January 2, 2019 – Today, you may feel a tad out of this world (crawling out of your jammies and into real clothes you bought on Black Friday)
as you officially go back to work after the long holiday season – even if you do, go ahead and congratulate yourself, you’re ready to experience a second chance to prove we can stick to New Year’s Resolutions (or start yours if you didn’t start on the 1st…hint, hint, Janet at https://scr4pl80.wordpress.com/, who by the way has a great non-scary you can do it kind of vision for the year!).
Do one thing every day that scares you. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Post Inspiration – #JusJoJan and 1-Liner Wednesday (prompt was combined for today) – for those of you who think I can’t do just one run-on sentence – I just did (Dan). And I made it through Dry January Day 1, too, with a little Humm…so there! That isn’t cheating, right?!
PS – Did you stick to your resolution for the 1st day? Are you ready for day two? Doesn’t that cloud formation look like an alien, or is it a figment of my imagination?
Hm, looks like it may be just the right amount of space for a ship (the UFO kind of course).
It does!
I like that cloud alien. Also, good advice from Eleanor Roosevelt Hopefully I won’t be too afraid every day to take it once in a while.
Thank you, Frank. I loved your post today – great quote and great photo!
The alien cloud looks real enough to me. I appreciate being called out on the one-liner issue. But, the most important news included with this comment is this – I received an email notice about this post!
It finally occurred to me that you can turn email notifications on in the WordPress Reader. So, I clicked on the “Follow” button, thinking I would then edit the connection in the Reader. Follow didn’t work from my laptop, but later in the day, I clicked Follow on my iPhone and it popped-up saying that I was now following your blog. I then proceeded to the Reader – Manage Blogs You Follow – section and turned on instant email notifications,
It seems to have worked!
LOL – I’m glad you liked the cloud and didn’t mind the call-out. I’m so happy you figured it out!! Welcome to the WP Force of Email Notifications Be With You!
PS – that’s how I know when you post too
We should be in sync from this point forward, Shelley.
Happy New Year, Shelley! It’s not your imagination, that cloud formation does look alien. Is that Photoshopped or a true pic?
Happy New Year, Denny! It’s a real photo, no photoshopping involved!
That’s awesome! The image is almost convincing enough to inspire this hardened skeptic to believe in…well, something.
LOL – YAY! It’s your imagination running wild, that’s something spectacular!
Oh my goodness what a great picture! Thanks for the nod and, yes, today is officially my first day of following my goals!
I agree with everyone. fantastic shot of the cloud. Loved your long sentence. It just occurred to me today what 1LINERWED really meant. Someday’s I don’t know how I get dressed. I didn’t follow the correct format, again. There is always next week.
LOL – Thanks! I rarely stick to the one line, but am trying to set new ways this year (week). You’re right, there’s always next week! I’m happy to see you joining in on the fun!
Weird cloud and yummy looking kombucha
Thank you!! It is really delicious Kombucha!
I make my own kombucha and have tried different flavor combinations. Haven’t tried that combo yet, but now I will!
We received a kit at Christmas to make our own. Hopefully, it will taste as good.
Very cool photos – an alien or a hole in the sky. I wonder what caused the cloud formation! (unless, of course, it WAS an alien)
Thanks or it was the alien that crashed into your snow picture for Wordless Wednesday?
Dry January? But January is the month that a glass of wine is most needed!
LOL – I know…but it’s just for 10 days (or more)…
Ha ha – it does look like an alien and I have always enjoyed Eleanor Roosevelt’s quotes – I’m going to tuck this one away!
Looks like a great stick figure at least
Love that quote.
Thank you, Nova, it’s nice to hear your thoughts!