

When our kids were young, we spent lots of energy around prepping and participating in Halloween events.  Now with an empty nest, and living in a rural setting where trick-or-treaters are pretty much non-existent, we took a break from traditional Halloween prep.

We didn’t decorate.

We didn’t carve pumpkins.

We didn’t buy any candy (one of us may have eaten some candy…?).

We did, however, watch part of Halloween before retiring early for the night.

And, in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep I did howl at the moon.  But, other than that, it was just another night.


So when the prompt word was ghoulish, I thought – “Nah, I’ll just skip it.”  But then I remembered, the word has another meaning.  And I do have a few ghoulish pictures to share.  Please feel free to excuse the gross factor!

This summer, I participated in a photography challenge.  One day, I had a very ghoulish experience that I shared here for more details.

Ghoulish:  morbidly interested in death or disaster.

I’d say enjoy – not sure if that’s correct, but it is natural and it did happen, and I was morbidly interested in taking pictures of the poor little pigeon.