As I perused my extensive menagerie of photos I’ve taken over the last year, birds are rarely something I captured. Birds are generally on the move or in flight. Or taking a bath.
And when I see them, it is usually through a window, so it is hard for me to capture photos of them.
I try…and then they fly…
But then I remembered last year and all my photography visits to the hobby farm. I caught photos I still love looking at. I used a lot of them as colored photos in posts last year when I completed and recapped my Rowdy Kitten’s – 30-day photo challenge.
That thought took me down a rabbit hole on Pinterest, and before I knew it, I was off topic, losing my focus at a rapid pace. Yikes! Shit like that happens on Pinterest.
I really enjoyed doing that photo challenge. It got me on the groove of blog writing daily. It was an excellent kick-starter for me, and it took me out of the house many days to find photo ops that I can’t do right from the comfort of home. That’s a good thing!
But, since I’m at my desk and not at the farm, the next best thing is to reflect on and harvest some options and tweak them for something new.
Let’s take a peek and see if those farm shots I took last year look okay in black and white?
There were two hatches of ducklings, one nestled together on the ground…
And one paddle walking about, under the protective eye of their fierce momma…who kept a pesky chicken at bay…
That chicken was something else, she even thought she was a cat…
The ducklings were so cute and fluffy looking…
It’s fun to look back. I’m still daydreaming about last year’s photography adventures. I’m thinking, “What the hell, it may just be time to do another 31-day photo challenge?”
PS – if you’ve got a great 31-day challenge going on or are ready to start one, put the link in the comments. July has 31 days…and July is just around the corner… Oh, and, what do you think of my farm photos in Black and White?
Post inspiration thank you to Cee’s Black and White Challenge: Birds
Great photos of those ducklings!
Thank you!! It’s funny how something that is so messy can be so cute ;-)!
Great shots, Shelley! I can relate to the difficulty of capturing the birds even with the use of a telephoto lens.
Thank you, Winnie! Yes, birds are challenging! You get some great shots, too! :-)!!!
You’re welcome! And thank you!
Cute photos. Always enjoy your blog!
Thank you, Karen. Your post about your husband’s heroic measures in the yard is delightful!
Hahahaha! It was fun to write. He is poison free & so am I!!!
YAY! Wonderful news!
Your photos are superb this week. Thanks for playing.
Thank you, Cee! I enjoyed all of yours this week too, I especially love the pigeon one…nice catch!
I think they are terrific!
I think your photos are terrific!
Thank you!!!
The only birds that I have captured were in NYC, some of them standing on a pole. I got many blurry pictures too of the birds flying away. I like your black-and-white photos! Also I would host a photography challenge on my blog, but since you’re probably sticking with the 31 day in July, I’ll probably do one in August.
Birds in NYC must be very interesting? Are they called People Watchers?
Thank you for checking out my black and white shots. I’d be happy to do another one in August! If you want to join me for July, I’d love the company and would love learning from you – you’ve learned lots of tricks that I haven’t even discovered yet!
Ah I’d love to join, but I ain’t got the time to post everyday lol.
I totally get it – time commitment is a challenge all around!! I love it when you have the time to stop by and critique any of my photos, I’m always thrilled to hear from you! Thank you for that!
No problem! By the way I am having a blog party on my blog, you are invited to join!
Thank you, that’s a fun idea! I will join!!
Love your picture for it!! :-)!!
Yes! A 31 day photo challenge sounds AWESOME! I’ll do it with you! I’ve been thinking a rainbow week would be great… A color subject each day for the colors of the rainbow. Not sure what Saturday could be for a color. So tomorrow would be Sunday Red for the 1st color of the rainbow!
Yay! That sounds like a fun twist to the color idea! Stay tuned…tomorrow is the big reveal of the challenge :-)!
Beautiful pics! I am partial to black and white pics, unless it’s flowers!
I’m a color fan – but the b&w has been growing on me since I started doing Cee’s B&W challenges! I agree flowers should be in color!!
These are all so beautiful!
Thank you!