Post Inspiration – Lens-Artists #79 late entry into Amy’s – A Window with a View and this week’s challenge hosted by Tina – Lens-Artists #80 – Leading Lines
PS – What book are you currently reading? Have you read Moon Walking with Einstein? What’s the weather view for you where you live? Is it warm and sunny?
These are all very nice photos, Shelley. Keeping it clean today, so I don’t make you fish me out of the bin,
Thanks, Dan – your clean comment stayed clear of the bin!
That’s a lot of snow Shelley, wow! The book and wine look more inviting.
Yes, the book and wine were definitely more inviting than the snow. We haven’t gotten as much snow as last March, so hopefully we won’t!
That’s good news! Do you guys ever consider moving down south as many of us Michiganders have? There are tons of Michiganders in this city.
Nah, despite the negative feelings we have when it’s really cold, I think I’d miss winter and the snow. Maybe…
It’s beautiful and sunny out. Also colder than it’s been in a while (right now 40 degrees or five centigrades). But no snow!
You’re lucky – I hope you’re able to get out and enjoy the sun.
Lovely photos! I’ve never lived where it snowed so I think I have an overly-romantic impression of its charm. And, then I remember that snow is cold and I’m glad I live in SoCal. Good excuse to stay inside sipping and reading, though!
Thank you, Janis – I’m glad I could share a bit of snowy winter romance for your day. It is cold, that’s for sure. I’ve never lived anywhere but in WI – it’s hard for me to imagine life without a snowy winter. I do think I’d enjoy the warmth of SoCal about now
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate hearing from you.
I really like your photos – and how you play with light and shadow. What a relaxing way to spend a snowy day. I would get distracted from my book and wine too

We have it sunny and cold here. I also took some photos – from my office with the window quickly opened and then shut. The window that I removed the screen from in the Fall so I could do just that.
Thanks – the shadows help break up the white everywhere! That’s awesome that you took the screen off in preparation for window photos! Good thinking!
You’re welcome! I think it can be difficult to capture interesting photos in the winter – due to No Color! but you do such a nice job!!
Aw, thank you!
I cannot even envisage living with that much snow and cold Shelley. Love the shadow shots and of course the nose prints
Guess Winter in Wisconsin isn’t on your bucket list then, eh? LOL – Thanks, I like the shadows too. It is kind of funny how Dessy paints the windows with her nose. I wonder if she’s just trying to find a clean spot?
Or a spot for you to clean
Beautiful snow pictures! Love all the photos, but the snow is so clean and beautiful! And of course the bunny tracks

Thank you! I love your photos of the roads leading to the beach in Florida – I could feel the warmth looking at them
Beautiful window views, Shelley! Love these lines captured on snow.
Thank you, Amy! Your leading line photos are so cool. You really captured the lines well. And you got to ride a camel too – how fun was that?!?!
Our weather is a dusting of snow, hardly noticeable. I’m reading Britt-Marie Was Here. It’s a cute story but not compelling. I’m not sure how I feel about cats hugging a wine glass. Are they heavy? Do they slow down your consumption? They definitely are sweet to look at.
I haven’t heard of Britt-Marie Was Here – maybe once you get through it it’ll be better? Yes – the cats are very light and the stacking of them (one per glass) is the indicator/reminder of when to stop.
At first glance I thought that was a shrimp around your glass! I thought “Why does she have a shrimp on her glass? Is that a new thing now? One shrimp with wine?” (eye roll) LOL! In my defense I guess I was expecting to see a kitty looking out the window.
Holy cow what a bunch of snow! We’ve only had a few flakes here. It’s been a weird winter this year but even a normal winter wouldn’t see that much snow. It’s really pretty to look at though!
LOL – I guess they do kind of look like shrimp. Shrimp and wine, yum! After I put the photos together I realized I hadn’t included a cat – and the little kitty on my wine glass was handy!
Those wine glass kitties are super cute!
Thanks – I found them at the kitchen store that was going out of business. I couldn’t resist :-).
The drifts you captured are amazing – lots of wind shifting the snow around like that. Sand at the beach would be much nicer, but it is what is and Midwest living is what we do so we just grin and bear it.
Thank you, Linda – yes, winter is what it is
I can’t blame you for sitting inside with a glass of wine and a good book. It makes perfect sense to me! How clever for you to combine the window and lines themes! Stay warm and comfortable as the snow falls.
Thank you, Patti! I enjoyed your post – you compose nature and humans interacting so well!
Why thanks, Shelley! I enjoyed your post, too.
You’re welcome! Thank you, too – I’m glad you enjoyed my post too.
OMG, you have way more snow than we do. We just got 6 inches. I thought you had a pretzel on your wine glass stem until I saw the photo of the curled up kitty. Cute!
Yes, we’ve been blessed with plenty of snow. And we’re going to get more the next few days. Thanks – we think the kitties are cute too :-).
Inside with wine sounds like a good plan with all that snow
I agree :-)!
Shelley, thanks for transporting some pristine winter vibes and images right to my doorstep! Such beautiful imagery once again. It looks super-cozy at yours, can I stop by for a tea?
The book you are currently reading has a very intriguing title! I am now curious and will investigate further. I am currently reading two books – one on copywriting, and one called “A homeopathic lovestory: The story of Samuel and Melanie Hahnemann”. It´s a very interesting read about the creator of homeopathy and his 45 years younger wife! Wishing you a beautiful start to your week, big hugs xxx
Maria, you’re welcome. Winter photos are the best way to experience the scenery without getting frost bite! You’re always welcome for tea!
The book is very interesting. Wow – your books sound intriquing too. Winter is a great time to read. I’ve read three in the last week. I hope your week is off to a great start too – big hugs to you too! xx
You are so right! Nothing better than snuggling up inside with a great book and some irresistible snacks while admiring Winter´s fierce beauty – or enjoying your pictures of that charming scenery:) Wow three books in one week is a good effort!! Love that. Which books were they? Big hugs and talk very soon lovely lady
Stay tuned – I’ll be sharing the books soon!
Awesome – I am looking forward to it
PS- thank you for the post about the street art and your free travel book. I can’t wait to read it this coming weekend! xxxxx
Thanks Shelley! Your support means a lot to me, and I sincerely hope you will enjoy the read
I look forward to it!!!
I think your kitty is a lot like my dog when it comes to snow. She loves to look out the window, but don’t try to make her go out in it (unfortunately for her, that’s where the potty is). Glad I can stay inside on days like this. Beautiful photos, your house looks so cozy.
Yes, my kitties and my little dog are fans of looking outside but not being in it when the snow is here! Thanks for your compliments, I appreciate hearing from you. I enjoyed your post on the churches converted into libraries. What an interesting and thought-provoking concept.
I think my heart just sighed looking at your photographs. I genuinely love snow, the calm and purity it brings to our landscapes. Our winter here has been non-existent this year. Seeing yours has at least made me a little less unhappy about that!
I hope you are well, safe and warm today. It’s a blessing to be able to stay indoors during cold, damp or snowy weather! Thank you for sharing these stunningly beautiful photos.
Aw, a fellow snow and cat lover eh? I’m glad you enjoyed the snow pictures. We’ve still got plenty of it and we’re expecting another 10″ by next week at this time.
I hope you and your furry friends are well too. Thank you for stopping by to take a peek and to share your thoughts, I appreciate hearing from you!