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February is a long way from January

In Wisconsin, January is a really long month…I wonder if the geese are enjoying their Dry January – there appears to be a lack of standing water drinks available when they land on sandbars on the ground…?

Let your joy be in your journey – not in some distant goal. – Tim Cook

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s #1LinerWed and #JusJoJan

PS – How are you doing with your new year resolutions?  Go ahead and place your bets – am I sticking to mine or not?  


27 thoughts on “February is a long way from January

  1. I worry that the lack of snow now will bring too much in March, Shelley. If the coming cold stretch is the worst of this winter, we’ll be in good standing. 🙂

    1. Me too…every day we go without snow, I think the same thing about March! I hope you’re right on this upcoming cold stretch. 🙂

  2. We have also been having a dry and mild January, but that is forecast to come to an abrupt end this weekend. February looks to be the month I’ll want most to see in the rear view mirror.

  3. My favorite meteorologist says “if you love boating, then lack of snow means the water level is low” … no problem for me, I’m not a boater. 🙂 Having put Winter on hold, snow-wise, the last six weeks, it is tough to get back into snow mode and I’d be just as happy if it was April 16th, not January 16th. I like the Tim Cook quote Shelley. Back in the Summer I was at Heritage Park and I met a little girl with a painted rock. Are painted rocks a craze in Wisconsin too? They were quite big back in 2017 and the craze waned in the Winter, but people were back again this Summer painting and decorating river rocks with pictures and sayings and hiding them in parks. A young girl was hiding hers at the wishing well, so I took a picture of the rock and its message which said: “Send joy in the journey” … I mentioned it in my blog post where I featured her picture and a fellow blogger suggested I use that as a subtitle for my blog, so I did.

    1. Huh…I haven’t heard that saying, but it makes sense. We worry about the lack of snow due to the freezing of pipes in the city streets where we have apartments. Grrr…we could use some snow cover for the ground. Yes, we have people who paint rocks here too. Here’s a link to a few I found while walking our new Riverfront project. So fun you were able to use the rock stories for a post. Here’s mine –

      1. Yes, because we are so big as to activities to do on the Great Lakes – we went too long without a lot of snow, so it will be hard to get used to a whopper snowstorm – last year we had 62 inches of snow so after mid-December it seemed it never stopped snowing. I really like this little town in the link you sent me – how picturesque! I like how they have all the bicycles with the flowers – how nice and I’m going to send the link to the guy and gal who own the hair salon where I go. He is really artsy-crafty and does a lot of slates that he paints and puts sayings on them and sells them in the shop. He has a turquoise polka-dotted bike out front of the shop and he fills the basket with flowers – he will get a kick out of these bikes. Thanks for the link.

        1. Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Our town is quaint and they do have fun decorating the main street downtown. Thank you for sharing the link!

          1. I really like the bikes and the decor – I passed it to Jill as I didn’t know Jim’s e-mail; she follows my blog and will show it to him, but she says she is always behind with her e-mail. He will get a kick out of those bikes.

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