Adventures · Inspiration

How a king-size bed is a perfect size for a dog

If you ask me, a king size bed is just right for a dog my size.


Really?  Aren’t you kind of small, compared to a king size bed?


No, I’m not too small, and yes, it is perfect for me.  You see I measure approximately 15″ from nose to the good ol’ pooper zone.  Give or take a squirm or two.  I don’t care to be touched with anything…a ruler is especially scary – but that is beside the point.

A king-size bed has plenty of space to divvy up between all of us in the family.  Jeez…


My hoomans do take up quite a bit of space, but if I place myself just right smack in the middle of the side where the Mrs. likes to sleep, I can allocate her 63″ to the left or the right of me, and I get to curl up in a small ball to stay warm and cozy all night long.


Pre-edited Image found on

The Mr., well, he stays on the other side of the bed to consumes enough space for his 73 inches.  He shares that side of the bed intermittently with Chubba who visits just to make sure there are no midnight snacks available or that it is possibly time to arise from the slumbering noises that frequent his spot or her spot.  Man, she can cut the zzz’s in direct competition with the Mr. Hooman, that’s for damn sure.


When the search for food doesn’t work out for her, she’ll plant herself on a pillow in the middle of the bed, sprawl out and her belly can consume a circular space of roughly 15″ diameter.  She’s hard to measure, though, so I’m just going on her redundant fluff appearance and a generous modest estimation.  Don’t ya agree?  Maybe it is more? …but she’s a girly girl, so we’ll just go with an estimate instead of actual.


My other sister, Tizzie, moves all over the place.  Thus her more trim appearance.  She moves spots around the bed to avoid kicks in the head or the like.  Frequently stopping just on the edge of a corner.  She can momentarily catch a catnap pretty much in any size space.


She fits well in the area equivalent to a 9 1/2″ x 13″ box – which by the way we have multiple of those size boxes strewn about the house just for that purpose.  Chubba doesn’t quite fit as well, but ya gotta give her kudos for giving it her best effort.


I’ll never understand the mind of a cat.  A box or a king size mattress?  Duh…it’s a no-brainer to me.

We do like to fight over the spaces on the bed, I guess.  But we do settle down when the hoomans take their respective spots.

All I know is, I sleep well.  And I believe I can speak for Chubba (aka, Dessy) she sleeps well too.

And how does the Mrs. sleep on the nights when the temperature is 16 degrees outside and her little dog (aka, ME) wants to be extra cozy to stay warm all cuddled up close to her so that she has a reduced space on the bed to 43″, down from the normal 63″?

Like crap, I hear.  So she complained.AGAIN.  Too bad, so sad, I slept well.  Like I said, a king size bed is just right for a dog my size.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s #JusJoJan – Inch is the prompt thanks to John Holton over at The Sound of One Hand Typing – check out his post for the prompt!  His blog is one of my favorites to visit!  Make sure you stop by to say hi, you won’t be disappointed!

PS – I know, not everyone lets their pets sleep with them…but we do and most nights it works out fine.  But when it is below freezing outside the pets tend to take up prime spots on the bed!  How about you do you toss them out of the room or do you let them keep their claimed space?

26 thoughts on “How a king-size bed is a perfect size for a dog

    1. Aw, thanks, John! Mr. wasn’t too impressed with my impressionist drawing of him – but unlike him, I don’t have a 3-d printer to make a lookalike! 😉

  1. So funny. My queen size is definitely not big enough as Mimi wants to sleep horizontal in the space that should be vertical. So I get pushed to barely a body width width space or less. And it is funny how cats like to sleep in small spaces, even if they don’t really fit. LOL

    1. Oh, my, yes, when we had a big dog (Golden Retriever) he was never on the bed – he was bigger than me (so I thought anyhow!). Yes, I’m amazed at how ‘small’ a cat can appear when they want to fit somewhere!

  2. The two cats we have left each have their own couch in the living room, so they don’t come to bed as a rule, but when they do, they generally stay put in one place. We’re used to it.

  3. Ha! We had a granddog that used to sleep on the foot of our bed when we visited, having become enamored of my DH. When we got our dog, I said no dogs in my bed. (I know, some people think that’s harsh…) So he has his own lovely bed in our room, another in the living room, and another in the TV room. Oh, and one downstairs in the family room. With four beds, he hardly needs ours, right?

    1. LOL – now that’s a dog who owns his home! 😉 I always said no to the dog on the bed until we got one that is smaller than the cats. I feel sorry for him sleeping on the floor all alone. But he certainly knows how to claim the king-size bed!

  4. So far poor Sherky has to sleep in front of our bed on at least three duvets, an old coat and when its cold covered by an old cardigan. We have a king size bed too but hey a greyhound in between us? No way Jose… We are considering though to get her her own sofa downstairs 😁

    1. LOL – sounds like Sherky is comfortable in what you’ve provided for her! I would be right there with you – a greyhound is way too big!

  5. The only animal I allow in my bed is my husband. And even at that, our headboard is in such a way that it has a center vertical line and he is forbidden to pass that line! I have no qualms pushing him over, in his deepest sleep, should he ever cross that line!
    Our doggie sleeps in her own bed, on the floor, right under where my husband sleeps.
    We have a queen sized bed and I am the queen of the bed.

  6. If I were lucky enough to own a dog (and incidentally not a husband), my dog would definitely sleep on the bed. However, my cat prefers her own bed and I do have a husband.

  7. Ha ha – that was a funny read Shelley and I’ve never had a pet share my bed … it’s been decades since I had a dog, and it’s pretty difficult to take a parakeet or canary to bed with you. 🙂

      1. The parakeets came out of their cage as they were finger tamed and never sat anywhere but a finger or a shoulder, but the canaries never came out of their cages – she are more social inside the cage, than outside, so no worries about eye pecking.

  8. Ha, I know this scenario well. My husband and I share a king-sized bed with our three dogs. Or rather, they share their king-sized bed with us!

    1. Ah, thanks for sharing your thoughts fellow pet lover – your dogs are lucky they found owners to buy them a king-sized bed to share with you :-)!

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