
Grassy thoughts

There are days when I wish Copper was litter box trained.


Like the cats.  They have it all cushy…never having to go outside to find a perfect spot, they’ve only got one place to look.

They, by the way, can leave motherload dumps for me.  Who feeds them anyhow?

Even when I dread that stinking task of scooping out the clumps, it is nice to contain the grass allergen exposure.

You’d think that he’d spend more time on the driveway…

But no…he’s a good dog.  He goes out in the yard just like we trained him to do.


Every time he goes out now, I’ve resorted to washing his feet when he comes in.  Sucks to be a small dog.  It is easy for me to help him in and out of wet situations.

He’s starting to dread the whole ordeal.  Next, he’ll probably get constipation…?

Fall is near, and a good hard frost will cure the wide-spread pollen distribution.  Dagnabit, though, I refuse to get all sassy and brassy and swear with the four-letter ‘S’ word.

Besides, dew-drop drenched grass provides for some darn good photo ops while I’m waiting for him to get exposed.


Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday

PS – Copper appreciates the sympathy/empathy.  I’m looking for cheap ear-plugs…



24 thoughts on “Grassy thoughts

  1. Our dog has been having anxiety about going out into the yard. Sometimes, she just drags us back in. I’m not sure if an animal has been there, or some plant is in some stage that she doesn’t like. It’s a pain when you know they have to go out, but they don’t agree. Good luck, Shelley.

    1. Oh, no, poor Maddie. Dog’s have an instinct for things to stay away from, they’ll obey, reluctantly, but we’re all miserable while trying to do what we thought is the normal routine. This stage of summer is kicking our butts around here. Thank you for sharing your sympathy!

  2. It will be SO nice when the pollen goes away – for all concerned! Fall has many benefits, but let’s hold off on the approach of winter please. 🙂

  3. I love the composition of your first and last photos, Shelley. I’ll pass on the cat poop, though, have enough of my own…LOL!

    I haven’t been paying attention to pollen counts or allergens, but something has been giving me a scratchy throat in the mornings. It must be in the air when the windows are open at night.

    1. LOL – thank you, and you know what? I was thinking of you and your furry pals when I was scooping the poop. I wondered if you feel as excited about the task as I do. Now I know!
      We slept with our window open one night and that was enough – too much pollen! We’ve been blessed with excellent tree and grass growing weather and the ragweed too!

      1. I love sleeping with the windows open, so not giving that up just yet. Soon we’ll have them closed for other reasons that I will not speak of at this time. 🤐

  4. I feel so bad for him Shelley, your first frost can’t come soon enough for him! I love the first photo, so much light and bokeh! 😍

  5. It’s so hard when the fur babies suffer. Our Phoebe has had a terrible week and I can’t figure out what’s triggered such terrible anxiety suddenly. The only major change around here is the kids going back to school but she’s never reacted like this before…I hope everyone settles in soon.

    1. Yes, it is. I wish they could talk. Bummer about Phoebe. I was thinking about all the parents with kids going back to school and the sudden ‘quiet’ of the early mornings. My mornings aren’t quiet with the licking sounds……. I agree, I hope everyone settles in soon. Hope Phoebe recovers quickly!

  6. Poor Copper. The indignities he has to suffer, just to complete his normal bodily functions! 😀 My son in Colorado told me they had their first frost last night – killed all of his tomato and zucchini plants before they got any veggies. Maybe frost will come soon to your neck of the woods too.

    1. Yeah, he’s suffering that’s for sure. Oh, no, I’m not ready for the cold to hit! Sorry to hear that your son lost all of his plants 🙁 . It’s turning cooler and cooler each morning. We’re hoping not to have to turn on the heat until October though!

    1. It is tempting to get him to litter train. I may need to consider it, I’m not ready to try and put diapers on him! I hear ya on cats and litter boxes, the redundant fluff cat seems to have her share of hit and misses.

  7. Hi Shelley, You have indicated before how you get photo ops when taking Copper for a walk. I suspect every hour has a photo op in your life:) I am sure copper knows he is fortunate to be a member of your family:)

    1. Awww, thank you for remembering and for the encouragement. Copper knows he’s fortunate – the king of the house is treated well ;-)!

  8. When farms here have a bio-hazard situation, a pan of appropriately disinfected water is placed at entrances so that people have to walk through it, going on & off the property . Could something similar be arranged for Copper, so he just has to walk through a pan, appropriate for his size, and then across one of those water/mud-catching mats? Just a thought 🙂

    1. Thank you for your suggestion (sorry it took me so long to reply, your comment went to spam for some reason!?!). Since he only weighs 8 #’s, I simply carry him to the laundry tub and wash his feet each time he goes out and comes back in. It’s not his idea of fun, but it seems to have been helping.

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