
How I Happily Stumbled Upon My Word for 2024 Only One Month Late

Every morning, I start my day with an icy glass of water with 2 lemon slices and electrolytes. I sip it while I sit next to my Happy Light. It’s almost as delightful as when I admired the last sunset of January 2024.

With a pencil in my hand, I stream thoughts down into my new 5-year journal and then into my bright pink spiral notebook. It helps me clear my thoughts from the night before.

Whatever tickles my fancy is what I write down.

No rules, I just write until the Happy Light turns off and it’s time to move on to the new day.

It’s a newer routine I started since the first of the year. I figure it’s just 15 minutes. I can easily DO it every day! Truth be told I adore the routine. It makes my day start on, well, of course I must say it, “A happy note.”

Then, I head back down to the kitchen to grab my first cup of warm coffee. The next best thing of the day.

Today, as I sip my cup of coffee (refilled for the 2nd time), I’m here to confess to you my dear blogging buddies, I’ve finally stumbled upon my word for 2024. Not that I was really looking, but, it happened anyhow.

Like aliens appearing to me to reveal it, I embraced the moment I saw it on Pinterest and was like, “You bet, that’s ME – I LOVE IT!”

I don’t like to have the pressure of picking a word for the year, been there, done that. Unsuccessfully.

Back then, I tried to align my days to reinforce it, but it got messy when the blue skies of early spring arrived. When the weather warms up, I find other things to interest me.

I tend to teeter on the fence about the word after the first month of a new year. So this year, after skipping a month, the sunlight inspired me.

With so many words available for the taking, it’s hard to choose just one.

But, when the word jumped out at me, I had to run with it. Right?

What’s the word? I’m shining a light on what it could be as I type.

Hold on folks, be patient, I’ve got other things to share with you first. I just wanted to give you some food for thought.

While Mr. cooked dinner last night, I snapped photos of random things. Like the dinner he was preparing – Bacon, Cheddar, and Hamburger casserole. He said to me, “What’s the prompt you’re working on?”

Me: “Warm colors.”

Mr.: Knowing it’s mighty drab outside for colors at this time of year, he smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll watch as you have fun with that.”

Luckily for me, on February 3, 2024, despite the frosty start to the day . . .

it gave way to warm enough weather to go outside in the afternoon without a coat on. 40 degrees is almost shorts & t-shirt weather here in WI.

February is Feed the Birds Month (not sure what we call all the other months we feed them?) I checked out the bird feeders looking toward the SE and to the NW.

I took note of how the ground squirrel prefers a dedicated S-to-N path.

The Starlings have been staring down the opportunity to attack the bird feeders as they perch in a LONG line on the power lines . . . . . . . .

When they attack, they toss seeds to the ground and make a hot mess.

Hmm, perhaps Punxsutawney Phil was right? Will spring be early? The mess on the ground seems to be nurturing the sprouts of green grass.

The Male Cardinal and the Blue Jays enjoy going from feeder to the ground for prime pickings.

For those that know. . .No, we haven’t seen Mrs. Cardinal back here. But, I read that February is when they nest for Spring babies, so there’s still hope in my heart.

The Mourning Doves hang out here a lot. They sure blend into the dull early spring colors.

I saw one in flight. I didn’t know their underwings were white. 🧐

That may explain the white print on the window. The dove bounced off it and flew off after regaining its composure.

We wonder if our window bird feeder is the cause of the window crashes. But, the Finches don’t crash. They fight each other off it and land on it to eat.

Same with the Blue Jays, who come and go as they please.

The birds entertain our cats who are infatuated with all the activity that wears them out. Bird-watching is comparable to the joy of cat-napping in the warm sunshine coming through the window.

Meanwhile, Mr. and I think the mess the bird feeder on the window makes is perhaps less than desirable. Mr. used his shop vac to vacuum it up this week after the sunshine dried it all out.

Dessy thinks the mess is meant to be to kept up for the window-watching entertainment. Until Spring officially arrives, we’ll put up with the mess too.

Now that I’ve grabbed and exhausted your and my attention, one more thing before I go . . .

This is a Sharp-shinned Hawk

Finally, right? So, what is my word for as long as I adore it? I’m happy to say, with a revival of the idea of having a word for the year, “If the word fits, embrace it, run with it, and see where it takes you!”


To travel purposefully toward an as-yet-unknown destination.

English Slang

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “watch.” Use it as a noun or a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun! Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills Feb 4 February is Feed the Birds Month; Brian at Bushboy’s Last on the Card for January 2024 and Edigio for Lens-Artists Challenge #285: Warm Colors

PS – Do you have a word for the year, that you found in February, not January? If you have a word that you found in January, are you still fond of it in February? What do you think of the early Spring prediction by Phil? Are you a fan of warm or cool colors? And of course, I must ask, have you been coddlewompling lately? Do tell!

79 thoughts on “How I Happily Stumbled Upon My Word for 2024 Only One Month Late

  1. Shelley! Your link came through! Oh happy day, now I don’t have to search for you, LOL! My happy light was the sunshine in AZ this year! So it’s coffee for me. Good for you that you journal. I should but I’m lazy! I had to laugh at 40 degrees being shorts weather (kind of how I felt in AZ last month)!
    Your bird feeders sure look beefy with that pole–did Mr build that? that’s crazy you captured the dove print on the window–wow! Glad to read he flew off OK!
    OK Coddiwomple! LOVE it! I think as humans, we do travel purposely toward the unknown daily destinations of life. Nicely done, my friend!

    1. Oh, happy day on the link! The silly part is I didn’t do anything different to make it happen 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
      We’ve had one of the darkest Januarys here in WI. Today it was sunny when we walked and we both were smiling, it’s amazing how much we can miss the sunshine. I’m glad you got to soak up a lot of sun in AZ, that has to make the long winter seem less long and dreary.
      The Dove’s belly plant helped it bounce off. Guess our clean themselves windows didn’t work so well without some rain. The print will be there until it does rain or Mr. washes it away.
      YAY – glad to hear you love Coddiwomple too. It’s such a fun word to me too. I hope your week is full of unknown destinations that bring you much joy!

  2. The bird splat on the window reminds me of how a bird did the same thing in the 90s when I had my son and daughter over for visitation. That bird hit the window hard and left an imprint very much like the one on your window. You took so many great bird photos, you birder! It’s raining here again! And more is coming next week when I fly to Florida. The weather is very broken, Shelley. Have a great new week you guys!

    1. Wonder if your bird was a distant relative to our dove 🤔😂
      Thanks, it’s fun watching the birds. There’s not much else to watch at this time of the year. 😉
      Yay for rain, I’m assuming Vegas needs some at this time of year. We’re supposed to get some the end of the week.
      Have a safe trip to FL! I’ll be heading that way in April.
      I agree, the weather is wonky this year.
      We hope you have a great week too, John!

      1. This much rain isn’t normal but it’s definitely needed! I hope it will help Lake Mead come up a bit too. I was just reply to a comment from a fellow blogger about how the Northern Mockingbirds seem to have migrated but she said they don’t. So why haven’t I heard or seen them? The hummingbirds are happy in my backyard with two feeders. ☺️☺️

        1. Yes, I hope the rain helps Lake Mead!!
          I’ve seen birds that I thought migrated too. If we see a Robin in February, we know something is up. So far I haven’t seen one!
          I bet the hummers are happy. I hope to figure out where to put a feeder this summer so we can enjoy them again. They did visit my flowers often, but didn’t hang around like they did when the feeder was available.

          1. A Shepard’s pole is an easy way to mount them, I use two. I thought about getting one more feeder and sitting it on the table near my bedroom door, it would be really easy to get closeup photos that way. Star Nursery has that stuff down here.

          2. I think we’ll try that in our fenced in area. They wouldn’t be safe from the bear or the deer if we left them by the other feeders. 🤔😉 But…I wouldn’t be able to get close up photos then. Oh, dear…! Glad you’ve found a way to see them up close and that they enjoy visiting your yard.

          3. So now the AI knows when you’re thinking something they should put you in IG jail for?! 😉😆 Sorry they’re being such a pain for you!

          4. Maybe that’s the case but it’s so so dumb. I simply do not make nasty comments on any accounts. The system seems far too aggressive. IG has millions of users.

          5. I don’t disagree with you, John! I think you can report a disagreement to them and maybe they’ll remove the algorithm that has your account set to high alert?

          6. The problem is that there’s no way to contact these people that they will respond. I’ve sent two to them over the last two years, no response. They don’t seem to care.

          7. I got locked out once on there, reported it, no response, but my account was restored a few days later and it hasn’t happened again. Like you said, though, it does seem as though they don’t care about the errors that happen. 😣

          8. I’m on there a lot more than you are. But o never make rude comments. Sunny here, a bit humid. About to take boat ride on fresh water lake.

          9. Fab! We all got a bit red faced! The sun reflecting off the water gets you! 😂 I’m flying home tomorrow. Have to get used to the Pacific time zone again.

          10. YAY – yes, sun and water reflections can do that indeed! Safe travels to you and good luck adjusting to the time zone change. Hopefully your trip back isn’t too crazy at the airport with all the people leaving after the Super Bowl!

          11. Thanks, Shelley. I have a direct flight tomorrow unlike having to change planes in Austin, TX the other day. Since people are leaving, I’m thinking that my coming will help! I hope most of them leave today.

          12. Me too. I will be coming back here late next month to help dad wrap up things and get his antique cars ready to be shipped back to Michigan. Then, we fly to Michigan and I’ll fly back to Las Vegas. It’s a busy time taking care of an aging parent. 🙏🏻❤️✝️ I appreciate you staying in touch with me so much, Shelley! You are a wonderful friend. ☺️☺️😊😊

          13. You’re welcome. Yes, I know what you’re going through – your dad is lucky to have you there helping him. You’re a great son!
            Ditto to you, John! 🥰

  3. Coddiwomple? That’s quite the word, Shelley. Traveling toward an unknown destination, but traveling with a purpose. I like that. I kinda feel like I’ve been doing that for a long time.

    I love your pictures. It’s so fun seeing the birds. We have a lot of mourning doves, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen them from below as they’re flying.

    I hope you have a good week. I guess it’s a week for Coddiwomple.

    1. I can imagine that writing a book or starting to write a book might feel a bit coddiwomple-like. I’m hoping the word takes me on some interesting adventures this year. 😁
      I was surprised to see the white on the dove too. We thought it was a hawk in the tree until we scared it off and I had the camera ready to capture the take off.
      I hope you have a great week too – enjoy your travels to the hardware store dreaming about lawnmowers and driving whatever those lifts are called. 🤣

  4. Shelley, you really kept us all on our toes. What a delightful post and photos! I think Dessy wants to go out and get one of those doves. I’m surprised that your yard birds are exactly like ours here in TX. We do have a feral cat in the neighborhood that often captures one of the doves. You captured warm colors with beautiful images. Thanks for the journey! Now, let’s go with the word of the year!

    1. Hi Egidio, thank you for your encouragement! I did take on a sillier take to your warm colors prompt. Your photos were inspiring to me!!
      That’s interesting that you have similar birds in Texas. We have a feral cat in our neighborhood too. We’re thankful they seem to hunt the ground squirrels and mice more than the birds.
      Thanks again for hosting the challenge this week, stay warm and cozy!

  5. hahaha. The whole time I was reading I was thinking…I am going to figure out Shelley’s word before I read it. Fail. lol. Great word! And one that can be used any and every day. Well done. And now I have a new word in my vocabulary. Lots of warmth everyday in your posts, not just today. Cats…cats they know how to live life. My favorite photo is of the blue jay and cardinal in the same photo.

    And 40? t-shirts? It was 47 when we woke up and I had 2 shirts a sweatshirt, and a hat, and it was to keep warm on a walk. Our bodies have changed so much since we have lived in AZ. We get cold so easily.

    1. LOL – I stumped you, that’s a hoot. I had never heard of the word either until I saw it on Pinterest. It’s so odd I couldn’t resist grabbing it for the year. My hubby is a wordsmith and he didn’t know of it either. 🤷🏻‍♀️

      It’s 50 and sunny this afternoon and I put on my flip-flops to walk outside on our deck. We keep our house at 64-67 so it feels nice and warm in the sunshine. It is funny how we acclimate to new temps, I’d probably have a hard time with the heat you get in AZ.
      Stay warm and cozy and cuddle with your grandkids. 😍🤗

      1. Yes, took us about 3 years to acclimate to the summers, or more so, changing routines to also understand summer. We have to do our “inside” things in the summer months. Like “spring cleaning of closets, etc… Just a different time of year.

        Always love cuddles with the grands. Just yesterday the oldest just came over to hang out. He didn’t want to do anything, just be here. So I worked on my blog while he listened to his music. To think he just wants to be here is everything to me.

        1. You coddiwompled your way to changed routines. Nicely done!

          Aw….thank you for sharing the story about your grandson, my heart is full hearing how he just wants to hang out with you!! 💗

  6. Coddiwomple?! Now THAT is what I call a word! BTW tho, it comes up as not a word when I type it in WP but the dictionary includes it so IT’S A GO!!! Give us an update on how well you’re achieving it this year! (but how will you know when you get there?!) 😊

    1. It’s such a silly word just saying it makes me smile. 😆 That’s funny that WP wasn’t so sure it should be included. I’m happy to hear it’s a GO!!! Yippee 🎉🎊🤩
      You’re right, I won’t know when I get there, so maybe I’m already there or heading back there? 😏🤔🤣

  7. We’ve had the wettest January in history, which equates to no sun. But today? Happy day! Sunshine!! Love your word, I’m looking forward to hearing more about it throughout 2024!

    1. Yes, Michigan has been a wet place this January. Seeing the sun is such a happy thing, isn’t it! I bet Penny enjoyed it too. We had sun all day yesterday, even our cats wanted to go outside to enjoy it.
      I hope you have a February with many more sunny days!
      Thanks, I’m excited about the word and where it might take me. 😄

    1. Thank you for stopping by Brian! I’m off to a good start for the year in remembering to join in on the Last Card on the SD challenge! 😉😁

  8. Now, that’s a wonderful word! A friend and I have been texting back and forth about new, favorite words. So far: apricity and rejigger! Love seeing the pics of your sunshine. Do you think you could be in for an early spring this year?

    1. I’m enjoying the word, and I only adopted it a week ago! LOL
      Ooh, those two words are interesting too. Have you incorporated them into any new chapter in a book or article you’ve written?
      The apricity here has encouraged a rejigger event in our February! (Did I use them correctly?! 🤔😆) I don’t think we’re out of the winter weather yet. It would be nice to have an early spring. The folks around here who couldn’t snowmobile more than once have jumped on their motorcycles. We adjust quickly to the changing weather I guess.
      As always, thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts dear blogging buddy!

  9. Watching an active bird feeder is so enjoyable. The pecking order in nature – the ground feeders & the perchers – the picky & those that will eat anything. I miss your feeder at our previous home of 27 years. But coddiwomple? Heck, did I even spell it correctly? But to be honest, when I saw your definition, I smiled.

    1. Hi Frank! Yes, I agree, watching the birds feeding is quite fascinating. The birds that have been visiting here have found a collective groove. The Jays howl at any intruders and the little birds seem to appreciate the efforts. We’ve had our feeder that long too – I’d miss it if we didn’t have it.
      LOL – the word has ODD in it. You did spell it correctly. I have to keep looking at it to remember how to spell it. The definition is what sold me on it too! 😊

  10. What a great word Shelley! I love it. I hope I can remember it. 🙂 I had to put decals on the windows last year to keep the hummies from hitting the windows. Seems to have worked so I saved them to do again this spring. It breaks my heart to have a hummie die from hitting the window. The imprint of your bird on the window is so detailed! Wow.

    1. Thank you, I’m so happy to hear from you. 🥰Funny you say that you hope you can remember it. I had a hard time remembering it too when I told Mr. about it the day I claimed it for 2024. I got it wrong and had to correct myself later. 😆 Now I have a sign posted on my desk to keep reminding myself.
      We should try some decals too. I have CDs hanging and sitting on the window edge where we had problems before, they seem to work. Mr. also discovered that if you hang vertical lines on the windows the birds stay away as they know their wings can’t fit through them.
      Thanks again for stopping by – I enjoyed your breathtaking photos you shared for the prompt!! Well, done!!!
      Wasn’t that a fascinating print? It’s still there as the self-washing factor doesn’t work without rain or Mr. washing it off. Oh, the joys of birds and windows!

      1. That’s too funny… I just read your comment on one of my posts( before I read this) and I replied that I was so happy to hear from you! lol! Sounds like you’ve found some remedies for the birdies. It was pretty cool that you got a photo of that bird outline on your window. So detailed!

        1. Your comments and visits remind me of how blogging is so much fun and how bad I am at keeping track of the bloggers I love to hear from and forget to take time to reach out to them. Thank you for being one of the special ones that have brightened the blogging experience over the years! 🥰

          1. That’s such a sweet thing to say Shelley. Making my eyes misty. People like you are what keep me trying to stay with blogging. Even if I’m not posting often, I still read your blog. Those goofy shoes still make me chuckle after all this time. 😀

          2. Aw, me too, I’m misty with your reply! Thanks so much for hanging in there with the blogging efforts throughout the years, perseverance and coddiwompleness shine here in the blogosphere! 🥰😍🤗

  11. I do like your word of the year Shelley. I like how “coddiwomple” just kind of rolls off your tongue. 🙂 Well, my word of the year (first time for doing this) is “time” and that was in anticipation of retirement. Time I cannot seem to get enough of … this trial is over so maybe I can get here earlier every night. I like seeing all your birds in the yard – that could sway me back the other way. Or maybe not. I can see how kitties could be fascinated by them just as much. I’m still crossing my fingers for Mrs. Cardinal’s full recovery. I like your new morning routine!

    1. Thank you, Linda, I’m glad you like my new morning routine. Yes, the word does roll off my tongue. It’s so goofy it makes me giggle too.
      Time is a good word for you – you’re both enduring an interesting time and you’re looking forward to a new time in your life. It fits for you!
      Your backyard will come together in time and at the right time. See…time is a good word for you.
      We still have hope for her too. 🥰

      1. I like odd words. There was a site by a guy called Evan Morris, the Word Detective and he used to ask people to write in to him to ask him to research the origin of words. My boss is a wordsmith and collects odd words and phrases, so I bought him a subscription to Evan’s newsletter for Christmas once. I got a complimentary subscription so it was fun seeing those words. He passed away a few years ago, but his site is still up. Yes, I hope so – not sure what I’ll do as I saw another hawk back there this morning when I came home from walking,

        1. Aw, I can see you liking odd words and have a resource available to look into them. That’s fun! Robb could probably write a few books on odd sayings and words.
          The nice thing about hawks is they do hunt down the critters that we don’t want around too…like mice, etc. 🤔

          1. Yes, I actually signed up to get a word from Word Warriors from my school. About once a month, they have a strange word, mostly too strange to use in a conversation or writing but fun to look at.

            Yes, that is a good feature of hawks. This was was perusing what was below him and the jays were really in tune with its presence, hopping all over sounding the alarm to other birds. I don’t know what it went after but it sure left that branch in a hurry.

          2. That’s a fun thing to do, I should look at new words every day too. 🤔
            A hawk that takes off fast saw something odd it needed to check out. Or perhaps they are masters at coddiwompling?! 😆

          3. Their journey isn’t pretty in the end though. Something was on the perimeter path the other name. Not sure what it HAD been. Something gray … feathered? Furred? Not sure, just some remnants. Ugh!

  12. My guiding word for the year *light* came to me in December, has worked during January, and presumably will work during February.

    I like all colors depending on the context.

    I wish you well with your word of the year, learning to spell it alone will be a big accomplishment.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Ally. Light is a warm word, I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well with it since it came to you.
      From what I’ve learned about you over the years, you are a color fan and discern well what colors work together.
      Thank you – yes, spelling it is a challenge. I have it printed out as a small sign and sitting on my desk so I can remember. 🤣

  13. Yes – “coddiwomple”! A very handy word I would say – and now that I have read it and said it – I cannot get it off my mind…Lovely post and I am still smiling!

    1. YES – that’s how I felt when I first saw the word too. I giggle every time I see the sign with the word on it sitting on my desk. I’m glad it brought a smile to your day too. 🥰
      PS – your warm color photos gave me cozy vibes this morning, well done, excellent choices.

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