
Hey lady, did you see the birds?

Mr.: Hey, grab your camera, did you see all the birds in the front yard?

Me: Um…no, but I did see them in the backyard.  I was just taking pictures of them.

Mr: Quick go to the front, there’s at least 300 of them.

Me: Really?  I didn’t see that many?  But I like seeing them, they eat the nasty bugs that just hatched.


Mr:  Yeah, quick, follow me, you’re not going to believe how many there are.

Mr:  What the heck?  Where did they all go?

Me:  They had just taken off toward the front when you called me.


Me:  Look, they’re on the power lines.


Mr:  Trust me, there were a lot more of them – covering the whole front yard.

Me:  Okay…I believe you.

Silence…disappointment…disbelief…nope…just Mr. switching mode to get dinner ready for the grill.

Me:  While you cook, I’m going outside with my camera to check out the flowers.


Mr:  Okay.

Me in my all happy state absorbed in admiring the flowers that are bursting open.  Apparently, the technique of leaving it to the birds to plant the seeds in the fall worked!?

Sparrow on the fence:  Psst…Hey, you, Lady – don’t you see me?

Check out the astronomical dragonfly I caught.

Sparrow:  Stop looking at the flowers, look at me.

Sparrow:  Pretty cool catch eh?  Okay, two more shots, then no kidding I gotta go feed the kids.

Mr:  Dinner’s ready.


Me:  Well, honey, you did it again, those are some pretty awesome grill lines on the steaks.

Mr:  Uh, huh…it’s what I do.

Me:  And I’m here to capture it so the world can see it before I eat it!  LOL – Cheers to you!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Astronomical and Susannah Conway’s August Break 2019 – Lines

PS – Which photo would you have used for lines?  What do you think about the sparrow and his catch o’ the day?  Do you like the tomato addition – Mr. threw it on the plate to make the photo extra special?  What do you have planned for the weekend?  Hope it is a great one – come back tomorrow, I’ve got some extra special photos to share with you then! 

26 thoughts on “Hey lady, did you see the birds?

  1. The tomato adds color, so I like it.

    When I was a wee lad, there were a bunch of dragonflies (which, typical of a wee lad, I called “dongfernees”) flying around in the park, and they scared me half to death. I’d give that sparrow a medal.

    Maybe all the birds on your lawn were there for a flash murmuration or something…


    1. Thanks, John, I appreciate you sharing your memories with me. That’s a creative name for the dragonflies! The birds were having fun, that’s for sure!

  2. So many birds! I was having a flashback to the Hitchcock movie LOL.
    The tomato is a nice color garnish and extra veggie as well. Excellent choice for the photo. (Lines are everywhere!!)

    1. Thank you – for some reason this comment had gone to my Spam folder!? Sorry, it took me so long to retrieve it. Thank you for your feedback, I so appreciate hearing from you!

  3. I’m wondering what the Sparrow is doing with his catch? The tomato makes a nice garnish until you ate it!

    1. LOL – the Sparrow has a nest with little ones that he was feeding. That was a healthy meal for them. I love tomatoes, so I ate it right away :-)!

  4. Love the photos of the chipping sparrow with the dragonfly in his mouth. So cool! And your hubby’s dinner from the grill looks so good. Now I’m hungry! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Laurie! Yes, dinner was delicious. And sugar free – the quinoa/corn dish was delightful, it complimented the steak well.

    1. Yes, you do, Dan – you share some of the best lines ever! Mr. appreciates the kudos for the grilling lines.

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. Mr. can grill up a mighty fine steak. Yes, we’re having a quiet weekend – it’s nice to lay low after the stressful week. Hope you’re having a great weekend too!

  5. I love that little sparrow with its dragonfly prize – it seems almost as big as it is. He was right, you were gazing at the other birds, and hoping for more birds, and there he was, all photogenic and wanting you to notice him on his horizontal fence top.

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