
Finding hope by chance and by choice

This summer is not normal.  Nope.  Not at all.   At least we’re sort of thriving and some of us are still standing upright.  Or blooming regardless of our position.


Is it by chance or by choice that this summer isn’t normal?  The loss of life of one of our renters wasn’t by our choice, perhaps by chance in his own lifestyle choices, but it has brought upon new kinds of choices we’ve had to make.

Like what to ditch and what to keep and how to make the non-keepers fit into the gorilla bag dumpster.


Has the coronavirus swooped in and nailed the coffin in on my life and made it not normal by chance or by choice?


The bird survived – we think it was a Blue Jay or a Mourning Dove?

Summer is already here, and things just don’t seem normal.  Even my flower beds are off.  I have one single Tiger Lily that survived the vole invasion in the garden bed over the winter months.   That nailed the coffin on this perennial garden bed.  That makes me so sad, the lilies from last year were so gorgeous and now they’re all gone.


Even the one pink one is gone.  All the pops of color are gone.  I was so looking forward to seeing them bloom again this year.

Is it by choice or chance that I personally feel depleted and have little TLC urges to upkeep the gardens this year?  Maybe a little bit of both.  The weeds are taking over and the strong flowers will survive.  Or perhaps it is all the anticipation of the extra work we still need to finish up on at the rental unit that sucks my energy?  By chance or by choice, or both probably.

The month of June seems to be flying by.  Without us even going to any events or social gatherings.  We have made it to the winery a couple of times, the outside seating makes for easy social distancing.  I heard that the high school graduates this year enjoyed the car parade they had over the actual gymnasium gathering.  Drive-by grab a diploma event.  The ‘all kids passed’ without pass/fail grades nailed their graduation as a success without a hitch attached to it.  Perhaps that will be the new norm for schools going forward?

Our town’s fair has been canceled for this July, so we don’t have that to look forward to.  Until next year, that is.  Or will large gatherings over 50 people ever exist again by choice or by chance?


How long has this effing shutdown been anyhow?  Before we know it, it’ll be November and we’ll be turning on the heat we’ll prebuy next month.  And stuck by choice in the house because of the cold weather, not because there’s nothing to do and no places to go?  Or a damn virus to scare us from going outside to live life by choice despite any negative chance of getting it?

Wait, yeah, you read that right … we got a reminder in the mail to pre-buy our propane for this upcoming heating season.  YIKES – where the hell did the first half of 2020 go?  Tomorrow is June 15th for chrissakes.  And I didn’t have to pay estimate taxes yet, I get to do that in July.

There’s that to look forward to, I guess.

We do see normal behavior in our pets, they don’t seem to mind the looming virus, dogs carry it without a care in the world.  And cats, well, like hoomans, they drink and sleep things off.  Pets are enjoying the extra stay at home moments.

Oy … I guess it’s a good thing the fair is canceled, there won’t be any extra funds in our pocketbook available to go off an play and have fun.  Plus, we’re not eating junk food much, if at all.

By changes in our diet choices, that by chance happened too.

Thank goodness for my camera and quiet moments in the morning light.


Those moments fill my heart with anticipation of daisies that’ll bloom like they did last year.  By choice this year, I’ll cut some and make a bouquet to sit by my computer desk to admire while I work from home.  I hope they don’t bring any surprise bugs into the house though.  Bugs, like viruses, just seem to appear.


Daisies always make me smile and help me find hope by choice, and by chance.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – nail and Cee is the guest host for Lens-Artists Challenge #101 – A single flower

PS – How about you?  What gives you hope by choice and by chance?  Do you ever get birds flying into your windows?  What event has been canceled for your area that you’re going to miss going to?  


49 thoughts on “Finding hope by chance and by choice

  1. I have to admit, when I first saw the prompt, I thought of “nail in the coffin” but I didn’t think I could make it work. You did an excellent job, Shelley. 2020 will go down as one of the strangest years in my life. Not the worst, but the weirdest. I hope things get back to a normal-ish state before the comfortable seasons are lost on us – especially for you guys, where winter seems to claim a bigger portion of the calendar.

    1. That’s the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the bird print on our window. I think your take on the prompt was great too. Man you did a lot of dirt and sod moving! I hope you found a refreshing Corona to drink after that. I agree, it’s been a weird year for sure. I do hope we see something ‘normal’ before the end of summer and the cool weather reappears.

      1. I did find a Corona. I hope you treated yourself to some adult refreshment as well. You guys have really been working hard on those rentals.

        1. Yeah, we’ve had our share of refreshments or therapy for all the stress of the long list of items to do!

  2. We are basically gutting it through here. We just closed on the sale of our house and now we’re moving (no pun intended) into an intense three weeks of moving. I’m not eager to have total strangers moving my belongings, but what can you do? Clorox wipes, Lysol, bleach. All the tools you’re using on the rental. LOL.

    As for cancellations, I could list them the length of my arm. The biggest one is the flight to England to meet my new granddaughter. I’m hoping the latest upticks in virus cases in warm weather states don’t foretell a new national nightmare, because I still want to get over there asap. And then the list moves on to visiting friends and family, our local outdoor concert series, eating in my favorite restaurants, etc. Luckily, I’m consumed with the move now, so I have no time to mope. But, like you, I’ll be in fine form for it in a few weeks. 🙂 AND, just to end on an up note: I’m FINALLY getting a haircut this week. There are no words for how happy that makes me.

    1. You had one heck of a project to occupy your shut-in time. I wouldn’t be eager to have strangers move my stuff either. But then again, I don’t know if I’d want to move all the stuff myself either.
      Aw, that would be hard not to go visit a grandbaby. I agree with you, the recent upticks better not add to this nightmare we’ve already endured.
      I go in and out of being ‘okay’ and ‘notsookay’.
      I hope your haircut experience was all you wished for. 🙂 That’s a nice way to experience some ‘normal’. I’m happy for the salon people who are able to get back to work and to see all their customers who were waiting patiently to see them again!
      Best wishes for a successful move. 🙂 Grab a peony bouquet on your way out.

  3. Like Laurel I had a haircut last week and feel like a new person – funny how the little things can make such a big difference. For me I miss going into town (which I did last week with serious trepidation) and I miss doing things on a whim (everything needs advance registration now) but we’ve stayed busy and are fortunate that our weather is great and social distancing here is very easy. We are outside most of the time and the sunshine definitely helps to cheer us. I try to remember how much more fortunate we’ve been than so many others in the new world order of pandemics and protests.

    1. Yes, I could almost feel the positive energy in the air the week our salons opened up!
      I agree with you, simple trips to town, planned or on a whim are things I miss too.
      I’m thankful for the warmer weather here (mostly it’s only 55 degrees today) helps the mood – sunshine and Vitamin D brighten my mood.
      Excellent point, thank you for the reminder. I need to try and remember how much more fortunate I am than others when it comes to the pandemic and protests.
      Your flower posts brightened my day – thank you for sharing such beautiful photos and quotes!

  4. I’m glad the bird survived the crash! 2020 has been a load of **** in many ways, yet it’s good to be alive.

    1. Yes, the bird survived. 2020 has been something else. It is good to be alive. Has Vegas fully opened up yet? I think I saw something on the news about some casinos opening up?

      1. 2020 plain old sucks on many levels in my opinion, yet things could be so much worse! it’s great to be alive, Shelley, I tend to feel blessed much more today and thank the Lord for each day. Some of the casinos have reopened, I’m sure they have protocols in place.

        1. Yes, much of this year certainly sucks. I love your optimism though, John, you’re right to count our blessings. We never lose when we do that, unlike what may happen at the casinos! 😉

  5. I’m fond of daisies, too. We transplanted some from the front yard planting beds to the backyard by the steps up to the deck. Not enough sun in the front yard for them to thrive so into the afternoon sun they went. I figure with no festivals or parties or traveling, I’ll watch the daisies grow and consider myself lucky to be safe at home.

    1. Daisies are such happy flowers. They dance in the wind and bend to greet the sun. I’m glad yours have grown well in their new spot. Stay well and safe, and enjoy your summer schedule!

  6. No county fair! Oh, that is sad. I suppose my home’s county fair–one of the oldest in OH will be cancelled too. Always right before Labor Day. Thankfully, our pool opened today, so we’ll brave that. It’s too hot to do much else in the summer here but gorgeous today. Tho, I think we might get a two-week stay in OH next month, which will be a treat. Social distancing by water is the best way!

  7. I live in an area that comes (extra) alive in the warm weather months. Now everything is cancelled. Concerts. Fairs. Festivals. Fireworks. Restaurants open up tomorrow at 50% capacity. One day feels just like the one before. So odd and surreal. I did finally get a haircut, but sadly the place where I go for haircuts soon after had to close up shop – going out of business – because none of the employees would come back, wedding clients cancelled and the landlord wouldn’t temporarily cut the owner any kind of deal on the rent. She had owned her business for 20 years. She did find a little studio to use for just herself so she can continue at that level. There are many others like her who won’t be able to bounce back from this. So sad. Beautiful long sunny days like today do give me hope. Take care Shelley. And I love your macro shots! (that window – it looks like it cracked from the bird – isn’t that the new one that was replaced already??)

    1. You’ve described a unfortunately all to common status of towns across the world. One day does feel like the rest. Even the workweek. Mr. and I have to ask each other often, “What day is it?” That’s sad about your salon person. It has happened here too. Many were told they’d get unemployment which is taking over 6 weeks to even arrive if at all. I’m glad to read that she’s able to find a solo salon to keep funds coming in.
      You take care too – I hope the restaurant you like is able to open up so you can go get one of your favorite meals. Thank you for the photo kudos. The window didn’t crack, thankfully. And yesterday it was the day to be replaced, but the new window didn’t fit, so thankfully when they removed this one it didn’t break so that they could put it back in. Guess maybe the bird print window should be the one we keep? We’re on 5 replacements so far …

      1. Yes it is a bizarre time. We keep a paper calendar hanging on the frig which helps in keeping the days straight. LOL.
        I will give the restaurants some time to adjust to the new rules before I try them out. So glad your window didn’t crack. As a veteran of home improvement projects gone wrong, I sympathize with your slog with the windows. 🤞

        1. LOL – we’re using the calendar a lot too.
          We’ve only done a takeout restaurant option so far. We may try one with outside seating some day?
          That window might be the window for us, the replacement one they brought didn’t fit, so they had to put this one back in. We’re going on 5 attempts. ;-(

          1. That’s just crazy…5 attempts! Unfinished business is so…aggravating to say the least. We have yet to try seating at a restaurant. I miss it.

          2. You’ve got that right!!
            I do miss restaurant dining too – someday we’ll return to see how that has changed too.

  8. Our Art and Wine festival has been cancelled too. This was their 50th year. Wonder if we will be able to have the holiday craft fairs. That’s where I sell my crafts!

    1. Bummer, I know you enjoy going to that festival. I’ve been thinking about you and the craft fairs. It’s hard to tell if they’ll open up or not? I hope so. Do they have any outside ones in your area? Like a farmer’s market? Our farmer’s markets are still going on.

      1. Most of the craft fairs I did were indoors. I have paper products so outside venues are not always that easy for me with the wind, etc.

  9. With each passing day, the baseball season seems to be a goner for this year. I’m seriously bummed about that. Fortunately, there are a lot of recorded ballgames on YouTube from years ago, but it’s not the same. Still, they’re a good way to relive the glory that was Comiskey Park for so many years. It just sucks.

    1. While I’m not one to go to the games, I do enjoy watching them on TV. It won’t be the same this year without them, I agree with you! Many aspects of this ordeal suck, that’s for sure! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, John. I hope you and Mary are well.

  10. So many festivals and shows have been cancelled. I was really looking forward to our fair this year since we had been traveling during that time the last couple of years. This year we were going to be home so we could go… but now we can’t.

    I have a very similar picture of our window after a dove smacked into it (she was OK). It almost looks like an angel, doesn’t it?

    1. Aw, that’s unfortunate that you planned to go and now can’t go. We’re all in it together missing the festivals.
      Yes – the bird print does look like an angel. 🙂

  11. I do hope your daisies do well and bring a bright smile to your face. Like you said, the strong will survive and get stronger and you are strong. You will get through this, we all will. I have a little encouragement for you about your window where the bird hit. Maybe that was a God thing reminding you that the dove of peace will always be with you. Like Janis said, it does look like an angel and scripture reminds us of the angels that are ever protecting us reflecting the love God always has for us to give us strength to stand firm in this world. Take care, take a deep breath and relax.

    1. Thank you, Anita. The one in the picture is the first one to open up so far. They are taking their sweet ol’ time. I do have LOTS of buds, so I’ll be smiling soon as I watch them dance in the wind. They’re such a happy flower to me.
      I love your words of encouragement, thank you for sharing them. Yes, I do agree with you and Janis, it does look like an angel.
      Oh, yes, I take LOTS of deep breaths and relax as much as possible. Sometimes more than I should since my to-do-list doesn’t seem to get any shorter the longer we’re in this weird state of living.

  12. That spider must have worked hard to surround that entire bud. Your photos are so wonderful, as always. Thanks so much for playing along this week in the Lens Artists challenge. 😀

  13. My back garden looks a little odd too Shelley; the hangers-on roses and clematises I did not lose after the back-to-back Polar Vortexes in 2014 and 2015 came back, but the shrub roses are half-gone. They said we’d have a lot of rain like the last two years this Spring. I don’t think we had that much (not that I’m complaining) and I’m loving the Fall-like temps we’ve had the past few days and last weekend. The bird strike print on the window is different and kind of scary. Glad you didn’t find a bird body, but it’s a wonder it didn’t crack that window after all the issues you had last year getting that pane of glass fitted in properly.

    1. Ah … the good ol’ days of weather being the thing we found to complain about. ;-).
      Yes, I was surprised the window didn’t break either. When they came to install a new window, it didn’t fit, so they put the bird print window back in, so maybe it is an angel print after all? 🙂

    1. Thank you!
      Oooh… that’s a good idea?! I didn’t think of that. What’s happening is the tree to the left (or right from the outside) reflects on the window and looks quite inviting to the birds. It’s not a daily occurrence, so hopefully the other birds watched and learned what not to do!? 😉

  14. Your photos are exquisite, Shelley! The detail! You are right, on how everything feels “off.” “Depleted” is another good word. Weaving ‘by choice or by chance’ throughout your post really makes me think. Another interesting and appropriate phrase that resonates with me “looming virus.” I do feel we are not out of the woods yet. Your post is beautiful, poignant, sad. I get it.

    1. Thank you, Erica, I appreciate your words of encouragement. Yeah, all those words do fit. That darn ‘looming virus’ especially for those at risk of having extreme complications from it, like your daughter, make it extra scary to think about. I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet either. Your post is all those words and more, I’m sharing the link to it here. Alisha’s story sure gave me a different perspective as I read it. She’s a beautiful rainbow baby and your grandbabies are too! Hugs to you and your family!

      1. Thank you for your exceptionally thoughtful response, Shelley. I am very touched by you sharing Alisha’s story. I think every family and every person can identify with the the sometimes pain behind the smiles. Have a wonderful Sunday. 💕 I look forward to continued sharing and caring.💕

        1. You’re welcome, Erica. I am touched by your family’s story and Alisha’s bravery to persevere and to make a book about her story.
          I hope your Sunday was great, and that your week is off to a positive start. I appreciate how warm and caring you are to your visitors here on your blog. Thank you for your kindness.

  15. “At least we’re sort of thriving and some of us are still standing upright. Or blooming regardless of our position.”
    This is kind of profound Shelley. I think we are pretty adaptable, and try to thrive and be happy no matter what’s happening. Sometimes you feel a little bent over and weighed down, but mostly keep on going. Looking at flowers is good, gardening is good, little things keep my spirits up, regardless of my position..

    1. Thank you, Geanie, I appreciate your feedback and encouragement. I love your elaboration on my thoughts, thank you for sharing additional words of wisdom.

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