Emptying the nest

How I decorate for Thanksgiving in 3 minutes or less

Mrs. Turkey:  Whew, Yay!  We’re finally on the tabletop instead of in the drawer.  It’s our annual outing of the year.  The Mrs. finally got around to decorating for Thanksgiving, she has 4 days to spare this year.

Mr. Turkey:  Yep.  Do you like your runner spot on the table way down there?


Mrs. Turkey:  Yep.  It’ll do for a few days.  It’s nice to be upright for a change.  That drawer gets a tad cramped.  Looks like your feathers fluffed up just fine.


Mrs. Turkey:  Did you time Mrs.’s routine again this year?

Mr. Turkey:  Yep?

Mrs. Turkey:  Well…do tell, the suspense is killing me…how long did it take her to decorate?

Mr. Turkey:  Less than 3 minutes, including dusting time.  We both know she’d never take a picture of the table without removing the dust first!

Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. – William Arthur Ward

Mrs. Turkey:  Nice!  She’s faster than she was last year.  Must be why her mom was smiling in the corner the whole time!


Mr. Turkey:  Yep, that must be why.  And here I thought she was smiling because Mrs. was smiling that mischievous smile of hers.

Mrs. Turkey:  Ah, yes, that smile of hers.  It always comes out when she’s faster than the year before and she knows it.  She loves to avoid getting bogged down with too much stuff to clutter the table.  Seeing her smile and decorate so fast makes me thankful that she chose us two to be saved as treasured items from her mom’s belongings.  She knew we’d be easy birds of pray (prayer…prey…you get the gist) to decorate with just like her Mom had done with us years ago.

Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming. – Joseph B. Wirthlin

Post Inspiration – A few days of Thanksgiving quotes

PS – How long does it take for your family to decorate for Thanksgiving?  


29 thoughts on “How I decorate for Thanksgiving in 3 minutes or less

  1. I’m hoping one of the 5 adult guests coming to my table brings flowers–that’ll be our decoration! And whatever cute stuff the kids bring home from school. My husband is the decorator, because I’m the chef! The opposite of your situation. (Well, and I’m letting Whole Foods do about half of the cooking this year–ha!)

  2. I stopped decorating for the holidays when our youngest was in middle school. Now the only decoration there is is the Christmas tree. All the other stuff stays in the loft. Maybe someday I’ll drag it all out again but honestly, there is no place to put it out without rearranging the whole room. I like your turkeys.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Janet. When our kids were little we had so many decorations – now I’ve given many to our youngest, and we only decorate one small area. Way easier! 🙂

  3. These decorations are so cute! Minimal time and maximum effect. I will not need to decorate as we have been invited to spend the holiday with our adult son, who will be hosting his first Thanksgiving! (all that training we did paid off…hehe). Yay!

    1. YES! It’s wonderful when our offsprings catch on and want to take over the hosting. Enjoy the relaxing time admiring their hard work!

  4. What a precious chuckle for the day. That’s about the amount of Turkey day decorating I do as well – probably because I always have Christmas up by then. Have a great Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you! Um…if I had all of the fun and interesting Christmas decorations that you do, I’d skip Thanksgiving decorating too! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving – relaxing!

      1. Yes, the holidays always make it sad as we miss loved ones and remember how things used to be. The best thing I did was digitizing those photos, even though they need to be finalized and tweaked into separate images and that will take a very long time to do so, but when I scanned them in, I separate them so retrieving pics is manageable and it is nice to look back at what was. My mom, on the other hand, did not want to decorate much and encouraged me NOT to spend Black Friday decorating the house and New Year’s Day putting everything back in order again. I’ve not decorated since she’s been gone – I put out some ornaments the following Christmas but not as much as we never had out … because it is a small house, everything had to be cleared away and tucked away and it was a long, drawn-out process. In retrospect, now I don’t miss doing that. My mom was adamant everything had to be “back in its place” on January 1st before I went back to work. I finally found my big container of Christmas cards and will leave them out until I get the cards done so I don’t lose them again. 🙂

  5. Love your adorable turkeys! I did not even spend 3 minutes decorating for Thanksgiving this year. We are going to my son’s in-laws for dinner, so all I have to do is make 2 pies. What a difference from when I had to cook for everyone. So much easier this way! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Laurie – I agree, it is SO much easier to just have to make the pies! :-)! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family – enjoy the moments of relaxing and watching the kids take charge. 🙂

  6. I’ve only actually “decorated” for Thanksgiving once…if you can even call it that. As a New Englander living in Los Angeles I often miss the foliage this time of year, but a few years ago a friend happened to be flying back from the northeast a couple of days before Thanksgiving. I asked him to bring me a ziploc full of fall leaves and used them to scatter on the table to bring fall to us!


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