Tricked again. Despite my efforts to stay on top of things, I’ve been tricked into some life changes.
I’ve been avoiding it like the Coronavirus. As if this year wasn’t bad enough, I’ve been tricked first off by software. That’s on top of my emotional tornadoes that have tricked me into someone I wasn’t proud of being – I guess it’s to be expected that it would happen to me?
And, through all of it I didn’t have to do a damn thing – just hang out and wait for all kinds of weird sh*t to happen?
Weird? Yeah, so about the software, that is. Maybe WordPress in the background is more like a virus than I thought it was?
I got an email stating they took care of it for me.
Aw, isn’t that nice of ’em?
I dunno…that seems so out of my control? Especially when my website is self-hosted. Hmm…can they just do that without my permission?
Apparently so. The did it?
Or maybe not? I still have this little brownish swirly thing on the screen. That usually means I have to do something by clicking on it? That’s when things usually break. And I don’t like it when my blog parts break.
All I did before was just wait it out and then I got the email stating they took care of it for me. I wasn’t going to be forced to do anything that I didn’t want to do.
Yet, here I am, typing in the newest version of WordPress, I think. I’m using the Classic Block. So there…’eff you’ WordPress.
That got me thinking.
Who me?
Of course, it’s me – incognito, or my everyday just me look! It’s my blog. Duh?
Not all selfie pictures of me can be uploaded. Especially those I take with my small camera. Reminds me, I still have to figure that out.
I’m always thinking about something. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and sometimes it’s not.
When I pick up my camera, I think happy thoughts. When I pick up my glass of wine I’d splash my thoughts. Cheers to wine. Right?
It depends upon what I do with my thoughts that matter. I’m like Copper on a beautiful fall day – just dreaming of something better. Or content with sniffing around to see what I can find.
This year, from March on, my thoughts have been rolling around in my brain like a stormy sky, twirling, spinning, crashing, thrashing, and just over all effed up.
So much so that I started to whine a lot about the world’s situation with COVID and our election year. I tried to hold it all inside. I hide out drinking wine a lot more to numb the thoughts more than I should. We couldn’t go anywhere but the essential grocery store…that sells a nice selection of wine.
Each glass I’d empty, I’d feel the momentary ‘ah, that’s relaxing’ feel, followed by remorse, especially the next morning. We all know drinking isn’t the answer to life’s problems. Apparently, I wasn’t alone either.
Worldwide, people have felt so much loss this year, and we’re working hard collectively to drown it out?
Or we’ve been tricked into thinking it’s okay to eat comfort food to make it through to the other side of tipping the scales in the unhealthy direction that only makes us more of a susceptible host for the virus.
I didn’t do that, in fact Mr. and I lost weight and are eating healthier than ever. So much so his doctor said, “You’ve lost weight, 25#’s, wow, was it on purpose?! It’s rare this year to see anyone lose weight.”
We’ve got sustained weight loss going for us, and lots of delicious, satiating food. Mouth-watering tasty!
So we don’t NEED the side of wine, the size of a bottle serving.
At least for the last 6 days, we haven’t. We’ve committed to challenging ourselves to go dry for at least 30 days. And we feel great. And we’re sleeping well too. Go figure.
. . . I began to wonder if in a time of loss we may instinctively reinvest our energy back into ourselves until we are certain that we can survive our wounds. Could we possibly become so totally focused on sustaining ourselves that we lose the impulse to move forward and connect to the world around us? . . . Excerpt from Kitchen Table Wisdom – Stories That Heal by Rachel Naomi Remen, M. D.
The trick to making a dry month or more stick, (hopefully more) is to do it together.
When we work together, great things happen. I truly believe that if we look hard enough, we will see the beauty in the world around us too.
Last year, I was the whip-cracker as we remodeled our own kitchen and this year, we remodeled a rental kitchen. Last year, we’d share beer and pizza to celebrate each accomplishment. Carb loaded weekends right before Thanksgiving. 9#’s gained. Nice.
In January I gave the dry thing a try and it went pretty well. Then we started low carb, healthy fat eating, and red wine seemed to be a better choice. Some say it’s heart healthy? In moderation, that is. What does mighty Google have to say?
It’s like an argument between a democrat and a republican. They’re both right.
This spring/summer I tried hard not to be the whip-cracker. We were both on the verge of temper tantrums. Whew that may have had something to do with the all the wine drinking we did this summer??
We got back to being adults fast. And back to the rental kitchen remodel –
Where we found every surface had to be washed, three layers of vinyl flooring removed, all outlets removed and replaced, some even rewired, face plate covers replaced, all cabinet/drawer doors were removed, washed, sanded, stained, varnished and rehung, the same revival process to the fronts of cabinets, inside/out cabinets had to be cleaned and repaired, hinges all cleaned and refinished (couldn’t buy replacements due to age of the building), ceiling and walls painted twice, appliances washed inside and out, counter tops replaced, new sink and faucet, all the plumbing behind the cabinet redone, light above sink replaced, new blinds, air conditioner cleaned thoroughly, and a new chandelier hung, the final touch was new vinyl floor tiles installed. I’m sure there are other items that were fixed when I wasn’t looking.
I was in charge of cleaning the disgusting walls and appliances. I did help remove some of the flooring and I helped paint.
Before photo of the room below. Thank goodness the renter had purchased new appliances for himself a couple years prior to this, so they just needed a good cleaning.
I’m mighty thankful Mr. and I have learned lots of tricks of the trade so we could do the majority of the work ourselves. And now we can focus ourselves on our improving our health and mental well-being too!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Trick
PS – How about you, did any of your vices escalate during this year? Did you gain weight? Are you ready for a change too?
I’ve gained a bit of weight, not much, Shelley. When I had a self-hosted WP site years ago, it too would update to the newest version. Or, I did it. It needs to be kept up to date. On the .com side, it’s all done for you. The photo with the angry sky, wow!! I hope your next renter will smoke those nasty things outdoors or else!
You’re not alone in weight gain. Glad to hear it’s not much. Limit that stein drinking to just one – beer has lots of carbs ;-).
I was thinking my website would crash if I updated it. I’ll wait until the wee hours of the morning to click the button to do it.
Yeah – that was one angry sky – it didn’t do much except rain though (thankfully!).
I hope the next renter is a non-smoking clean freak!
I suggest making it verbally clear, and legally clear in the rental agreement that smoking is not allowed inside the unit. Yuck!
I agree, we definitely will do so.
First, a question, did you ask WordPress or your ISP to automatically apply the WordPress updates? When I was working, we ran our website on WordPress, via GoDaddy, and we did sign-up for automatic updates. It generally worked pretty well, but the was some associated wonkiness on occasion.
I have not gained weight. In fact, I think i’ve lost a little. I was disappointed that my doctor did an over-the-phone wellness check, because I wanted her to record a small weight loss.
I’m guessing I maybe did so? I use Bluehost. I’ll have to check – thank you for the suggestion.
Isn’t it funny how proud we are of weight loss and how disappointing it is when the doctors don’t give us tons of praise for doing something good for ourselves?
I’ve never had a virtual check-up yet, but if things keep going the way they are, that may be the case come January?! We’ll see.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
My luck, the in-person visit will be in the spring, when I’m at my flabbiest point in the year
LOL! Yeah, the long winter can be flab generating ;-).
Amazing work you guys did. Loved your photos as well. I think it is interesting how cats drink from the opposite side of the bowl. And those storm clouds were awesome. I think we are all ready for this year to be over and for next year to be better. Some of us are already starting to decorate for Christmas – need some cheer in our lives. However, reports are saying that while this pandemic will eventually end, it may a two year run. We all need to encourage each other as much as possible to help each of us cope. We are a social animal and when we can’t be social much, it takes a toll on us. So take care. You and Mr. hold each other close and use technology to see family and friends. I am enjoying the zooming thing as all of my family, except for my daughter, are down south. Be safe.
Thank you, Anita. I agree – it’s so interesting to watch a cat drink. My little dog can be just as messy – I sometimes think he’s a cat-dog.
It was quite the storm – thankfully it was just a rain storm and no real damage.
I haven’t started the Christmas decorating yet. We may get the lights on the outside hung this week. As I was cleaning yesterday, I had second thoughts about even decorating. It may make me miss the kids too much. But then I have to remember, we do have an empty nest and before kids we decorated so we could celebrate as a couple our new home together. May need to rekindle those thoughts!
I’m thankful for daily Snapchats and phone calls. We do a Zoom one on occasion. If it weren’t for technology, I do agree this would be much harder. I’m glad to read you’ve found ways to stay connected.
I sure hope this doesn’t last another 2 years!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, I so appreciate your words of wisdom!! xx
I got started early as it helps me find a little normalcy, even if it is early. It helps lighten my spirit.
I went shopping yesterday and the Christmas decorations have been picked over like crazy … I don’t think you’re alone in starting the decorating early!
So. Much. Work. But it turned out so well…you guys are a good work team. I do understand the cooped up, together all the time, when will this end thing. Golf courses have been open here and the season will be pretty much over after this coming (supposedly warm) week. So we’ll have a LOT of togetherness after that. I’m not too excited by the holidays and not sure how we will handle them. The big family gatherings seem to be out this year, so I guess I’ll have to cook a bird myself.
But things can always be worse, so I’m working at staying upbeat. Zoom helps, as does FaceTime.
As for weight, I think I’m up about 4 pounds give or take. But my real concern is how very little exercise I’ve been doing between our move, my trip to England and the incoming cold weather. Getting moving again is on my to do list. We’ll see if I can do enough to cross it off.
Yes, it was A LOT of work. We’re still tired from it. It does help that we do work well as a team.
We’ve been working from home together for 7 years, so we sort of have the extra togetherness thing down. I think we both miss me being able to go hang out with friends or go shopping at a moment’s notice, or to go visit our kids. Otherwise we’re pretty much a stay-at-home kind of introverted couple.
I’m not excited about holidays either – my dad even called and said, “We’re not going to do holidays this year, too afraid of the virus.” He doesn’t have technology like we do so we don’t get to see him, only talk to him on the phone.
I’m glad you’re working on staying up beat – I hope looking at the photos you too while in Europe and the current Zoom/Facebook help. Babies grow so fast!
Now that you mention the reduction in exercise, that came to mind to me this week too. I’ve been doing my daily treadmill walks, but they’re much shorter than the walks Mr. and I were taking during the spring and summer. I’m working my way to running a bit now, instead of just walking. I need to get some books from the library or buy some for my Kindle so that I have fresh words to read to keep me on the treadmill longer. I thought about all the elderly that used to use the mall for their daily walking space. Walking outside with ice/snow/cold isn’t something they like to do, and it’s isn’t as safe. I agree with you – somehow figuring out how to stay active is imperative! I have a hunch you’ll figure out a way to get moving and make those pounds fade away!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts – I always enjoy reading your words!
Well done all round Shelley…..perhaps you’re no longer “all round”

Hard work pays off and I am sure you feel rewarded. Love the photos and those clouds area wow!!! I hope Copper is taking advantage of the grass and outside before your snow arrives. Glad you are so well and healthy x
LOL – thanks Brian. Yes, some of the round stuff I had before has shrunk – it is rewarding for both of us.
That was quite the cloud formation! Copper enjoys sniffing the air when the temps are above 45, cooler than that, he’s coughing and shivering. It’s going to be a long winter for the poor little guy.
Thank you – we’re happy to be healthy too. I hope you and your Bestie are as well. Stay cool – while we stay warm :-)!
We will Shelley looks like a 34C day on Thursday so it’s getting warmer
What a difference – it’s 34 degrees F here – not quite the same, so enjoy the heat!!
I’m sure I haven’t lost any weight, although I don’t think I’ve gained any. We don’t have a bathroom scale, so I go by how tight or loose my clothes are, and lately they’ve been pretty loose. My doctor has changed a couple of my prescriptions, including going with a stronger diuretic that’s been working really well and cutting another of my pills down by half. Too bad I can’t take a pill for my knees…
Hi John, thank you for sharing your thoughts!
I like your technique for managing weight. A diuretic will help with the tight feel to close – I hope it is working well for you. Sorry to hear about your knees. I hope the less fluid you have the better they will start to feel too. I hope you and Mary are doing well, take care and stay safe! xx
What a year so far! The new kitchen looks great! The last thing one should have to deal with is WP screwing up one’s blog. How annoying and it doesn’t make sense you can’t upload any kind of photo – but then again not much makes sense these days. I’ve given up making sense of what’s going on. I haven’t lost or gained weight, but there’s still time.
It’s been a stormy sky in my brain too.
Thank you, Andrea! We’re proud of how the kitchen turned out.
I bit the bullet this morning and ran all the updates. So far, I think nothing broke. We’ll see. For a bit there all comments weren’t working, but so far, it seems to be working! The photos seem to be related to my server or the format? I still need to research. I may have to ask Mr. what he thinks?
This WHOLE YEAR has been stormy in my brain. While I’m sad that’s the case for you too – I’m thankful to be in good company with you on it.
You’re welcome Shelley. The storm of 2020 – that’s what it is. The last thing any of us needs is for WordPress to make things even more difficult. Sigh. I was out this morning and saw a multicolored sign stuck in the ground next to somebody’s mailbox that read “Everything will be okay” – I got choked up.
So much of 2020 is a challenge, and WP is making it worse for me. I’ll get over it, I’m sure.
That’s a great sign, and a nice twist to yard signage. I can see why you got choked up.
I’ve been trying to be good about my walking, or else I would have gained a few pounds, I think, since eating restaurant food (usually carry out) is our only entertainment right now! And, yes, I’ve had a bit more red wine than I normally would–there again, what else to do in the evenings? I know I could watch a TV show without a little glass, but habits, habits. You inspire me to go down a new path!
Exercise is very important – I hope you get to continue walking. I hear ya – the wine at night seemed just so right. I admit to breaking down for a glass on the weekend twice since we started our dry month. It doesn’t taste as good as it did before.
Thank you for your support, cheers to thinking twice about wine, and more about a walk instead! xx
Did any of your vices escalate during this year? Yes, I’m more sedentary than in previous years.
Did you gain weight? No, I’m thinner than last year because we’re eating at home all the time plus I’m drinking fewer cocktails. [Just wine and beer on occasion.]
Are you ready for a change too? Yes, I am ready for a change, but don’t see that much is going to change for us until the coronavirus is under control. We stay home, we avoid people, we wait to go to events.
Ally! I’m so sorry, I found your comment in my trash bin, and then saved it, and lost it again. (I’m still trying to figure out why in the world your comment would head there, you didn’t say anything to warrant the quarantine to that bin!) After scrolling, I found it to reply to!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I think so many people have become more sedentary this year. Unfortunately, that adds to the decline of those who were sedentary going into the year (aka, those we’re trying to protect the most).
Congrats on not gaining weight during this year! Homecooking and abstaining from high caloric cocktails is the way to achieve that.
I’ve been pondering the whole idea of change thing too – I’m fighting the pandemic fatigue every day. Staying home is easy for me, never went to many places or busy events, not a fan of crowds, but I do miss getting together with family and friends.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts!
Hey there! No problem about not answering my comment. I know that you, like me, try to answer them all but some get away from you no matter how good your intentions may be. It’s the bloggers who totally ignore all comments that I have issues with.
Thank you for understanding and support. I’m working my way through the struggles to find a groove again.
Hi S,
Best wishes with your dry November
And alcohol is such a sneaky thing –
And seeing your image about “wine healthier than beer” reminds me how most people forget that consuming alcohol is never a health act.
The few sips of wine that might aid digestion with certain meals might be one thing – but I alcohol can be so toxic for the human body and we slowly realized this over the years
Like you – my husband and I would get pizza and beer – and had no idea of what it did to the body – but slowly things worked themselves out.
I fasted from alcohol for a whole year –
Then my spouse did it the next year /
And that was more than ten ysats ago
I think fasting is key to so much! It breaks strongholds
Or I think the word is threshold
Fasting resets the threshold
Helps us break connections
Helps us appreciate the item when we bring it back into our life
Oh and my spouse was listening to a podcast and the guy said that he does not drink at all – and when the waiter comes to offer alcoholic drinks he calls him the “assassin”
Best wishes with your fasting month and restorative days!!
Good things are in store
Hi Yvette – thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. I agree with you – the fasting does help. We were the same, beer and pizza nights (carb overloaded lifestyle) were ‘normal’. We thought our new eating style with red wine for health benefits was a good switch. But, it got to be daily and ‘normal’ to do so. Now that we’ve taken a break, we feel way better and healthier. We admit to a couple Saturdays where we broke and had some wine, but other than that, we’ve abstained and we’re thinking it is the new ‘norm’ for us going forward. Like you said, it is restorative and enjoyable without it. We look forward to more good things to happen!
Hi – cheers to being intentional about your life and habits!
I really enjoyed sharing about this topic – and another perk of drinking less is the money – we took a short trip recently and I drank a little the last night (and had a small headache the next day but it was with it – hahah – but not a hangover) but during the week it was natural to not drink and we commented on how that was something we grew into over the last decade – and how much less the dinner bills were – hah
I’m working my way up to longer time in-between – weaning myself? LOL. At this point, I’m trying to identify the triggers. And the rewards – seeing less money spent is definitely a reward worth pursuing. Thanks for getting me thinking about that to focus on!
The biggest negative for me has been no yoga classes the last couple months
Miss my group classes big time
But a work has been using the pull up bar for core strength
As the winter months are starting to settle into our area, our outside walks have been switched to the treadmill. It’s a challenge for sure to not be out and about or with a group (or partner) doing the exercises. Way to go having a pull-up bar at home! I don’t think I could even do one pull up…
The treadmill sounds awesome and they sure have come a long way these days with incline and options for challenge
I might get another recumbent bike because I miss not having one – it sat unused for a few years and seemed like it was a goodbye item – and it was – but with the pandemic – and with winter coming here too – maybe it is time for a new one – or even a treadmill – hmmm – now you have me thinking
Happy to hear I got you thinking. You always get me thinking! I love (in a weird kind of way) our treadmill. I made sure it has a book holder so I can read and walk at the same time. I used to run and read, haven’t wanted to do that yet. I may work up to running again over the long winter months. We’ll see.
Well I have passed the 1,100-mile mark for walking this year and need to get to 1,255 to make my goal. Now that we have sun earlier in the day, that will help boost miles again, plus a nice November (if they are right) … after the snow flies, I’ll walk, but not if icy. If the snow flies a lot, I’ll be shoveling a lot … a different type of exercise than walking. Time to go down on the exercise bike I guess … that will keep my legs strong for walking in 2021. Glad you can enjoy some time to yourselves after that arduous job.
I’m cheering you on to meet your goal. November has been a strange month for weather. It’s cold and blowing and sleeting here today. Way to blustery to walk outside. Yes – get on that bike when you can’t walk.
We’re thankful the big job is done, now we need to focus on our own home for a while.
Today was a stay-at-home day … I really had lots to do in the house, but the threat of a power outage had me decide to take it kind of easy. I’ll do some things next weekend … I need to take Thanksgiving off and just relax a little. I’ve been trying to get the most out of each weekend since I’ve finished loading in the groceries and errands, etc. I walked seven miles, first at three parks, then running around in the house with the pedometer still on. Good, because as of now, I have just 83 miles to make my goal, but six weeks of what could be iffy weather. It’s ugly here too with rain, 40 mph winds, gusting to 50-55 and lots of power outages, maybe some hail, maybe light snow – ugh. I always have things to do in the house – soon it will be time to shovel as well.
I’ve been doing the stay-at-home thing too. I’m trying to find projects that I’m interested in completing instead of continuing to ignore them.
The treadmill has been my daily friend, once a week we get a longer walk in. I just need to get some new books to read – re-reading books on the treadmill doesn’t keep my interest.
You’ll make your goal at that rate you’ve got going!
I’m not feeling the love for winter yet. Burr – stay warm and safe as you reach your goals! xx
I’m so behind here Shelley and lately 2-3 days behind in Reader and I think I have one of yours I’ve not read, your last one … I have to go back. I got busy at work and had to stay a few nights and outside chores, I’ve finished my grocery shopping for the entire Winter, then had to deal with it. It left me little time on the weekend so going to do nothing all weekend. I will put blinders on to the house as it is messy and cluttered but I just need a break. Plus I have a ton of photos I’ve amassed in the last month that I saved to look at and have not peeked at yet as they’re still on the card (for the big camera but have a lot on the small camera too). I’m doing well with my goal and should reach it shortly since we have this long holiday and we have measurable snow coming in late Sunday or Monday, so not so many steps once the snow flies in earnest.
Hi Linda – as you know, you’ll never find me chastising you, or anyone else for a delay in reading/commenting, or not responding at all.
I can relate to trying to balance all that needs to be done with what I want to get done.
Take time for yourself and your goals. I’m thankful you took time to share your thoughts, your kindness means so much to me! xx
Thank you Shelley – I seem like I scramble from one project to another, whether it is work or getting things done in the house, to keeping up here and continueing to write posts. I am going to just twice weekly by January until the weather is better, maybe until retirement … not sure, but need to reconfigure my day. We have 4-8 inches of snow on Monday-Tuesday! You likely get this system as well.l
I’m a fellow scrambler too – squirrels are like that, maybe we should embrace the wild life?! The way the clouds look this morning, I think snow may be on the way?!