Autumn wins you best by this its mute appeal to sympathy for its decay – Robert Browning
Quick update – computer files were rescued & restored, so I may just be back in business – waiting to verify recent updates.
Painting continues…along with the aches and pains of that.
Today when I viewed comments on my blog posts, I was greeted by a pleasant surprise, Linda G. Hill accepted my entry to her Stream of Consciousness Saturday Badge Contest (you can find my post here that links to hers over at the contest)! I hope you all head on over there tomorrow to vote – so many fun entries, I can’t wait to see who wins.
A wind has blown the rain away and blown the sky away and all the leaves away, and the trees stand. I think, I too, have known autumn too long. e.e. cummings
I’ll leave you with a view of the foggy moments I’ve had this week when I escaped the stress by grabbing my camera!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday
PS – How is your week going? Did you go check out the entries for the Badge Contest? How are the colors of fall in your area? We’ve reached a peak and then the wind came and took most of the leaves off.
Happy to hear your computer was saved.
Good luck in the SoC Badge Contest.
Those photos are beautiful. Nature is such a great subject.
Thank you, Michele. I’ve saved most of my documents, the computer email system is still struggling. I can’t believe it is this hard to recover from. I appreciate your words of encouragement.
Thank you for the photo kudos!!!
Congrats on the badge being accepted. It’s pretty and easy to read, so I like it. I’m waiting for autumn to actually hit here. Our trees have blah leaves on them. Our too hot summer has left them without much color. Kind of bummed about it
Fabulous pictures. So glad everything seems to be okay with your computer files. How fun to be accepted by Linda, I am looking forward as well. I did not enter but enjoy the contest as she creates them. I see the dreaded “s” word is starting to show up in the forecast, its inevitable I guess for the midwest.
Thank you, Anita. The computer is still struggling. I’m hoping some tech-chats will help!?!
My entry was late, but I was next in line when two other entries didn’t work out. I’m sorry for them. I hope you head on over to the link to vote. Vote for the one you love the most!
I don’t want to hear the ‘s’ word yet. But, it has happened in the past – I remember a few snowy Halloween adventures – and I also remember a couple 80 degree ones, so there’s hope yet!?!
Fall – a season I have only heard about. I live in the South where we have summer and 3 weeks of what we call winter. I did get to go with my husband on a business trip last October to Montréal and fell in love with the beauty of nature in autumn. So I’m feeling a little envious of your reds and yellows and oranges and also feeling sad for you that the leaves are already falling.
I’ve often thought of wanting to live in the south, especially when we have a brutal winter. I still come back to adoring the special part of each of the 4 seasons. The colors in fall are a favorite of mine. Glad you’ve been able to witness them in person. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate hearing from you!!
Your fall colors are lovely! I was so happy to get a good show of colorful leaves on our trip to and from Ohio last weekend–parts of PA up in the mountains were gorgeous! We still have a lot of green here, but the crepe myrtle out my office window is a nice orange. I have much work to catch up on today but I couldn’t miss out on another post from you!
Thank you. Oh, my, goodness – I finally popped over to read about your adventure. Looks like you had a grand time. Thank you for sharing the not-pro tips and the books you recommend. I bet you’ve got a lot to catch up on – don’t put too much pressure on yourself, regroup! I so appreciate you taking the time to stop by and say hi!! Thank you!!!
Great pictures, Shelley. I love the drops on the spider webs. Those always seem amazing to me.
Thank you, Dan – I’m amazed at spider webs too!
That reminds me of Charlotte’s Web, a tear jerker.
There is a certain beauty that only autumn can create. The beauty of the retreat to dormancy, the cold air that breathes condensation on a spider’s web. You captured it beautifully. Good luck on the badge contest. I have not even seen the entries yet, but I will go look today!
Thank you, Maggie – you’ve captured the essence of fall well. Yes – go check out the entries, and vote. If I hadn’t been entered, I’d have a hard time choosing a favorite.
What gorgeous photos — the dew drops in particular are spectacular! I was off my game this week and missed Linda’s deadline but I’m looking forward to seeing the badge designs. Good luck!
Thank you, Laura – I was wondering where your entry was!!? It’ll be fun to see who wins – so many great options to choose from.
Such lovely photos Shelley! The photo of your backyard made me remember the ones you took last winter with all the snow. The trees are just now thinking about turning here in Oklahoma. Yours look to be celebrating fall quite nicely!
Thank you!! I’m touched you remember the snow photos. We’re due to get that much or more again this year. I’ll be reviewing these photos often to remind me that the snow doesn’t last!
Aren’t trees amazing? I love how nature just knows the right timing for everything. It was peak week here. Enjoy your fall!!
I’m fascinated by how nature knows to change. The other day there were thousands and thousands of butterflies flying south. Dragonflies too. I’d never seen that before.
I hope you will win the contest, Shelley! Lovely photos.
Aw, thanks, Winnie – I appreciate your well wishes!
My pleasure always, Shelley!
You’re a dear, thank you!
You’re welcome, Shelley!
I love the dew drops on the spider web. Good luck in the contest!
Thank you, Janet! Good luck to you too – your entry is very creative!!
I love Jim Gaffigan’s take on fall foliage…
Summer ran until almost October this year, so fall is a little late here. The willow oak outside my window is just starting to turn. The miniature maples are almost bare, but then they’re always the first to go.
I’ll be sure and check out all the badges tomorrow. I’ve seen a few already and I’m amazed how good they are. I was going to contribute one until I saw what I was up against…
LOL – I love Jim’s take on fall! I remember seeing that when it first came out and rolling with laughter.
I saw a picture of the trees in Chicago recently and thought of you.
You’re right, the competition is grand for this challenge. Thank you for checking out the entries and for your vote for the one you like the most!!
Gaffigan’s observations are hilarious. “Hot Pockets” is my favorite…
I’ll be sure to vote!
LOL – I agree – he’s a hoot!
Thank you, it’ll be fun to see which badge wins!
Beautiful depictions of fall, Shelley! I have not been able to take a photo of a spider web that I like or would publish. Yours are so cool! Good luck in the contest!
Thank you, Laurie. I luck out sometimes when I play with my camera.
Hope you’re doing well – I need to stop by your blog again and see what you’ve been up to!
I haven’t been posting much until this week, Shelley. We were traveling, then it was hard to get back into the writing habit again!
It does take time to get back into the groove. You deserved the break :-)!
So many drops such wonderful photos Shelley
Thank you, Brian!!!
The “s” word is being bandied around here for next Wednesday through Friday; just flurries, but that’s bad enough for goodness sake. Sigh. I did a similar depiction of end-of-Summer Park blues today … I’ve never photographed a spider’s web with the droplets on, some day I hope to. The curling and fluttering leaves make me wistful – Fall is zooming right by.
LOL – I’m with you on banning the s word! I’ll be by to check out your post – I’m so behind!!! I’m glad to read you’re getting out to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.
I am making the most of my time before the s word – flurries maybe will happen next Wednesday or Thursday and supposed to be in the low 30s, so it is not out of the question. One meteorologist says not to despair as a handful of days in the 50s in November will happen. Sigh.
Good for you. It froze hard here last night – 20 degrees and clear skies this morning. It’ll be a nice couple days here, now the panic sets in to get everything outside done before the s flies. I sure hope there are some 50s in November! I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
We had two really cold days last week and I took the hose in but need to shut off the water. My handyman forgot to do cement patching when he was here in the Summer –
(did I need a list, he only had three things to do, but was doing bigger projects over the two days – power washing the house with a mildew spray, dealing with extra issues like plugging up a wasp nest and repairing and refurbishing the pole light out front) … that was when I smashed my finger so I did not go out and check his work, just paid him. I left the water on thinking he’d need to mix cement – he is using another compound, but not going to do it til he does the gutter cleaning near Thanksgiving, so I had to tarp up the area. I am annoyed at him, but he is honest and hard-working so I am not making a big deal about it, but groaning inwardly. I kind of thought it is/was an insult to check he did tuckpointing and other things – I am not climbing up on the roof to check the chimney flashing repair or the gutter-cleaning. Sigh.
Thanks for the reminder to shut off the water! We have to do that too. If the handyman is anything like Mr. lists work well and reminders are helpful.
I shut mine off this morning – it may go to the low 30s with frost tonight, so I turned it off. Well in Spring he only comes for three things: tar, cement and gutters (he checks flashing while up there since he is tarring the one side that has no rock garden or mulch). When he e-mailed me the night before, he said “same as usual – tar, cement and roof?” He wanted to do the power-spray mildew wash first so ended up being here two days. I am annoyed about it – he’ll have to do it again in June for goodness sake.
It was only in the mid-30s today. 20s yesterday. So you’re probably getting our cold blast today. It was sunny most of the day though, that was nice.
I hope the handyman wises up and does better work for you!
I don’t mind the cold if we have the sun – doesn’t make it seem so bad – today was just plain ugly. I am glad I tarped over that spot because the rain is coming down in buckets. You know I thought if I handed Jim a list after sending the e-mail reviewing his “chores” that he does each Spring he’d be insulted … never underestimate the power of reinforcements! SMH
It looks like you had a lot of fun with your camera! Those close ups are amazing. Catching water droplets like that is such a challenge (for me at least!). Fall colors are disappearing, slowly but surely. Sigh.
Shelley, just love the image of the dew drops and that one leaf trying to hang on.
Very inspiring.
Aww, thank you so much for your encouraging words, Drew. I’m blushing!
I’m not ready to let the pretty leaves go. Probably because I know what comes next. Love your spiderweb shots!
I hear ya, Dawn. It seems like it was just the beginning of summer!!? Thank you, glad you enjoyed the photos. Spiderwebs and dew are fascinating to me.
Wonderful photos. We don’t have a fall season here. But it is still raining here this year. If you don’t mind can I ask a question. I saw your name as Shelly Krupa. Krupa is a very popular name in South India. Thanks
Thank you!! Sorry to hear about too much rain – we’ve had our share of it here this year too. Interesting, I’ve never heard of Krupa in India. It’s my married name, and the family has Polish heritage. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Here Krupa is a girl’s name. It means Grace or favour.
Aw…that’s so nice, thank you for clarifying for me.