Emptying the nest

How a Mouse Totaled Our Durango

Every foggy morning has its fleeting kind of moments: some good, some bad. On a particularly dense and misty morning, a mouse made an appearance IN our house. A big fat one according to my trusted eyewitness.

Mr.: “I just saw a big fat mouse run across the room and into my office closet.”

Me: “What? How did it get in the house?”

Mr.: “I dunno, I heard a loud sound behind the dryer, and then I saw it run into my office.”

Me: “How are we going to catch it?”

Mr.: “I’m going to have to go get some mouse traps from the hardware store. I don’t have any, I checked. I blocked the bottom of the door so it can’t get out of that room.”

Me: “Okay.”

And Mr. was off driving into the fog while I finished my cup of coffee to get rid of my brain fog as I worried about a mouse in the house again. Grr.

The fog grew thicker the closer Mr. got to the store by the lake. Thank goodness the store had mouse traps. All excited about being able to trap the rascal, Mr. jumped in the car, took it out of park, and glanced quickly as he pulled out of the parking space. It was super foggy by that time. His glance through the blindsided window frame area of the Durango (17-years-old BTW) blocked the view of the parking lot light pole with a hefty concrete base.

The pole survived.

The Durango, not so much. It could’ve been worse. The door won’t close, and it jammed into the back door too, so that won’t open. With winter on the way, we have to get it fixed.

I can only speculate how Mr. felt when he heard the crunch. And how he felt driving home. When he arrived back home he was more excited to catch the mouse than to let me know about the Durango.

Me: “Did they have traps?”

Mr.: “Yes, six of them and I have them all set already.”

Me: “Yay, with peanut butter as the bait, right?!”

10 minutes later, the hungry mouse was trapped and disposed of.

Me: “Thank you, and thank you for braving the fog to get the traps.”

Mr.: “You’re welcome. But, it was very foggy and I totaled the Durango.”

Me: “What? Are you okay? What happened?”

Mr.: “Yes, I’m okay, once the fog clears I’ll show you what happened.”

That was one way to kickstart a week. An estimate from a body shop just a mile from our house came in at $7k. That was a shocker, as their mechanic looked at it and said, “No problem, it’d be about $300.”

The next estimate from a shop 30 miles from our house was more reasonable, $40/hour to do the work if Mr. gets the fender and the hinges and they’ll do the work. Hopefully, the a-frame isn’t damaged. We won’t know until they take off the damaged parts.

So…the $40 dollars we saved on our heat bill this past month will go for one hour of labor. We saved $40 by keeping the heat and A/C off.

We caved and finally turned the heat on when the first snow arrived. We walked 2 miles in it as it fell down on the autumn trees. It was pretty, but it was cold!

In a week’s time, we’ve had yo-yo weather and up and down temps – kind of like it was the fall season fleeting back and forth with summer and winter at the same time. It was easy to gradually get used to being cold in the house.

Our goal was to turn the heat on when the temp in the house hit 60. By the end of the day on Friday, we were both shivering and agreed to crank on the heat when the house temp hit a balmy 62.

The chilly day had us confused as well as the little birdies in our yard. It’s way too early for snow.

Thankfully, the snow didn’t stick around. My Happy Place (aka, the Tea House) outside is ready for the winter, I guess I have to be too.

And that’s the story of how a mouse totaled our Durango. Thank goodness, my Trailblazer has towing capabilities. Wait until you hear the story about the appliances…that’s a story for next week!

Mr.’s Happy Place – aka our Kitchen is getting new appliances.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is a happy place.” Write the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a “happy place.” Have fun! And Terri Webster Sunday Stills – Fleeting Moments.

PS – What’s new with you this week? How has the weather been for you? Have you ever challenged yourself to hold off turning on the heat? Did you notice the little bird taking flight in the photos – kicking snow behind him?

53 thoughts on “How a Mouse Totaled Our Durango

  1. Oh, say not so, Shelley! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! So sorry about the Durango–you seemed pretty calm during all of these fleeting moments. I can’t believe (well, I can) there is snow already while we continue to bask in high 70s today…again since September. This will change soon, but these warm days have overstayed their welcome since Fall is having a slow start. Take good care and here’s hoping you can get a good deal on the repairs!

    1. Our Durango has been a faithful and hard-working vehicle. We just want to be able to close the doors and run it for a few more years. We’re holding on to hope that the repairs are easy and he’ll be back on the road again.
      Yeah, I don’t remember ever having snow before Halloween. Wow – that’s nice you’re still in the 70s. It’ll give you a chance to get more fall photos. Our trees really took off into the vivid colors once we dipped below 70s.
      Thanks for hosting the Sunday Stills theme for fleeting moments. Your photos are beautiful!

  2. Oh dear. I always amazed by how expensive car repairs are. and one ding somehow always ends bumping something else out of alignment. Ugh. Sorry that happened. But glad the mouse died. 🤣 And the snow…uuffff.

    1. Hi Laurel! Yeah, we were shocked by the first quote. We also don’t think they wanted the job because we don’t want it to look ‘pretty’ just want it to function. I was amazed that a concrete pole could do that much damage in seconds.
      Yes, we’re happy the mouse died! So far it was a lone ranger, so hopefully his buddies aren’t still looking for him.
      Snow…uufff is right! Stay warm and cozy by your fireplace. 🔥🔥🔥

    1. Thanks, Dan. We appreciate the confirmation of that blind spot. What a unfortunate design flaw it is.
      No snow now. Instead, we’ve got the cold NW winds, so hopefully it went somewhere other than headed your way!

      1. Brrrr. I don’t think I’ve had a car with a worse blind spot. I remember warning my daughter about it every time she drove that car. You could hide a big vehicle in that spot.

        1. You’ve made Mr. feel better with that comment. He drove the Durango way more than I did, but he reminded me of the blind spot often. It’ll be something we don’t look for in a new car whenever we take that step to buy one. Hopefully this one will get repaired and we’ll have it around for another 5 years. That’s Mr.’s goal. 😆😉

          1. You’re smart to still look. Our cars are too old to have the warning systems. Makes me wonder if it is still mandatory for the drivers to learn about them or are they relying on the warning systems? 🤔

          2. The problem with the warning system is that it’s focused on what’s behind you in the blind spot. It doesn’t catch the nut-job drivers on the highway who weave in and out of lanes. They pop into your blind spot form the side.

  3. Wow, I’m sorry about the Durango, guys! And glad that the mouse has been disposed of, darn varmint! The temperature swing there is crazy! 🥶🔥

    1. Thanks, John. Please keep your fingers crossed for us that it is a simple fix with the new fender and the door latches.
      Yes, the mouse not surviving is the silver-lining to the story!
      You would not like it here today. It is 32 and WINDY! BURRRRRR! 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶

      1. That’s so cold! I haven’t felt that since last December at our family Christmas. And, it will happen again this December!

        1. Yes, it’s cold. Today it’s 24 degrees with a feels like 17 and 6 mph winds coming from the NW at 5:29 am.
          Yay – glad to hear you’ll be going to MI to visit family for the holiday!!!

  4. I haven’t turned on the heat yet although a few nights in September I was tempted but just put more warm clothes on and a nanna rug to watch TV. It has seemed like relentless rain but in reality it has just been gloomy.
    Your poor car. I even heard the sound in my head.
    I still have a few mouse traps set since I caught a couple in early Summer and thought more might want in over Winter but none!!
    I was in my office a week ago when I saw a rat on the verandah. I have a live trap, in case the big buggers are native rats, but he didn’t come back.
    Hope you can have a great snowy Winter Shelley 🙂 🙂

    1. Thanks, Brian. I’ve been using your technique to stay warm. I must say, it’s a good thing I work from home, my choices of layers rarely go together as a fashion statement.
      That’s funny – when I saw the damage I heard the crunch too.
      We sealed off what we thought was the hole on our front doorstep, but just Saturday we saw a baby mouse crawl through the rocks. Apparently, our creative solution was pretty, but not a deterrent.
      Yikes…rats…I don’t like rats…! I’m glad to read the one you saw didn’t return.
      Thank you for your well-wishes. I hope the gloomy weather departs and you get to enjoy some warm sunshine! 😎😎😎

      1. So hard to keep mice out. I have used those steel washing up cleaning coils to plug some holes as they don’t like to chew on them.
        Well this afternoon there was thunder and a huge downpour. It’s not too cool tonight but I am a bit rugged up making my own fashion statement 😂

        1. I might need to put some of that steel wool cleaning coils in the areas where we know they’re crawling around outside. Oh, yes, that’s what I need to do go shopping for those (and for any new fashion statement outfit I might find) and block those mice!
          I like how you’ve left it to my imagination as to what fashion statement your pulling off! 🤣 Stay warm and dry!!

  5. Uggg! I hope you can get it repaired for a reasonable amount.

    We’ve been having a colder than normal October, but I can’t complain too much since snow, hurricanes, and tornados aren’t part of our weather mix. We probably won’t need to turn the heat on until later next month.

    1. Thanks, Janis. We will find out this week how much it’s going to cost. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it is NOT $7k!
      You’re right, it’s fortunate to not have the bad weather. Maybe your November will be warmer than normal? I wish you cozy days ahead.

  6. You’ve already had snow? Wow…

    You were lucky the mouse couldn’t fit under the doorway. You’d be setting a lot more traps then… We used to get the glue traps, where they’d walk onto the glue and get stuck. but that’s even worse than the conventional traps…

    1. Yes, the arrival of snow was quite a shock. I don’t ever remember having it that early. Halloween, yes, but before the 15th nope.
      The mice can fit everywhere they want to get. Scoundrels.
      My daughter had those sticky traps in her apartment, she said the squealing of the mouse was as bad as the chewing noises the mice were making in the middle of the night. I don’t think she’ll get that kind of trap if she ever needs them again.

  7. Oh no! So sorry about Mr.’s truck. I hope it’s a simple/inexpensive enough fix. It’s always something, isn’t it!? And snow? I’m not ready to even think about it yet.

    1. Hi Rebecca, thank you for sharing your thoughts. We’re hopeful that it’ll be a fix that is simple.
      Yeah, snow…we’re not ready for it either. It’s 29 here this morning with a feels like of 17. At least it’s not snowing. 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 Stay warm!

  8. Honestly I do not like mice to begin with– and then this? What a story, well told, but REALLY? I’m sorry. As for snow… already where you are? Our first flakes are predicted tonight, but I doubt it’ll stick.

    1. Hi Ally – I’m with you in not liking mice. They’re even lower on my list after this experience. I’m wondering if a skeleton on the front door step would scare them off? 🤣🤔😂😉
      Thank goodness the snow didn’t stick. I’ve seen flurries the last couple of days. So far, not a big dump of snow again. Once November arrives, the snow dodging game is over.
      I hope the weather stays nice so your skeleton can perform well for the trick-or-treaters!

  9. What a story Shelley and Mr. was like the warrior gone off to hunt when he told you he set the traps (even remembered the peanut butter) and grabbed the little bugger 10 minutes later. Unfortunately the fog wreaked havoc with your morning and wrecked the Durango. Details, details. I hope since you came up with a compromise by ordering your own parts that this will make it a more manageable bill. That’s amazing how much is charged. Also amazing is how you tolerated that cold of temps in the house – I am glad you finally succumbed and didn’t wait til it hit 60 … your fingers would be like popsicles!

    1. Thanks, Linda – yes, it’s been an experience. Thankfully, no more mice (yet). Once it gets even colder outside, I’m guessing more will try to move in. We took away their hotel, so hopefully they’ll go for traps instead and we’ll part ways with them before they get in the house!
      The Durango is headed to get repaired this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed that it is an easy repair and not $7k to fix. I better tell Mr. that he should have a limit before they do the work as to where they’ll stop and call us before it exceeds a certain amount (aka, blue book value of $1400).
      My fingers are cozy this morning at 68, we’re adjusting I guess!

      1. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you Shelley that it is not an outrageous fee to fix the Durango. It’s a shame as it may be old, like mine is, but still in good shape so in that respect blue book value is not really all that accurate, but I get it.

        You are a brave woman. I am turning mine down tomorrow morning. I put it at 71 after he put the new humidifier filter in. I had been at 70 and shivering.

        1. We haven’t heard back from the guy repairing the Durango…we’re hoping no news is good news.
          We didn’t have to have the heat on since Friday morning. It has been up in the 70s and almost 80s yesterday. That brought us wind and thunderstorms throughout the night. It was 73 in the house overnight. HOT!!!
          Stay warm and layered up!

          1. I hope he got the Durango done – I wondered if it worked out okay and did not cost an arm and a leg. I am behind responding to the rest of the comments (not on my Monday post) as I lost my internet last night, so I went to bed. It seems to happen the same time every night – hmm. Hope no one is camping out on my wireless.
            We are having an all-day rain Wednesday. It is not that hot in the house here, no storms yet. I hated to see that beautiful weather come to a crashing end!

          2. He’s picking up the Durango today! It was more than he thought, but 11x less than the other place was going to charge.

            Hmm…do you have a VPN or something to ensure that you’re not getting hacked by someone to use your wireless?

            The rain all day wasn’t too bad. I think the ground needs some moisture before winter.

            Stay safe and warm!!

          3. That’s great news and 11X cheaper is even better news!

            My boss still has a problem with his Outlook … I am not getting involved as it’s a little strange with the problem of no Outlook icon so how that affect your Outlook – he told me Monday the computer guy will swap with another machine, but still hasn’t. I ask no questions anymore as I don’t get an answer half the time. Today was one of those days.

            We use a VPN for work to remote in and I know Malwarebytes Premium has one you can get – I asked our computer guy if it would conflict with the work VPN and he didn’t know … I should have just asked you. Do you use one for work and one for personal? I see Firefox just did an upgrade and noticed a Firefox VPN in my start menu. I have subscribed to Malwarebytes Premium for years as Marge had several viruses until she used her phone only the last few years. I would just get their add-on I think. I should look at the Firefox VPN first … at the end of today, I was glad to get away and know I am so behind here.

            We had an all-day rain too. I was getting concerned as I turned off my water awhile ago and it got so hot for my bushes and ornamental tree. We only got 1/4 of an inch they said. But another nice weekend – yay! That will be the final Fall fling as I have too much other stuff to do outside/inside.

          4. Yes, the price was right, the work was adequate, and Mr. is on the road again in his own vehicle.

            I will have to ask the pro in the house about the VPN. I can email you with more info if you’d like me to.

            Yes – get out and enjoy the weekend coming up. It will likely be the last one until next spring. 😭😨😉

          5. That is great news – so you can park in the garage again. Yay for that.

            Thank you, I appreciate that Shelley. I don’t get much of an answer at work. The tech still has my boss’ computer tower while he figures out why there is no e-mail icon. It has to be more to it than that? I don’t ask anymore. 🙂

            I am glad I made those two 60-mile roundtrips to the state park last weekend. Every weekend I’ve indulged myself believing it was the end of Fall and after a rainy Halloween, we are getting warmer again. No early start tomorrow – we have fog settling in tonight.

  10. Dang mouse. At least it is caught. The car…ugg. You guys seem to have a good attitude about it. One of those things..it is what it is. You probably don’t want to hear it but the snow is pretty with the autumn trees. Fleeting moments indeed.

  11. So sorry to hear about all the bad luck you’ve been having Shelley. Such a sickening feeling crunching a vehicle. What year is your Durango? We had one that was a ’98 in purple. My favorite vehicle. We got another Durango in ’18 and love this one too. I hope everything goes well with the repairs. Fingers crossed!

    1. Thank you, we appreciate your words of encouragement. It has been a learning experience.
      The Durango is a 2005. It has been a great vehicle, we’ve loved how durable it has been. Many family trips, moved our kids multiple times, and made trips to see them in their landing places over the years.
      The repairs are done (still need to do some spray painting) and the door is in working order so we’re good until the next repair needs to happen. Time will tell when we need to jump into the ‘we need a new car’ shopping market. 🤔😏🙄

      1. They’ve been really dependable for us as well. Good to hear the repairs are done. Getting a new car is bittersweet. It seems a lot easier than it was when I was a lot younger. Maybe salesmen have gotten less aggressive? Or I’ve gotten more knowledgeable.

        1. I agree wholeheartedly. We watched our daughter purchase a new car this year. The salesman said the list of people waiting for the cars is out 6-7 months. 🙄😏😣
          I do believe we’re likely more knowledgeable about what we want and really need. The extra bells and whistles and gadgets frankly scare me. I learned how to drive in a Gremlin with a stick shift. And I could parallel park by myself. 😂🤣😁

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