Adventures · Inspiration

How I convinced myself to take Vitamin D3

Every year, at my annual physical appointment, my physician begs the question of why I don’t take Vitamin D.  She recommends it – every year.  And every year, I sigh.

I’d prefer to get it the natural way – out in the sunshine, on a beach somewhere.

ATuesday 021

Or like a cat does – napping in the sun.


I just don’t like to take pretend manufactured in a lab kind of things, I prefer to intake vitamins naturally in foods I eat.  Except I do take a probiotic every day…

She always asks me why?

I say, “‘Cuz I feel better…”

“How so?”

“I dunno, I just do.”

I don’t go into elaborate explanations. I know the probiotic helps me regulate my weight and digestion and I feel clearer in the head when I take it.  I have no scientific backing.  And if you want to make a point with a doctor, you need that kind of crap.  Therefore…”Cuz I feel better when I take it” works.

Then she asks, about the Vitamin D3.  I know it’s hard to get in the foods we eat, and it requires K2 to be absorbed.  We give it our best shot to get it naturally – Mr. cooks salmon for us and I eat every bite.  But it’s not quite enough.


But she faithfully reminds me every year about our propensity to be deficient in it.  While you can get some from food, it isn’t necessarily easy to do.  I have yet to become a fan of sardines…or cod liver oil…but I do like shrimp!


And as a woman over 50 (post-menopausal and all) she tells me I need the Vitamin D to protect my bones as well.


And Wisconsinites are prone to Vitamin D deficiencies…blah, blah, blah…

“Have you tried Vitamin D3 like I suggested the last year?”

“Um…yes, but I didn’t like the taste of the supplements.”

“Did you try a different brand or liquid instead?”

“Um…no, I just stopped.”

This year, I wanted to make that portion of the visit go better, so I took a different route prior to the appointment.  Actually, right after the appointment, but the Nurse taking the information said, “It counts if you’re starting today.”

The back story…since I know I’ve piqued your curiosity.

Before my appointment this year, being in a curious mode, I decided to research Vitamin D3 and its benefits.  Along with my Dry January – and sleeping better, I heard that Vitamin D3 helped with that too.  Score!  Why wouldn’t I encourage more great sleep!?

I have a dear friend who is a health and wellness coach, and she takes it, recommends it to her clients, and says it helps.  I figured if I asked her, she’d know what kind to take and how to take it.  Without having to give my physician the satisfaction of taking her advice.  Yikes…what a bratty patient I can be.

So this year, as a self-proclaimed “Curiosity – Guru” (actually not, but it is ‘my word’ of the year I chose to embrace – curiousI also Google researched and listened to a couple of videos about it and took my friend’s advice.

By the way, just so you know – curiosity can be quite the time-consuming habit.

Anyhoo…it appears there are some pretty cool potential benefits for us.

We are, seriously – by the way, very prone to deficiencies in Vitamin D in February of the year, and our peak levels being in August, that is if you’re one to have it measured by blood work.   Duh…Seasonal Affect Disorder peaks in the winter as well.

I remembered last year at this time feeling quite blue, and especially so in February.  I was craving exposure to the sun.  Unlike our pets who seem to find ways to stay sun-soaked and happy…

Not me, when it was -15 degrees below (or at least below 32 degrees) sitting out on the deck in the mid-day sun, naked or in a bikini for optimal exposure, isn’t my idea of hot fun in the sun.


I’d much rather plant myself on a spot like this…where minimal clothing is preferred.

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Plus, last year, I didn’t have a tropical trip planned where I could get some extra doses of it, i.e., something to look forward to that does help with moods but costs a LOT more than a bottle of Vitamin D3/K2.

So this year, I took the plunge and bought a bottle of the good stuff Vitamin D.  After my appointment with my doctor.  I ran right over to my friend’s office and picked some up and started taking it – 11 days ago.

I can recommend the Vitamin D3/K2 for sure, it won’t break your pocketbook to buy the artificial sun in a bottle.

The benefits are convincing:

  • May protect against cancer
  • Helps control inflammation
  • Decreases the risk for heart disease
  • Helps with poor moods
  • May help regulate the immune system
  • And…may help increase the quality and duration of sleep!

I’ve been taking double doses, because, I was likely deficient and we’re heading into February.  I couldn’t honestly remember the last time I had sat in the sun, I’m sure it was maybe in September, maybe October?  For sure way back in August.  Yikes!

The liquid form is taken by drops on the tongue.  It is tasteless and doesn’t give me any yucky feelings in my stomach like the tablets did.  If you have any sensitivity – not sure if I do or not, never been tested – to gluten or fillers in Vitamins (yeah, there are plenty if you read the labels) you’ll want to go with liquid too.

I have been sleeping better, my mood is better, and I believe it is helping me stick with my Dry January.  At least the second 10-day section of Dry January seemed easier in a different kind of way.  I believe it is contributing to better sleep, which is really helping me feel better overall.

The best time of day is to take it when the sun is rising so your body has time to absorb it.  And luck would have it, I happen to love sunrises, so it’s easy for me to remember to take it then!

And there you have it…that’s how my curiosity convinced me it is a good thing to take Vitamin D3 with K2!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s #JusJoJan Curiosity, prompt thanks to Pamela over at  Head on over to check out her creative writing and artwork!


PS – Do you take Vitamin D3?  Do you notice a difference in your mood, sleep, or overall health?  When’s the last time you got some natural sunbathed Vitamin D?  


19 thoughts on “How I convinced myself to take Vitamin D3

  1. I suggest you take it Shelley. A back story – the ex lived in Michigan with me eight years and had to take vitamin D as she grew up in California. It helped her a lot. There’s almost no sunshine up there. 😎

  2. Excellent decision Shelley. It is really important to take D3, especially since we are all more prone to using sunblock (for good reason). Glad you found a form that you tolerate. I also supplement with it too. Great post!

  3. Yes as we get older we start to need extra stuff. My son is a chef and has been after me for years to add salmon to my diet. My daughter wont eat it so I just get the small can and make patties with it. But I too take supplements. I figure at 67 and not on any medication for health issue as of now I am doing OK but the doc did say I needed to take calcium and calcium needs D3 to absorb properly and I also take Mega 3. And recently I added Lysine as I am prone to fever blisters when I don’t sleep well. So I look at it as I am on supplements but not yet on real drugs. ;o)

    1. Wow – you’re doing great, way to take your son’s advice and for being able to delay the need for any health related meds. Thank you for sharing your support, it means a lot to me!

  4. Yes, we live on the cloudy (east) side of Lake Michigan and have been taking D3 for a few years now. It does help with the winter moods, although having a sunny vacation helps me as much or more. 🙂

    1. Ah, yes, you have your share of gloomy weather days there too! You’re so right a sunny vacation helps tremendously! 🙂

  5. I always have my D3 levels checked when I have blood work. They were low years ago so I started taking D3 supplements. Now I take Calcium with D3 (I have osteoporosis) and my levels have remained normal.

  6. I’ve been told there’s an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency. Every year at my physical, when I’m checked, I’m deficient. My doctor recommended 2,000 IU daily and even with that and trying to get sunshine every day, I stayed deficient. Then a friend of mine who is a Nurse Practitioner went to a seminar at Vanderbilt and they suggested that women over 50 need 5,000 IU a day. I increased my dose and my values are finally coming up. I live in the south and feel I get plenty of sunshine but I think we lose the ability to absorb it as we age. That’s my theory anyway…. for what it’s worth! LOL! I’ve been told Vit D3 helps with depression and helps prevent colon cancer. I didn’t know that it helps with sleeping. I could sure use that!

    1. Thank you for sharing, Gail. I was told 5000 IU per day, and right now for the first month I’m taking double that. From what my doctor told me, the sun is the best source, we essentially need to be naked for 20 full minutes a day to get the needed amount (that’s without sunscreen). You’re right, as we age, many things about how our bodies work changes. Hopefully with your increased dose you’ll start to sleep better too. I’ve heard it will disrupt sleep though if taken too late in the day.

  7. Interesting – I didn’t know Wisconsinites were prone to issues. I have a friend who lives near Rochester, NY and they are susceptible to lack of sun as well and she is on a supplement “X” number of months per year. She works in the yard a lot in good weather and has a large piece of property so gets enough sun then. She told me her part of NY is problematic for this issue.

  8. I had a recent doctor’s appointment where they tested my Vitamin D levels and were surprised that I exceeded the norm without any supplements. I’m lucky and live in southern California and take walks on my lunch break! Otherwise I’d definitely be in the supplements camp, too.

    1. That’s great that you’re able to get your Vitamin D naturally! When the weather is nice, I love lunch walks – it’s a great way to break up the day and get some sunshine too! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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