Adventures · Inspiration

How I convinced myself there are 4 seasons

I love the 4 seasons, yes, I do, but this winter,


has been an icy nightmare – we even had to open the windows to chop icicles.  My hero to the rescue.

And, I gotta tell ya, I’m sick of being stuck in a snow globe that keeps relentlessly reproducing snow piles beyond those we’ve seen in these parts before.

But, then I remember, I’m alive, I’m blessed, and the calendar (not the groundhog) says spring flowers will come, eventually.  And we’ll be free to run in the yard without snow boots!

Oh, and, in the meantime, it really helps my mood to remember there’s a beach vacation coming up soon…

And…I may have ordered other options for a bikini…we’ll see if guaranteed delivery comes true for Valentine’s Day…a tale of sorts to be continued…

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s 1-Liner Wednesday Good or Bad

PS – The snow finally stopped falling, for today.  There’s always more in the forecast for Thursday.  How about you?  Tell me about the warmth you’re feeling wherever you may be?  


23 thoughts on “How I convinced myself there are 4 seasons

    1. I’m glad to see I could brighten your day, Dan! Enjoy the warm air that’s predicted. With all the snow we’ve gotten, we’re hoping there’s a SLOW transition to warmth, all of this melting at once would not be a good thing!

  1. No snow today but frosty car windows this morning. Up to 60 but end of day. Warmth comes from looking at your beautiful pictures of bright flowers, furry friends and the BEACH!! Happy Wednesday!

    1. Ah, 60 degrees sounds like short weather here in Wisconsin. Glad you found some warmth in the photos!! Happy Wednesday to you, too!!

      1. Funny enough my in-laws have friends visiting from Appleton and they remarked that this was not even sweater weather.

  2. It was a winter like you’re having now that jump started me to seriously plan moving to a condo. The icicles. The buried grill and deck furniture. Endless shoveling. Seemingly never ending snowstorms! And then the melting too fast. You have my sympathies! Think Beach 🙂

  3. Seeming endless here, too. Cannot emphasize enough how a planned vacation is keeping me sane right now. ha!

  4. So many great photos Shelley, it’s amazing how the snow on your patio table keeps growing. Reminds me of a biscuit! Must be two foot of snow now. Copper looks so cute running fast along the fence. Your husband does a great job on the grass, well cut and trimmed. Think warm sunny thoughts today, your release from the snow globe approaches. ☺️😎❤️

    1. Thank you, John. We are astonished by the snow this week. Yes, Copper loves the summer months. Mr. spends plenty of time on the lawn-mower in the summer, too. He’ll appreciate your kudos! Yes, soon…I’ve got a count-down going!

  5. I’m in the same boat as you, Shelley. Cold, ice snow. The plowed piles are getting too high! On the bright side, the sun is out today. I should go outside so I remember what it feels like on my face.

    1. Poor Wisconsin – we’ve been having a rough February! I hope you had a chance to see the sun today! I admired it from the window. 🙂

  6. Hmmm, your photos are a good reminder that eventually this will all end, but up here on Georgian Bay, it’s been one of the most brutal winters ever. Thanks for the hope!

    1. I feel for you, I hope it does warm up soon, too. Thank you for stopping by, I checked out your blog, too – way to find a way to share your creativity!

        1. Thank you! The gif is fun. I need to update the picture one of these days, my hair is back to that original length (finally)!

  7. I meant to comment yesterday that the ever-growing snow pile on the outside furniture was just incredible and now there is more today. I don’t know how you cope with all that snow and ice Shelley. Ours is more an icy mess for three days and that is bad enough!

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