Yesterday, I grabbed my portable camera (not my cellphone one either) and headed out with my best friend for a mini girls’ day trip. On one of the coldest days of the past week.
I don’t know why I took my little camera, other than I had good intentions to take photos since she was driving and I was riding. Instead, I ended up with just two photos. Of us in the coffee shop. The place was busy, but we found a quiet side of the room where we could sit by the cozy fire and admire the lack of ‘normal’ outside because it was dang cold – wind chills below zero don’t tend to draw crowds to the city streets.
We didn’t let the cold get to us. After a cup of sugar-free vanilla latte with almond milk, we went on an adventure to visit local antique shops. There is one in the town I grew up in that is 3 stories high. After 40 years, they’re selling the business and liquidating everything. That’s a lot of treasures to dispose of. So many intriguing things and so much history stored there. The smells are not quite coffee shop appealing. And I didn’t take a picture to prove our visit there. Sigh. Sorry. Dang, it would’ve been mighty fine to have captured a photo of the door to the place to share someday on Dan Antion’s Thursday Doors. Next trip – we may go back once the next layer of deals is revealed?
Best friend get-together days are good for the soul. Last year, we went together to her home-away-from-home in Florida. The morning I left for our trip, I was super excited, yet I had a heavy heart. Not because I’d be traveling during COVID times, but because I was leaving this little guy who didn’t like to have me out of his sight.

This morning, as I was looking at Dessy begging for breakfast again. The time change is getting the best of both of us. Even though we’ve been practicing for a week. I can’t believe it’s been a year gone by.

I got to thinking about that trip to Florida. I could use some beach time. I don’t have a warm weather trip planned, so I’ll have to wait for the snow to melt and the Robins’ tails to get 3 flurries of snow on them before it’ll officially be wearing shorts weather here in Wisconsin.

I ran through all the pictures I had taken to remember how much fun it was to be free of worry and to just have fun. Also, good for the soul were the moments of Vitamin D and Vitamin Sea. Looking at the memories warmed my heart.
I could go for some bacon-wrapped fresh-caught shrimp right about now…loaded with vitamins and minerals from the salty sea.

Speaking of the vitamins…on my camera, I found my recent experiment on iodine photos. Why iodine you ask? (For why it is important, check out WebMD for a summary). Or listen to Dr. Berry tell about the signs of deficiency.
Where we live in Wisconsin it is easy to become deficient in that important mineral. It’s not like we can walk over to the sea salt beach and get seafood easily. We do eat many foods that are rich in minerals, but with the standard American diet recommendations, that we lived by prior to our diet switch to low-carb, we had avoided the item that was in the cupboard that provided it the easiest. Table salt. We don’t eat the blue container with the umbrella (bad for you salt) brand, that’s a no-no! We do consume freely – Himalayan Pink Sea Salt!
To discover if I was deficient or not, the paint your arm with iodine challenge was accepted. You can YouTube search for that on your own if you’re interested.
The result is that by the next morning, my body had absorbed it all, except for a faint tint on my arm. The faster it fades the more deficient you are. As a postmenopausal woman, I should be concerned enough to give it a try. Check out this site for great information for women – like how it affects hormones, etc. A quote from the page:
…Iodine deficiency has been linked to breast cancer, along with ovarian, uterine, prostate cysts and cancers. Iodine signals death to cancer cells. With low iodine breast tissue can become cystic and fibrous and fibroids may occur in the uterus. Women suffering from fibroid cysts respond well to iodine supplementation. . .
Menopause Woman webpage link above.

Am I deficient? Yes, it appears so. A caveat, though, I did the test a week after already taking a drop a day in my coffee every morning. That’s seriously all it takes to get your body what it needs! Coffee masks the taste, or I’ve put it in my mineral water/lemon/ACV drink. Turns out since I was deficient, Mr. was too. His painted spot disappeared within a few hours. And he forgot to have me take pictures to prove it. We’ve been taking a drop a day ever since!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “trip.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!
PS – Happy Time Change again. Did you practice a week ahead so it doesn’t bother you as much? Have you tested your iodine deficiency? Leave a link to your trip post in the comments, I’d love to see where you took us this weekend! Take care and have a great week xoxo
I’ve never heard of this iodine test, interesting! The time change thing needs to be abandoned as it serves zero purpose!
Yeah, I agree with both of your comments!
Hi. Spring will get here — eventually. Like you, I could use some Vitamin Sea. Oceans, rivers, bays, lakes and ponds are therapeutic.
Yes, Spring will eventually get here. You’re spot on – water is very therapeutic. Thank you for stopping by to share your words of wisdom!
Une prise de sang avec bilan des hormones thyroidiennes serait plus judicieux.
En Europe, la demande de comprimés d’iode explose du fait des craintes que l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie ne débouche sur une guerre nucléaire.
Par principe de précaution maximale, en cas d’accident nucléaire, la thyroïde doit être protégée. Les ions iodures saturent la thyroïde empêchant l’iode 123 radioactif rejeté dans l’atmosphère de s’y fixer. Le protocole de prise est stricte. L’efficacité individuelle de l’iode stable est maximale en quelques minutes. Il est admis que l’efficacité est optimale si la prise est réalisée dans les 2 heures avant le début des rejets d’iode radioactif.. Aujourd’hui, ce risque n’est pas d’actualité.
Le Lugol contient du potassium, il ne faut pas l’oublier.
Hi Anne, Translation = In Europe, demand for iodine tablets is exploding amid fears that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could lead to nuclear war. As a precautionary principle, in the event of a nuclear accident, the thyroid must be protected. Iodide ions saturate the thyroid, preventing radioactive iodine-123 released into the atmosphere from attaching to it. The protocol of taking is strict. The individual effectiveness of stable iodine is maximum in a few minutes. It is accepted that the effectiveness is optimal if the intake is carried out within 2 hours before the beginning of radioactive iodine releases. Today, this risk is not topical. Lugol contains potassium, we must not forget that.

Oh, my, goodness – I’m sorry to read about the concerns you’re having in your country. I hope you have a supply of iodine and it’s not needed for that purpose. I’m praying there won’t be a nuclear incident. Stay safe and well
For years, the distribution has been reserved only for people living around nuclear power plants. Only that. But last week, the French authority sent 2.5 million doses (iodure de potassium) to protect the health of the population in case of a nuclear accident.
SENT IN UKRAINE of course.
Yes, of course.
Wow – that’s very interesting.
Hi Anne – I translated here so I knew what you were saying: A blood test with thyroid hormone assessment would be more judicious.
That’s great information to know. Thank you for sharing. If you’re one of those people like me who have an insurance plan that won’t cover the test unless you have all the ‘symptoms’ you can request it even if it’s for screening purposes. I could find a different lab and pay out of pocket though.
We are VERY lucky in France bcs just a doctor prescription is needed.
I always am amused by the Himalayan Pink Salt that has taken 25,000 years to reach the sea and be extracted but has a use by date of a few months
Interesting about iodine… I’ll check it out. I’m glad that you were able to take a gal pal trip… they are the best! I love the time change to daylight savings so I don’t mind the “lost” hour at all (of course, it helps not to have to get up early for work
). Yay, spring!
Yay – yes, check out the iodine. Even though it only takes a drop (not a dropper full) a day, we both noticed a difference in how we felt. Better.
I love our gal pal trips – it’s fun to do something other than work all the time.
That’s great that you’re good with the spring ahead time change. I’m feeling like I’m running behind since I normally get up earlier than it is now. The cats are having the hardest time, this time.
Yes, yay for spring!!!!
Hi Shelley
I did enjoy your post !
I never heard of the skin test you did and so that was totally awesome
I believe most Americans are low on iodine –
The supplements I take have glandulars and iodine in them so I don’t worry too much about it now – but Dave Asprey from Bulletproof blog has a sinus rinse that is god sea salt (like the pink one you mentioned) a couple drops of iodine and xylitol – (xylitol is in toothpaste too because it is antibacterial)
I used his sinus dip for a while but now only use my NeilMed sinu-rinse bottle with sea salt and baking soda mix and it is wonderful –
Anyhoo – in the Bulletproof video, Dave notes that any extra iodine treat gets on your skin will be absorbed and he says “your thyroid will love it”
And that was the first time I heard about how iodine gets absorbed thru skin and also how it feeds the thyroid gland (and other parts of immune system)
And thankfully my doctors in the 1990s used iodine in the birthing room because I think it is why I never had depression after childbirth and wonder if the ones that do are missing iodine and a few other key things?!
Our food is so void of many things and I think supplements are crucial
The next time I heard of iodine was with a blogger named Mr Common Sense and he used the isodoryl brand and cut the tablets into fours.
– and he noted that it is crucial not to overdo iodine
I noticed you have the drops and I now use Lugols iodine but still have some isodoryl tablets
Your post was so good here and it is posts like this that can change lives
Thank you for sharing more details, Yvette! I need to check out the names you listed to research some more. I only have the Lugols, it was reasonably priced on Amazon. It did arrive the day the temps were WAY below zero and it almost froze. Thankfully we were home and able to retrieve it before it froze and broke the bottles. I’m assuming it’s still okay?
There’s so much out there about what we thought was good for us is really bad for us.
I need to do a post about the new AMA study revealing that Keto diets ARE good for the heart, not like what they had been saying for YEARS.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts – I always enjoy reading your comments and pondering what you share!
Yes – and KETO Diets can also help children who have seizures – the research is there, it is just that the lies somehow take over!
I would assume the iodine is Okay – and I saw the bottle with CROW on it and things that is also one I have.
The Isodoryl brand – comes in tablets and when doctors use it – they test the urine for iodine. Usually each week.
So they have someone take a tablet a day- test the ring – when all of the iodine starts showing up they go off the tablets. Something like that and similar to your arm skin test
and what Bullteproof noted was that the skin is a safe way to take iodine because the body will just not absorb what it does not need.
I am so blessed to have found these home remedies and the ways to be empowered and take my health into my hands.
There are times we need doctors – but they sure don’t fare well with autoimmune and immune building protocols –
but when I got 24 stitches last summer – I was sure glad to have a seasoned doctor sew me up and do it in a clean place.
but shelly – it is crazy in our system
the “burn slice poison” model of the American system
when my son broke his finger the doc wanted to surgery (slice) his hand ?? he said no – and it all healed fine – but I was like “why would he offer surgery?”
wel because they make money and they are TAUGHT to “burn, slice, poison”
and I think my step-daughter’s step-mom might have had a few more years if she di not use “burn” and “poison” when she was diagnose with cancer. Instead, her already weak and vulnerable body (that got cancer – because cancer is an immune system break down) and so this lady who had a body that was starved of nutrients and needed to be fortified (without knowing it) was instead given harsh chemo and she died ten months later. Of course we do not know all of the details with her body – but Keto is CANCER prevention and if anyone has cancer in their background – can they please be told to get the heck off of sugar!
The protocols tie to the reimbursement and if you’re a physician in that system, you do what you’re told. They don’t have time to research beyond that.
People do need to do their own research and experiment. Mr. and I assumed that we were doing the right thing by cooking and following the DASH diet for his heart health. Come to find out that’s awful for it and only helps the meds make it worse and worse – slowly over time.
KETO, low-carb, or Paleo for some, are all way healthier than the SAD diet. Yes – SUGAR is bad. Unfortunately some people only think of the sugar cube. Sugars are hidden in almost everything we eat.
Cancer prevention and treatment by diet and lifestyle changes is the miracle we all have available to us, we just have to make better choices.
Hi – yes – I like to use paleo too – because nowadays KETO is taking on new meanings and Shelley, we are so disgusted by the keto products marketed with chemicals and Genetically modified food! The atkins bars even state it right on the box
And I heard recently that china is experimenting with more genetically modified foods and get this – it is stuff they want to export to the US –
Well we need to watch the food we eat and be cognizant if it’s origin
And read labels-
I also want to grab this quote from you:
“Cancer prevention and treatment by diet and lifestyle changes is the miracle we all have available to us, we just have to make better choices. ”
Well said !
And it sounds like you and your hubby are open to exploring and not everyone is like that because we humans can be so set in our ways !
Prepackaged, processed, Keto stuff is NOT Keto – you have to be very careful with that stuff. Genetically modified food is real and not good for us. Eat real foods that aren’t modified.
Yes, we’re open to exploring this stuff. It was a HUGE deal to overcome what we learned and what we were doing. Once we got over that, through that, etc., it’s been nice to keep experimenting to improve our health.
Another thing about when people grab the keto snacks (saw Fat Bombs and Al this protein bars) well if folks are not fat adapted they won’t benefit from the extra fats – because they are still using sugar as their fuel source!
Once people make the change and stop using sugar/carbs as their file (so short term and so snacking all the time and they might feel sick with fasting or can’t do it ) but when fat adapted and using fat as fuel – fasting (intermittent and longer) is easier and the body is able to tap into the fat for fuel!
Bingo!!! Yes, exactly – you get it. Mr. and I took a small detour after the holidays when we found the SlimFast Lemon Fat Bombs. Oops…they provided the ‘fat’ that I was burning and kept the pounds on. Once I gave those up and the extra MCT oil and Coconut Oil in my coffee, along with intermittent fasting, my body went back into the fat-burning mode. I feel so much better. Fat burning for fuel is the key!
And by the way – another extra safe way to get iodine is to use the first side antiseptic that has 10% iodine in it!
Anytime I get a cut I love to pour that on!
On the other post I mentioned that in my research i discovered that iodine can help if anyone had radiation exposure
Doctor visits and especially dental X-rays expose us!
So do gadgets and tech
The microwave and even some imported food has been found to have traces of radiation
Anyhow / iodine can help with that!
I remember that antiseptic when I was growing up. We don’t have it in our medicine cabinet now though…hmm…
I don’t know if you saw Anne’s comments – I translated them from French to English. She was talking about the radiation. I haven’t been to the dentist in a couple of years, but they were very big in taking x-rays yearly. So much to consider in ‘taking care of our health’ right?!
We have a place in our town called Patient First – and it is urgent care for minor things.
They had a pretty good reputation and we used them a few times (my son’s gf’s step-mom used to work at the local one too)
anyhow, then we realized something – they almost always made us take X-rays –
Chest congestion – xray
and I was talking to a different doctor about it and he said you can always refuse it, ya know – and I said “now, I know – but didn’t then” – and mind you it was always an extra fee outside of insurance –
anyhow, since that time – almost 20 years now – I have heard that this is routine – for CAT and MRI
the places have the equipment and they want to use it – and then usually people have insurance that pays most or half
also they play on vulnerabilities –
for example – if you are worried and they say that an x-ray or scan will help diagnose – well of course it seems needed!
Oh my goodness !!
So affordable healthcare is a big friggin joke in the US because there is so much waster, so many unneeded X-rays and procedures – and so many out of pocket costs with the highway with the overpriced fees of most procedures.
The health care in the US is worse than the housing market that was allowed to run wild.
The prices are way out of hand and there should be control.
Then – another thing – our health care is in the bottom rung for quality – we are not megastars in that area and all those extras for symptom management
I don’t mean to rant – but did I tell you about the guy who had skin cancer removed three times? He was never once told about the sugar consumption connection to immune function and cancer.
How they use glucose to fine cancer cells and how sugar STOPS the immune system.
We talked for an hour and he thought I was saying stuff so foreign and non-scientific (and we were in the hot tub at the gym and so maybe a lab coat would have made the info delivered with more authority)
anyhow, he was never told that he could make dietary changes to rebuild his terrain – he was just told cancer might come back.
How about stay off the donuts and stop using white sugar and get off industrial oils (canola and vegetable oils) that can be used in a car and that scar the liver.
I am super glad I had the first aid antiseptic with iodine in my medicine cabinet because I know it rescued my thyroid back in early 2000’s
— quick story – I went to Virginia Beach for a couple days with family – off season and they were doing some pipe replacements near the pier – and we were allowed to swim in certain areas.
After that trip – I was sick and my throat swelled up (looked like a goiter) and the health mentor said if their was rust in the water – or chemicals or other heavy metals that added to whatever else I might have – ) and it was iodine that restored my health – and bentonite clay cleanses (I used the In & Out bentonite clay with herbs for 2 weeks – but that brand changed their product since then and now I like Sonne’s #7 clay because it is active and colloidal – so it s a chemical reaction ) I also later used EDTA and Niacin flushing (noe mind you I was raised in WNY and lived in Niagara Falls for a year where they had a shut down area from Hooker Chemical company called the love canal) and so who knows the many metals and toxins I subtly had….
anyhow, it was iodine and the clay cleanse that rescued me
but eventually I needed supplements to feed my body and not just remove
I was good at cleansing and the iodine feeds the endocrine system
but then I learned about a god mineral blend, a b-comlex – and my fav “NAC with ALA” oh baby!
and Shelley, I know you said you might write about brands you like for sumps – and I look forward to that – and my favorite brand is LOGOS NUTRITIONALS (because they work and are all natural) and also I like so many others (of course)
Oh and I saw the comment in the foreign language and thought it was spam.
I will be back to read it and look forward to it.
Thanks again for sharing about your health journey – because not only do I continue to learn bits from you – it gives me a chance to share parts of my healing journey!!
Yvette, thank you for sharing your insights. I’m so with you on the horrors of sugars and seed oils and the whole standard American diet. The past two years would’ve been essentially a non-issue except for the extremely vulnerable people if only people would watch what they eat. It made my blood boil when they were offering burgers and fast food for those who chose to follow their recommendations.
Have you ever followed the rabbit hole of Rockefeller and AMA? That’ll reveal how the whole x-ray, big Pharma, etc. happened.
Yay for NAC too! We’re still trying to balance what supplements we need and thrive on, I’ll keep you posted.
Yes – Anne from France is very knowledgable about all this stuff too!
More to come – thanks again for sharing.
I did not hear about the burgers for “following recommendations” but we did see the free donuts – and other things – and made me sick too!
No I have not heard about the Rockefeller and ama and will explore that later this year (look forward to it)
Also – my pleasure to share And sorry to rant !
This topic is just so crazy though!
And I thought of you when I was getting shampoo recently (well your past post about caca ingredients in hair products) because I – had this awesome smelling nice label time – said castor oil and lavender – looked natural but then the many many ingredients – I paused and went and got dr bronzers instead ! And have a 365 lavender set that is natural
Anyhow – hope you have a heresy Tuesday and look forward to your upcoming posts
Less chemicals the better
You didn’t see De Blasio in NY? He ate a burger while incentivizing people.
You’ll be very surprised at what you find when you go down that rabbit hole.
Shampoo … I need to get through what I bought and then I’ll switch again. We really overwash our hair and cause the symptoms we have. Once I ditched EVERY chemical except for the shampoo/conditioner every 1 or 2 weeks, my hair is healthier. It’s still wild looking, but it’s all natural.
I agree, less chemicals the better!!!!
I heard of the NYC mayor but seriously have a short memory with so much if the silliness and had to buffer from so much !
It still goes on and I just try not to let this divide friends and all that! People in our circle were getting to heated and angry (fear and worry based)
And so I know some of the rabbit hole contents – like how the CNN ceo was caught on audio recording saying that the fear statistics is what sells!
A lot of propaganda was going on and continues
And thankfully my trust is in god!
And that he had a plan and I know he lifts blinders from peoples eyes and so I try not to get too worried and try to speak up gently and when appropriate
But the censorship in this country is very scary!
Okay enough ranting
Thanks again for a great discussion this week (across many posts)
Well said, Yvette. I agree!
Potassium iodide tablets saturate the thyroid with iodine. In this way the radioactive iodine produced during an accident or a nuclear explosion (ex: Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima) inhaled or swallowed attaches less to the thyroid, which has become less greedy for iodine). The risks of thyroid cancer fall but others risks persist.
Nothing to do with electromagnetic radiation: UV rays from the sun, X-rays from x-rays, Gamma rays, microwave rays from ovens, televisions, mobile phones etc… which cause different HARMFUL disturbances on the cells of other organs too.
Thanks so much ! A lot to learn here! Appreciate your comment
And I think this all goes beyond lowering the risk for thyroid cancer – I think all wellness is impacted when our thyroid (and other glands) are healthy
So for me it is not about the risk of cancer as much as it is a healthy functioning body
Of course!
But before starting any treatment with iodine (whatever the dosage), it is necessary to know by a reliable method, if there is iodine deficiency or not, if a thyroid pathology is latent. Iodine intake can trigger underlying thyroid disease.
Iodized salt and foods rich in iodine are more recommended, to start, in regions far from the sea.
There remains the case of women of childbearing age who live in agricultural production areas that use a lot of pesticide inputs. Before any idea of conception, a multivitamin cocktail containing iodine is highly recommended.
Of course!
But before starting any treatment with iodine (whatever the dosage), it is necessary to know by a reliable method, if there is iodine deficiency or not, if a thyroid pathology is latent. Iodine intake can trigger underlying thyroid disease.
Iodized salt, foods rich in iodine are more recommended, to start in regions far from the sea.
There remains the case of women of childbearing age who live in intensive agricultural production areas that use a lot of pesticide inputs. Before any idea of conception, a multivitamin cocktail containing iodine is highly recommended.
It’s sad we have to prepare for nuclear attacks! You’re right, there are multiple attacks on our bodies by the environment and what we consume. It’s sad, truly, sad.
It is necessary to determine the factors on which we can act, those which we can avoid or diminish the influence. The others are too depressing. By being active we keep our spirits up. Step by step.
By advising to eat unprocessed products you are in the truth.
It remains to disentangle the true from the false, in the jungle of information.
Well said, Anne, thank you!
Thank you Shelley!
I’m glad you had a change for a girl trip. Nice of the weather to keep the crowds low
I was glad to see our dentist switch (about 8 year ago) to digital X-Rays. They use much lower levels, generating much less radiation.
Iodine brings back memories of my mother’s first-aid
Have a great week, Shelley
Thanks, Dan. Only the brave head out when it was as cold as it was on Saturday. LOL.
I wonder what kind of x-rays my dentist used? I think it’s odd that they put on a protective vest on the person being x-rayed, but their head is not protected at all. I actually feel better that the last two years I didn’t do the dentist routine and I didn’t have mammograms. Hmm…
Yes – iodine in the first aid kit, I remember that too. Now I’m well stocked!
I hope you’re having a great week too. I’m on my way over to the bar to see what you had going on there!
I don’t know anything about this iodine test, but it sounds interesting. I’m glad your vacay was fun. A change of scene can do a soul good.
Hi Ally – I hadn’t thought of iodine either until my brother mentioned it. So we researched and did the test. I do feel better. For real or not, the jury is out on that.
I hope you are planning to travel this year and you’re looking forward to what you’ll see to blog about!
Yes, trips and shopping with friends make for happy doses of life for the soul.
Trips with best girlfriends are absolutely wonderful for the soul. Glad you got one in, Shelley! I’m heading to a writing conference in a week and a half and will bunk with two ladies from my grad program–can’t wait to catch up!
YES!!! It was great to spend time outside of the house.
I was thinking that your trip was coming up soon. I’m so excited for you. That sounds wonderful – you’ll be even more inspired!! Have fun catching up with your friends!!!! xoxo
That was interesting Shelley. I’ve not heard of the iodine test and I couldn’t do it now as I don’t have any iodine in the house (probably not had any here since skinned knees as a kid). I know we don’t have enough iodine in our system – my mother, probably ten years before she passed away, stopped cooking with salt altogether for fear of getting high blood pressure. She weaned us off salt, used other spices or rubs … I use Mrs. Dash no sodium for crockpot meals and use it sparingly but I do eat tuna which has iodine in it. I will definitely try this out – thank you for sharing this info with us.
Glad you found the information interesting. I was surprised by how a drop (not a dropper full – it tastes horrible) makes a difference. Once you get a bottle it lasts a long time!
I am going to get some when I go to the store – assuming they have it, otherwise order it from Amazon. I had never heard of that test, so it taught me something.
Let me know how your test turns out!
I sure will Shelley!