
Good cats know how to work their jingle bells

Alright, fine, I’ll write for Shelley…she’s busy…again…


What should I write about…oh, yeah, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.  But I only have one single bell.  So that won’t work.  Hmm…


How about this stream of consciousness instead…Linda prefers that anyhow, so I hear?


…When my sister and I were little, our collar bells would jingle.  We had no idea they were placed upon our necks to keep track of us.  We just thought it was ‘cuz we were so darn cute.


As we moved about the house, our collars jingled in unison.  Rarely we’d venture off as a single to mingle with birds on the other side of the glass.

As we grew, we knew, it was best to sit very, very, very still.  Then we’d look innocent.  That technique still works for us.  We’re smart that way.


The years of our obtaining redundant fluff have muffled the sound our bells used to make.  Unless, that is, we give our heads a healthy shake.  Then the dog finds us.  And he whines and the hoomans respond to the chain reaction.


We’re the only ones that can really hear each other’s bell, though.


Our bells sound like muffled tiny rock tumblers.  Or maybe we’re just ignored until we’re naughty or up close enough to be noticed?   That technique works best when I single Mr. out.  He can’t resist me, could you?


It’s not all bad to have my bell ignored.  Luckily for me, in my stealthlike mode, I find it is easy to sneak a nap where I’m normally forbidden to nap.


Man, let me tell ya…that little ol’ dog sure knows how to sleep in style!  His new orthopedic dog bed is oh so comfy.

I may have stayed too long…I hope the memory foam bounces back.


Seriously – If you ask me, I haven’t found much wrong with being a big cat that’s fat.

When I plant myself for too long, a hooman nudges me to move on.  And then the dog tries his best to fill out his bed.  He doesn’t need a bell to get his way.

That’s okay, I don’t mind, I just mosey along on my way.  I follow the sounds of rock music my sister’s collar makes.  She knows how to rock around the Christmas tree and look innocent while she’s at it.


She’s typically planted somewhere fun.  Lately, we’ve both been in this room.  She remains mesmerized by the tinsel we’ve both found ways to eat calorie-free for weeks now.  What goes in comes out.  One way or another.  All I know is neither one of us has gained a pound this holiday season.


We’re puzzled though.  How is it hoomans know?  With collar bells that don’t jingle, why is she able to single one of us out?

Jeez…I’m just napping here, is there anything wrong with that?



I’m exhausted now.  Gotta run…but before I go, please don’t tell Kris Kringle that I may have been naughty.  I just can’t resist the tree, and the presents, and the ribbon, and the tinsel.  ‘Cuz I’m positively sure there’s catnip under the tree.  Just for Lil’ ol’ me.  Alright, what if I promise I’ll share it with my sister?  Then is it okay?

Post Inspiration – A guest post by our cat Dessy, she couldn’t resist Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt – ‘ingle‘.


PS – Thank you, Dessy!  I hope you’re all doing fantastic.  Are you ready for what you’ve got planned for the upcoming week?  It’s hard to believe 2019 is almost over!  I’ve missed chatting with all of you.  I do confess, though, at this busy time of year I’m enjoying the break from my daily blogging routine.  I’ve been planning what’s ahead for my blog in 2020.  See you again soon.  From our family to yours, we wish you good cheer!  xx ~Shelley


52 thoughts on “Good cats know how to work their jingle bells

  1. They both seem irresistible. Enjoy your days off from writing. We’ll be here when you get the urge to return – you don’t even need to wear a bell.

    Merry Christmas, Shelley!

  2. Lovely Shelley, what a fun and cute post! Your photos are amazing, love how you captured your cats personalities through pictures and words, so entertaining!! I am happy we met this year, and wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas as well as a Happy New Year in case we don´t write before! Thanks for sharing your creativity, joy and warmth with us! Big hugs from Spain xxx

    1. Aww, thank you Maria! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I’m thankful we met too. I wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year – I’ll be by your blog in 2020 to see what you’ve been up to in Spain. Big hugs to you from me here in Wisconsin! xx

      1. Thanks so much Shelley! I wish you a wonderful and Happy New Year also:) Looking forward to many more lovely chats in 2020. See you here and on A gypsy at heart in the new decade😀 Big hugs lovely xx

        1. Thank you so much Maria. And I finally got to stop by and see your last post of 2019. I’m still smiling- the flowers, your smile, the songs you shared, especially you singing one brought a smile to my day, thank you dear! I look forward to seeing what you’ve got planned for 2020! Keep shining!!

          1. Aw Shelley, yay, that is the best feedback knowing that my post gave you such a big smile! So so stoked to hear that! I hope you had wonderful holidays, and I wish you a 2020 filled with lots of health, friends, fun, inspiration, love and joy! Keep shining as well, you are one of a kind:) Big hugs

  3. I think you nailed them! I love how your cats look as if you’ve created everything exactly how they would have done it themselves. Dogs always seem to be waiting for the next good thing you’re going to do with them, unless like Copper they’re just waiting for the warm weather to come back!

    1. Thank you Ellen. Our pets have personalities that’s for sure. I’m thankful they all get along and provide me with photo opportunities to write about. I’m with Copper when it comes to weather! 😉

  4. Thanks Dessy, you did a great job!! I noticed you’ve been absent Shelley, wishing you all a blessed Christmas and wonderful 2020!! 😎

    1. Thank you, John! I’m touched that you’ve noticed. I’ll be back in 2020! I hope your Christmas was wonderful and that you have fun planned for the New Year! See you then :-)!

  5. Thanks for filling in, Dessy! You did a great job, which should mitigate any naughtiness. I’m sure there will be catnip or toys under the tree for you as nd your sister.

    Shelley, have a wonderful Christmas with family and a fabulous holiday week.

    1. Thank you, Mary! It looks like Gibbs and Ziva have done their share of entertaining this holiday season. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too and that the New Year brings you much joy. See you in 2020! xx

  6. I enjoyed this read Shelley. I was waiting for the Cats and Christmas Tree Dilemma of 2019 😀 Have a wonderful Christmas Shelley

    1. Thank you, Brian. Well…that did happen, I just haven’t written about it yet. It involved Dessy turning into a green-spiked porcupine who trailed through the house like Pigpen. 😉 Happy New Year – see you again in 2020!!

  7. This cat sure has a lot to say. She better be careful on that high fiber tinsel diet. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all 🙂
    (great photos!!)

  8. Very cute with the kitties and the bells … Copper has bells on his toes when he goes out in the cold – they will jingle very loud as he dashes out and back in the house again!!

    1. Thank you, Linda! It’s been quite warm and rainy here, so he’s picking up not so pleasant items in the grass and dragging them inside. We’re kind of thankful we’re getting snow today to cover the exposed grass! Shame on me for saying that ‘s’ word, right?!

      1. Well we’ve had 10 days of warm weather and above-average temps. Today my furnace is broken. It was not cycling properly but had no code issues so I did not call. I reset it and thought it would help. It helped for a while and now nothing. Cannot get an appointment til tomorrow morning … going to be a long, cold night.

          1. Thanks – I have a 8-12 window and the third time I rebooted it, I cranked the heat up very high hoping it would flood the house with heat before it crashed again – it did not crash this time. Yay – it snowed and they are due this morning. I have to get out and sweep/shovel and run the car before they get here. I am not cancelling as it might be temporarily working. I am so frustrted with everything- next year hopefully is better. I just finished proofing and launching my last post about my goal … happy new year to you Shelley. I will be back tonight to catch up here.

          2. He was here and diagnosed the problem (inducer motor and circuit board needed to be replaced) … he had to go to another city to buy the parts as he didn’t have them on the truck – that was 45 minutes, then about an hour for the fix … I was very lucky as it was still under warranty (2012 the furnace and A/C and whole house surge suppressor were installed) and it did not cost a penny. The cost would have been $1,500.00 if it was off warranty – gulp!!! I have to do some organization of my laptop and pictures/posts today and I want to look at my pictures from last weekend. I hope my pictures turned out well – the last time I was there (my December 22nd post), though it was gray out, I got some close-ups, so I’m hoping I fared well. No peeks at pics til I get my stuff archived … I used to do it quarterly, now have not done it since March 31st and have the computer that crashed during a Service Pack update, plus my regular laptop and this one … not a fun task.

          3. Yay on the furnace!! Whew!! And I’m impressed you’re that diligent in archiving pictures. I look forward to your post!

    1. Thank you, JoAnna. I have a hunch you’d be a great cat-mom too. I look forward to seeing what you’re up to in 2020!

  9. enjoy your break(s) and remember even flowers have dormant seasons…
    thanks for Dessy for the post and love those green eyes
    super fun post

    1. Thank you, Rebecca! Oh, yes, the hoomans have enjoyed way too many treats. At least the bathroom scale and the skinny jeans indicate so! 😉

    1. Thank you. Their sisterhood does show through. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too! See you in 2020 – I look forward to seeing your goal list for inspiration!

  10. I so enjoy cat posts. We just adopted another stray so we have 4 now! To me, animals make a house into a home. Yours look like BIG cats! The photos of them by the tree are lovely. So relaxing.

    1. Yes, you do – your story on your blog today is delightful! Four…cats…oh, my! Bless you for being a cat lover! Yes, my two are coated with redundant fluff that’s for sure. They enjoyed relaxing by and investigating the tree this year. Thanks for the kitty kudos – they love the attention.

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