Adventures · Inspiration

Grilling up some storms

The anticipation grows as I imagine the grill mark lines on the steak Mr. is going to cook later today.  It’s been a week since he grilled us some delicious scallops.  We’re headed for turf today, not the sea.


The long Memorial weekend is here, and with it, we’ve been blessed with the warmer weather and the heat of summer.  Normally, it rains and is darn cold.  I’m sure the campers will be happy.  Well…maybe not?

Temps this weekend should rise well into the 90’s.  I can’t imagine being cramped in a tent in 90 degrees, but whatever.  More power to them!


Wait…now that I think about it more, WTH? – Did we just skip spring and jump right into summer?

My irises haven’t even had a chance to bloom yet.


As I wandered around the yard to check the progress of my gardens, with my camera in hand, I noticed the plants are slow to catch up to the rapid rise in temperature, just like me.  We’ll all catch up eventually.

When I came around the corner, I couldn’t help but notice the fascinating storm clouds.


A storm was brewing and the clouds forming in it were rumbling as they extended high into the sky.  Of course, with my camera at the ready, I attempted to capture photos.  Not just a couple, but plenty.

Plenty of horrible shots.  And a few good ones.

When I get so engrossed in what I see, I need to pause and remind myself of my limitations.  My slightly archaic camera and its standard lens simply don’t cut it for world-renowned photography.  But, that never stops me from trying.  I’m persistently and hopelessly in love with playing with my camera.  If I’m patient enough the opportunity to catch a doppelgänger rainbow will always bring on a smile!  (Of course, that’s a misuse of the doppelgänger word…but WTH…it’s my blog, I can write what I want, right?)  

Happy Memorial Day weekend! – Thank you to all those who have fallen for our country.


Post-Inspiration courtesy of Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday:  Grill

14 thoughts on “Grilling up some storms

  1. One time when my eldest was about 10, she asked me why I take 100 shots of the same thing…I told her because out of those 100, only 1 or 2 might be worthy enough to keep! Happy gardening to you this weekend!

  2. Your camera works great for this amateur. Your cloud photos are pretty awesome. I know that word is used a lot but in this case, it fits. Enjoy those irises!

    1. Aw, thank you, I appreciate your encouraging words! I will enjoy them, I can’t wait to see them open up! Enjoy your weekend!!

  3. What kind of pasta that under the grilled scallops? Looks pretty good.

    We’ve spent the entire week under flash flood warnings and the gloom-and-doom predictions of the meteorologists, yet it’s been sunny all week. Go figure.I guess this is spring, or as much as we’ll get before it gets hotter than blue blazes and humid. Hope your irises finally come into bloom.

    1. The noodles are “Soba Noodles with Spinach”. They are tasty! Sounds like your weather is just as crazy as ours. We’ve got the blue blazes hot and humidity. It’s nice in the early mornings though, so I’ll take it, and I’m thankful there’s no snow! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  4. Love all the cloud photos! If the storm reached your place, hope it didn’t interfere with your grilling out!:)

    1. Thank you! The storm was a quick one, didn’t interfere, and it brought some much-needed rain. And some interesting clouds!

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