Our trail cam tells us secrets about the visitors of nature who flirted around in our yard this year.
The birds, rabbits, deer, oh, my. The scents left behind drive Copper crazy. I have to chase him away from nasties he likes to eat.
Did you see him…a big huge gorgeous hunk of meat? He was just here wasn’t he?
You talking about me?
I’m just here for a snack and to leave a pile or two for the dog while I’m at it.
Wanna follow me…I’m heading this way?
See you later, bright eyes, I’ll be on the other side of the soybean field!
No kidding here, the flirting of the deer reminded me of the line that first attracted me to Mr.
He said to me as he got up off the chair he was saving for me, “You’ve got a hot a**.”

Me, blushing, along with a huge smile – what girl doesn’t want to hear that versus, you’ve got a big ass…?
I said back flirting back, “You too!” And I think he still does!
We both forget the trail cam tends to pick up a**-shots quite often.
Post Inspiration – Trail cam photos
PS – Isn’t that a nice looking buck?!! Wow, glad our birdseed and apples for him have helped him grow this season! What’s your favorite flirting one-liner you share with your loved ones? What pick up line worked for you to catch your spouse’s attention? Or was it just love at first sight? Happy Friday – enjoy the playful moments of your day!
Maybe the buck knows what he has. Work that thing for the camera buddy.
Good one, Dan!!
Okay / in the first photo I see those Levi’s! Nice…,
((Remember our comment chat about jeans)) and just watched first half of the latest breaking bad movie and one of the guys sported some Levi’s as well!
and there are more jeans (covering the a**) like designer-pocket shorts and stone washed on hubs ….
So that’s my comment –
Liking the jeans today
LOL – Yes, Yvette, I remember the jean comments
Way to pay attention to the wardrobe on Breaking Bad!! I’m a die-hard Levi’s fan, my second choice would be my AE’s for short peeps like me. We appreciate the kudos for our jean selections!
Hi – I missed the first part of the movie (as I came in when it was underway) and there were Levis THREE times – lol
and glad you found some sweet jeans from AE – I recently wore a pair of dark jeans with a bit of spandex and they were super comfy
Not gonna lie – Dan’s comment sent me into the giggles. Love your post!!
LOL – I know – Dan is hilarious! Thanks for sharing in on the giggles today!
I really think the deer is posing for you. Oh My!
LOL – I thought so too, he’s a flirt for sure!
Yeah, looks like a six pointer. Yummy! No gal ever told me I have a nice bum…
LOL – A venison fan?! I grew up with that and fresh fish. Aw – did you make comments like Drew did?
LOL hubby says it was love at first sight for him. I was dating his brother at the time so I didn’t really feel that. Great post and use of pictures! Happy Friday, Shelley.
LOL – that’s great – and you’re still happily married, so you picked the right brother!! Thank you for your kudos – hope your day is great!!
First, when I saw the title, I was thinking I have to flirt with nature, too. I thought I was doing even flirting already.
Second, That was some deer.
Third, the back side compliment was sweet. Reminded me of one time a girlfriend asked if if her jeans made her look fat. I replied “Have you ever considered the extra ten pounds may be doing that.” Of course, she walked out the door. Learned my lesson. “No dear, they actually make you look skinny.”
Hey, have a great weekend.
I agree with Mr
Thank you, Brian – he reminded me that I forgot to share his brillant punch line – after I said thanks, he got up off the chair and pointed back to the chair before I sat back down, he said, “The chair was really hot after you got up to leave, thus you’ve got a hot a**”
I still took it as a compliment.
Cheeky bugger
That he is!
You really got a hot ____, Shelley!
That dear is darling. How lovely to have wild life visiting – great to have the trail cam to capture the moments

You still both have great butts
I once said to my hubby – you just love me for my body. He didn’t reply – I said, you’re supposed to say – No I love you for your mind. He replied – But it’s such a nice body!
I couldn’t argue with that – who cares about brains!
Thank you!! Yes, we do enjoy our views here, it’s fun to see what stops by when we’re sleeping.
That’s awesome – you two sound like you have lots of fun together. Thank you for sharing with me :-)!