Today is where the bikini hits the skin for the first time this week. My commitment to the 30-day plan is officially confirmed in writing – you know, for accountability’s sake.
Remember, per the planned Day 7, which says to:
Identify small rewards and solidify the plan (put it in writing, have someone or all of your blog followers know what your plan is, print it out, sign it and take a sip of beer, a couple of chips, and a piece of chocolate, if that’s your thing).
My tiny rewards are showing up daily in the form of not gaining weight. And all sorts of fun veggies to snack on. And the bathroom scale #’s are still maintaining, at least not gaining.
When I took on the Dry January challenge, I surprised myself about a few things I didn’t think I could do, or even wanted to do before.
Like giving up daily doses of Tostitos with a beer chaser. I dreaded trying to do that for so long, I love to enjoy consuming both. Still, do, but in moderation now!
With heavy sighs…oh, my, I sure don’t love what they do to my thighs…
So yeah, my placements of a former bikini and a family photo next to the distractions have helped. But, I forgot to fill Mr. in on my plan.
It was a point of discussion over dinner last night.
Mr: So, will there be a formal announcement about why there’s a bikini on the door and photo in the pantry? Are they permanent fixtures now?
Me: Shh…don’t tease me, they are working?
Mr: Really, how so? You didn’t need them before during Dry January, why now?
Me: I dunno, but they are working – subtle reminders of sorts when I feel a moment of weakness and want to grab a chip or bag of chips.
Mr: Oh…
Me: You’ll see.
Mr: Ah, yes, I’m sure I’ll read about it on your blog, too, right?
Me: You know me so well.
There is a certain magic to the mystery behind my quirky methods. When the destination involves skin exposure, I pull out all sorts of tricks to see what sticks.
When I gave up focusing on what I was giving up and instead started looking more at what I was gaining in the form of self-discipline, the changes I was aiming for became easier. By losing weight without really trying…yeah, it’s weird.
I’ve placed subtle reminders to do magical body transformation exercises throughout the house. I’m not one to want to add a whole hour or so of dedicated exercise routine into my life. I’ve got a blog to write! And I already exercise 30-40 minutes a day.
So, how in the heck am I going to add toning exercises for love handles and butt cheeks? Simple.
Duh…it’s so damn easy, I don’t know why I haven’t been doing it all along?
I have plenty of waiting moments every day to squeeze those kinds of exercises in. I can easily do 100-300 squats a day, 10 at a time while waiting for things to happen. And I can certainly add lunges, too!
Jeez…I can do 10-30 alone while I watch Copper pee throughout the day.
Or while brushing my teeth; while washing dishes; while going up and down the stairs;
while waiting for dinner to be served;
while talking on the phone at work (I work from home so no one can see…!); while waiting for the microwave to heat up a cup of coffee.
My waiting moments are free, and available, and are going to be the ticket to perceived uplifting success!
I’m determined to at least wear a bikini on day one of our trip. After that, I’ve got a one-piece, and a tankini as a back-up plan in the suitcase, just in case I chicken out. Girl Scouts always go prepared when traveling.
So that’s how I’m falling in love with my bikini…
An ode to my beloved bikini days
‘T was the day before the donning of a bikini on my skin shall appear,
will it fit or not, this I fear?
Thus far, you see, I’ve been a good girl,
but the thought of a skimpy bikini makes my stomach swirl.
You’d think the longevity of 54 wise old years,
that I’d be well on my way to shatter any of those fears.
It’s hard not to dream of youthful curves I once knew
on my stomach of love handles that grew
and shrunk a time or two,
from Tostitos, beers, and those babies – my tiny blessed two
Can one change nature’s twists and turns from the hands of time?
Or is it best to willingly accept the sublime
in the wisdom and beauty of self-love’s fine line,
between longing for a past youthfulness, while embracing graces of ‘you’ll look fine’
Heck yeah, I say,
I’m gonna take a walk my own unique way,
Maybe not out here in the frozen snow
‘Cuz it’s damn cold, don’t ya know
But I shall on a walk with the seashells,
With an absence of dreaded thoughts of the past to ring any of my bells,
What finds its way, to cover, or not, these handles of mine,
Will certainly embrace the sunshine
One way or another,
I shall not smother,
I’d rather enjoy the heat of the sun wearing a bikini,
my hand, possibly holding a martini,
On a tropical beach, with my butt planted in a chair,
Soaking in the Vitamin D and sniffing the salty air.
I shall be smiling, too, my dears,
Because I’m letting go of those objectionable fears,
‘Cuz, as they say, One Love happens in Jamaica…
story to be continued…
Post Inspiration – Another day of me making sh*t up. Challenge – Fall In Love With Your Over 50-Self February #FILWYO50SF
PS – Have you tried post-it notes placed as reminders to do exercises while you’re waiting? Did your spouse say, “Oh, great” when they found them? How many squats can you do while your dog does his business outside?
I do love your daily post-it reminders of encouragement and motivation. That is awesome!!!
Thank you
They are surprisingly helpful!
That’s what I do with positive affirmations. I have them hangin all over my bedroom and bath.
Great idea – I should add some there too. I just saw an Instagram post of a dressing room in Aeropostale – the mirror was peppered with positive messages so those that were trying on clothes would feel great.
I should try your technique, maybe it will curve my appetite. LOL!
LOL – I hope it does for you, it’s been working so far for me, but there’s always the weekend…
Love those notes around the house. Great ideas. Keep ’em coming!
Thank you, Rebecca – finally finding a useful purpose for those big post-it notes!
Those notes are a great way to get in the extra steps and mini workouts. Before you know it, you won’t need them anymore. It’ll be routine! (cheering section here)
Thank you, your cheering my efforts on is SO appreciated!!!
What you are doing is not easy!
Aw, thanks, it has been an interesting challenge.
Great family photos and poetry Shelley! And all that exercise whilst Copper pees!
Thank you, John – your encouragement is appreciated!
You’re so welcome Shelley!
A bikini on the door makes for a wonderful decoration. Well as long as it doesn’t clash with the throw pillows.
You efforts brought wonderful results. So happy for you. This should encourage others to make their own efforts and changes.
LOL – eclectic decorating is the easiest to pull off ;-). Thank you for kind words of encouragement!
LOL . Love your reply. Did you ever consider stand up?
LOL – I’m too shy…
Brilliant idea! I need to do that too.
I think of you every morning when I’m doing a plank and my arms are shaking! You’ve inspired me!
My daughter just told me my hips were too high when I was doing them so I’ve got to adjust a bit. That my bring my times down!
LOL – I’m laughing only because my daughter did the same thing for me with some of the ‘yoga’ moves I thought I was doing right. Ever since she corrected me, I can’t do the poses any more! I’m cheering you on as you adjust and strengthen your core!
Y’all are so, preciously cute together. Love your determination. I cheer you on from my lounge chair as I enjoy a bowl of ice cream. LOL
Thank you, Anita – it is sheer determination leading to some really awesome tasting fish tacos, lobster, and other fun things, etc…!
Eat some for me!
Sure will!
Whatever works – and it is working for you. You’ll wear that bikini on day one, and maybe all the other days that follow as well.
Thanks, Linda – the story will unfold one way or another!