Holy crap…I gotta tell ya folks, it’s an amazing feeling to accomplish a goal. I’m talking about meeting a goal that was set months earlier and Shazam!, all of a sudden the goal is reached.
Before I planned it to happen.
It was one of a 1st of the year kinda goals.
Yeah, I did that, I picked an easy one for me so that I could accomplish, at least once in my lifetime – a New Year’s goal.
And…drumroll, please…I did it.
This is the book that helped me get to the top of the mountain of books on my list. And if you’re into learning more about trees, this author thinks they are darn amazing friends of the forest.
But, let’s get back to me…I’m amazing, right? Aw, shucks, thanks! I know, I’m a superhero reader in my own mind (meeting my own goal that I knew I’d reach based upon normal reading patterns…). So, now, I can set another goal. This time, I might just record it in my new bullet journal…once I finish the book on how to implement the system.
Wait…okay, in all seriousness, I confess, reading 30 books is not that amazing. Especially when my criteria is the thickness of the book has to fit on my treadmill so I can read and run at the same time. Okay, not everyone can run and read at the same time, so that’s a kind of amazing little skill of mine, right?
Amazing is such a flippant word nowadays, isn’t it? It’s an easy filler word, and the jury is out on if it is an amazing word or not.
And with all my reading, maybe I should be looking for books that expand my understanding of the past and words to use, and not read about the badass I should be in the future?
Could I accomplish a different kind of reading goal? I’ve got time now that the nest is empty. Maybe I should relive my high school years by reading books from the past? Maybe I’d pay attention to them now?
The books I read so far this year were light reading in comparison to others I have in my library that I’ve never picked up (until I moved them from my mom’s house to my garage, to my Q-room, to the table to take a picture, back to the shelf in my Q-room) to read.
In high school, I read the Cliffs Notes for War and Peace. What can I say, I ran out of time…
Now if I took the time to read the actual book, that would be an amazing accomplishment. If I added Sherlock Holmes to the list too…Oy…I’m speechless…I might have to lower the number of books I’ll read in the year though. But…
I’d consider myself one badass reader, that’s for sure. Hmm…
Should I? Should I add those too thick of books to fit on my treadmill to my 2019 reading goals list? Should I…?
I’m waiting…what do you think?
Post Inspiration – Planning for 2019 goals and RDP Friday Skill
PS – What’s on your reading list for 2019? Are you a badass reader and you’ve read the two thick books before? Did you like them? Did you use CliffsNotes in high school too? Come on, confess…it’s okay, you’re safe here with me, especially if your high school teacher is long gone by now like mine!
You are amazing, I could never get remotely close to how much you read. wow!

Thanks – you top me on # of photos taken though – that’s amazing!
I do have a photo obsession, my dad once said that I’m always snapping photos… hehe!
I am a MAJOR book geek —- I spent hours in my H.S. library during my free period and routinely checked out the fattest books I could find. I’m a very eclectic reader — mostly serial-killer-murder-mysteries, but will do biography, true crime, romcom, chick-lit, books on boho living/decorating …. see what I mean?! I also made my Goodreads goal of 25 books …. several months ago. I really should up the ante, so to speak, and read more, but, well, sometimes I just wanna veg and watch The Walking Dead on Netflix.
Wow – you are eclectic. I’m like that too – those categories intrigue me as well. You’ve got me beat on vegging and watching Netflix…except I was hooked on Stranger Things and The Office for a bit. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Happy reading to you –
Great post, and congrats on meeting your goal! 30 books is a wonderful accomplishment. Funny, Stephen King just tweeted recently that he’s tired of reading “amazing” as a descriptor by young writers. You’re onto something there. We read shorter but still classic books in high school, like The Scarlet Letter. I did read Moby Dick in college–every single word (we had a wonderful prof to lead us through). Honestly, I think modern fiction standards and tastes have changed so much since War & Peace, I wouldn’t torture myself (unless maybe it was part of a class I enjoyed). I did read Crime & Punishment, but not W&P. I’m also interested in Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s take on Sherlock Holmes’ brother Mycroft. And the BBC show Sherlock is great (the first couple seasons anyway) but I haven’t delved into the original Doyle. I think we have to give up on feeling guilty about what we haven’t read. There’s so much wonderful new stuff out there. Read what makes you feel good, I’d say. There’s enough other ways to make oneself feel guilty!
Thank you, Rebecca – your tips and thoughts have sparked desires to branch out my reading list and forgive myself for not reading the oldies on the shelf! When’s your WIP book coming out…I need to add that to my list?!
Thirty is really good ,so yes, add a few more…I commit to 12 a year and I struggle with that…so you are amazing to have met the goal of 30
Thank you, I appreciate the kudos and encouragement! Happy reading to you!
Add them. I’ve hesitated tackling some thick tomes too because I read in bed before I fall asleep so one of those would take me MANY nights. Congrats on finishing your goal of 30 books. I set mine at 25 and have made it past that also. We still have a month and a half or so left of the year too. Go us!
Oh, my, I do that falling asleep while reading thing too! It took me forever to read Devil in the White City because of that! We are both amazing for exceeding our goals! GO US!
I had to give up reading in bed…just kept falling asleep! Well done reaching your goal…go for it, one chunky book before Christmas!
That darn bed…! Oh, my, maybe one chunky book before NEXT year’s Christmas is doable ;-)!
SMART goals…small, measurable, achievable, realistic and…’time bound’… that’s all that’s needed. The time span is irrelevant once it suits you!
Yes, I love SMART goals!
I really need to get back into reading as I was such an avid reader until the internet. Though I read all my news online or get it from the radio (I don’t have TV), gone are the days of reading long into the evening to find out “who done it” or not being able to go to bed or even move onto another task without finishing another exciting chapter of a novel. For decades I took the bus to work, so there was automatically at least an hour to read and my lunch hour most days as well. I have a stack of five years of AARP publications sitting in a pile to be read. Sigh. I definitely used CliffsNotes in college and high school as well. I never understood “Beowulf” before, nor after using CliffsNotes, and I read some books like “Heart of Darkness”, “The Jungle” and “Sons and Lovers” so many times, and analyzed them so many times, it took the enjoyment of reading books for schools. i have several tubs of paperbacks downstairs that my mom and I bought – we had similar tastes and she read them and they are waiting for me once I’m retired. That will be along with all the other little projects I have planned and how many actually get done is a good guess.
Sounds to me like you have a great back up plan to the days when the weather doesn’t permit an adventure to the park, right?!
Yes, and a treadmill would be the very best plan, but I don’t have one right now. This morning it very slick out and there have been several accidents – luckily it is not a work day or there would be many more. The wind chills are below 10 and very blustery … I will run out to run my car (it is on a trickle charger in the garage but I run it every day and cannot access the garage from the house unfortunately) – hopefully no snow to deal with, and if it is it is a light coating, better left on the slick pavement I think, then I’ll scurry back in and do tasks in the house (there are many). It hopefully gets better for tomorrow and Monday then snow again Tuesday morning, likely to deal with using a broom or shovel – way too soon for this!
I love my treadmill in the winter, and when it’s too cool, and when it’s raining, and…if you get the opportunity to get one, I do recommend doing so. Stay safe, stay warm, and enjoy the view from inside! I agree I’m not ready for winter yet, it seems to have arrived way too soon.
It sure has arrived too soon Shelley. When I went out to run the car, it was a “real feel” of 7 degrees. And it was NOT the wintry precip they predicted and NO slick roads. I cancelled my appointment for nothing. I went for a walk, though not down to the Park as it was starting to snow, but not sticking. This weather is crazy. I would like to consider a treadmill down the road – my basement is finished, but small and very cluttered right now. I have an exercise bike downstairs … I used to read while riding it. I didn’t use it much last Winter as I spent nearly every day shoveling.
What I appreciate about you is that you’re able to find ways to get exercise and enjoy it at the same time. That’s the key! Stay warm…I agree this weather is very unpredictable. It’s snowing here, even though it wasn’t predicted! LOL
Thank you Shelley. I am trying to savor each walk now as I know bad weather will intrude on my daily walks sooner rather than later. We have some more snow coming in Monday into Tuesday. I went on a six-mile walk at my favorite spot, Council Point Park this morning. It was blustery and cold with a 23 degree windchill. Too soon for that … and for the snow as well. We have had a freak snowstorm around the middle of November in the past, but it melts the next day. Today I did a squirrel post, but I have some photos of the heron and some ducks – very peaceful-looking pictures that I also took this morning. I will try to get the post done tomorrow, or Tuesday at the latest.
Yes – savor every walk. You keep inspiring me to continue walking outside while the roads are clear. I’m just not so excited about the cold. Great post you shared, Parker and friends are darn spoiled by you!! Happy trails and blog writing to you!
Thanks Shelley – I savored this morning and got in five miles. Tomorrow, not sure how it will look outside, but I’ll be shoveling the way it sounds right now. Friday may be nasty as well. Those birds and squirrels could not access the suet as it got too cold and they were gathered around looking at it (the birds mostly) so I grabbed a stick and broke it up for them the best I could (which wasn’t great as it was cold this morning) … I left, and looked from afar … yes, they were happy campers.
I’ll get some more suet blocks for the Winter when I go down and next time I’ll break it up first for my little pals. They have the suet at my grocery store on sale many times – I should have thought to stock up before this. And, it was peanut butter and smelled wonderful and was brimming with peanuts – no wonder it was a hit!
The park pets are hoping today is pleasant enough for you to visit again! I’m sure they consumed the suet from yesterday. Stay safe and warm, and enjoy the journey of spreading your kindness!
You are right Shelley – I know tomorrow is a go, maybe Thursday as well. Friday and now Saturday have snow for the a.m. drive. Must keep the Park pets fat and sassy! I know that suet is good for them this time of year especially. Thank you and I’ll stay toasty and spread some cheer.
I’m positive the critters will appreciate you venturing out to see them. I’ve been missing our birds since we put all the feeders and the bird baths away for winter. I’ll get my fix by reading your posts! Stay warm, stay safe, and enjoy your walks!
I did get out this morning and it was a gorgeous day, even though it was just 20 degrees. I put on my heavy Winter coat as the wind chill was 18 when I got up this morning – not even mid-November, but we are 20 degrees below average temps. I did get a visit from three squirrels as soon as I got the outskirts of the Park. Most of the regular walkers were gone this morning and it was very sunny … I think they’ve gone to their treadmills now.
Yay – congrats – you’re braver than I was. I hit the treadmill again. I’m working on a book I can’t wait to have on my finished list. So I can buy a new one. Glad the squirrels found you!
You inspire me with the reading – I was such an avid reader when I worked on site … read on the bus twice a day and on my lunch hour. The rain/snow is coming in at 11:00 ish but I’ll squeak in a walk this morning. Can’t disappoint the critters plus get some steps in.
YAY! Your daily walks inspire me…I better hit the treadmill to get in my exercise and my reading!!
My walk was shortened by rain and graupel – grrr. I am uploading a few pics (making lemonade from lemons) … Shelley, here is Tom’s macro website and I think you may enjoy it since you enjoy macro photography: Now to get ready for work … sigh.
Way to stay positive!
Thank you for the link!
I am impressed you read that many books! I read fewer books, but count one magazine subscription as a book per month, because it has no ads and has really wonderful essays and stories (“The Sun”). I never read War and Peace. And I still have a few books left from high school English – paperbacks yellowed on the edges. The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread and McTeague. I was transformed by those books. When I was a kid I devoured the Nancy Drew series and all the junior biographies – especially about women – that I could take out of the school library. I am in a book club so that keeps me going too.
And, um, Cliffs Notes DOES ring a bell….
Thank you! That’s impressive that you found a magazine without ads. We’re kindred hearts when it comes to keeping a few (too many, maybe) treasured items from our past. I loved Nancy Drew too. Thank you for confirming the use of Cliffs Notes ;-)! Happy reading to you!
I don’t dare create a reading goal…I would never get off the couch. I am thoroughly intrigued with the “Hidden Life of Trees”. I do believe they have a connection with the man upstairs, they are part of His creation as well. I will have to check that out.
Great accomplishment in reaching you goal, that is always a feel good moment. Have a great weekend, I will be on the couch and have several books close by.
LOL – but, right now, in healing mode, you’re gonna wipe right through all those books! You’d enjoy the “Hidden Life of Trees” and I think if you like that one, you’d also enjoy “The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating”. I really liked that book – it’s about healing as well as learning about snails in the process. Take care, heal fast, and enjoy the Christmas view you’ve created while you read!
Thank you