With the onset of settling into an empty nest, I find the ability to keep track of time is more difficult. Each day blends into the next because there isn’t the need to schedule around what the kids have going on or when they’ll be here to visit.
Today is the last day of June and I’m thinking to myself, “WTH…where did June go?”
It’s a damn good thing, I’ve kept busy with my camera and captured proof I wasn’t idle, or more so that Mr. wasn’t idle.
Mr. got a lot of shit done in the month of June. And I captured every step of the projects he completed. And what he’ll (we’ll) be onto fixing up in July. We still need to agree on what color to paint or stain the wood…?
He cooked up a celebratory dinner last night that was mouth-watering scrumptious. The perfect Friday night meal to kick off the weekend. Sorry to my dearest vegan fans, but the toppings were spring greens and sautéed onions, with a side of sweet potato fries! And, of course, it did include a beer or two, too!
Meanwhile, I was busy in June, too. I rescued a small plant – and yes, it is still surviving. I move it to a sunny spot every afternoon so it gets a dose of Vitamin D. So far, the cats have left it alone.
I weeded flower beds and documented the dismal failure of the seedling pod system – the Robins agree. The pods are not meant to be in the ground, rather they should be yanked and tossed aside. Memo to self…never buy any of those again!
And the seedlings that I planted deeper so the birds couldn’t see them to yank them out, seemed to have worked. Or at least one did. YES!!! My first Zinnia has bloomed!
My Tiger Lily pair was absolutely stunning.
My marigolds in the pots are blooming and attracting small little bees.
And the Zinnia seeds I planted right into the ground are three cheers worthy, too!
Wait…there’s 4, see the one to the right, hidden behind a leaf!?!
I’m so bloody tickled that my flowers are starting to bloom – July is going to be a colorful month, and my heart is singing with joy that we’re (I’m) doing okay in this empty nest world of ours!
PS – What did you accomplish in June causing you to do a 3-cheers celebration? What colorful thoughts are you looking forward to for July? What color should we paint our bench? And…are you up for a cheerful 31-day photography challenge starting tomorrow?
Post inspiration thanks to Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday: Cheers and Cee’s Flower of the Day
Paint your benches pink. (Although, first consider the source. LOL.) Since becoming an empty nester, I have spent more time nurturing plants and flowers in my home as well. Funny how that happens.
LOL! I might need you to convince Mr. of that. But, pink does look great on a staircase! Yes, funny how plants become more fun in an empty nest. We’re nurturing souls as empty nesters!
It seems that you are adjusting to “empty nest” very well! In fact, is it really empty when you have been filling it with beautiful pics and projects? Your lilies are AMAZING! They are a WOW flower for sure. A flWOWer! Hope you have an awesome day Shelley!
Thank you, Jennavive! I love that…flWOWer :-)! You’re so clever!!
Hope you have an awesome day too!
The tiger lilies are beautiful with the vivid colours.
Thank you!!
Each month seems to go by faster than the one before. It’s kinda scary. But taking pictures helps prove we did stuff. In addition to my phone calendar, I have wall calendars all over the house. I thought it was because I like the pictures, but it also helps me keep track of what day it is. I love those tiger lilies! I’d paint the chairs green. (But again, consider the source.
It is kinda scary. Glad to hear I’m not the only one documenting in photos and on the calendar! Green is always a good choice ;-)! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Congrats on your 5 year blogging anniversary! Way to go – for those reading my comments, check out her blog here: https://joannaoftheforest.wordpress.com/ :-)!!
Thank you so much, Shelley! <3
Yay for the pretty Zinnia!
Thank you!!
Shelley, the flowers are gorgeous, but I’d like to know if you’d hired the Mister out for supper. The burger and sweet potato fries look like they were made in a restaurant, which is a compliment to your hubby. As for the color of those chairs, I would paint them a jewel-toned color that matches the surroundings.
Mary, thank you! I wish he’d agree to the hired out thing – he keeps declining the offers! I like your color suggestion!! Stay cool
We went from empty nest to loaded nest again as our daughter just moved back home from college this month. She’ll be here for a bit but she is working all the time and so independent that it is more like having a friend live here than a daughter. I’m not sure about the chairs, maybe a coral? I’m loving that color family now. Pretty flowers. Visiting from the #SoCS group. Nice to meet you! Janet
Ah…we went through that same stage last year at this time! My youngest brought her significant other (aka our adopted son) along with her, it was a great time hanging out with them. It ended soon enough for all of us, but we do miss them now that they are hours away. Coral sounds pretty – I’m in the mood for a lighter color since dark would heat up too fast in the sun! Thank you for stopping by, nice to meet you, Janet! I’ll stop by to check out your blog too!! xx
Once a Mum that nest is never truly empty, they bounce in with empty tummies and needing mum hugs, they arrive with laundry and empty purses. Some stay a bit then get on with independent lives others move back and begin the process again. One size never fits all. So I think you are making the home beautiful for yourselves until the next phase kicks in. Just imagine how proud they will be showing off your garden to that special friend they bring home for you to meet. Cheers to you the top acheiver of June.
Aw, Ellen, I love your words of wisdom. So true, I’ve experienced all of those moments many times. I especially enjoy the hugs – I never seem to get enough of those moments! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate you stopping by! Cheers to your nest as well!
Mine is filled with love for when they decide to come. X
Aw, and I’m sure they appreciate every moment with you!
One hopes to have things to say that still capture the imagination and inquisativeness that I could and did give them. Before there legs grew long and work intruded.

So true! I find they have so much to say, it’s fun just listening to their adventures!
But we need some too. Let them know we are still learning tasting life.
Yes, we do! I’m sure you’re like me, I hope to never stop learning and tasting the adventures in life!