Adventures · Inspiration

Happy discoveries about being a personal blogger

Let’s get up close and personal as I confess to you my happy discoveries about being a blogger.

When I started out, I believed famous bloggers who said it was easy to set up a blog.  I heard them cheering me on as I attempted to fulfill their claims of:

“It’ll only take 10 minutes to set up a blog.”

It didn’t.  And, in my opinion, they clearly forgot to tell us about how hard all the stuff that happens once you get through that initial set-up is.

How can I claim that?

Well, a year ago I was determined to figure out all the complicated stuff about being a personal blogger.  I tracked what I was doing while paying attention to the little things that the Pros forgot to tell you me about.

The sleeping secrets…


I pondered the question – Can a personal blogger ever grow a following?

What have I learned in one year’s time by paying attention?  Well, my blog’s following has grown by 86.67%.  That’s not stellar, but it doesn’t suck either.  I guess.

But that discovery is a slight eye-opener.


I know trying hard to grow and figure out the tricks of the trade is a time-consuming part.  The pros don’t tell you about those things when they claim it is easy to set up a blog.

The stuff that follows, i.e., where you actually have to do blogging stuff, i.e., writing, editing, writing, editing, commenting…etc. is where you find out if you’ve got what it takes to be a blogger.

And you have to be alert and pay attention to the little things, or you’ll miss them.


Eventually, when you start to get comments, the world of personal blogging starts to make a bit more sense.

Comments – that’s where happiness starts to kick in.

I had no clue what the heck I was doing when I started.  I had my settings wrong for the longest time, so much so that I never received any comments.

I was thinking to myself, “What’s the point, I don’t understand…I should just quit.”


When I started out, I was scared to be too open with the public.  My blog was stuck up, and not friendly.


I had security settings set to discourage followers and commenters.  I guess out of fear, that they’d be mean or something?  Who knows…?

I changed to these settings and it made a huge difference.


It was a happy discovery for me!  I connected on a new level with bloggers and commenters…oh, my!

Still gives me goosebumps…

After 2 years, I’m still finding crap out that I didn’t know I had set wrong.  If you’re struggling like I was am I’d highly recommend reading this post on how to set up a blog by Joshua Fields Millburn from The Minimalists.

While they started out as personal bloggers with minimal (no pun intended) followers, their blog grew exponentially over the years.  Joshua updated the above post recently.  In it, he shared a link to a blog post that hit me sideways spinning into a blur when I read it.


The post is by Scott Stratten (from written and posted in 2010) called The Five Words That Kill Your Blog.

Seriously, read it!

The moment I let go of worrying about my blog’s privacy settings, and figured out how to comment, share pingbacks, share posts, etc., – my personal blogging life changed.

My comment sharers no longer received this message –

“Your comment is awaiting moderation.”

They were free to share away!  I love all the fun comments, and I even love it when a fellow blogger shares that something isn’t working for them when they visit my blog.  It is a moment of serendipity for me.

No, not that something isn’t working for them, but that they let me know it wasn’t working for them.  They cared enough to share that with me.

I’m happy as h*ll to hear – so I can fix it.

I’ve heard from Dan at, that he couldn’t like a post; and Laurie at, told me when I commented on her posts, my Gravatar didn’t link back to my website making it hard for her to want to comment on my blog; and Linda at, let me know she struggled to share a comment via the WP Reader.

They are blogosphere angels to me, and even better than Happiness Engineers for JetPack or WordPress.  Check out their blogs – you won’t be disappointed – they are super friendly!

All on my own, just this week, I stumbled upon a WordPress nuance that I ignored because I didn’t know what it was or how it worked.

I clicked on the bell in the upper right-hand corner, and holy sh*t, it’s a centralized notification gift from heaven!   Two years it took me to find it!?!  Sigh…


It lists blog activities that I do and blog comment threads I’ve shared on other blogger’s blogs.  Those comments I wondered what happened to, or if anyone liked them or not, are right there in front of me in an easy to use format.  All I have to do is pay attention to when there’s a cute little pink dot.


It’s a condensed version of the Reader – customized just to my blog’s activities, and my commenting activity.  I can like and comment right there!  Whew, a huge time saver!


I have yet to figure out the Reader.  It is overwhelming and helpful at the same time.  Not only are you seeing what you commented on, but you can also read WP blogs that you follow.  You can see what other bloggers commented on and can share comments right there, too.  Never having to actually go to the blogger’s site.  Hmm…


I’ve been drowning in emails because I had a setting set to send me an email every time someone’s blog I follow posted on WordPress when the above screen provides me with that information already.  I was doing double the work…!

But…I gotta tell you, that little bell and pink dot have brought me so much joy, I just wanna sing…(off-key and all…Copper doesn’t mind).


Not really, the singing part doesn’t just flow out of me that easily, unlike the words have here on my 550th post.

But it sure fits the prompt of serendipity!


Sure…want proof, let’s agree on the definition and we’ll both be happy!

As luck would have it, I found this cute little video that explains the term serendipity.  (With a computer-generated voice that is annoying like my singing voice…just ignore it and listen anyhow – okay, I’m counting on you…).

And now, you know as much as I do about the history of the word and how long it has been in use.

And, last but not least, you know about the happy discoveries I’ve found as a personal blogger (So far…that is!)!

Update 1/24/19 – John at The Sound of One Hand Typing shared additional tricks about the little bell in the upper right-hand corner – make sure to check out his technical advice!

Post Inspiration – Linda G Hill’s #JusJoJan – Serendipity – prompt thanks to Jill at J-Dubs Grin and Bear It.  I can’t think of a time when I’ve stopped to read one of her posts that I didn’t leave with a smile on my face.  Serendipity is a great word for her!

PS – Did you figure out commenting early on or were you like me and struggled with it for 2 years?  I hope my tips help you!  If you’ve got any to share with me, please comment, I love learning from you!  

60 thoughts on “Happy discoveries about being a personal blogger

  1. Reader and the bell I never knew about in my previous blogs but this is where I spend about half my time now. Especially for commenting! It cuts time down, especially if you have a slow browser, and, it works equally well in mobile (for me) which is a plus if I’m bored at some kid’s as activity. 😉

    1. I had a hunch you knew about this stuff! 😉 I agree, it is a time saver. I’m so impressed (envious) you can do this stuff on a mobile app!!

      1. I learned recently, maybe a year ago… which, given I’ve done this for 10 years is very recently. I thought I was the oddball who didn’t know how to navigate this stuff…😮

        1. LOL – you’re not an oddball, it is easy to miss the how-to’s when there isn’t an easy to follow navigation of WordPress. Unless you spend hours getting lost in their documentation and know what questions to search on. 😉

          1. There’s tutorials and get started links in Help but I always think, ugh, don’t have time. They’re actually quite helpful and not lengthy…and they link to the next step. I sometimes visit there…

  2. Good post Shelley! I’ve been on WP for years so these settings are well known. I really wish WP would fix the Legacy editor and trash that Block editor they just released. Isn’t it amazing how many people you meet from around the world! And turning off the comment moderation is always a good idea. Unwanted comments can always be deleted.

    1. Thanks, John. I haven’t used the new editor yet, I’m still able to use my .com access to the original editor. Yes, I love meeting people from all over the world – and even in the US from states away is fun too!

        1. Your posts seem to be working okay?! I’ll have to try one in the .org setting sometime, just to see! That’s where I started out, and then stumbled upon the .com editor and liked the ease of it.

          1. The editor does work fine Shelley, but a few weeks ago I noticed that when loading the page with all of my posts, it loads horrid slow, takes a minute or so to load correctly. It started about the time WP was nearly ready to release that damned block thing. Makes me wonder if they haven’t de-tuned the Legacy editor.

          2. Hmm…sounds like you know way more than I do! I did hear other bloggers complaining about it recently, though, so you’re likely on to something!

          3. I don’t see that stupid block editor lasting. Over the years, WP has done some dumb chit, the block editor is the latest fail.

            Last year, they removed the Justify button from the Legacy editor which makes NO SENSE. I like what little text I do write to be justified, hence I have to go into the Text mode to write the HTML code in manually.

            SMART, WP. I contacted them to ask why? They said the Justify button is still available in the “other” editor, meaning that stupid white/blue/gray thing that sucks too, I won’t use it! WP just plain old sucks compared to what it was several years ago.

            Sorry for the rant…

          4. I admire your passion for what works and noting what doesn’t! All of those WP users who are also frustrated, I’m sure are cheering your rant on!! Go-John-Go!

  3. I enjoyed your post! It’s always good to share information about the blogging world. I knew about the little bell; but the comment moderation suggestion I’ll have to think about. I have headed off a couple of vicious spam comments in the past – which would have upset readers as well as me! Even briefly. Sweet pix of your cat – great poser 🙂

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the post and Dessy’s poses. She’s such a ham. I’ve been fortunate that JetPack and Askimet capture the spam comments. So far, that is!

  4. Good advice (thanks for the ping) and lots of good ideas. I only moderate comments that include links. I’m thinking of allowing one link without moderation, but mainly because WP isn’t all that good at alerting me that there’s a comment to moderate. I’m not sure when I started commenting. I was a bit shy about that at first. I didn’t realize how quickly comments come back to you. It’s been a good thing. I will stick with email notifications, because I follow some bloggers who post multiple times per day and they tend to fill up my Reader. I start with the email list, because it’s the blogs I most want to read. I move to the Reader, if I have time.

    1. Thanks, Dan, I appreciate hearing how you navigate comments. I agree with you, it is hit or miss on how WP works – and the emails do seem to come regardless!

      1. You can manage notifications in the reader. If you have the time, you can really dial it in for each blog you follow. I do it for some.

  5. Nice Shelley! I’ve known about the little bell for a while now and it really does make a difference. I’m saving this to read up on all the little links you shared! Thanks.

  6. Thanks Shelley for the information on settings. I still get confused but today I crossed to 100 followers. I find it interesting that 100 people would ever want to read anything I would write. I still think that some of the issues I have are due to the fact that my computer and processor are 400 years old. Gonna fix that after taxes. Have a great day and again thanks for the continued advice.

    1. You’re welcome, Anita! Congrats on 100 followers- you’re doing the right things to grow that fast in such a short time since you started!! So fun to hear you’ll grow even more once you get that new computer!! 🙂

  7. Excellent information, Shelley! I don’t remember even seeing that comment settings page before. I haven’t changed anything since I started out. And that little bell thing? I never knew about that either. I’ll have to go see how it works. I never have figured out the reader, either. I get so many emails notices it takes all day to go through them. Maybe it would be easier another way. Anyway, thanks for the info.
    Of course your kitty is adorable, and is already wise about how to do blogging, I’m sure. 🙂

    1. Thank you, glad you found the info helpful. There are so many settings buried in multiple places, I hope by my figuring it out and sharing it helps someone save time! Thanks for the compliments on Dessy – she’s a ham and loves to pose for me!

  8. Awesome post!! I am booking marking this to go back and re-read. Lots of good advice in there my friend. I am always on the look out for ways to spruce up my place and make is more user friendly.

    1. Thank you, Jill, I’m glad you found the information helpful…PS – I do think your blog is already super friendly (‘cuz of you, of course!!).

  9. Hi Shelley – I like how you coordinated the kitty pictures to what you were writing about. I must go back and read that other link before I sign off here. I’m always happy to mention anything that is awry and I know you would do the same for me. I did know about Reader and the Comments, but I never even tread into Reader or Comments nor perused the notifications until November 2017 when I had been suddenly inundated with followers (how nice) after 4 1/2 (yes 4 1/2) years of only a handful of e-mail subscribers. I had to turn off the e-mail notices and flip them to just appear in Reader because, just like you, I was inundated with e-mails … I still get new followers notices to my e-mails and for some reason I get them in duplicate – go figure that one out!

    1. Thank you, Linda! Yes, I’ve noticed that too…if you figure it out, let me know. I’m pretty sure it is in a setting on their blog! If it is happening with mine, let me know and I’ll play around with settings again!

      1. OK, will do Shelley – your last tweak fixed the problem of not being able to respond in Comments directly on your site and limiting comments to Reader. I need to refine some things on my blog – it is now officially Winter, so what weekend time cannot be devoted to walking and writing about the trek, will be devoted to the Jared videos, tweaking the blog and taxes … not even started my spreadsheet I usually do throughout the year … that’s just one day to compile all paperwork and have I a few months anyway – I used to do it by mid-February, but so many papers don’t even arrive til late February now..

        1. Yay, I’m glad to hear I finally fixed something on my blog! Way to stack up the to-do list instead of miles in the park – which I know you’d much rather do. I’m positive you’ll knock off all of the items!!

      1. I looked back at this post as I was using my tablet when I first read. You have some great advice for everyone. That bell is a godsend to get through the comments easily isn’t it ?

  10. This is a fun and uplifting post. I’ve been personally blogging for a long time [started in 2004] and for me the best part of it is the comments. I also find that if a blogger is consistent about posting, no matter what or how they write, their blog becomes popular… eventually.

    1. Thank you, Ally! I appreciate hearing your advice on being consistent, too. Thank you for sharing – and for sticking to the blogging journey!

  11. I’m not even sure what my settings are. I’m going to read the posts you suggested. There’s so much much to learn and I love when I come across a post like this that seems to hit a fast forward button for me. Thanks!

    1. There’s definitely a lot to learn – I’m glad you found benefit in the information. Enjoy the journey and remember to embrace your own voice!

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