As I write to you today, I’m feeling high and happy. Yesterday, not so much, but today, it’s a good day to be alive. The birds are gathering and singing in the trees.

It’s the 4th of July, 2021. If you’re reading this, it means we’ve made it here together! We made it to Independence Day. Watch out, Christmas will be here before we know it. LOL. But first, let’s treasure the current day.
Early July is normally a busy time for our family, especially when our kids were growing up. July is birthday month for both of our girls.

With the high temps we’ve been having here in WI, Mr. and I have stayed clear of the hot sun that in the past we’d be playing in. Yesterday, we went early to our local winery to try out their new seasonal wine. We found a spot in the shade to sit and enjoyed a food truck lunch together. After a couple of glasses of wine, a basket of fries, and pulled pork, I was feeling high in a different way. I was glad to head home and take a nap with Copper in our tea house. To sleep off the carbs I consumed!
As I dozed off, I sighed and said to Copper, “We’re becoming old fuddy-duddies little ol’ Buddy…!”

I was missing our youngest who turned 26 yesterday. She’s off of our health insurance now, another major milestone in our lives. She was off on an adventure with someone special several states away – hiking and climbing high in the mountains of Colorado. I bet she was smiling though. She always loves to celebrate her birthday.

Yesterday there was no joint birthday party, no water balloon tosses, no presents to open, no cake to share with Nana either. The year my mom turned 60, my youngest turned 6. My mom’s brother and sister-in-law joined the party. My aunt and uncle are still alive, and both have dementia. My aunt doesn’t remember any of us now. My uncle does, some, but can’t travel anymore.

Sigh…so yeah, yesterday was a melancholy day for me. I would’ve loved to see all of us together to get a photo of how 20 years of being high on life changed things and the people we love.

It would’ve been my mother’s 80th birthday. She loved to dress patriotically for her birthday – she was a diamonds and jeans kind of gal.

The flowers that I received in a basket for her funeral 9 years ago were planted in my yard in this flagpole circle that Mr. and I built together in 2014.

Mom died in April 2012 at the age of almost 71. The memory garden bed I planted has been growing ever since.

The daylilies liked the spot back then, and now, I think they do too. But, I need to give them some TLC (when the weather cools). They are looking rebellious, to say the least. Not tame like they were years ago.

Copper used to love to run in the yard back then too…
Amongst the daylilies, the weeds have taken over. The quack grass likes to shoot up toward the sky and tower over the real flowers or other shorter weeds. Who am I to judge, though, it’s a strong will survive kind of year.

The flowers I planted back in 2012 still sprout throughout my garden beds each spring and summer. I smile when they come up each year.
Daisies that I planted a few years ago remind me of the last bouquet Mom bought of them for me and Mr. to celebrate our anniversary in September of 2007. That was before her stroke and dementia caused her brain to forget special days like anniversaries and birthdays.
As I stood alone in my garden this year admiring the daisies, I smiled at the shadows they made on the fence. Mom loved daisies and so do I.

They form a stairway for me to climb up to reminisce with her in heaven above.

We both loved tiger lilies too. This one is extra special – it is a color not originally purchased or planted.

The one in my mom’s funeral flower basket was a vivid red/orange mix. I had white and red ones planted in the yard before adding that one. I’ve surmised that the bees pollinated the red/orange with the white and yellow lilies I had in the backyard, making this beautiful soft pink that keeps coming up year after year.

As I continue to evolve like my flower beds do, I’m thankful for another good day to be high on life.
God bless America. This song, no matter who sings it gives me goosebumps and brings tears to my eyes.
Happy 4th of July to my American friends. Let our flag fly high forevermore.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “contains ‘igh.’” Find a word that contains the letters “igh” in that order and use it in your post. Enjoy!
PS – I hope you’re sharing time with loved ones! xoxo
Wonderful thought and memories, Shelley.
Thanks John!
I like the photos, particularly the flag and the memory bed. I hope you’re enjoying the 4th!
Thank you, Dan! Mr. did a great job planning out the memory bed, there was a lot of brick moving involved. We had a nice quiet 4th, I hope you and Editor did too!
Great pictures! July was my mother’s and my father’s (both gone now) birth month so it is bitter-sweet for me too. Fond memories keep them alive in our hearts. Happy 4th!
Thank you, Janis. You’re right, it makes for a bitter-sweet month. I hope happy memories flooded your heart and that your 4th was wonderful too. xo
Happy 4th. I’m sure it was a bit sad without your girls or your mom. But good for you to use the good memories and your flowers to bring you smiles. I hope the girls are home for a visit soon.
Happy belated 4th to you too Dawn! Thank you for your words of encouragement. Yes – I DO get to see my daughters today!! I’m so excited. It’s my oldest birthday, she’s 29. I don’t know how that works since I’m still only 29 ;-)!
Great memories Shelley. Having the flowers to is a wonderful way to see the past and smile

Thank you, Brian!!
Beautiful post Shelley! Beautiful flowers, so sweet! And I too love that song. And the same as you, the tune, the words and the sentiment are so emotional. I love American and thank God for the blessings and freedoms we enjoy. I know many paid the price, and to them and their families I am forever grateful

Thank you, Lisa. I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments too!

I hope you had a wonderful 4th!
Belated happy 4th of July

Thank you, Bee, same to you!
I like your idea that as you evolve so does your flower garden. Perennials teach us so many things, don’t they?
Thank you, Ally. Yes, they do. I’m fascinated with them every year.
Hope you had a good holiday!
Thanks John, I hope you and Mary did too!
We did. It was peaceful, although not especially quiet with all the fireworks…
That’s nice it was peaceful. Same happened here – nice weather brings out the loud neighbors.
The memory bed is very special and a special way to remember your mom. The year my mom passed away, I decide to try my hand at climbing roses. I bought three bare root roses directly from Jackson & Perkins and an umbrella trellis to support them. The name of the roses was “Stairway to Heaven” so yes, I chose them not only for being climbers, a beautiful red, but the name. I could not sustain those roses longer than one season. They got black spot so badly that I was out there treating them almost every day, then I worried they’d contaminate the rest of the roses around the yard, so I yanked them and the umbrella trellis out and put it in the trash just before pick-up so I would not change my mind. So pat yourself on the back Shelley that your memory garden is still intact.
Thank you, Linda. Aw, that’s too bad that your roses didn’t work out. I’m just like you when it comes to them – the one I planted never survived. Thank you for sharing your thoughts – I know you miss your mom too!
Yes, my “Stairway to Heaven” climbing rose looked better in the Jackson & Perkins online catalog than it did in the backyard. I planted some “Twist & Shout Hydrangeas” in the place of the roses. I’d like to try climbing roses again. I learned they were not a hardy rose and that contributed to the problem.
That comment makes me smile – I purchased catalog flowers, they never looked like the pictures.
I’ll make you smile again by saying your experience with the catalog flowers was like the catalog shoes.