Welcome back to my blog where I am never without enough questionable material to flood a blog post. It’s a curse and a blessing. I even have some memes. Imagine that! Oh, and stick around to the end for a leaked tale that left me mostly dry.

As I’ve been confessing to you of late, the problem of choosing photos comes when I need to narrow down my choices to curate a post that makes sense as well as entertains. We all want to be entertained!

I looked high and low for signs of moments I’ve captured that made me laugh, smile, giggle, and chill. I hope you hang around ’til the end to see how I almost laughed hard enough to wonder if incontinence products are in my future.

I can’t imagine how hot that guy must’ve been while carrying his walking billboard up and down the beachfront. Despite the heat, he rocked the headgear looks like these two chicks rocked the We Can Do It look back in 2011 (I think that’s the year…). I still have those jeans and the style is still to cuff them! Doesn’t every lumberjack wear ghost earrings?
On a funny connection note, that was the Halloween when I was a supervisor in a department that coordinated incontinence product shipments (among other supplies) to those in need of such services. So, yeah, I know more about those products than I ever thought I’d need/want to.

Thank goodness for the moments our family shared that year and the next. It was the fall before we took a family trip to Jamaica, just a couple of months before my mom passed away. It was a stressful time and Jamaica was a great place to escape to have no worries. I’m glad I have a picture of this funny moment to remember how it was a tad bit blurry walking back from rum-tasting.

Time flies when you’re having rum.
Erik Voskamp
There’s always something to see in Jamaica or anywhere else our travels take us.

When the kids were young, it was a different kind of fun to catch those moments.

On one of our trips to Jamaica, riding on the bus back to the airport I noticed this roadside vendor’s shop with lively colors – they made me smile. I was heading back home to go back to work and wondered if he loved being his boss with all the flexibility of opening and closing shop when the mood struck.

At 42 degrees outside this morning, we still haven’t turned on the heat! I could go for some hot fresh ground coffee from Jamaica, or perhaps some rum…or maybe I need to plan a vacation?

I adore the way the Jamaicans know how to entertain the tourists. As this guy passed the starfish around he said, “Careful, they might leak on you.” Being goofy wins our hearts every time.

Aren’t we all just playful kids at heart?

I had no idea when I saved my childhood dolls that I’d be pulling off the Barbie Doll hairdo in sparkly gray someday.

Ah, it’s fun to be colorful, and playful, and heck, who says we should follow the rules anyhow? (This is a downtown corner coffee shop that is fun to visit. It’s called 4:30 AM!)

My mom told me many times that, from coffee to martinis, life is full of happy moments to cheer!

Never use a big word when a little filthy one will do.
Johnny Carson

Two olive Tanqueray Gin martinis straight up were my mom’s favorites! Dessy drools for olives, not the gin.

Imagine the things we do when no one is looking!

That might be a redneck from WI’s sense of humor moment. On a recent road trip with Mr., we saw these two signs. We chuckled. Placement is everything. I was wondering how much further before we’d see a bathroom!

We’ve seen a lot in our travels together. Now our road trips are planned around when I’ll need to stop and take a leak. Years ago it was around when the kids needed to stop.
Speaking of that. . .before I stop this post, here is just a bit of advice as we age, this ‘splains everything, right?

So there you have it. . .

Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you’ll look back, and realize they were the big things!
A famous anonymous quote.

With our toes in the sand or toes in the waves, life is what we make of it every moment.

Learning how to chill is a life lesson that doesn’t require cheers to accomplish, but when in Jamaica, it sure was tempting to grab a chilled Red Stripe. . .

For today’s leaked post, cheers and thanks to all of you for humoring me as I added a layer of fun by taking a virtual Walktober stroll down memory lane.

The funny selfie below reminded me of how I laughed so hard that I almost peed my pants this week. Mr. and I were on our morning walk. It was chilly, so I was wearing a royal blue colored headband to cover my ears under this adorable hat. We were close to home and I reached up when I felt my hat slipping off my head. The way it was sitting exposed part of my hair between the headband and the hat that was balancing on my Barbie updo. Creating essentially a silver halo on my head. I was so embarrassed, yet, I don’t know if anyone saw it, not even Mr. At least, he pleaded the 5th when I said, “Why didn’t you tell me?”. The moment became an inside joke that made me giggle to the point of tears and maybe just a tiny tinkle that reminded me of my aging bladder. Nevertheless, I smiled as I walked a bit faster than normal all the way home. It was a true you had to be in my head moment to get the joke! It’s always a good thing when you can laugh at yourself and smile!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “material.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun! Terri Webster Schrandts’ Sunday Stills: Oct 23 Comics or Funny Pages (aka silly or funny photos); and John at PhotobyJohnBo for Lens-Artists #272 Billboards and Signs; and if Dawn will let me stretch the rules, my stroll down memory lane is my Walktober post.
PS – What signs in life do you pay attention to? Do you ever have inside jokes that make you laugh so much your face hurts? They’re the best. Do tell – what made you giggle, chill, or smile this week?
Strolling down memory lane is a good post – especially when it is lighthearted and with a sense of humor. Good pics of you! …. but I haven’t been to Jamaica. Good cat pics! Did you get your mom’s gin gene?
Hi Frank! Thanks for the encouraging comments
Welcome back from you blogging break, thanks for joining in on my walk down memory lane.
Whenever you post about the beach, I think of the trips our family has taken to Jamaica. Walking in the sand and surf is so therapeutic.
Well…I did at one point in life enjoy T&Ts, and my mom did kind of convinced me that martinis were a fun drink. No more than 2 is definitely a lesson well-learned. I did prefer vodka martinis over the gin though. For the first 10 years since her passing, we’d have a martini on each anniversary to share cheers to her. Or on Halloween since that was her and my step-dad’s favorite holiday. Of late, though, a dry glass of red wine has been preferred.
Thanks for the scoop – and I link the way your toast her! Well done!!! I’m planning the next beach walk for Saturday. Blog breaks are good.
You’re welcome! Thank you too – we enjoy toasting happy memories.
I will watch for your post, thanks for the heads up. I agree, breaks are good, I should plan one soon!
Glad you could link to a few posts this morning, Shelley! You really shared a lot of hilarious moments and photos. The person walking with all the hats along the beach is pretty funny–I hope he sold a few. Jamaica sure yielded some memorable funny moments. Your girls reeling in the giant fish is great! I think my favorites are the Seenager info and the meme of grandma slowing for the turn a mile away! Your family pics are always a joy to see!
Thank you, Terri! I enjoyed combining these 4 prompts because with your prompt it made me think of funny moments over the years. I spent a long time scrolling through photos (at least a couple bathroom breaks were involved)

The girls loved that spot. It’s in Hayward where they have the giant fish museum.
Isn’t that Seenager info funny! I had forgotten I saved that years ago. The grandma driving meme is a saver too! LOL.
Thanks again for hosting this extra fun challenge!
Great post and photos happy days

Thank you, Willow – I appreciate you stopping by. I enjoyed your photos for the prompt too – I giggled and smiled as I scrolled through your choices! Well done
Thank you it does us all good to smile and laugh it lifts the spirits

Yes, indeed!!

Great photos and the preserved history they represent. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Always plead the 5th. The anguish over “should I tell her” is too much of a strain. We have 40 years worth of inside jokes, Shelley. Some are still in that “someday we’ll look back and laugh” holding pattern. We laugh, but not for public release.
Thank you, Dan! I’m sure Mr. is grateful for your support over the plead the 5th moments in life. Those laughable moments are a sign of a great marriage!

They are
Very fun Shelley! And I agree there is nothing better (well, not much anyway) than a true laugh-out-loud moment, especially on that gives you bladder anxiety. They have determined in fact that those moments actually ARE excellent for our health – who knew?! Laughter really IS the best medicine.
Thank you, Tina! I’m grateful you saw the humor in my post and for the confirmation that it is so important for us to laugh at life and ourselves for a healthy life.
PS your take on the prompt, especially the bird that could read in your post is still making me smile!
Incontinence products are NOT in your future!
We had very noisy dehumidifying fans in the house for most of the week. Mary would turn them on and go out. I’d take a nap. I put headphones on and would be sitting at the computer, and fall asleep. The roaring of the fans just made it easier for me to sleep.
Of course, we had the fans going because we’ve apparently got quite a bit of water damage from rain water that managed to slip behind the vinyl siding, that our contractor discovered when he took the old deck down to put up a new one. We’re hoping that the insurance will pick up the tab for the mitigation and eventual new roof and propping up the floors, which had to be done or Mary might have fallen through the floor…
How is Red Stripe beer? I’ve never managed to have any. I worked with a guy from Jamaica who said Appleton Estate rum was the best. And your mother with her Tanqueray martinis is a woman after my oewn heart…
I think you were the one that recommended noise machines in a blog post one time. We have one that we turn on every night to help sleep over the trains that have sadistic horn operators.
That’s fun that you could take a nap in the daytime. I would be napping too if I had all that stress involved in the repairs you have going on. Are they getting any closer to resolving the damages? I hope they do before the snow flies!!
Red Stripe is better with Ting mixed into it. It is a favorite combination. I can attest to the Appleton Estate rum being quite delicious. I sampled all of the versions that day and the guy pouring was winking at his helper with the look, “Oh, boy, she’s gonna feel this later.”

My mom taught me the lesson you talked about too – no more than 2 martinis – 3 and you’re on the floor or something like that. I just know the day after is NOT fun!
The adjuter hasn’t even called us, so we have to wait on that. The guys are coming out to put tarps on the roof today so we don’t get any further damage. We didn’t realize the roof had been damaged to the degree it has been.
Typically the snow doesn’t fly here until January, if at all. We might get some cold weather, by which I mean in the upper 30’s, but no snow. We haven’t had any in the last several years. Maybe we’ll be lucky gain this year….
That’s good they’re putting tarps out. I’m guessing that the slowness in completing the project is due to making sure the insurance company will come through with payment?
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that the weather holds off so the project gets completed before January!!
A good fun post Shelley 
Thank you, Brian – the halo effect is the real deal
This was really a packed post Shelley – lots of pics and memes and LOL moments. I was reading about your drinks – I have never had a martini, I don’t know why, but never had that nor a gin and tonic. Where was I? I guess sipping white wine over the years … maybe a bit boring. At the ad agency we went to a favorite restaurant around the corner of the office – it was where Cold Duck was invented (champagne and Cold Duck mixed together in your wine glass – too bubbly for m and went to my head).
After watching seven seasons of “Mad Men” I thought I really wanted to try an Old-Fashioned – maybe on day.
I gave my Barbie and her outfits and black vinyl case to my boss at the diner’s granddaughter … I wish I’d kept her now with the Barbie craze. How nice you have all the Jamaica pics from your trips to look at as your weather turns frosty. I like the pic of the girls sitting in the boat with the big fish in the background and them grasping onto a pole – clever touristy idea to do that!
Ah, yes, plenty of action happening. I never wanted to try a martini until my mom and step-dad made it such a fascinating ritual to create and enjoy them. They definitely give you more of a punch than any single glass of wine. You were wise to avoid them. An interesting tidbit about Old-Fashioneds they are made extra sweet with Brandy here in WI. My nephew worked in bars down in Florida and he always knew who was from WI by the way they asked for their Old Fashioneds to be made. They are good, but can be a tad too sweet for me.
That’s a bummer that you gave away your Barbie stuff. I imagine the granddaughter enjoyed them more though.
The Jamaica photos always bring me joy to revisit. The fish is a famous spot in Hayward WI. The kids loved visiting there and they also loved the real-life fishing trips we’d do with my dad. They still enjoy going there to catch the sunfish!
I don’t remember having a lot of different mixed drinks through the years … at one time Sloe Gin Fizzes were big but that’s it and at the ad agency we used to go for dessert-like drinks called Hummers (rum, Kahlua and ice cream). I didn’t realize an Old Fashioned was sweet.
Yes, I should have kept my Barbie stuff. My mom used to knit her dresses, skirt and jacket suits and coats with a hat as well.
I thought the fish was from Jamaica from a beach – what a clever idea and I’m sure they each have this same picture or one taking there with your dad. How fun they still go there to catch sunfish!
In WI it is common for kids/teens/adults to know about drinks (sadly). Old Fashioned can be sweet/sour and made with brandy or whiskey or Southern Comfort. Those were my favorite.
My mom knitted Barbie clothes for my dolls too. In the picture I have a purple set sitting next to Barbie that my mom made. My girls loved those clothes for their Barbies.
Yes, I have photos of my dad and the girls fishing. He made little fishergals out of them that’s for sure.
I did see the Barbie clothing – purple knit pants I believe. My mom loved to knit. I am wearing a vest right now she made over a turtleneck sweater – it may be near 70 out, but it’s chilly in the house,
I didn’t realize that about the Old Fashioneds.
That’s great that the girls loved fishing. You know the story of my grandfather in general (old coot) and when I caught a fish with the bamboo pole and my father with his regular fishing rod, we never went again.
Yes, those are the knitted items. She made the top cropped too – that’s in style again! Knitting is fun, but I was never good enough to knit anything beyond wash cloths or scarfs. I bet your knitted vest is extra cozy!
Yes, I remember your fishing story. I’m glad you got to catch a fish once in your life. It is a fun experience even if the overall experience wasn’t as enjoyable for you.
Crop tops and capri pants were big in the 50s/early 60s, then made a comeback again. Capris never go out of style and for tall people like me, it’s great as you’re not waiting for the floods in regular pants because the tall-sized pants are cut funny and go up past your waist.
I was not good at knitting either – I didn’t even get the scarf knit.
I’m beginning to see all the trends come back again (and again, and again) and I get mad knowing that last year or the year before I donated the things that the younger crowd call ‘vintage’ and are wearing now. I could’ve been in style again.

As you know, I’m on the petite length end and some capris are so long they’re the right length for me.
Yes, different skirts too have a habit of showing up for a second life … pencil-thin black skirts for one. Vintage rules sometimes – that’s good capris work for long pants. I’d be waiting for the floods in petite pants.
I like you two dressed up but I adore Dessy with the Tanqueray Gin martinis straight up. Now that’s a cat who has it going on. I also am smiling at the Only Wisconsin Selfie Spot. I don’t think Ohio has figured that out yet, but when they do I might even take a selfie!
Hi Ally, thank you for the feedback! Yes, Dessy has her moments to shine. When the olive jar is opened she comes running/drooling.
The Wisconsin Selfie Spot is located at the New Glarus Brewing Company. New Glarus is such a quaint town with lots of fun things to see including the brewery. If you ever head that way I’m positive you’d get a kick out of the quaintness of the town. https://newglarusbrewing.com/pages/directions
With all the breweries around here I’m surprised none [that I know of] have a selfie spot. It’s a great idea. Thanks for the info.
You’re welcome!
Great great selections. Love that Rosie the Riveter, but I most relate to Teenager. If the shoe fits, and all that.
I meant SEENAGER, of course. Auto-correct, soooo proper.
LOL – I’m glad you clarified, I was thinking that was what you meant!
Thanks, John! My daughter worked at Saver’s that fall and they had to dress up for work during October for encouraging the Halloween costume sales.
Shelley, you got some great memories and funny stories there.
Thank you! I enjoyed the photos you chose for the prompt too!
Wonderful post, uplifting, funny and so reflective of you and your love of life. I think a trip back to Jamaica sounds great. Never been there myself, and you make me want to go. I loved the “probably should say that… and what the hell…” Think it is a rite of passage to be able to do that.
Hi Donna, thank you for your feedback. We’ve talked many times about going back and can’t decide as the last two trips were really the best and it’s hard to beat those moments. Perhaps a visit to a state we haven’t been would be more fun for us as empty nesters?

I loved that sign too – I find my mouth following suit more often nowadays.
Congratulations on your new grandbaby! I bet you’re beaming with joy!!!
Yes. sweetness all over the place. Thanks Shelley.
That was a lot of fun. And those Jamaica pics are good enough to keep you warm (in spirit anyway) all fall and winter long!
Hmmm, not sure why it says anonymous. I’m getting mysterious is my middle age! ~Rebecca
It’s a mystery to me! I’m glad you came back to say it was you

Thank you, Rebecca – I saw your next comment. It’s weird how the Someone comes up at random times.
That was such a fun read!
Thank you, Dale, thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed your Walktober too – you captured stunning photos!!
It was so much fun. Love all those signs
And thank you!
Yay! You’re welcome!
Fun post! I’m glad that you used Walktober to take a walk down memory lane. I’m not sure anyone has done that before.
Thank you, Robin, I appreciate your feedback!
Hi, Shelley, I’m over here from Dawn’s Walktober roundup. I enjoyed reading your stroll down memory lane post, and I so love your beach photos. That water and sand look so enticing!
Hi Debbie! Thanks for stopping by to stroll down memory lane with me. Beaches will always hold a special place in my heart. We don’t visit them enough to be bored with them only recharged by them especially the water and the sand.
I enjoyed your walk through Whiteside Garden. That’s a beautiful place…and Illinois isn’t that far from us, I should plan a trip there some day!
Good times and not quite so good. I wish you many more of the former. Thanks for the stroll.
Hi Jo, yes, indeed. I wish you the same. And I wish you a belated Happy Birthday too. I hope your knee is healing well and that your travels continue. Your post and comments shared were heart-warming to read!

PS – I fell this week, tripped up by some wire on the side of the road that I didn’t see. It’s amazing how many muscles we use that we don’t know we have when we’re trying to save our heads from hitting the ground!
The birthday was great, thanks, but I should perhaps mention that on my return from France I was ill and took a tumble down our stairs, resulting in 7 stitches in my head and many more bumps and bruises. I’m trying to perfect that technique where you roll over and don’t do yourself any damage. Should we enrol for classes together? Sorry for your woes

That’s wonderful news about a great birthday. But sad news about falling after returning from France. Yikes, stitches too! Ouch!
I’m sorry for your woes too – thanks for being great company! 
I’d like to perfect that technique too – my hubby knew it and tried to roll with it falling down in our driveway when our kids were young – his shoulder has yet to be the same.
Yes, if you find a class let me know.
Life could be so much worse! Had a lovely walk up in the hills this morning and a very companionable lunch. Home in time to take the washing in

That sounds like a perfect day to me!
It was!
I enjoyed your very original take on Walktober, making it a stroll down memory lane. Jamaica sounds like a great place to make some memories.
Thank you, Barbara, I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your thoughts.
Jamaica has provided our family with many wonderful memories. 7 mile beach and the sunsets are breath-taking and worth the visit.