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Glory of the morning

Pinch me, am I dreaming?  Nope, news flash folks, the temperature upon rising today is 37 degrees.

That’s unheard of in the 200th winter of 2017/2018.


But wait…it is April, and it is spring, so that’s a good temperature to wake up to.  It’s not like last winter, just 4 days ago…


This time of year, when the snow melts and the warmer air temperatures float across the fields, the fog rises and creates a lovely blue color in the air.


It’s peaceful as I step outside to listen for quiet whispers of nature and the birds chirping. If I’m quiet enough, I won’t disrupt the deer who have meandered out to enjoy their breakfast feasts.

I adore the quiet signs the day has begun.


Mornings are my favorite time of the day.  I’m anxiously awaiting the chance to head out to the yard and snap dew drop photos on my flowers.

I’ll even welcome the blasted yellow dandelions!

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I hope to catch a tiny spider who will come out to investigate the clicking sound of my camera.

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The pinks and rose colors will sparkle as the buds burst open on the flowering crab trees.

Rochester and Chicago 048c

If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old.  You will just keep growing.  Gail Sheehy

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Oh, my, yes it does – my heart sings in the mornings.  It is a glorious time of the day.

Daily Post Photography Challenge:  Awakening

What is your favorite time of the day?  What awakens your heart to sing?  

15 thoughts on “Glory of the morning

  1. Mornings are my time too, first cup of tea at 6am then a few more by 8. Read the news to see if I’m about to be turned to ash, Read something philosophy related, deal with blog comments.
    It’s getting warmer here too, it was 15 degrees last week but back down to 7 now.
    I don’t like Spring because it doesn’t like me! Nasty pollen! Have to stay indoors to much which merely serves to strengthen my introvert behaviour 😂

    1. Tea in the morning, wine by night. Sounds splendid, Dr. B. Oh, my, that’s a heat wave!! Pollen can be nasty, it hasn’t been a problem for me, yet… Introvert, HAHAHAHAHAHA! You’re too funny! 🙂

        1. Me, too! I thought you said, self-tests don’t count, or do they? 😉 Just kidding, I trust you know what you’re talking about.

          1. Behaviour mustn’t be confused with personality many great actors and comedians are or were introverts

  2. Fascinating that you picked up that spiders respond to the clicking noises of the camera! Mornings are also my fave time of day — it’s really hard to wake up from a good night’s sleep feeling downhearted. I see better, think more clearly, and write better poetry in the AM!

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