It’s a miracle – yesterday, it happened, our weatherman finally got a forecast right:
8 inches of fluffy white snow!
Copper: This winter, I tell ya, is giving me whiplash. Every time I go outside, the conditions are different. Last week Sunday – Thursday was the dreaded Polar Vortex,
A few days ago, most of the snow melted. Then it froze again making my ‘spot’ in the yard a skating rink.
And today it’s cold, and there’s a fresh coating of snow to mark up once again. A dog’s job is never really done.
I kind of like fresh, dreamy, fluffy, white snow to do my job on – making it all yellow is fun.
But when one is approximately less than 12 inches tall,

give or take a few inches of snow,

deciding a proper location to relieve one’s bladder varies based upon the depth of snow,

…don’t cha know?
Don’t judge me, you crazy hoomans – you’d take the first spot if the snow came up to your knees, too.
Mr: WTH? Why did you let him out, I don’t want him peeing on the deck? I was gonna shovel first.
Me: Well…sorry…he had to go, and I didn’t think it was that deep yet. I thought he’d go all the way to the yard like he does in the morning.
Mr: It isn’t that deep, yet. But, damn, it’s really coming down, those weather guys may have gotten it right for once. It is snowing about an inch an hour as predicted.
Me: Just look at it coming down, it really is snowing…poor rabbits will have to find their way home again.
Me: It’s a perfect night for a big bowl of soup. Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you? You shovel, and you cook!
Mr: It’s what I do.
Me: Wait…did you just hear that?
Mr: No, what?
Me: The weatherman…I can’t believe he just said…”This storm was hard to predict, even yesterday we weren’t sure how much snow we’d get, but now we can predict it is snowing about an inch an hour.”
In sync – “All he had to do is look out the window.”
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s #1LinerWed In sync
PS – Thanks for stopping by! Hope you’re having a great Wednesday – if it involves shoveling snow, be safe, but look at how many calories you can burn!! Compared to walking on the treadmill while Mr. shovels, I’ll be burning 200 calories in 20 minutes. In the warmth of the house, and while reading a book. I think I have the better deal, what do you think? Tune in tomorrow for a funny bikini story…
I’m with Copper, ’nuff said.
We have plenty of days when it appears our weatherfolks work in a windowless office. I’m glad your guys got this one right.
LOL – Copper is SOOOO ready for winter to be over. The weatherguy was kind of shaking his head in amazement that the predictions were true. It was kind of funny. Enjoy your Wednesday, Dan!
Our second Setter (the only male we’ve had) hated the rain. He used to step off the stairs but stay under the overhang and pee against the support post of the porch.
LOL – that’s one smart dog! Our golden retriever hated to go out when it was wet too, it meant his feet had to be wiped and he HATED that. I find dog personalities amazing.
Ha! Our Benji doesn’t like to pee in the snow either. We have to shovel a little square of lawn for him to do his business. I think you got the better deal – exercise-wise!
It’s just the things we do to help our little furry friends.
I agree – I’d much rather walk/run outside, but not when it’s cold and snowing!
Makes me think of Frank Zappa’s “Don’t Eat Yellow Snow.”
LOL – now that you mention it, that it does!
Poor Copper, gotta keep the jewels above the snow line!

Yes, he does!!
Ah, I love to shovel, at least a couple of times per year. I grew up in the U.P. and it feels like home to me.
Unfortunately, our snow is all melting and we’re getting ice today. It’s beautiful but treacherous. And everything is melting. If we’re going to get winter, I prefer fluffy snow that can be skied or snowshoed. We usually get it for a few days and then it’s mush. 
I like to shovel when it is close to 30 something and light and fluffy snow too. I love the snow you described for cross-country skiing and snowshoes too! But, for the shoveling, I’m okay missing out since Mr. enjoys it so much, I don’t bother. I just photograph the activity for inspiration. Yikes – your weather doesn’t sound fun. We’re supposed to get more snow tonight and tomorrow, so we’ll see if it will happen and be a record breaking week for the weatherman!
This is so funny. For a change we had snow yesterday in sunny California. Thankfully on the hills but it came down to about 400 feet elevation.
Thank you! The hills are alive with snow! I often wonder if people in California are in awe of snow or if that’s just a myth we share here in the frozen tundra. Thanks for the read and for sharing your thoughts!
It’s rare to see snow here in Silicon Valley area. Normally we have to drive couple of hundred miles to see snow up in the Sierra.
That’s fascinating to me!
The snow is so pretty! We didn’t get as much, but enough to make the roads bad and cause accidents. We’re supposed to get ice tomorrow, which is worse than snow.
I hope Copper finds a safe and appropriate place to pee in the morning.
It is really pretty. We’re supposed to get more tonight and throughout tomorrow. Between the Polar Vortex and the snow storms, schools have been closed almost as much as they’ve been open. The parents have been rumbling on Facebook – I just smile now that my nest is empty ;-)! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Copper too – he’s sick of winter. Poor little guy! And the cats just watch him from the window – I think they are smirking, but I could be wrong?
Our fur babies are so funny. Mimi is tall so the snow doesn’t bother but the rain…please, we will hold it until we might burst. My daughter has a basset, big dog on baby legs as we call it and he just looks at you like…Really? This storm brought us sleet then freezing rain. Would much rather have had the snow. Stay warm.
I adore the personalities dogs take on – they are smart cookies, that’s for sure! Ugh…we have the freezing rain now, leading into 6-8″ more snow today. Ugh!
So ready for spring
I love reading about Copper’s point of view on the world – while snow to the knees was a wee bit daunting when you’re not far from the ground, he sounded as happy to be re-marking the pristine snow and making it yellow, as a kid with a Sharpie and a sketchbook would be.
Aw, shucks, he’s blushing now! He successfully made his mark on fresh snow again this morning. PS – I like your description of a kid with a Sharpie too – I may need to use that in another post some time!
Ha ha – go ahead and use it! Another blogger I follow (Pam) was recently interviewed by an author. Pam had reviewed that author’s book a few weeks before. In the interview Pam divulged a lot of personal information about herself, from many years back. I only recently started following her so didn’t know that much except their last kid left for college, she’s a lawyer and very interested in the environment. I quipped that I felt like I binge watched her life since I learned so much in one fell swoop – she thought that line was funny and may want to use it sometime.
She’s wise, I agree with her, your clever wit is worthy of quoting :-)!
Not going to lie, there is a (small) part of me that misses the chore of shoveling!
There’s definitely a sense of accomplishment attached to the act of it, and the cool chilly air is motivating. Wouldn’t want to do it for a living, but I can see how it would be missed if you enjoyed the task!