit hard. We don’t have any snow on the ground right now. Thank you for the feedback on the photos. That lovely deer posed for me, must not have felt threatened by my camera.
I think the snow will be here to stay – and then the storm will be on it’s way to your state…!! Get your walks in now!!!
Not “liking” the weather forecast for either of us. We have high winds (40 – 50 mph) tomorrow and my handyman is coming to do the gutters – I told him it was not a good idea, but he says he’ll be done before the high winds kick in. And a sleety mess for Saturday. At least I can “walk around the weather” and not have to just go in the morning over the long holiday, but I had counted on knocking out at least 25 miles over four days. This storm sound horrible in Denver today. The deer really was beautiful. Sorry your snow is here to stay … ugh, no double ugh!
It’s amazing how the weather guy got this storm right this time. Sigh – I hope your gutter guy is right. Stay warm and safe.
Thank you – glad you liked the deer photo.
Yes, snow is here to stay!
Too bad your snow is here to stay Shelley – I’m already dreaming of Spring. The gutter guy came and went and despite my protestations that it was too windy to get up on the roof (gusting over 25 mph at the time) or fix the crack in the cement with special filler due to the rain that was coming down heavy, he was here and gone again (and in one piece). He says my house is the smallest of all his client’s houses but has the most leaves in the gutters. Told him I knew that because half the leaves were still up on the trees and the downspouts were all frozen solid after the Veteran’s Day snowstorm – sigh. Stay safe with all this snow and hope the girls made/make it without incident in all this snow.
Yeah, I agree. It was very windy here yesterday, I hope the storm blows right past you! Glad the gutter guy trip was a success. I hope you stay warm and safe too. The weather today should permit safe travels. We’re excited to have them home to visit.
That’s great – enjoy this weekend and make lots of memories Shelley.
Great pictures. Love the lights. I need a hat like that when I walk Benny in the mornings and I’m sure it’s no where near as cold as yours.
Thank you, Janet. I wore it for our walk (it was 34 degrees) and it kept my head nice and warm. I bet you could find a fun one at one of the craft shows you’ve been displaying at?
There was a woman selling them yesterday but they were made of wool and all I could think of was that it would be too itchy. I’ll look on Saturday at the next one.
Yeah, itchy hats aren’t fun! I hope you find what you’re looking for.
so are those holiday ottos from last year? and seems like you do well with the night shots-
and so agree with this:
“I guess the sights of the season do warm my heart.”
Hi Yvette – yes, they were from two years ago. When my daughter went to the park with me – she was encouraging me to try night photography. Thank you for your encouraging comments!
Glad to comment and I will email you soon –
I look forward to your email!
Love the lights and the photo of the deer just gorgeous. Not a fan of winter having to get wrapped up . And I live on a hill so it’s a nightmare getting around. Pity I cant ski
Thank you! I’m with you on not enjoying having to layer up and hills are scary in the snow unless you can ski down them! LOL!
Lol mind you I’m glad I’m on a hill when it floods !!!!
Yes, I bet you are!!!
I’m getting chill bumps looking at your pictures! But they’re beautiful. Really love the deer photo.
Your comment warmed my day!! Thank you so much. Stay warm!!
Great shots again, Shelley! Lovely winter views – my favorites are of the brook and the deer between trees. I don’t hunt – and don’t like it, but we have so many deer they walk into the streets and gardens. Hunters do have to exist as we have made wolves extinct…
Thank you, Ann-Christine. Your photos for the prompt are gorgeous. That Bullfinch one caught my eye first, but all of them are great. I took both of those photos you liked of mine on the same day. Yeah, hunting serves a purpose around here. The herds do need thinning otherwise there are so many car accidents.
Amazing photos! Warmed me right up!
Winter is beautiful and magical despite its frosty bite.
Missed reading you! xo
Thank you – your poem warmed my heart. I love all the lines, and read them all intently to find the one that touches me that day! I missed reading your posts too – still trying to catch up! Thanks for checking in with me, xx
Of course! How can I not????!!!!
Hola lovely, I find your night pictures just fantastic! Looking at them actually stirred a desire in me to start decorating my home and make it more festive! I plan on reviving some German Christmas traditions this year. German Christmas- and winter time have a similar look and feel to Wisconsin winters, it appears. They might be a little milder, but still similar! Where I currently live, I am surrounded by subtropical vegetation – palm trees, cacti, and flowers, so you gave me the gift of bringing some “traditional” Christmas spirit into my day
Thank you! Also, cute hat
Regarding your questions, I´ve spent some Christmas times without a tree due to my gypsying ways. Might change that up this year! And my favorite cold-weather-activity was having snowball-fights, doing long walks on quiet, snowy evenings, and drinking warm hot chocolate or “Glühwein” (mulled wine) at the gorgeous German Christmas markets. Big hugs to you and see you again soon
Aw, Marie, thank you – I’m glad to read you’re warming up to the idea of decorating for the holidays German-like. Our family has some German and Norweigan traditions that we like to pull out at this time of year too. Mulled wine…hmm…we may have to add that to our to-do list this year. I wish you wonder and delight this holiday season! I’ll be by your blog again soon to catch up with you there!!! xxxx Hugs to you too!
Shelley, so interesting to hear about your family´s background and traditions. Yes – mulled wine is a great one to add to the winter-celebration.list! Thanks so much for your warm wintery wishes!:) Much appreciated. See you soon, hugs xox
Hi, Shelley. I enjoyed your thoughts and images about winter. I especially enjoyed the shot of the deer between the trees and the snow-covered trees. Lovely! I don’t hunt, but I’ve lived in places where hunting was important. I didn’t know hunters “season” their clothes. Interesting.
Thank you, Patti – I appreciate your feedback. I loved your Bean photo – great composition. It reminds me of visiting my daughter when she lived there. It can be VERY cold in Chicago!!! Yes, the clothing ritual is fascinating. I always wonder if they enjoy it all wet when it snows or rains on it while their seasoning it on the line.
Thank you, Shelley!
Hi, Shelley. The town lights are really pretty. The snow is pretty too, but I agree with you about winter. Funny thing about this post, I just published a new post and it has a picture of deep snow at my house and my running hat. Made me laugh when I saw your hat! Stay warm.
Hi Theresa, thank you. Wow -I’m impressed that you ran in that much snow. I agree, it is peaceful in a way and very pretty. Even with the proper attire, I’m getting to the age where I don’t want to slip and fall and break a hip or ankle and not be able to keep moving. Your words of wisdom resonate with me about taking care of yourself at this time of the year. Stay warm, enjoy the festivities, and take care of yourself!! xx
My fireplace and candles are all ready for the next big snow. Hopefully, it won’t be for a while. I’m not a fan of cold or snow so I try to find things to enjoy during the winter. I imagine you can relate to that, too!
Sounds very hygge!
Winter is here to stay, so I should get my candles ready too! Enjoy your cozy moments.