It feels great to take a break from feeling the need to accomplish something – other than enjoying walks in the park. Two days in a row.
I just had to go back to Irvine Park to see the bears!
People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day. – Winnie the Pooh
The bear to the left just lounged there and ate the whole pile of sunflower seeds. The other two munched on apples. They had just been released out of their sleeping chambers, and leisurely strolled to their respective spots and started eating. Tough work they have to do, eh?
A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise. – Winnie the Pooh
I felt sly like a fox – I even stopped at Olson’s Ice Cream and ate a delicious scoop of caramel flavored ice cream. After watching the bears munching away, I was hungry – plus we had walked the whole park again, so burned off a few calories in the process.
And when I got back home, I strategically avoided all of my tasks other than wandering around. The garden beds will eventually get tended to. Someday.
Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them. – Winnie the Pooh
Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering. – Winnie the Pooh
Post Inspiration – Nothing
PS – Do you ever just aim for doing nothing? Do you feel sad, or happy when you do that? Where is your favorite spot to do nothing?
I think we all need a day here and there where it seems we are doing nothing but yet we are doing US. Us need healing, refocusing and just enjoying of us. And sometimes doing nothing is a great way to get inspiration or just enjoying all that God has made. Pooh is a very smarty bear after all.
I agree, Anita – thank you for your encouragement! I just love Pooh quotes – AA Milne had an intriguing take on life when writing those quotes!
Thanks for sharing the pictures. I love seeing bears. There’s nothing wrong with doing nothing once in a while.
About a month ago, I had one cross the street in front of my car. He just lumbered on by like it was nothing. He climbed up a hill from a nearby river. Perhaps he had been fishing.
You’re welcome, Dan – glad you enjoyed the photos. We haven’t seen the bear that visited our yard since he/she left the scat pile. They are quite fun to watch, that’s for sure. Thank you for the encouragement to do nothing – it was quite fun!
I love Winnie the Pooh. He reminds us to just be. Nice photo, good reminder.
Thank you, Ally – yes, he is nice – just like you! And I love that Pooh is wise beyond his years!
I love Winnie The Pooh! Daughter and I watched the videos in the hundred acre wood lots when she was a baby. Being retired, I do whatever I feel like daily!
Winnie Pooh is a classic! Ah…something fun to look forward to when I retire :-)!
I occasionally take an intentional ‘do nothing’ day to spend in quiet solitude. My favorite place for doing so is my home. I usually feel, not happy or sad, after spending a day doing nothing, but purged, and it’s a good feeling.
Much more often than doing nothing, though, I spend time thinking nothing. Like last night, on the way home from my excruciating 8-hour volunteer shift, I put the radio on the classical station, zoned out, and just let my autopilot guide me home. The Boss has never understood how I can possibly think nothing, but then, she has an anxious, buzzy brain, poor thing.
Denny, thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. I like your approach to nothingness. It is a good feeling to just purge. LOL – that’s great that the Boss wonders if its possible – for some of us, it is hard to just sit and not think about something!
Enjoyed the nature walk! Doing nothing is when we recharge. I like mornings, over coffee until it gets cold…looking out the window. Reading the paper. Or not. After all those years of rush rush rush mornings, my current philosophy is not-rushing.
Thank you! Ah…I look forward to that feeling. I felt it when we were on vacation in Jamaica. It’s a nice feeling! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I relaxed just reading them!
If you mean nothing as in not housework or work-work then yes, sometimes. I’m working on being able to do that more. Great pictures as usual, Shelley!
Yes, Janet – that’s what I was thinking. I’m working on doing so more. The dust will always be there waiting for me
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!
Doing nothing is still doing something
Yes, and hopefully it takes less energy to do so, right?
Great bear photos and matching them up to Winnie the Pooh is just perfect Shelley. I love bears, as you know, and I really like these quotes – thinking of making a few of them my mantra. I feel guilty taking so many weekend days to just wander and walk and contemplate life, but it clears my head of clutter and cobwebs, and that is the best feeling in the world.
Aw, yes, I remember your love for bears. I do appreciate those quotes, too, they are great words of wisdom to live by. Glad you too had fun clearing clutter and cobwebs outta your head – it was a perfect weekend for it. And you’re right – it’s a great feeling. Sot great, it was hard to go back to work on Monday, though! LOL!
Winnie the Pooh was a wise ol’ bear and had many thought-provoking sayings. I”m with you there Shelley – the older I get, the more difficult it is to return to work on Monday morning, even though I just walk down the hall to get there.
Yes, Pooh was! LOL – that is the longest walk to the work station.every.week!
Now I know why my friend says Winnie the Pooh is full of wisdom. As a Type A personality, I have a hard time doing nothing, but I’m better at it now that I’m retired.
Yes, Winnie the Pooh is a great guide for living on the wild side of not being so busy that you miss the little things in life. I’m a Type A, being reformed more and more each day in our empty nest. I hope you pause often to enjoy the slower pace – you’ve worked hard getting to this stage in life.
Yes I tell myself that, these are my “fun” years before ill health sets in, but is it hard to shift gears.
Yes, I can only imagine at this stage in my life!
Yes, I can only imagine retirement at this stage in my life – but I’m paying attention to those great people who navigate it well like yourself!!